8th Grade English Syllabus

8th Grade English Syllabus


Course Description: Eighth Grade Language Arts is designed to involve the student in applying reading, writing, listening, speaking, and career and college readiness skills in a diverse and meaningful interdisciplinary manner. Students will continue to develop an appreciation for literature through the study of literary elements in classic and contemporary selections; however, there will be an emphasis placed on moving from the literal to the abstract in the students’ critical thinking skills and in the use of language.

Methods of Instruction: Students will be engaged in the learning process by:

• Individual exploration and research

• Class discussions

• Small group team oriented activities

• Hands-on activities such as projects and portfolio work

• Oral presentations

• Written compositions

Course Competencies

1. Use word recognition and vocabulary skills to communicate.

2. Apply strategies and skills to comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety

of texts of increasing levels of difficulty.

3. Express, communicate, evaluate, or exchange ideas effectively.

4. Apply Standard English to communicate

5. Begin to Integrate the Common Core Standards for College and Career Readiness

Course Theme: Exploration of the human experience and triumph over adversity.

Course Expectations:

• Attendance is necessary to keep up with the class. If a student misses class time, they are missing the instruction time needed to learn a skill. However, if a student must miss class, they are required to make up missed work in a timely manner (1 day for each excused day missed, after which deductions will be made for late work).

• Students are expected to be in their seat when the tardy bell rings. If not, they will be counted tardy. Four tardies will earn a morning detention.

• Students are required to participate in class and be respectful to their peers, themselves, and their teacher. Consequences for misconduct may include detention, written assignments, parent notification, and/or office referral.

• Plagiarism and cheating have no place in a community of learners. Each student is required to put forth their personal best. Everyone has something important and valuable to add to our learning experience. If a student is suspected of plagiarism or cheating, the parents and the principal will be notified and consequences will be determined.

• Students are required to keep up with their assigned reading and turn in assignments on time. Students will lose valuable learning experiences if they come to class unprepared.

Major Works and Assignments: We have many exciting and enriching activities to look forward to this year. Some of these will require outside preparation and the aid of a parent to be successful. Here is a list of tentative projects that each student will be responsible for.

• In Class and Home Reading: English students have the option to test on a book of their choice. This individual selection is in addition to the Eighth grade selections which are: Diary of Anne Frank, A Wrinkle in Time, House on Mango Street.

• Research Paper and PowerPoint: Each student will go through the process of researching a person (TBD) and creating a 2 page research report and PowerPoint presentation. It is imperative that your child keep up with their work and deadlines. They will be responsible for 20 note cards, 5 sources, an outline, works cited page, rough and final copy of their paper~ MLA Format

• Independent book Studies: Each nine weeks, English students will be responsible for an independent study of a fiction or non-fiction novel that must be approved by the teacher. The student may choose from a list of assignments based on their novel. They may choose a typical “book report” that focuses on a particular literary element, term or device used by the author or they may choose from a number of portfolio activities that will be due one week before final exams. They will also be responsible for keeping up with a reading journal, due at the same time.

• Class Novels: We will read and study several novels as a class. Various activities and projects will be tied to the novels. These readings may include, but are not restricted to:

o The Diary of Anne Frank

o House on Mango Street

o A Wrinkle in Time

o Island of the Dolphins

• Literature Circles: Each semester students will be grouped together to engage in a group novel study. Students will be able to select from novels selected by the teacher. The groups will set reading goals and will hold meetings periodically to analyze and explore the novel. The teams will build a portfolio of assignments and will be in charge of creating a group project and test.

• Interview of a WWII Survivor: As a tie in with our unit of the Holocaust and The Diary of Anne Frank, around Veteran’s Day, each student will need to either interview someone from the time of WWII or go on the internet and find an interview about a WWII Survivor (You Tube, etc). It is imperative that students know that South Los Angeles was once occupied by many Holocaust survivors. The person interviewed or the person that is researched can be a war veteran, woman, or child that grew up during that time. There will be guided questions to help lead the students toward a good interview. I feel that this is a valuable and unique experience for students, to capture these stories and become historians themselves.

• Enrichment: Throughout the year, the students may be presented with optional enriching experiences.

• Grading: Students will be graded in a variety of ways including formal assessments such as tests; participations grades for daily work; and authentic assessments using rubrics for oral presentations, projects, and written assignments. Students will be encouraged to self -evaluate their work and to evaluate their peers’ work. The grading scale is as follows:

• 100 - 93 = A, Rubric = 4

• 92 – 83 = B, Rubric = 3

• 82 – 70 = C, Rubric =2

• 69 – 65 = D, Rubric = 1

• 64 and below = F , Rubric = Do Over


This year students will be consistently turning in their work via EMAIL. They will be posting discussions through Edmodo and through BLOGS set up my Mrs. Gonzalez. Mrs. Gonzalez has developed a website for her 8th grade students, which also has a link to Powerschool so that students and parents can check grade updates, missing assignments, etc and be able to communicate frequently and privately with the teacher. BLOGS are not where complaints and personal questions should be addressed. Students and Parents are asked to fill out the form provided for students on the “ABOUT ME” page.

We will also be using GOOGLE quite a bit, particularly GOOGLE DOCS. Students will be submitting papers and projects through GOOGLE to begin to prepare as 21st century students/generation- Technology based and prepared for GLOBAL LEARNING!

Thank you for being involved and active in your student’s educational experience. I look forward to a great year!

Mrs. Dolores A. Gonzalez

ELA Teacher/CELDT Coordinator

Watts Learning Center Charter Middle School

Please log on to ~

School Phone: 323-750-5058- 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


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