Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards
|Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |
| | | | | |
|L.1 Follow simple and complex directions |___ L.1.1.a Demonstrate understanding |___ L.1.2.a Follow simple |___ L.1.3.a Perform most uncomplicated |___ L.1.4.a Clarify classroom |
| |through non-verbal gestures or with |three or four-step oral directions to |classroom tasks when prompted |assignments with teach and/or peers |
| |single words or learned phrases |complete a classroom task | | |
|Raw Score | | | | |
|Scale Score |___ L.1.1.b Follow simple two-step oral|___ L.1.2.b Restate and execute a | | |
| |directions to complete a task in |muti-step oral directions | | |
| |English | | | |
|PE | |___ L.1.2.c Respond appropriately and | | |
|PP |___ L.1.1.c Interpret gestures and |courteously to directions and questions| | |
| |visual cues used in instruction | | | |
| | | | | |
|2006 ELPA |___ L.1.1.d Perform basic classroom | | | |
| |tasks when prompted | | | |
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| |___ L.2.1.a Understand highly |___ L.2.2.a Understand simple speech |___ L.2.3.a Understand age-appropriate |___ L.2.4.a Understand age-appropriate |
|2007 ELPA |contextualized simple speech with |produced by peers and adults on |social discourse with occasional |social discourse |
| |frequent repetition and rephrasing |familiar topics with repetition and |repetition and rephrasing | |
| | |rephrasing | |___ L.2.4.b Respond to messages by |
| |___ L.2.1.b Understand basic language | | |asking questions, challenging |
| |such as, greeting, questions, and | | |statements or offering examples that |
| |directions | | |affirm the message |
| | | | | |
| | | | |___ L.2.4.c Demonstrate understanding |
| | | | |of figurative language and idiomatic |
| | | | |expressions by responding to and using |
| | | | |such expressions appropriately |
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|L.2 Understand spoken English to participate in | | | | |
|social contexts | | | | |
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| | | | |___ L.3.4.a Critique accuracy and |
|Raw Score | | |___ L.3.3.a Identify main ideas and |intent of media presentation |
|Scale Score |___ L.3.1.a Use active listening |___ L.3.2.a Listen and respond to |fact versus fiction in broadcast media | |
| |comprehension in a variety of |stories and other texts read aloud, | |___ L.3.4.b Listen attentively to more |
| |situations such as following |including classic and contemporary |___ L.3.3.b Listen attentively to |complex stories/ information on new |
|PE |directions, responding to requests, and|works |stories or content information and |topics across content areas in order to|
|PP |listening for specific purposes | |identify key details and concepts using|identify the main points and supporting|
| | |___ L.3.2.b Orally identify main points|both verbal and written responses |details |
| |___ L.3.1.b Listen attentively to |of simple conversations and stories | | |
|2006 ELPA |stories and information read aloud |read aloud | |___ L.3.4.c Listen and respond |
| | | | |appropriately to presentations and |
| |___ L.3.1.c Demonstrate comprehension |___ L.3.2.c Understand the major ideas | |performances of peer or published works|
| |of oral presentations and instructions |and supporting evidence in spoken | |such as original essays or narratives, |
| |through nonverbal responses |messages | |interpretations of poetry, or |
|2007 ELPA | | | |individual or group performances of |
| | |___ L.3.2.d Identify some supporting | |scripts |
| | |details from a variety of media | | |
| | |messages | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ L.3.2.e Listen attentively to | | |
| | |stories/information and identify key | | |
| | |details and concepts using both verbal | | |
| | |and non-verbal responses | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ L.3.2.f Identify the main idea and| | |
| | |some supporting details of oral | | |
| | |presentations, familiar literature, and| | |
| | |key concepts of subject matter content | | |
| | | | | |
|L.3 Identify main ideas and supporting details | | | | |
|from spoken English | | |___ L.4.3.a Understand vocabulary and |___ L.4.4.a Take accurate notes based |
| | |___ L.4.2.a Understand key content area|discourse features of content areas |on classroom instruction; clarify |
| |___ L.4.1.a Understand limited key |vocabulary supported by visuals and | |questions regarding information with |
| |content area vocabulary supported by |written text provided during classroom |___ L.4.3.b Use knowledge of language |peers or teacher; and/or clarify from |
|Raw Score |visual representations and realia |instruction |and develop content area vocabulary to |text or other references |
|Scale Score |(real-life objects) | |support comprehension of the speaker’s | |
| | | |message | |
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| | | |___ L.5.3.a Interpret speaker’s | |
|2006 ELPA | | |messages, purposes, and perspectives |___ L.5.4.a Identify strategies |
| | |___ L.5.2.a Use age- appropriate social| |presented by the media to present |
| |___ L.5.1.a Demonstrate understanding |conventions that characterize the new |___ L.5.3.b Listen critically to |information for various purposes, such |
