
Topic CurriculumAUTUMN 1AUTUMN 2A place to liveA place to liveSpelling, handwriting and times tablesSpelling, handwriting and times tables3HistoryChanges in BritainEarly settlers in BritainStone Age to Iron AgeShropshire Hills Discovery Centre/ Village Early settlers in BritainStone Age to Iron AgeShropshire Hills Discovery Centre/ Village GeographyOur local areaLocal Map workVillage, town and cityLocal Map workVillage, town and cityScience RocksAnimals4HistoryBritain’s settlementRomans in BritainDEWARomans in BritainDEWAGeographyUK regionsUK map workSettlements in the UKUK map workSettlements in the UKScienceSolids, liquid and gasesAnimals and food chains5HistoryAncient GreeceLiving in Ancient GreeceGreek Visitor DayLife in Ancient GreeceGreek Visitor DayGeographyThe Mediterranean(European region)European regions countries and citiesMediterranean countriesEuropean regions countries and citiesMediterranean countriesScienceProperties & changes of materialsThe work of Aristotle – life cycles6HistoryMayan civilisationNew World explorers and settlersMayan civilisation/ AztecsCadbury WorldMayan civilisation/ AztecsCadbury WorldGeographyNorth and South AmericaRainforest (contrasting region)North and South America map workContrasting regionsNorth and South America map workContrasting regionsScienceEvolution & inheritanceLiving things & their habitatsYear 3HistoryGeographyScienceDTMusicArt PEMFLComputingRE/PSHEWeek 1Big picture planning/ Key questionsWeek 2 and 3F History Skill:I can analyse connections, contrasts and changes over time and develop use of historical termsStone Age (Mesolithic)I English/ Maths:I can write a non-chronological report on food and homes in Stone Age (Mesolithic)Trip to Shropshire HillsFollow up – What did we find out?I can compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. F Science Skill:I can make qualitative and comparative observations. English/Maths *Interpret data using bar charts, pictograms and tables. *Retrieve and record information. F DT Skill: Design: create design criteria (research, sketching)Science/Maths Link: enquiry skills (research)F Music Skill: Composing, melodies to given music based on Local area- Where we liveI Maths/ English Link: Writing about the local area to compose a song.F Art Skill: Learning about jewellery techniques/materialsArt History Skill: learning about Celtic jewelleryEnglish Link: Retrieving information (research)Celtic Jewellery/motifs/knotsF PE Skill: Traditional DancesSequencing dance movements.Math Link: TimeF MFL Skill:To follow simple instructionsF Computing Skill:I can follow sequences and basic commands.I can create my own commands to make something happen.Math Link: Measurement and direction. For more information and lesson plans visit our school website. RE Skill: How we are part of a Christian Community. PHSE Skill: The definition of trust and humility.English Link: Speaking and listening.Week 4 and 5F History Skill:I can analyse connections, contrasts and changes over time and develop use of historical termsStone Age (Neolithic)I English/ Maths:I can write a narrative story about a Neolithic hunterGeography Skill: Atlas skills – locate features in the local areaMaths: grid referencesI can describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within a rock. F Science Skill:I can use simple texts to find information. Maths Statistics F DT Skill: Enquiry – analysis.Science/Maths Link: Data analysis – graphing.F Art Skill: Design a piece of jewelleryI Art History Skill: Research history/symbolism behind Celtic knotsF MFL Skill: To learn a simple songRE Activity: Visit to our Church. :PHSE Skill: The definition of wisdom and endurance.English Link: Handwriting.Week 6 and 7F History Skill:I can analyse connections, contrasts and changes over time and develop use of historical termsBronze AgeI English/ Maths:I can draw and label a bronze Age hutGeography Skill: Compare and contrast two villagesEnglish: presenting information, reading comprehension I can recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. Science skill: I can make simple observations. Literacy skill: I can read and retrieve information from a text. F DT Skill: Design, develop ideas creating diagrams and patterns for a product.Science/Maths Link: investigating suitability of some materials and their properties. F Music Skill: Composing, melodies to given music based on Local area- Where we liveI Maths/ English Link:Elements poster - DynamicsF Art Skill: Make a piece of jewellery – clay moulding techniquesTA: Experimenting with Celtic motifs with natural paints (looking at Celtic body adornment)I Art History Skill: Retrieving information from non-fiction text (Celtic art)F MFL Skill:To understand questions about myselfRE Skill: How values teach us to respect each