English Entry 1 - Sample Scheme of Work
Week |Speaking & Listening |Reading |Writing |FS Standards | |
|1 |Introductions – Talking about |Read and identify key signs in building i.e. | | |
| |yourself/others |emergency exits | | |
| | | | | |
| |Elicit appropriate responses | | | |
|2 |Ask and respond to simple requests for |Read and identify letters from alphabet |Accurately write letters of the alphabet |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| |information | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | |Read and identify simple and key words on forms|Complete simple forms using personal information |another person. |
| |Accurately identify and speak letters of|i.e. name, phone | | |
| |alphabet | |Learn and accurately spell simple personal words |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | |Read and identify personal and familiar words | |explain or recount information. |
| |Follow a short talk on a class rules/ | | | |
| |expectations | | | |
|3 |Personal information |Recognise days of the week and written forms of|Write days of classes |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| | |the date | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |ask and respond to simple questions | |Learn spellings and write names of friends, family |another person. |
| |using ‘Wh’ words |Read and identify |and other personal words | |
| |ask and respond to simple questions |Country and place of origin | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| |using the verb ‘to be’. | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Nouns - Personal Pronouns |Accurately reading and identifying ‘nouns in |Writing capital letters |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|4 |He/She Him/Her |sentences and text |accurately writing and using ‘nouns in simple |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Giving responses using simple vocabulary| |sentences |another person. |
| |of personal and every day words | | | |
| | | |Write in simple sentences |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Speak, listen and respond in simple |Read and understand simple text about class |Write/learn spellings of key and simple vocabulary |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|5 |exchanges and everyday contexts |rules and behaviour |‘doing’ words |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |. | |i.e. talk |another person. |
| |Take part in a simple social | |walk | |
| |conversations | |dance |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Developing vocabulary – |Read and identify differences between positive |Review/revise letters |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|6 | |and negative words | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Appropriate responses in simple | |Construct simple sentences on daily routines |another person. |
| |discussions about lifestyles, habits, |Read and identify how to form negative words | | |
| |likes and dislikes | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Developing vocabulary |Read simple text about other people’s likes and|Write simple sentences about own likes and dislikes. |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|7 | |dislikes. | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Making requests: | |Reinforce use of positive and negative words. |another person. |
| |“Can I… | | | |
| |“Can you … |Identify how to correctly use basic punctuation|Extension activity – use full stops and in simple |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| |Asking for help |in sentences |sentences. |explain or recount information. |
| |How can I …. | | | |
| |How do I …. |Identify how to form questions. | |Write short simple sentences |
| |When can I … | | | |
| |Speaking and Listening assessment/review|Reading assessment of key words |Assessment activities to review progress |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|8 | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | | |another person. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Study/revisit signs |Read and identify instruction words in text |Make up own instruction list | |
|9 | | | | |
| |Using and recognising instructional |Identify how to form instructional language |Write simple class rules using instructional | |
| |words/language | |words/language | |
| | |Read and identify doing words in text | | |
| |Practice using doing words - verbs in | |Use doing words correctly when forming instructions | |
| |sentences (present tense) | | | |
| |Using the library |Read and understand signs and instructions |Start personal log book on key words and spellings to |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|10 | | |learn |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Listen and follow simple instructions | | |another person. |
| |about library rules and behaviour | |Review letters of the alphabet | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| |Correctly answer simple questions | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | |Complete a basic library application form | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Describing words/language |Read, identify and understand simple |Write simple descriptive sentences of familiar places,|Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|11 | |descriptive words/language |people, things |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |What do you see? | | |another person. |
| |describe people, places, things etc | |Review and use punctuation correctly in simple | |
| | | |sentences. |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Speaking about time |Read and understand a simple class timetable. |Writing a weekly diary |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|12 | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Today, tomorrow, next week | |Continue to practice spelling days of the week |another person. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Review forming and asking questions |Read and review key vocabulary of daily life |Write simple questions to use with other students. |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|13 | |and routine | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Review speaking using positive and | |Do you like …..? |another person. |
| |negative language | | | |
| | | |Learn/practice use of punctuation (question marks) |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Consolidate asking and responding to |Read and review key vocabulary of daily life |Write simple questions to use with other students. |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|14 |questions |and routine | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | |Do you like …..? |another person. |
| |daily routines | | | |
| |times and questions | |Learn/practice use of punctuation (question marks) |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| |giving personal information | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
|15 |Name family members |Read stories with family vocabulary |Write family members name on family tree |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Ask and give information about family |Read and recognise irregular family plurals |List and learn irregular plurals in log book |another person. |
| | |(men, women, children) | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
|16 |Speaking and Listening assessment/review|Reading assessment of key words |Assessment activities to review progress | |
| | | | |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | | |another person. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
|17 |Give short talk about family or friends |Read words for buildings, people and places. |Write about the neighbourhood you live in. | |
| |and answer questions | | | |
| | |Reading sentences about people and places |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and | |
| | | |descriptive words | |
|18 |Introduce/describe people |Read simple text describing people |Write simple introductions of family members |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Descriptive language/words | |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and |another person. |
| | | |descriptive words | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Asking where places are. |Read an email about a place or person |Respond to an email from a friend |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|19 | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Q & A about neighbourhood |Read true or false statements |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and |another person. |
| | | |descriptive words | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
|20 | |Reading, understanding and checking simple |Gap fill exercise using prepositions |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| |Talking about places on a map. |directions using a map | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Giving and understanding directions. | |Write sentences about a place on a map |another person. |
| | | |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and | |
| | | |capital letters |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Q & A about neighbourhoods, people and |Read and understand a leaflet for information |Written responses about a leaflet |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| |places | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