| |of speaker’s feelings and attitudes |culture while listening, such as eye |interpret and evaluate |as perform, entertain or persuade |
| |toward a topic |contact, physical proximity, and | | |
|2007 ELPA | |turn-taking |___ L.5.3.c Evaluate a spoken message | |
| | | |in terms of its content, credibility | |
| | | |and delivery | |
| | | | | |
| | | |___ L.5.3.d Identify the main ideas, | |
| | | |points of view, and fact/fiction in | |
| | | |broadcast and print media | |
| | | | | |
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| | | |___ L.6.3.a Infer speaker’s messages, | |
| | | |purposes, and perspectives | |
| | | | |___ L.6.4.a Demonstrate proficiency in |
| | |___ L.6.2.a Infer speaker’s implied | |each aspect of the listening process |
| |___ L.6.1.a Respond to the implications|meaning | |such as focusing attention, |
| |of tones of voice | | |interpreting, and perspectives |
| | | | | |
| | | | |___ L.6.4.b Differentiate fact and |
| | | | |opinion on topics or issues presented |
| | | | |by broadcast media |
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|L.4 Identify meaning of vocabulary in the content| | | | |
|areas | | | | |
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|L.5 Identify speaker attitude and point of view | | | | |
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|L.6 Make inferences and predictions | | | | |
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|Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |
| | | | | |
|S.1 Use spoken language for daily activities |___ S.1.1.a Use learned phrases to |___ S.1.2.a Make requests and obtain |___ S.1.3.a Participate in |___ S.1.4.a Draw conclusions from |
|within and beyond the school setting |respond to questions and directions |information from the community |conversations on social topics by |interactions with individuals from |
| | | |asking and requesting information |other cultures |
| | | | | |
|Raw Score | | |___S.1.3.b. Acquire goods, services, or| |
|Scale Score | | |information by spoken request | |
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|2006 ELPA |___ S.2.1.a Communicate basic wants and|___ S.2.2.a Participate in social |___ S.2.3.a Participate in social | |
| |needs in English |conversations with peers and adults on |conversations with peers and adults on |___ S.2.4.a Negotiate and initiate |
| | |familiar topics by asking and answering|unfamiliar topics by asking and |social conversations by questioning, |
| |___ S.2.1.b Use common social greetings|questions and requesting information |answering questions and restating and |restating, requesting information and |
| |and simple repetitive phrases | |requesting information |paraphrasing the communication of |
|2007 ELPA | | | |others |
| | | |___ S.2.3.b Demonstrate understanding | |
| | | |of idiomatic expressions by responding |___ S.2.4.b Talk about experiences |
| | | |to and using them appropriately |using expanded vocabulary, descriptive |
| | | | |words and paraphrasing |
| | | | | |
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| | | | | |
|S.2 Engage in conversation for personal | | | | |
|expression and enjoyment | | | | |
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|PE | | |___ S.3.3.a Understand and interpret | |
|PP |___ S.3.1.a Maintain eye contact when |___ S.3.2.a Recognize some gestures, |the significance of gestures, facial | |
| |communicating in person |facial expressions and body language |expressions, and body language |___ S.3.4.a Produce appropriate |
| | | | |gestures, facial expressions and body |
|2006 ELPA | | | |language |
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| | | | |___ S.3.4.b Use idiomatic expressions |
| | | | |appropriately |
| | | | | |
|2007 ELPA | | | |___ S.3.4.c Vary speech according to |
| | | | |purpose, audience and subject matter |
| | | | | |
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| | | |___ S.4.3.a Participate actively in | |
| | |___ S.4.2.a Ask and respond to |cooperative group activities and | |
| |___ S.4.1.a Recite rhymes, songs and |questions using phrases or simple |projects |___ S.4.4.a Exchange, support, |
| |simple stories |sentences | |and discuss opinions and individual |
| | | |___ S.4.3.b Participate actively in |perspectives with peers on a variety of|
| |___ S.4.1.b Respond orally to factual |___ S.4.2.b Participate in classroom |content area discussions with peers and|topics dealing with content area |
| |questions |discussions |teachers |information or issues |
| | | | | |
| | |___ S.4.2.c Restate in basic terms the | | |
| | |main idea of oral presentations using | | |
| | |subject area content | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ S.4.2.d Ask and answer | | |
| | |instructional questions using simple | | |
| | |sentences | | |
|S.3 Use spoken English and nonverbal | | | | |
|communication in socially and culturally | |___ S.4.2.e Give directions or | | |
|appropriate ways | |instructions to classmates | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ S.4.2.f Participate in guided | | |
|Raw Score | |discussions | | |
|Scale Score | | | | |
| | |___ S.4.2.g Give simple oral reports | | |
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|2006 ELPA | | | | |
| | |___ S.5.2.a Answer instructions | | |
| | |questions with supporting details |___ S.5.3.a Respond to messages by | |