other. PHSE Skill: Definition of fellowship and service.English Link:Poetry -layout.Week 8 and 9F History Skill:I can analyse connections, contrasts and changes over time and develop use of historical termsIron AgeI English/ Maths:I can draw and label an Iron Age hillfortDescriptive writing about defending a hillfortGeography Skill: Fieldwork in the local area to observe, measure and record.Maths: data handling I can identify that animals need the right types and amount of nutrition. F Science Skill:I can give simple reasons to support my ideas. EnglishPresenting information Maths Measurements: comparing amounts.F DT Skill: Make. Construction. Selecting appropriate materials.Science/Maths Link: understanding properties of materials.F Music Skill:F Music Skill: Composing lyrics (from previous 3 weeks) to a given piece of music, exploring pitch and structure.I Maths/ English Link:Elements poster - TimbreF Art Skill: Make a piece of jewellery – clay moulding techniquesTA: Experimenting with Celtic motifs with natural paints (looking at Celtic body adornment)I Art History Skill: Retrieving information from non-fiction text (Celtic art)F MFL Skill:To count from 1-10RE Skill: What is Christmas? Identifying the messages of Christianity. PHSE Skill: Definition of Compassion and peace.English Link:Punctuation. Week 10 and 11F History Skill:I understand causes and consequences of changes over timeI English/ Maths:I can write a narrative story about life in the iron AgeGeography Skill: Mapwork – locate human and physical features in Shropshire.Maths: MeasuresI can identify that humans and some animals have skeletons. F Science Skill:I can use simple texts to find information. EnglishPresenting information Maths Measurements: comparing amounts.DT skill ; Evaluate. Reflect on effectiveness of own design criteria.F Music Skill: Composing lyrics (from previous 3 weeks to a given piece of music, exploring pitch and structure.I Maths/ English Link:Elements poster - StructureF Art Skill: Make a piece of jewellery – clay moulding techniquesTA: Experimenting with Celtic motifs with natural paints (looking at Celtic body adornment)I Art History Skill: Retrieving information from non-fiction text (Celtic art)F MFL Skill:To understand traditions in France for ChristmasRE Skill: What is Christmas? Identifying the messages of Christianity. PHSE Skill:Definition of hope and creativity. English Link:Dictionary / thesaurus. Year 4HistoryGeographyScience DTMusicArt PEMFLComputingRE/PSHEWeek 1Week 2 and 3Trip to Chester for Dewa ExperienceF History Skill:Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British historyTimeline of Roman EmpireI English/Maths:Ordering 4 digit numbers/dates on a timelineTrip to Chester (Dewa Experience)Geography Skill: Mapwork on UK – locate Roman towns Maths: grid referencesI can compare and group materials together according to whether they are solids liquids or gases. F Science Skill:I can record my observations in a chart or a table. EnglishPresenting information: using paragraphs Maths Statistics: interpret and present discrete and continuous data. F DT Skill: Design: create design criteria (research, sketching)Science/Maths Link: enquiry skills (research)F Music Skill: Exploration of pitch in the form of scales and modes, based on Roman theme. I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension, Roman music – Group research on how and why Romans used music- PosterF Art Skill: Learning about mosaics – techniques, materials, patternI Art History Skill: learning about Roman mosaicsEnglish Link: Retrieving information (research)F PE Skill:Maths Link: F PE Skill:Maths Link: F PE Skill:Maths Link: F PE Skill:Maths Link: F MFL Skill: To follow and give simple instructionsF Computing Skill:I can use graphical modelling software to create 3D models. Math Link: Scale factors and measurement. For more information and lesson plans visit our school website. :RE Skill: Bible Skills. English Link: ComprehensionPHSE Skill: The definition of trust and humility.English Link: Antonyms and synonyms.Week 4 and 5F History Skill:To discover facts about Roman roads and find out how and why they were builtI English/Maths:Reading comprehension skillsWriting a report on Roman technologyGeography Skill: Mapwork – location of Roman roadsMaths: MeasuresI can observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure the temperature.F Science Skill:I can measure temperature accurately I am beginning to consider likely outcomes while planning and investigation. English: Using heading and subheading to aid presentation. Maths Statistics: interpret and present discrete and continuous data. F DT Skill: Enquiry – analysis.Science/Maths Link: Data analysis – graphing.F Music Skill: Exploration of pitch in the form of scales and modes, based on Roman theme.