
Me llamo _____________Clase_______Fecha______/______/______

Spanish I - Classroom Sentences

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. In math class, we answer 10 questions. (questions = preguntas)


2. I get a good grade in English.


3. Pablo takes notes in history class.


4. Señora González teaches Spanish.


5. Camilo and Mario use the computer in science class.


6. You (familiar) arrive late to art class six times.


7. Sara and Anita do not get a bad grade in math class.


8. I answer 23 questions in Spanish class.


9. I take notes in science class.


10. I need to study.


Directions: Everyone needs 100 balloons! Write a sentence in Spanish that states how many ballons each person has, then a sentence that states how many balloons each person needs.

1. I have 23 balloons.


2. You (familiar) have 57 balloons.


3. We have 90 balloons.


4. Pedro has 21 balloons.


5. Margarita and Sofía have 35 balloons.


6. Ana has 74 balloons.


7. You (all) have 28 balloons.


Directions: Read the note from Señor Campos to Juan’s parents. Summarize the note in English in your own words.









Hola, me llamo Sr. Campos. Soy profesor de ciencias, y Juan es estudiante en la clase. Juan saca malas notas en los exámenes de ciencias. Juan siempre toma apuntes y prepara la tarea, pero necesita estudiar más. Juan no contesta preguntas en clase. Es inteligente, pero no trabaja mucho en clase. Juan necesita sacar una buena nota en el exámen el jueves.

Sr. Campos


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