| | | |asking questions, challenging | |
| |___ S.5.1.a Answer instructional | |statements, or offering examples that |___ S.5.4.a Talk about expressions |
|2007 ELPA |questions by using simple sentences | |affirm the message |using expanded vocabulary, descriptive |
| | | | |words and paraphrasing |
| | | | | |
| | | | |___ S.5.4.b Negotiate and initiate |
| | | | |conversations by questioning, |
| | | | |restating, requesting information, and |
| | | | |paraphrasing the communication of |
| | | | |others |
| | |___ S.6.2.a Speak understandably with | | |
|S.4 Use English to interact in the classroom | |awareness of English intonation and |___ S.6.3.a Speak clearly and | |
| |___ S.6.1.a Use clearly spoken single |phonological patterns |comprehensibly by using standard |___ S.6.4.a Demonstrate control of the |
| |words and learned phrases to be | |English grammatical forms, |English phonological system and |
|Raw Score |understood by a native speaker | |pronunciation, phrasing and intonation |patterns of intonation when conversing |
|Scale Score | | | |with a native speaker in spontaneous |
| | | | |situations |
| | | | | |
|PE | | | | |
|PP | | | | |
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| | |___ S.7.2.a Prepare and deliver short | | |
|2006 ELPA | |oral presentations |___ S.7.3.a Prepare and deliver short | |
| |___ S.7.1.a Describe a concrete object | |presentations on ideas, images and | |
| |or concept with prepared text |___ S.7.2.b Retell stories and |topics obtained from various common |___ S.7.4.a Prepare and deliver |
| | |participate in short conversations |sources |presentations and reports in various |
| | | | |content areas, including a purpose, |
|2007 ELPA | | |___ S.7.3.b Prepare and ask basic |point of view, introduction, coherent |
| | | |interview questions and respond to them|transitions, and appropriate |
| | | | |conclusions |
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| | |___ S.8.2.a Ask for clarification and |___ S.8.3.a Formulate and pose | |
| |___ S.8.1.a Use gestures for |repetition |questions during classroom discussions | |
| |clarification and to support | | | |
| |communication |___ S.8.2.b Identify orally the main | |___ S.8.4.a Respond to messages by |
| | |points of simple conversations and | |asking questions or by challenging |
| | |stories that are read aloud | |statements |
| | | | | |
| | |__ S.8.2.c Make requests relevant to | |___ S.8.4.b Summarize orally with |
| | |the teaching learning process (homework| |accurate representation of the content |
| | |instructions). | |of the conversation |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|S.5 Provide and obtain information; express and | | | | |
|exchange opinions | | | | |
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|S.6 Demonstrate comprehensible pronunciation and | | | | |
|information for clarity in oral communication | | | | |
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|S.7 Present information, concepts, and ideas to | | | | |
|an audience of listeners on a variety of topics | | | | |
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|S.8 Use strategies to extend communicative | | | | |
|competence | | | | |
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|Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |
| | | | | |
|R.1 Recognize concepts of print literacy |___ R.1.1.a Demonstrate initial print |___ R.1.2.a Understand that printed | | |
| |awareness that print carries message |materials provide information | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.1.1.b Know the order of the |___ R.1.2.b Use knowledge of simple | | |
|Raw Score |alphabet; name and identify each letter|spelling patterns when reading | | |
|Scale Score |of the alphabet | | | |
| | |___ R.1.2.c Recognize capitalization | | |
| |___ R.1.1.c Know the difference between|and punctuation to convey meaning | | |
|PE |capital and lower case letters | | | |
|PP | | | | |
| |___ R.1.1.d Distinguish letters from | | | |
| |words | | | |
|2006 ELPA | | | | |
| |___ R.1.1.e Demonstrate directionality | | | |
| |by tracking print from left to right, | | | |
| |and using return sweep | | | |
| | | | | |
|2007 ELPA | | | | |
| |___ R.1.1.f Recognize that sentences in| | | |
| |print are made up of separate words | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.1.1.g Recognize that words have | | | |
| |correct spelling | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.1.1.h Identify the front cover, | | | |
| |back cover, and title page of a book | | | |
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| |___ R.2.1.a Demonstrate that print | | | |
| |represents spoken language | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.2.1.b Understand that as letters | | | |
| |change, so do sounds | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.2.1.c Match all consonants and | | | |
| |vowels sounds to appropriate letters | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.2.1.d Use knowledge of | | | |
| |consonants, consonant blends, and vowel| | | |
| |sounds in decoding words | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.2.1.e Read common word families | | | |
| |and rhyming words | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.2.1.f Use decoding skills to read| | | |
