
Maths –rehearseMathsReadingSpellingEnglishProject workMon 20 minutes of TT Rockstars or 2 mathletics activitiesMultiply decimals by integers. See virtual lesson below: Comprehension: Find MeRead the attached text: Find Me. Work through the questions on page 2 either digitally or written on paper. You will need a dictionary and thesaurus for some questions. Collin’s has an easy to use Dictionary and Thesaurus section: Spelling Frame Homophones 1 Login using your details and use associated games / activities in this section on Homophones.Do this as we may send you a spelling test! Finish your persuasive advert for your Christmas gift. Last week we studied adverts, researched and planned our own adverts for our chosen Christmas gift. Finish the second half of your extended write, based on the following virtual lesson: History:We’re continuing looking at Ancient Greece:Ancient Greece would have been a very different place to today’s Western world in 2021.On the worksheet in the home learning folder, there is a table containing different aspects of life (Government and Citizenship, Agriculture and industry, Education, Homes, Entertainment, Sport) We would like you to research these aspect of life in Ancient Greece and make notes on in the correct box, comparing Ancient Greek life to ours today.The website below will start you off looking at Government and Citizenship and Agriculture and Industry in Ancient Greece. TueDivide decimals by integers.See virtual lesson below: Let’s go on holiday to Florida! Write an advert / brochure to advertise Florida, USA, to potential tourists. We’re going to use what we’ve been learning about America in Geography to write a persuasive advert, brochure style to advertise the state of Florida to tourists. Today we’ll research the main features of Flordia including: Miami, Disneyland, the Everglades and Kennedy Space Centre/Nasa. See virtual lesson below: History: Contine your work from yesterday, researching Government and Citizenship, Agriculture and industry, Education, Homes, Entertainment, Sport in Anciennt Greece, then compare to our lives in 2021. For example: In Ancient Greece the Olympics were carried out nude! The only contained limited events such as sprints and javelin. In our modern world, the Olympics are certainly not done nude contain lots of more modern sports such as Tennis and Table Tennis WedDivision to solve problems.See virtual lesson below: : Find me – Answers Make sure you’ve completed your ‘Find Me’ text and questions, today we’ll go through with you and discuss your answers. See virtual lesson below: HYPERLINK "" Writing a Travel brochure to advertise Florida.Today we’ll IPEELL Plan and then start to write our advert for Florida, focussing first on the introduction and first main Point paragraphs using our senses to clearly describe the main attractions of Florida. See virtual lesson below: Science: Micro-organismsToday we’ll be carrying on learning about classifying species that we started in school before lockdown. Watch the video and study the attached slides on Microbes and complete worksheet as shown in video. See virtual lesson below: ThurDecimals as fractionsSee virtual lesson below: sure you take time each day to read from your own reading book. Activity: Choose a character from your book, a main character works well – create a mind map showing everything you know so far and can infer about that character.-11747575565 Writing the main Points and Conclusion of our travel brochure to advertise Florida. Today we’ll finish our Florida brochures, completing the main Point paragraphs of our work and making sure we include a conclusion which summarises our key points in a persuasive way. See virtual lesson below: Science: Yeast experimentFrom yesterday’s Science lesson- complete worksheet on microbes.Optional: Have a go at the Yeast Experiment as shown in yesterdays video. Instructions are included with the activity sheet. Write up your experiment on the sheet provided for writing up the experiment. As well as writing it up, feel free to photograph or video your experiment and findings. FriFractions to decimals.See virtual lesson below: Oak Academy: Reading for Pleasure the above Oak Academy lesson on Reading for Pleasure. Follow the activity to create a reading log of everything you have read in a 24 hour period. Can I use modal verbs to show degrees of certainty within a sentence? Use the above Oak Academy lesson to recap your knowledge on modal verbs which show degrees of possibility.Using a coloured pencil or highlighter, read your Florida Brochure extended write and highlight any modal verbs that you have used. Using the attached FriModals worksheet, write 3 sentences using modal verbs for show Probability, Ability, Advice and Permission. As always feel free to complete this digitally and email to us or write on paper and photograph and email to us. PHSE/PE:Healthy body workout lesson from Oak National Academy – get your trainers on! ................

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