Lesson Plans – Hutchinson – English I, Pre-AP

|Date |Student Outcome |Activities |Homework |

|Tuesday, 9/3 |The student will identify different forms of|1. Journal – Create goals for |Finish reading “The Cask of |

| |characterization and analyze how they are |yourself |Amontillado” – expect a “pop” |

| |used in a short story. |2. Create table of contents and |reading quiz tomorrow. |

| |The student will set up their interactive |create first several pages of | |

| |notebook, which will be maintained and |interactive notebook |Continue to work on summer reading, |

| |updated weekly all year. |3. Guided notes – forms of |due 9/10 |

| | |characterization | |

| | |4. Begin reading “The Cask of | |

| | |Amontillado” in textbook, p. 372, | |

| | |looking specifically at | |

| | |characterization | |

|Wednesday/ |The student will locate definitions and |1. Journal – Using lots of |Finish Frayer models if not |

|Thursday |etymologies of vocabulary words from a |descriptive imagery, describe the |completed in class |

|9/4-9/5 |story. |earth from space. | |

| |The student will analyze a character in |2. “Pop” reading quiz on “Cask” |Continue to work on summer reading, |

| |great depth. |3. Teach Frayer model – assign |due 9/10 |

| | |students to create Frayer models | |

| | |for each of the 8 vocabulary terms | |

| | |from page 371 in textbook | |

| | |4. Postmortem of the protagonist | |

| | |with either character from “Cask” | |

|Friday, 9/6 |The student will write with sentence |1. Journal – define what would be |Compose 10 sentences - 5 compound, |

| |variety, understanding the structures that |the perfect job |5 complex. At least one semicolon, |

| |create compound and complex sentences. |2. Guided notes- how to form |at least one coordinating |

| | |compound sentences |conjunction, at least one |

| | |3. Students practice writing |conjunctive adverb, at least one |

| | |compound sentences |subordinating conjunction, and at |

| | |4. Guided notes – how to form |least one relative pronoun |

| | |complex sentences | |

| | |5. Students practice |Continue to work on summer reading, |

| | | |due 9/10 |

| | | | |


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