| |known and unfamiliar words | | | |
|R.2 Demonstrate phonological awareness and the | | | | |
|relationship of listening/speaking to decoding |___ R.2.1.g Match oral words to printed| | | |
| |words | | | |
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|Raw Score |___ R.3.1.a Recognize high frequency | | | |
|Scale Score |words | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.3.1.b Develop basic sight words | | | |
|PE | |___R.3.2.a Use context clues to | | |
|PP | |determine meaning of unfamiliar words | | |
| | |and phrases | | |
| | | |___ R.3.3.a Recognize common cognates |___ R.3.4.a Use knowledge of cognates |
|2006 ELPA | |___ R.3.2.b Use meaning clues and | |and false cognates when reading |
| | |language structure to expand vocabulary|___ R.3.3.b Demonstrate knowledge of | |
| | |(pictures background knowledge, context|prefixes and suffixes, root, antonyms, |___ R.3.4.b Recognize simple analogies |
| | |clues) |homonyms, synonyms and abbreviations to|and metaphors in literature and texts |
| | | |determine meaning |in content areas |
|2007 ELPA | |___ R.3.2.c Apply knowledge of | | |
| | |letter-sound correspondences, language |___ R.3.3.c Recognize words that have | |
| | |structure, and context to recognize |multiple meanings in literature and | |
| | |words |texts in content areas | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ R.3.2.d Identify simple words with |___ R.3.3.d Recognize simple idioms and| |
| | |multiple meanings |figures of speech | |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.4.1.a Identify nouns and verbs |___ R.3.2.e Identify simple literary |___ R.3.3.e Identify simple literary | |
| |(subjects and predicates) |terms (title, author, illustrator) |terms across genres | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ R.4.2.a Recognize basic English |___ R.4.3.a Apply knowledge of complex | |
| | |syntax (sentence structure) and grammar|syntax (sentence structure) and | |
| | |to derive meaning |advanced grammatical features to derive|___ R.4.4.a Apply knowledge of complex |
| | | |meaning from narrative text |syntax (sentence structure) and |
| | | | |advanced grammatical features to derive|
| | | | |meaning from content area texts |
| | | | | |
|R.3 Build vocabulary to develop concepts | | | | |
| | | | | |
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| |___ R.5.1.a Name characters and | | | |
|Raw Score |identify setting of story | | | |
|Scale Score | | | | |
| |___ R.5.1.b Recognize the beginning, |___ R.5.2.a Participate in discussions |___ R.5.3.a Summarize informational or | |
| |middle and end of narratives |describing characters, setting, events |narrative selections | |
|PE | |and plot | |___ R.5.4.a Recognize the theme |
|PP |___ R.5.1.c Answer factual, simple | |___ R.5.3.b Compare and contrast |(general observation about life and |
| |questions about content of text |___ R.5.2.b Identify the topic or main |characters; describe setting and events|human nature) within a test |
| | |idea of text |in text | |
|2006 ELPA | | | |___ R.5.4.b Identify main ideas and |
| | |___ R.5.2.c Restate facts and details |___ R.5.3.c Demonstrate knowledge of |supporting details from grade |
| | |of text |story structure and sequence |appropriate texts |
| | | | | |
| | |___ R.5.2.d Distinguish between fact |___ R.5.3.d Describe the development of| |
|2007 ELPA | |and opinion in informational text |plot and identify how conflicts are | |
| | | |addressed and resolved | |
| |___ R.6.1.a Identify common | | | |
| |signs and logos | | | |
| | | |___ R.6.3.a Apply information using | |
| |___ R.6.1.b Use prior background | |table of contents, index, and chapter | |
| |knowledge to approach text |___ R.6.2.a Read and follow sequential |headings, diagrams, keys, charts, | |
| | |or multiple step written directions to |tables, pictures, maps, graphs and | |
| |___ R.6.1.c Use print from the |complete tasks and assignments |glossary | |
| |environment to derive and reinforce | | | |
| |meaning |___ R.6.2.b Use simple reference |__ R.6.3.b Make connections between | |
| | |materials to acquire concepts |prior knowledge, personal experiences | |
| |___ R.6.1.d Read and follow simple |(dictionary, thesaurus, technologies, |and what is read | |
| |written directions |vocabulary categories, and alphabetical| | |
| | |order) | | |
| |___ R.6.1.e Use simple reference | | | |
| |materials (such as picture |___ R.6.2.c Interpret text features | | |
|R.4 Understand and use grammatical structures of |dictionaries) to acquire concepts |such as illustrations, diagrams, | | |
|English to improve reading comprehension | |charts, glossaries, indexes to draw | | |
| |___ R.6.1.f Locate table of contents, |information from text | | |
| |chapter headings, diagrams, keys, | | | |
|Raw Score |charts, tables, pictures, maps, and |___ R.6.2.d Use strategies to read text| | |
|Scale Score |graphs |(preview, predict, question while | | |
| | |reading, reread, and self-correct) | | |
| | | | | |
|PE | | |___ R.7.3.a Collect and organize | |
|PP | |___ R.7.2.a Develop questions about a |information from multiple resources for| |
| | |topic |presentations and/or projects | |
| | | | | |
|2006 ELPA | |___ R.7.2.b Collect and organize | | |
| | |information using a resource other than| | |
