English Language Proficiency Assessment in the Nation

English Language Proficiency Assessment in the Nation:


Edited by Jamal Abedi

U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I F O R N I A , D AV I S ? S C H O O L O F E D U C AT I O N

Copyright ? 2007 The Regents of the University of California

The work reported herein was supported in part by the National Research and Development Centers, PR/Award Number R305A050004, as administered by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences (IES).

The findings and opinions expressed in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the Institute of Education Sciences, or the U.S. Department of Education.



T his study required the participation of all fifty states, their assessment directors, particularly those involved with the NCLB Title III assessments. Their cooperation and patience is much appreciated, and their dedication to educating young people is greatly admired. We cannot thank the states enough for their collaboration with this project.

Many people generously contributed to the development of this report. We are especially indebted to the chapter authors for their invaluable contributions and for their patience throughout this process. Sue Rigney from the U.S. Department of Education contributed greatly to the quality of this work by providing excellent comments and suggestions. We are so grateful for her support, advice and contribution to this report. Kathleen Leos of the U.S. Department of Education also provided useful comments. We appreciate her support as well. We are also so grateful to Dean Harold Levine for his support, Veena Nambiar, Susan Porter, Jisel Vega, and Lisa Sullivan for their contributions to this work.

Veena Nambiar (a UC Davis doctoral student) helped in this study by reading the initial version of some of the chapters of this report and by providing useful comments and suggestions. Additionally, she collected information on most of the pre-NCLB English language proficiency (ELP) tests and helped with Chapter 7 (Overview of Existing English Language Proficiency Tests) of this report. She also contacted many states to inquire about their English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessments policies and procedures and check the accuracy of the data collected for this project related to their states.

Susan Porter (a UC Davis doctoral student) provided assistance to this project by reading some of the chapters and providing useful comments. In addition, she contributed greatly by collecting and summarizing information on pre-NCLB assessments (Chapter 7). She also provided literature review and helped with the definition of the term ELP as opposed to other commonly used terms such as ELD and ESL.

Jisel Vega (a UC Davis doctoral student) contributed greatly to this project by reading the revised chapters, helping with data collection for the existing ELP assessment (pre-NCLB) and by intensive efforts in contacting states and incorporating revisions suggested by the states into the document (Chapter 7). In addition, she contributed greatly in writing Chapter 7.

Lisa Sullivan (a UC Davis doctoral student) contributed to this project by reading different chapters and providing useful comments and suggestions and also by helping with the information regarding existing ELP assessments. She also provided invaluable editorial and formatting comments and suggestions for the entire report.

Mary Courtney (an independent writer) read the entire report and provided invaluable editorial comments and suggestions.

Rita Pope (project coordinator) joined the project at a later phase and provided invaluable assistance in coordinating efforts and proofreading the final version of the report in preparation to print.

We are also grateful to Donna Justice (Director of Communications at the UC Davis School of Education) for her assistance with the processing and printing the report. Her contribution is greatly appreciated.

We also acknowledge the contribution of the following:

Brenda Rinard (a UC Davis doctoral student)

Karine Sarkissyan (a UC Davis student)

Our colleagues from the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing at UCLA

English Language Proficiency Assessment in the nation i


Authors and Contributors

Jim Bauman, Center for Applied Linguistics Tim Boals, University of Wisconsin ? Madison Michael Bunch, Measurement Incorporated Alyssa Buteux, Educational Testing Service Mathina Calliope, American Institutes for Research Yeonsuk Cho, Ballard Tighe Elizabeth Cranley, University of Wisconsin ? Madison Steve Ferrara, American Institutes for Research Richard Figueroa, University of California, Davis David J. Francis, University of Houston Cathy George, California Department of Education Margo Gottlieb, Illinois Resource Center Maurice Hauck, Educational Testing Service Kevin Joldersma, Measurement Incorporated Dorry Kenyon, Center for Applied Linguistics Rebecca Kopriva, C-SAVE Julia Lara, Consultant Robert Linquanti, WestEd Ginger Mathews, Measured Progress Christine Mills, Educational Testing Service Veena Nambiar, University of California, Davis Susan G. Porter, University of California, Davis Theodor Rebarber, AccountabilityWorks Mabel O. Rivera, Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics Paul Rybinski, Educational Testing Service Robin Scarcella, University of California, Irvine Diana Sewell, Louisiana Department of Education Lisa Sullivan, University of California, Davis Jisel Vega, University of California, Davis Joyce Wang, Educational Testing Service Phoebe Winter, Consultant


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Click on topic below to jump to that page

Chapter 1

English Language Proficiency Assessment and Accountability under NCLB Title III: An Overview Jamal Abedi.......................................................................................................................3

Chapter 2

Principles Underlying English Language Proficiency Tests and Academic Accountability for ELLs David J. Francis and Mabel O. Rivera ............................................................................. 13

Chapter 3

Developing the Mountain West Assessment Ginger Mathews.............................................................................................................. 33

Chapter 4The English Language Development Assessment (ELDA) Julia Lara, Steve Ferrara, Mathina Calliope, Diana Sewell, Phoebe Winter, Rebecca Kopriva, Michael Bunch, and Kevin Joldersma...................................................... 47

Chapter 5

Designing the Comprehensive English Language Learner Assessment (CELLA) for the Benefit of Users Theodor Rebarber, Paul Rybinski, Maurice Hauck, Robin Scarcella, Alyssa Buteux, Joyce Wang, Christine Mills, and Yeonsuk Cho............................................. 63

Chapter 6Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs?) Jim Bauman, Tim Boals, Elizabeth Cranley, Margo Gottlieb, and Dorry Kenyon................... 81

Chapter 7Overview of Existing English Language Proficiency Tests Susan G. Porter and Jisel Vega................................................................................................ 93

Chapter 8

Establishing and Utilizing an NCLB Title III Accountability System: California's Approach and Findings to Date Robert Linquanti and Cathy George..................................................................................... 105

Chapter 9 Summary and Recommendations Jamal Abedi................................................................................................................. 121

Appendix A Overview of Existing English Language Proficiency Tests: Full Version of Chapter 7........................................................................................... 133

English Language Proficiency Assessment in the nation 1


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