|21 |Review descriptive words and language |Identify key words/language for explanation |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and |another person. |
| | | |descriptive words | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Discuss pictures of places. Describe |Read and understand various simple descriptions|Write short sentences about towns and cities of |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|22 |different places of interest |of different places of interest |interest |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | | |another person. |
| | | |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and | |
| | | |descriptive words |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Talk about famous politicians from |Read and understand simple text about various |Write simple sentences about a famous person |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|23 |different countries |nationalities | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | | |another person. |
| |Talk about your nationality | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
|24 |Speak and respond to discussions about |Read and understand simple texts about |Write short texts about what happens during Eid. |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
| |Eid |different cultures and their festivals |Write about other festivals that they celebrate |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |and other famous festivals | |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and |another person. |
| | | |descriptive words | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Speaking and Listening assessment/review|Reading assessment of key words |Assessment activities to review progress |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|25 | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | | |another person. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| | |Read a simple text about how to plan events |Write a letter or a card to invite someone to a | |
|26 |Plan an event | |function that you have helped to plan. | |
| | |Reading common phrases when accepting and | | |
| |Have discussions about their role in the|declining invitations |Practice accurately using simple punctuation and | |
| |event | |descriptive words | |
| | | | | |
| |Listen to the descriptions and features |Read about problems and match to pictures of |Gap fill and punctuation exercise |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|27 |and match them to the pictures |people who can help | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | |Jumbled words activity |another person. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Talk about a person they admire |Read simple texts about friends and famous |Write very simple sentences describing someone |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|28 |Describe the person |people | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | |Complete grammar exercises |another person. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Talk about the difference between |Read and understand simple personal statements.|Write simple sentences about ‘my skills’. |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|29 |qualifications and experience/skills | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | |Read and understand dictionary definition of |Revisit positive words i.e. Can/Can’t |another person. |
| | |words | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Talk about different jobs |Read about different jobs and answer questions |Writing a few sentences about a job of your choice | |
|30 | |about them | | |
| |Discuss what people do in different job.| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Read and understand specialist words to do with|Key words spelling vocabulary activity |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|31 |Discuss places where you would go to |jobs and ads. | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |look for a job | | |another person. |
| | |I,e,. Fulltime, part-time, shift work, per | | |
| | |hour, per week etc. | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Give presentation to class about self | | |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|32 | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Discuss S&L criteria – understand | | |another person. |
| |requirements | | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Shopping for clothes |Read and understand sizes and measurements |Clothing lists spelling activity/assessment |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|33 | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Consolidate knowledge of parts of body, | | |another person. |
| |colours | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Role play activity – buying clothes | | | |
| |Practice speaking and listening in |Read text with prepositions |Revise prepositions |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|34 |various contexts | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |i.e. going to the supermarket, cinema, |Identify prepositions and how they are used in |Activity worksheet |another person. |
| | |text | | |
| |- requesting assistance | |Learn and practise spellings for specific vocabulary |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| |- asking for and giving directions | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| | |Read various text with formal and informal |Word sort activity |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|35 |How to make verbal complaints |words/language |Pairing formal words with meanings |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | | |another person. |
| |Formal and informal words and language |Identify and understand formal and informal | | |
| | |words | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Talking about where you live? |Read and understand text describing different |Learn spellings of the buildings |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|36 | |types of homes | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Describing your house/flat/bungalow | |Write simple descriptive text about homes |another person. |
| | | | | |
| |Listen and match activity | |Revise writing simple instructional text about giving |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | |directions to your home |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Brainstorming new vocabulary on |Reading and recognising transport words. |Write accurate sentences about different ways of |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|37 |different types of transport. | |travelling |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | |Word search and spelling practice | |another person. |
| |Talking about how you travelled to class| | | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| | |Read and recognise regular past verbs |Written activities using simple past tense |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|38 |Discussions about last week – Past tense| | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | |Read and identify irregular past tense verbs |Accurately complete simple sentences describing last |another person. |
| |. practise using words/language in | |week’s activities | |
| |context | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | |Use accurate punctuation |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| | Continue discussions about using tenses|Read and recognise regular past verbs |Written activities in simple past tense |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|39 |correctly | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | |Read and identify irregular past tense verbs |Accurately complete simple sentences describing last |another person. |
| | | |week’s activities | |
| |Ask and answer questions about personal | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| |activities | |Use accurate punctuation |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Discussions about end of term plans – |Read and recognise regular future verbs |Written activities in future tense |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|40 | | | |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| |Talk about what will you do next term – | |Accurately complete simple sentences describing future|another person. |
| |the future | |activities | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | |Use accurate punctuation |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
| |Make contributions to end of term |Read and understand teacher evaluations/ILPs |Write up personal evaluation of course, use simple |Participate in and understand the main points of a|
|41 |review/discussions | |sentences |simple discussion/exchange that is familiar with |
| | | | |another person. |
| | | |Use accurate spelling, language and punctuation | |
| | | | |Read and understand short, simple texts that |
| | | | |explain or recount information. |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Write short simple sentences |
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