| | |the textbook for presentations and/or | |___ R.7.4.a Evaluate and |
| | |projects | |synthesize information from multiple |
| | | | |sources for use in presentations and/or|
|2007 ELPA | | | |projects |
| | | | | |
| |___ R.8.1.a Use pictures/ | |___ R.8.3.a Read text and use detailed | |
| |graphics to make predictions about | |sentences to identify orally the main | |
| |text, and discuss conclusions |___ R.8.2.a Use pictures to make |ideas and use them to make predictions | |
| | |predictions about stories and |supported by details | |
| | |information text | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ R.8.2.b Make and confirm | | |
|R.5 Read and demonstrate comprehension of main | |predictions about the subject/story | |___ R.8.4.a Read text and use detailed |
|idea and supporting details | |from text clues | |sentences to identify orally the main |
| | | | |ideas and use them to make predictions |
| | |___ R.8.2.c Draw conclusions from | |with supporting details about |
| | |information provided in the text | |informational text, literary text, and |
|Raw Score | | | |text in content areas |
|Scale Score | |___ R.8.2.d Draw inferences about | | |
| | |stories read aloud and use simple | | |
| | |phrases to communicate the inferences | | |
|PE | | | | |
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|2006 ELPA | | | | |
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|2007 ELPA | | | | |
| |___ R.9.1.a Identify elements of a | |___ R.9.3.a Understand literary forms | |
| |story, including character, setting, |___R.9.2.a Demonstrate knowledge of |by recognizing and distinguishing among| |
| |and sequence of events |story structure and sequence |short essays, novels, journals, | |
| | | |informational text | |
| |___ R.9.1.b Recognize format |___ R.9.2.b Differentiate between | | |
| |differences between poetry and prose |fiction and non-fiction |___ R.9.3.b Discuss significant | |
| | | |structural patterns in text such as, | |
| |___ R.9.1.c Recognize differences |___ R.9.2.c Understand literary forms |compare/contrast, sequence or |___ R.9.4.a Analyze the features and |
| |between expository and narrative text |by recognizing and distinguishing among|chronological order, and cause/effect |rhetorical devices of public documents |
| | |stories, poems, and information books | |and primary source material |
| |___ R.9.1.d Use graphic displays | |___ R.9.3.c Analyze a variety of | |
|R.6 Apply reading skills in social and academic |(photos, art, pictures, icons, symbols)|___ R.9.2.d Distinguish between reality|rhetorical styles found in consumer and|___ R.9.4.b Distinguish elements of |
|contexts |and textual aides (sub-heading, |and fantasy in literature |informational materials |literary technique (foreshadowing, |
| |footnotes, graphs, charts) to | | |flashbacks, figurative language, |
| |understand stories and informational |___ R.9.2.e Understand literary forms |___ R.9.3.d Analyze characteristics of |dialogue, metaphor, simile) |
|Raw Score |text |by recognizing and distinguishing among|text including its structure, word | |
|Scale Score | |stories, poems, myths, fables, tall |choices and intended audiences |___ R.9.4.c Identify literary devices |
| | |tales, plays, biographies, | |narrative voice, symbolism, dialect, |
| | |autobiographies and historical fiction |___ R.9.3.e Judge the internal |and irony |
|PE | | |consistency or logic of stories and | |
|PP | |___ R.9.2.f Use text structure or |texts, such as Would this character do |___ R.9.4.d Analyze text for the |
| | |progression of ideas such as |this? Does this action make sense |purpose, ideas and style of the author |
| | |cause/effect or chronology to recall |here? | |
|2006 ELPA | |information | |___ R.9.4.e Read and analyze how |
| | | |___ R.9.3.f Describe how graphic |clarity is affected by patterns of |
| | |___ R.9.2.g Distinguish between |displays and textual aides convey |organization, repetition of key ideas, |
| | |explicit examples of fact, opinion, and|meaning |syntax, and word choice |
| | |clause/effect in text | | |
|2007 ELPA | | | |___ R.9.4.f Critique the effectiveness |
| | |___ R.9.2.h Analyze and evaluate | |of graphic displays and textual aides |
| | |whether a conclusion is validated by | | |
| | |the evidence in a text | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ R.9.2.i Identify information from | | |
| | |graphic displays and textual aides | | |
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| | |___ R.10.2.a Understand that authors |___ R.10.3.a Describe how the author’s | |
| | |write for different purposes such as |perspective or point of view affects | |
| | |persuading, informing, entertaining and|the text | |
|R.7 Read for research purposes | |instructing | | |
| | | | | |
| | |___ R.10.2.b Distinguish personal | | |
|Raw Score | |opinions and points of view from that | | |
|Scale Score | |of the author and support with examples| |___ R.10.4.a Analyze text for the voice|
| | | | |of the author |
| | | | | |
|PE | | | |___ R.10.4.b Recognize how style, tone |
|PP | | | |and mood contribute to the effect of |
| | | | |the text |
| | | | | |
|2006 ELPA | | | | |
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|R.8 Make inferences, predictions, and conclusions| | | | |
|from reading | | | | |
