
“Prometheus and the First People” Greek myth retold by Olivia Coolidge

Vocabulary Word Lists

Study these words from “Prometheus and the First People.”

Word List A

accordingly [uh KAWR ding lee] adv. as a result

We had read all about France, and, accordingly, we enjoyed our

trip more.

afloat [uh FLOHT] adv. floating on water

The toy boat stayed afloat in the pond.

bramble [BRAM buhl] n. bush or shrub that has thorns and may grow berries

I was scratched by thorns when we walked too close to the bramble bushes.

conceived [kun SEEVD] v. formed an idea

The inventor conceived of a machine to automatically uproot weeds.

countless [KOWNT lis] adj. very many

Since I spent countless hours studying for the exam, I did very well.

excellence [EK suh lens] n. quality of being especially good or skillful

The top student won the award for excellence in social studies.

lofty [LAWF tee] adj. high

The lofty tower rose high above the neighboring buildings.

talons [TAL uhnz] n. sharp, curved nails on the feet of some birds that hunt

The hawk’s talons ripped into its prey, tearing the small animal apart.

Word List B

cruelty [KROO uhl tee] n. act of deliberately causing pain to others

Teenagers can be capable of great cruelty when it comes to teasing.

deceit [di SEET] n. trickery

The wicked queen used disguise and deceit to trick Snow White.

garland [GAHR luhnd] n. ring of flowers or leaves, sometimes worn like a crown

Each flower girl wore a garland of flowers at the wedding.

makeshift [MAYK shift] adj. crude and temporary

We made a makeshift desk by placing a door on two file cabinets.

reverence [REV rens] n. respect and admiration

She bowed with deep reverence as she prayed for her ancestors’ souls.

scorched [SKAWRCHT] v. burned on the surface

The delicate ferns were scorched after being exposed to direct sunlight.

sensitive [SEN suh tiv] adj. easily affected, hurt, or damaged

After my ear operation, I was especially sensitive to loud noises.

treachery [TRECH er ee] n. disloyal and dangerous actions

The treachery of a single spy can do more damage than a military defeat.


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