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension, Roman music – Group research on how and why Romans used music- PosterF: Create a class mosaicTA: Printing to create mosaic style sceneI Literacy: Creative writing based on a mosaic scene – Roman mythsF MFL Skill:To recognise importance words in a songRE Skill: Understanding the messages in the bible. English Link: Comprehension. PHSE Skill: The definition of wisdom and endurance.English Link: Handwriting.Week 6 and 7F History Skill:Use research skills to find historical information about the Roman army and soldiersI English/Maths:Write creative narrative about life as a Roman soldierGeography Skill: Order of settlement – village, town, cityEnglish: presenting information, reading comprehension I can identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.Science skill: I can use ICT to find information. English: I can find and record information. F DT Skill: Design, develop ideas creating diagrams and patterns for a product.Science/Maths Link: investigating suitability of some materials and their properties.F Music Skill: Exploration of pitch in the form of scales and modes, based on Roman theme.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension, Roman music – Group research on how and why Romans used music- PosterF: Create a class mosaicTA: Printing to create mosaic style sceneI Literacy: Creative writing based on a mosaic scene – Roman myths F MFL Skill:To name some animalsRE Skill: How do we share the messages in the Bible. English Link: Presentation. PHSE Skill: Definition of fellowship and service.English Link:Poetry -layout.Week 8 and 9F History Skill:To look at the events of Boudicca’s rebellion from different perspectivesI English/Maths:Write a news report of Boudicca’s rebellionGeography Skill: Compare and contrast two locations (Chester/Telford)English: presenting information, reading comprehensionI can describe the simple functions of the digestive system in humans. F Science Skill:I can use ICT to find information. English:I can retrieve and recall information from a range of sourcesMaths: Number and place value. F DT Skill: Make. Construction. Selecting appropriate materials.Science/Maths Link: understanding properties of materials.F Music Skill: Composing music using Roman and Greek mode (4 notes) – monophonic.I Maths/ English Link: Roman numerals – Maths Activity.F: Create a class mosaicTA: Printing to create mosaic style sceneI Literacy: Creative writing based on a mosaic scene – Roman myths F MFL Skill:To read and write a simple sentence about animalsRE Skill: What is Christmas? PHSE Skill: Definition of Compassion and peace.English Link:Punctuation. Week 10 and 11F History SkillConstruct informed responses from organising historical informationRoman Gods gameI Maths:Roman numerals activityGeography Skill:Research of a location – how it has changed over time? English: presenting information, reading comprehensionI can construct and interpret a variety of food chains. F Science Skill:I can decide how to find answers. English:I can retrieve and recall information from a range of sourcesMaths: Interpret and present describe and continuous data.DT skill ; Evaluate. Reflect on effectiveness of own design criteria.Christmas Production. F: Create a class mosaicTA: Printing to create mosaic style sceneI Literacy: Creative writing based on a mosaic scene – Roman mythsTo understand traditions in France for ChristmasRE Skill: What is Christmas? PHSE Skill:Definition of hope and creativity. English Link:Dictionary / thesaurus. Year 5HistoryGeographyScienceDTMusicArt PEMFLComputingRE/PSHEWeek 1Week 2 and 3F History Skill:Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of the Ancient Greek timelineI English/Maths:Maths -ordering 4digit dates on Greek timelineGeography Skill: Atlas skills - mapwork on EuropeMaths: grid referencesI can compare and group together everyday materials based on their properties. F Science Skill:I can record my observations and measurement in a table. EnglishI can recall and retrieve information. Maths Statistics: Complete and read and interpret information in tables. F DT Skill: Design: create design criteria (research, sketching)Science/Maths Link: enquiry skills (research)F Music Skill: Notes in a diatonic scale – how and why the notes are chosen – linked to Greek topic, creating a mode. Composing using the mode of given music.