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|Raw Score | | | | |
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|R.9 Analyze style and form of various genre | | | | |
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|R.10 Identify author’s voice, attitude and point | | | | |
|of view | | | | |
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|Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |
| | | | | |
|W.1 Use conventions and formats of written |___W.1.1.a Write the English alphabet |___ W.1.2.a Write the English alphabet |___ W.1.3.a Write with consistent use |___ W.1.4.a Use resources to edit text |
|English |legibly in manuscript (printing) using |legibly in cursive using upper and |of spelling patterns and rules |for consistently correct spelling |
| |upper and lower case |lower case | | |
| | | |___ W.1.3.b Organize record and |___ W.1.4.bWrite an essay or narrative |
|Raw Score |___ W.1.1.b Write messages from left to|___ W.1.2.b Write sentences from |summarize expository information for |demonstrating control of paragraph |
|Scale Score |right and top to bottom of the page |dictation with more conventional |posters and presentations for |formation |
| | |spelling of familiar words |literature and content areas subjects | |
| |___ W.1.1.c. Use word and letter | | | |
|PE |spacing to make messages readable |___ W.1.2.c Write simple sentences |___ W.1.3.c Write three paragraphs | |
|PP | |using key words available in the |including a beginning, middle and end | |
| |___ W.1.1.d Write personal information |classroom environment |on a prompt/theme | |
| |(name, address, phone number) | | | |
|2006 ELPA | |___ W.1.2.d Organize and record | | |
| |___ W.1.1.e Write labels, notes and |expository information on pictures, | | |
| |captions for illustrations, charts, and|lists, charts and tables from | | |
| |objects |information presented in the classroom | | |
| | | | | |
|2007 ELPA |___ W.1.1.f Write words and short |___ W.1.2.e Write several sentences on | | |
| |sentences from dictation with |a topic in paragraph format using | | |
| |development spelling |indentation | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ W.1.1.g Copy from a model text with| | | |
| |attention to using lines, margins, and | | | |
| |spacing | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ W.1.1.h Write several sentences on | | | |
| |a topic related to a visual prompt | | | |
| | | | | |
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| | | | | |
| |___ W.2.1.a Use capitalization and | | | |
| |punctuation to begin and end sentences | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ W.2.1.b Use nouns (singulars and |___ W.2.2.a Capitalize and punctuate |___ W.2.3.a Use punctuation and | |
| |plurals), verbs (singular and plural), |correctly to clarify and enhance |capitalization to enhance meaning and |___ W.2.4.a Use punctuation and |
| |pronouns, adjectives, adverbs in |meaning (such as capitalizing titles, |express meaning and express complex |capitalization to enhance meaning and |
| |writing |using possessives, commas in a series, |thoughts (such as direct quotes and |express complex thoughts to produce |
| | |apostrophes and contractions, and |compound sentences) |complex sentences without sentence |
| |___ W.2.1.c Use basic grammatical |abbreviations) | |fragments or run-on sentences |
| |constructions in simple sentences | |___ W.2.3.b Use a variety of parts of | |
| | |___ W.2.2.b Identify and correctly use |speech to clarify writing |___ W.2.4.b Demonstrate control over |
| | |subject verb agreement and past, | |grammatical elements, subject-verb |
| | |present, and future tenses in writing |___ W.2.3.c Use prepositional phrases |agreement, pronoun-antecedent |
| | |simple sentences |to elaborate written ideas |agreement, verbs forms, transitions and|
| | | | |parallel construction |
| | |___ W.2.2.c Demonstrate knowledge of |___ W.2.3.d Demonstrate knowledge of | |
| | |negatives and contractions |nominative, objective, and possessive |___ W.2.4.c Use clauses, phrases and |
| | | |case |mechanics with consistent variation in |
|W.2 Use grammatical conventions of English | |___ W.2.2.d Demonstrate knowledge of | |grammatical forms |
| | |verbs, tenses and models (auxiliaries),|___ W.2.3.e Use verb tenses | |
| | |WH-words and pronouns and antecedents |appropriately in present, past, future,| |
|Raw Score | | |perfect and progressive | |
|Scale Score | |___ W.2.2.e Demonstrate knowledge of | | |
| | |parts of speech | | |
| | | | | |
|PE | |___ W.2.2.f Demonstrate knowledge of | | |
|PP | |negatives and contractions | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|2006 ELPA | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |___ W.3.1.a Use descriptive vocabulary |___ W.3.2.a Use thematic and | | |
| |to clarify details |content-specific vocabulary introduced | | |
| | |in the classroom for writing across the| | |
|2007 ELPA | |curriculum | | |
| | | | |___ W.3.4.a Use vocabulary to convey |
| | | |___ W.3.3.a Select words form an |intended meaning while recognizing the |
| | | |expanded personal vocabulary to |meanings and cultural uses of the other|
| | | |accurately communicate ideas clearly |registers in English which are often |
| | | |and concisely across the curriculum |expressed through colloquialisms, |
| | | | |idioms, and other language forms |
