Stage 13 Vocabulary List

Stage 13 Vocabulary List


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|advenio, advenīre, adveni, adventus |to arrive | |

|canto, cantāre, cantavi, cantatus |to sing | |

|decido, decidere, decidi, decissus |to fall down | |

|dico, dicere, dixi, dictus |to say | |

|excito, excitāre, excitavi, excitatus |to arouse, wake up | |

|interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus |to kill | |

|nolo, nolle, nolui |to refuse, not want | |

|numero, numerāre, numeravi, numeratus |to count | |

|possum, posse, potui |to be able to, can | |

|retineo, retinēre, retinui, retentus |to retain, keep | |

|ruo, ruere, rui |to rush | |

|sum, esse, fui, futurus |to be | |

|traho, trahere, traxi, tractus |to drag | |

|volo, velle, volui |to want | |

|vulnero, vulnerāre, vulneravi, vulneratus |to wound | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|aedificium, aedificii (n) |building | |

|coniuratio, coniurationis (m) |plot, conspiracy | |

|custos, custodis (m) |guard | |

|horreum, horrei (n) |barn | |

|ordo, ordinis (m) |row, line | |

|vita, vitae (f) |life | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|sē |himself, herself, themselves | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|aeger, aegra, aegrum |sick, ill | |

|alter, altera, alterum |the other, the second | |

|ceteri, ceterae, cetera |the others, the rest | |

|fessus, fessa, fessum |tired | |

|novus, nova, novum |new | |

|nullus, nulla, nullum |not any, no | |


|Latin Word |English Definition |Derivatives |

|ita vero |yes | |


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