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension- Greek music, Maths Greek multiplication.F Art Skill: Exploring vases and containers - materials, components, shapes, decorative patternsI Art History Skill: Focus on history of Greek vases F PE Skill: Country Dancing inc May Pole.Maths Link: pattern and shape. F MFL Skill:To follow someone else’s conversationF Computing Skill:Using code.I can use simple code and commands to create a game. I can use rules to create a game. We will be using Hopscotch. For more information and lesson plans visit our school website. RE Skill: Rites of Passage (led by Rvd. Paula) PHSE Skill: The definition of trust and humility.English Link: Antonyms and synonyms.Week 4 and 5F History Skill:Use a range of sources to find out about a past event – the Ancient OlympicsI English/Maths:Use research to creatively write an Olympic diaryGeography Skill: Countries of the Olympics Maths: data handling, measuresI can use knowledge of solids liquid and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated. F Science Skill:I can plan a fair test.I can come up with ideas that can be investigated. English:Using further organisational and presentational devices to structure text. Maths: Presenting information on a table. F DT Skill: Enquiry – analysis.Science/Maths Link: Data analysis – graphing.F Music Skill: Notes in a diatonic scale – how and why the notes are chosen – linked to Greek topic, creating a mode. Composing using the mode of given music.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension- Greek music, Maths Greek multiplicationF: Experimenting with shapes using modelling materials. Children choose a final design for their vase. TA: Literacy - Planning a story based around the scene on the vase. I: Designing the scene on the vase –looking at Greek mythology.F MFL Skill: I can recognise important words in a story.RE: What is Baptism? PHSE Skill: The definition of wisdom and endurance.English Link: Handwriting.Week 6 and 7F History Skill:Make connections and contrasts to analyse an historic event – the Battle of MarathonI English/Maths:News report of the Battle of MarathonGeography Skill: Mapwork of Ancient GreeceMaths: measures F DT Skill: Design, develop ideas creating diagrams and patterns (nets).Science/Maths Link: 3D shapes – nets.F Music Skill: Notes in a diatonic scale – how and why the notes are chosen – linked to Greek topic, creating a mode. Composing using the mode of given music.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension- Greek music, Maths Greek multiplication.F Art Skill: Make their vase. TA/I: Literacy – Write short story using plans from previous lesson.F MFL Skill:I can name and describe some animalsRE: What is confirmation?English Link:PHSE Skill: Definition of fellowship and service.English Link:Poetry -layout.Week 8 and 9F History Skill:To research sources to find out about Greek gods and goddessesI English/Maths:To plan our own Greek mythGeography Skill: Compare and contrast two locations English: presenting information, reading comprehension I can describe the changes as humans develop to old age. F Science Skill:I can use a range of skills to make observations and answer questions. English:Explain and discuss understanding of what they have read. Maths:Statistics: Solve problems.F DT Skill: Make. Construction. Selecting appropriate materials.Science/Maths Link: understanding properties of materials.F Music Skill: Performance of melodies using the diatonic scale to fit over a given piece of music.I Maths/ English Link: What have we learnt about Greek music poster.F Art Skill: Make their vase. TA/I: Literacy – Write short story using plans from previous lesson.F MFL Skill:To recognise and count numbers up to 50.RE: What is Christmas? English Link:PHSE Skill: Definition of Compassion and peace.English Link:Punctuation. Week 10 and 11F History skillTo explain the political system of Ancient Greece and compare to other systemsI English Write a report on life in Ancient GreeceGeography Skill:Climate of GreeceMaths: data handlingI can describe the changes as humans develop to old age. F Science Skill:I can use a range of skills to make observations and answer questions. English:Explain and discuss understanding of what they have read. Maths:Statistics: Solve problems.DT skill ; Evaluate. Reflect on effectiveness of own design criteria.Art Skill: Decorate vase using story design. Evaluate final piece – self/peer assessment.F MFL Skill: To extend learning of traditions in France for ChristmasRE: What is Christmas. English Link:PHSE Skill:Definition of hope and creativity. English Link:Dictionary / thesaurus. Year 6HistoryGeographyScienceDTMusicArt PEMFLComputingRE/PSHEWeek 1Week 2 and 3F History Skill:To develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of world historyMayan timelineI English/Maths:Maths- ordering 4 figure dates on a timelineCalculating time differencesTrip to Cadburys World Geography Skill: Atlas work – N. & S. AmericaMaths: grid referencesI can recognise that living things have changed over time. F Science Skill:I can select from a range of resources if information and explain why it is appropriate. English:Discuss their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context.Maths:Measurement: solve problems, converting units of measure. F DT Skill: Design: create design criteria (research, sketching)Science/Maths Link: enquiry skills (research)F Music Skill: Pitch and duration, using the ocarina to play 2/3/4 chord song.