| | | | | |
| |___ W.4.1.a Compose simple declarative,|___ W.4.2.a Support a central idea with| | |
| |interrogative, imperative, and |relevant details and examples | | |
| |exclamatory sentences appropriate for | | | |
| |language arts and other content area |___ W.4.2.b Write a brief expository | |___ W.4.4.a Use effective sequences and|
| |based on a classroom model |composition that includes a thesis and |___ W.4.3.a Independently create |transitions to achieve coherence and |
| | |some supporting details |cohesive paragraphs that develop a |meaning |
| |___ W.4.1.b Compose multiple sentences | |central idea with consistent use of | |
| |around a topic |___ W.4.2.c Use resources to extend |standard English grammatical forms, |___ W.4.4.b Produce a multiple |
| | |vocabulary choices in writing |including a variety of sentence types |paragraph essay that elaborates a |
| | |(bilingual dictionary, thesaurus, | |thesis |
| | |English dictionary) |___ W.4.3.b Use varied sentence | |
| | | |structures to express meaning and |___ W.4.4.c Structure ideas and |
| | | |achieve desired effect |arguments within a defined context |
| | | | |including supporting and relevant |
| | | |___ W.4.3.c Produce cohesive and |examples |
| | | |coherent written text by organizing | |
| | | |ideas, using effective transactions, | |
| | | |and choosing precise wording | |
| | | | | |
| | | |___ W.4.3.d Organize ideas in writing | |
| | | |to ensure coherence, logical | |
|W.3 Write using appropriate vocabulary choice and| | |progression, and support for ideas | |
|variation | |___ W.5.2.a Prewriting: Use graphic | | |
| |___ W.5.1.a Prewriting: Generate |organizers as a prewriting activity to | | |
| |ideas for writing by using prewriting |demonstrate prior knowledge, add | | |
|Raw Score |techniques such as drawing and teacher |information and prepare to write |___ W.5.3.a Prewriting: Plan ideas | |
|Scale Score |assisted listing of key thoughts | |through independent organizing | |
| | |___ W.5.2.b Drafting: Use simple |activities such as listing, webbing, |___ W.5.4.a Prewriting: Use planning |
| |___ W.5.1.b Drafting: Develop drafts |sentences to follow an outline or |clustering, sequencing, and classifying|strategies to organize information, |
|PE |by categorizing ideas and organizing |graphic organizer to create a craft of |in English |generate ideas, and develop voice |
|PP |them into sentences with teacher |a paragraph | | |
| |assistance | |___ W.5.3.b Drafting: Develop a draft |___ W.5.4.b Drafting: Develop a draft |
| | |___ W.5.2.c Revising: Revise draft by |by organizing ideas into sentences and |independently by organizing and |
|2006 ELPA |___ W.5.1.c Editing: Edit writing for |elaborating text with expanded use of |paragraphs following an organizational |reorganizing content and by refining |
| |punctuation, capitalization and |adjectives, adverbs and a variety of |plan |style to suit occasion, audience and |
| |spelling with teacher assistance; |sentence structures | |purpose |
| |create legible final copy | |___ W.5.3.c Revising: Revise writing | |
| | | |by adding, elaborating, combining, |___ W.5.4.c Revising: Revise writing |
|2007 ELPA | | |deleting, and rearranging text |for appropriate word choice, consistent|
| | | | |point of view, introductions, |
| | |___ W.5.2.d Revising: Revise writing | |transitions, and conclusions |
| | |for expanded word choice and | | |
| | |organization with variation in | | |
| | |grammatical forms |___ W.5.3.d Editing: Edit writing to | |
| | | |ensure use of grammar conventions | |
|W.4 Construct sentences and develop paragraphs to| |___ W.5.2.e Editing: Edit draft for | |___ W.5.4.d Editing: Edit writing for |
|organize writing supporting a central idea | |basic grammatical constructions; expand| |developmentally appropriate syntax, |
| | |use of adjectives and adverbs; check | |spelling, grammar, usage, and |
| | |for singular and plural agreement | |punctuation |
|Raw Score | | | | |
|Scale Score | | | | |
| | |___ W.6.2.a Write brief responses to | | |
| | |selected literature with factual | | |
|PE | |understanding of the text using simple | | |
|PP |___ W.6.1.a Write basic information on |sentences |___ W.6.3.a Write responses to selected| |
| |classroom assignments, such as, name, | |literature that exhibit understanding | |
| |date, class subject, teacher |___ W.6.2.b Write a brief narrative |of the text, using detailed sentences | |
|2006 ELPA | |include elements of setting, character,|and transitions |___ W.6.4.a Write responses to selected|
| |___ W.6.1.b Write to communicate basic |and events | |literature that develop |
| |personal information such as filling | |___ W.6.3.b Use the writing process to |interpretations, exhibit careful |
| |out forms, autobiographical sketches, |___ W.6.2.c Narrate a sequence of |write brief narratives using standard |reading, and cite specific parts of the|
| |home-culture descriptions |events with some detail |grammatical forms |text |
|2007 ELPA | | | | |
| |___ W.6.1.c List, label, or summarize |___ W.6.2.d Write friendly letters, |___ W.6.3.c Write simple compositions |___ W.6.4.b Write stories or other |
| |content area information |formal letters, thank you letters, and |that address a single topic that |compositions such as personal |
