Preparing for the Conference

Guide to using the accessibility features at the Zero Project Conference 2020, in easy languageFor this year’s conference,we have worked together with a partner,who is an expert for easy language.With this partner, we have written this guideabout the accessibility features at the conferencein easy language.This guide should help all participantsunderstand and use the accessibility featuresat the Zero Project Conference.It says what accessibility feature there are,and where and how participants can use them.You can use this guide togetherwith the conference agenda and the conference app.The guide gives you informationon the accessibility features in each session.The guide also tells you,how to contact the conference staffabout additional support.Preparing for the ConferenceUser guide and videoon accessibility featuresYou can check the accessibility featuresto prepare for the conference.You can download the Accessibility Guide.The guide is available as an accessible Word document.You can find more informationin the section on Accessibility Measureson the conference website: conference..You can find printed copies of this guideat the registration desk at the conference.There is an accessible videothat gives you an overviewof the accessibility features at the conference.This video is with International Sign Language,and subtitles.The video can be found at: the first day of the conference, there will be a sessionabout all the accessibility features.This session will be on Wednesday, February 20from 10:45 to 11:00 a.m. in Room M1.A guide to the Conference in easy languageThere is a guide to the Conferencein easy language.This guide has 3 parts:1. Practical information in easy language:“How to enter the Zero Project Conference Venue”“How to reach the Conference Venue”“Good to know about the Zero Project Conference"2. The Accessibility User Guide3. A Conference overview:These are summaries of the sessions at the conference.You can download this guide on the conference website.It is in the Easy Language section of the website: Project Report as an accessible PDFThe 2020 Zero Project report is onEducation.The report is available as an accessible PDF.You can download the report from the Zero Project website:.Getting to the ConferenceOn the conference website there is a section called:“How to get to the Conference Venue”.This section is to help you plan your trip.It has information on barrier-free transfersto and from the airport,barrier-free public transportationand other important things.You can find the information here: your way at the ConferenceWhen you arrive at the conference area,you have to go through a security check.After the security check you can go on the buildingwhere the conference is being held.There is more information in the section:“How to enter the Zero Project Conference venue”.You can find this information on the conference website: Guidance for blind and visually impaired peopleThe actual conference building is called M-building.There is a tactile guiding systemon the floors of the M-building.This guiding system helps you findconference rooms,exhibition areas,catering areas,restrooms andother important spaces.Large Print Signs and Floor PlansThere will also be large signs around the conference area.These signs help you find your way.Speech CodesThere will be speech codes at the conference.The speech codes give information about the agendaand the accessible restrooms in an audio format.How to use the speech codes:1. First, you have to download the Speech Code app.You can download the Speech Code app for freefrom your app store.2. You scan the data codes with the Speech Code app.3. Then you see the text on the screen of your smartphone.You can also use your phone to read the text aloud.Barrier-free RestroomsThere are barrier-free restroomson the ground floor and on the first floor.You can find more details on the Floor Plansand on the conference website.Quiet break roomIf you need a break from the conferenceyou can go to the quiet break room.The room is marked on the Conference maps.You can also ask for directionsat the conference desk.Please do not use the quiet break roomfor meetings or phone calls.Individual SupportVolunteers help as buddies at the conference.They support participants throughout the conference.If you want a buddy for support,please ask at the registration desk.You can also write an e-mail in advance:office@Accessibility features in the Conference sessionsAll accessibility features in each conference sessionare marked in the agenda “Agenda at a Glance”.You will get the agendawith your welcome bag.You can also download the agenda as a PDFat Conference..You can also find all accessibility featuresin the “Zero Project Conference 2020 App”.You can download the app for freefrom your app store.Presentations available before the ConferenceYou can find the presentations before the Conferencewith this Link: way, you can follow the presentationswith your own laptop or other assistive technologies.Presentations which are not available before the conferencewill be marked.Live subtitlesThe sessions in all 3 conference roomswill have English subtitles.The subtitles are shown on large screensnext to the stage.Subtitles in other languagesWith the platform “Streamer?” you get access to subtitlesin languages other than English.This feature is available in all 3 conference rooms.You can use it on your laptop, tablet or mobile phone.Please click this link to access the platform: will need to fill out a registration form.Then you will receivefurther instructions per email.International SignInternational Sign interpreters will translateall sessions in the main conference room “M1”in international sign language.International Sign interpreters will translatesome sessions in conference rooms M2 and M3.The sign interpreterswill stand on the right,next to the podium.You can also see them on screensin all the conference rooms.Increasing the volume with a headsetYou will find a headset on every seatin every conference room.You can use the headsetto hear the speakers on stage more loudly.We will show the channel you need for this featurein the conference rooms.Portable induction loopsA portable induction loop is a devicefor people with hearing disabilities.They can take it with themto hear their surroundings more clearly.There are 20 portable induction loopsat the registration deskthat you can borrow.You will have to hand ina piece of personal ID as deposit.You can find the registration deskat the entrance of the M-building.Live audio description of videosAll videos that were submittedto the Zero Project team before the conferencewill be available with audio description.You can listen to the descriptions with headsets.You will find a headset on every seatin every conference room.We will show the channel you need for this featurein the conference rooms.The channel will also be announcedat the beginning of each session.Livestreams with subtitles and International SignAll sessions from the main conference roomwill be streamed on the Zero Project website: this feature,you can take a break from the conference roomand continue to watch all the sessions outside.The livestream includes subtitlesand International Sign.Graphic supportSome sessions will have people,who draw summaries of the presentations.They will work next to the stageand summarise everything they have drawnat the end of the speeches.The drawings will also be availableonline and with additional textafter the conference.Participation and self-representativesIn 4 sessions we will offer additional featuresto make them more accessiblefor people with intellectual disabilities.The sessions are marked in the agenda.The sessions are:Tools to support communicationOn Wednesday 19th, 3:40 p.m. to 5 p.m. in room M1Making higher education accessibleOn Thursday 20th, 10:25 to 11:35 a.m. in room M1Programmes in higher education institutions for people with intellectual disabilitiesOn Thursday 21st, 13:35 to 14:45 p.m. in room M1Job training programmes for people with intellectual disabilitiesFriday 21st, 10:40 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in room M1Videos of the presentationsavailable before the sessionsThere will be videos available onlineahead of the sessions.The videos help peopleto prepare for the sessionsand work out questions beforehand.The videos have audio and subtitles.You can find the videos at this link: easy language summariesThere will be a live easy language summariesfor the session “Making higher education accessible”on Thursday 20th, 10:25 to 11:35 a.m. in room M1.The summaries will be available in Englishand through the individual headsetsin all conference rooms.We will show the channel you needto hear the summaries through your headsetin the conference rooms.The channel will also be announcedat the beginning of the session.Graphic support and moderationSome sessions will have people,who draw summaries of the presentations.The graphic supporters andthe speaker of the presentationwill moderate the summary and the discussionat the end of the session together.Further supportPlease contact usif you need further support.We will do our bestto fulfill any further requests.You can contact us at the conferenceat the registration desk.You will find the registration deskat the entrance to the M-building.You can also contact us per emailat office@.Your feedbackWe are always tryingto make the Zero Project Conferencemore accessible and barrier-free.You can help us with your feedback.Please tell us what worked welland what needs to be improved. ................

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