Exercises about the Present Tenses

Exercises about the Present Tenses

A .Conjugate in the Present Continuous

1.We (to fly) over Paris at the moment .

2. The air hostess (to serve) drinks and dinner .

3. All the passengers (to eat and drink )

4. She (not to look) through the window .

5. (not to read) he a newspaper ?

6. Mary ( to write) a letter to her boy-friend .

7. (to play) I the piano ?

8. The teenagers (to listen) to the radio

9. She (not to swim) in the river .

10. Look ! The dog (to run) very fast .

B. Conjugate in the Simple Present

1. He ( not to know) the answers

2. She( to like) some apple juice .

3. They ( not to have ) some ice cream .

4. ( to work) she at the airport ?

5. What time ( to start ) the film ?

6. Whose car ( to use) she ?

7. I (to drive) my car every day .

8. Mr Garret ( to teach) English in France .

9. I ( not to want ) to miss the bus .

10. They always (to travel) by plane .

C. Simple Present or Present Continuous ?

1. She (to go) away every weekend .

2. Look ! There he is .He(to sit) outside a café .

3. He’s busy now ; he (to write ) a letter .

4. He (to write ) her every week .

5. I usually ( not to take) sugar in my coffee.

6. I ( to suppose ) you know me .

7. In Spain women usually ( not to wear) hats

8. ( to rain) it often in the desert ?

9. My mother usually (to cook) dinner in the morning .

10. What’s your mother doing ? She (to wash) my clothes .

D. Make negative .

1. She wants some coffee . 2. I know somebody . 3 . She’s opening the red box .

4. I’m sorry ; I can help you . 5 We’re watching television . 6. The boy throws a ball .

7She tells us a story . 8. They can come this evening . 9. He’s trying to be a good boy .

10. I’m studying Russian .


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