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension- Mayan music. Mayan maths using symbols.F Art Skill: Exploring the art of the Mayans – different mediums, materials, techniquesI Art History Skill: Research history/meaning behind Mayan art/symbolsF PE Skill: Line Dancing. Body control, composition and Maths Link: Pattern/shape, timing and multiplication. F MFL Skill:To follow someone else’s conversation.F Computing Skill: HTML and Website design. I can use code to create a website. For more information and lesson plans visit our school website. Math Link: AlgebraRE: What are the 5 pillars of Islam?PHSE Skill: The definition of trust and humility.English Link: Antonyms and synonyms.Week 4 and 5F History Skill:Construct informed responses to historical evidence about Mayan buildingsI English/Maths:Writing descriptive writing on Mayan settingsGeography Skill: Yucatan Peninsula mapwork English: presenting information, reading comprehensionI can Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment and that adaptation may lead to evolution. F Science Skill:I can make a series of observations and comparisons. English:Retrieve and record information from non-fiction books. Maths:Interpret pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems. F DT Skill: Enquiry – analysis.Science/Maths Link: Data analysis – graphing.F Music Skill: Pitch and duration, using the ocarina to play 2/3/4 chord song.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension- Mayan music. Mayan maths using symbols.F Art Skill: Designing Aztec patterns/motifsI/TA: Literacy - Story planningF MFL Skill:I can recognise important words in a story.RE: What do the 5 pillars of Islam teach its followers?PHSE Skill: The definition of wisdom and endurance.English Link: Handwriting.Week 6 and 7F History Skill:To learn and describe about how Mayan people lived in the pastI English/Maths:Writing a Mayan diaryGeography Skill: Rainforests - biomes/vegetation/climate Maths: Data handlingI can identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system. F Science Skill:I can use a range of skills to make observations and answer questions. English:Read and discuss a range of non-fiction books. Maths:F DT Skill: Design, develop ideas creating diagrams and patterns (nets).Science/Maths Link: 3D shapes – nets.F Music Skill: Pitch and duration, using the ocarina to play 2/3/4 chord song.I Maths/ English Link: Reading Comprehension- Mayan music. Mayan maths using symbols.:F: Class tribal textile projectI: Writing a story using Mayan symbolsTA: Creating Mayan masks F MFL Skill:I can name and describe some animalsRE: How do the 5 pillars help its followers lead their lives?PHSE Skill: Definition of fellowship and service.English Link:Poetry -layout.Week 8 and 9F History Skill:To make connections and contrasts using the Mayan number systemI English/Maths:Maths to represent numbers in different ways and use Mayan numbers to calculateGeography Skill: Rainforests - biomes/vegetation - cocoaMaths: NumberI can recognise the ways in which nutrition and water are transported within animals. F Science Skill:I can use a range of skills to make observations and answer questions. English:Retrieve and record information from non-fiction books.Maths:Calculate and interpret the mean as an average. F DT Skill: Make. Construction. Selecting appropriate materials.Science/Maths Link: understanding properties of materials.F Music Skill: Performance of song on Ocarina with appraisal.I Maths/ English Link: Mayan maths symbol bingo.F: Class tribal textile projectI: Writing a story using Mayan symbolsTA: Creating Mayan masks F MFL Skill:To recognise and count numbers up to 50.RE: Sharing the messages behind the 5 pillars. PHSE Skill: Definition of Compassion and peace.English Link:Punctuation. Week 10 and 11F History skill to interpret a range of sources and organise historical informationI EnglishTo write for purpose and audienceTourist leaflet to Chichen ItzaGeography Skill:Fact file of MexicoMaths: presenting information, research skills.DT skill ; evaluate. Reflect on effectiveness of own design criteria.F: Class tribal textile projectI: Writing a story using Mayan symbolsTA: Creating Mayan masksF MFL Skill: To extend learning of traditions in France for ChristmasPHSE Skill:Definition of hope and creativity. English Link:Dictionary / thesaurus. ................

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