| | |invitations that address audience |include supporting sentences with |narrative, stories, and poetry, that |
| |___ W.6.1.d Write a few words or |concerns, stated purpose and context |concrete sensory details of people, |employ a logical sequence of events, |
| |phrases about an event or character |using conventional letter formats |places, things or experiences |provide insight into why the incident |
| |form a story read by the teacher | | |is notable, and include details to |
| | |___ W.6.2.e Write across the curriculum|___ W.6.3.d Write in various forms with|develop the plot in English |
| |___ W.6.1.e Write a short narrative |with teacher assistance stories and |particular emphasis on business forms | |
| |story that includes elements of setting|other compositions such as personal |such as a report, memo, narrative or |___ W.6.4.c Write expository |
| |and character |narratives, journal entries, friendly |procedure, summary/abstract, and resume|compositions and reports that convey |
| | |poems in English | |information from primary and secondary |
| |___ W.6.1.f Write in different forms | |___ W.6.3.e Write a brief expository |sources and use some technical terms |
| |for different purposes including lists |___ W.6.2.f Write simple compositions |composition that includes a thesis and | |
| |to inform, letters to invite or thank, |such as descriptions, compare/ |some points of support; provide |___ W.6.4.d Write persuasive and |
| |and stories to entertain |Contrast that have a main idea and some|information from primary sources; |expository compositions that include a |
| | |supporting details |organize and record information on |clear thesis, describe organized points|
| | | |charts and graphs |of support and address a counter |
| | |___ W.6.2.g Write technical materials | |argument |
|W.5 Use the writing process to produce writing | |such as instructions for performing | | |
| | |tasks or playing a game that include | | |
| | |specific details |___ W.6.3.f Write short expository text| |
|Raw Score | | |that proposes a solution to a problem | |
|Scale Score | | |or speculates on causes and effects | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |___ W.6.4.e Write in a variety of forms|
|PE | | | |using effective word choice, structure,|
|PP | | | |and sentence forms with emphasis on |
| | | | |clearly related definitions, theses and|
| | | | |evidence |
|2006 ELPA | | | | |
| | | | |___ W.6.4.f Write in a variety of forms|
| | | | |with an emphasis on persuasive forms |
| | | | |(such as logical argument and |
| | | | |expression of opinion) personal forms |
|2007 ELPA | | | |(such as response to literature, |
| | |___ W.7.2.a Identify questions for | |reflective essay, and autobiographical |
| |___ W.7.1.a Record or dictate knowledge|investigating a given topic | |narrative) and literary forms such as, |
| |of a topic in a variety of ways, such | |___ W.7.3.a Develop questions to guide |poems, plays and stories |
| |as by drawing pictures, making lists, |___ W.7.2.b Use print or technology |research | |
| |or using graphic organizers to show |resources to write a simple informative| | |
| |connections among ideas |paper |___ W.7.3.b Collect information, take |___ W.7.4.a Formulate questions, refine|
| | | |notes, and synthesize information on a |topics, and clarify ideas |
| | |___ W.7.2.c Use accepted format |given topic from a variety of sources | |
| | |(including quotation and reference | |___ W.7.4.b Compile written ideas and |
| | |notes) to credit sources of information| |representations into reports, summaries|
| | | | |or other formats and draw conclusions |
| | | | | |
| | |___ W.8.2.a Produce writing for given | | |
| |___ W.8.1.a Identify an audience for |audiences and purposes in English | | |
| |writing in English | |___ W.8.3.a Write in a voice and style | |
| | | |appropriate to audience and purpose | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |___ W.8.4.a Exhibit an identifiable |
| | | | |tone and voice in personal narratives |
| | | | |and stories |
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|W.6 Use various types of writing for specific | | | | |
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|W.7 Use multiple sources to extend writing | | | | |
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|W.8 Use tone and voice to engage specific | | | | |
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English Language
Proficiency Standards
K-12 Checklist
Student’s Name________________________
Date of Birth __________________________
School / District________________________
Grade: _____ School Year_______________
English Language
Proficiency Standards
K-12 Checklist
Student’s Name________________________
Date of Birth __________________________
School / District________________________
Grade: _____ School Year_______________
English Language
Proficiency Standards
K-12 Checklist
Student’s Name________________________
Date of Birth __________________________
School / District________________________
Grade: _____ School Year_______________
English Language
Proficiency Standards
K-12 Checklist
Student’s Name________________________
Date of Birth __________________________
School / District________________________
Grade: _____ School Year_______________
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