Mr. Eddlem - U.S. History I

Street Law – Practice Test -- Chapter 1

1 Vocabulary


criminal law

civil law




preponderance of the evidence

beyond a reasonable doubt



separation of powers


case law


checks and balances

judicial review

Bill of Rights (English and U.S.)

Petition of Right (British)

Magna Carta (British)

Common law

Human rights/individual rights




checks and balances

Name: ________________________ Period: ________ Mr. Eddlem

Street Law – Practice Test -- Chapter 1

1. The study of the law and legal philosophy is called ________________, and in English-speaking systems this is a study of the __________ law.

2. There are two paths in the American legal system. The first involves ________________, which involves the “people” in the form of the government charging a person with a crime. In that case, the government representative, usually an assistant district attorney serves as the _____________________ in the legal case. The party being charged with a crime is called the _________________. In a criminal case, the jury can only find the person being charged is guilty “_______________________________.”

3. Non-criminal cases, such as two private individuals suing each other, are _______________ cases. Those cases are decided by juries upon this evidence standard: ______________________________.

4. Serious criminal cases are called felonies, which involve maximum penalties of _______________, while less serious crimes are called ____________________ and involve lesser maximum penalties.

5. America adopted the British legal system called ___________________, and the U.S. Constitution established a hierarchy of laws. The highest law in the land is _________________________, followed by laws enacted by Congress called __________________. The lowest form of laws, those which aren't really laws at all are executive branch decisions about how to apply laws called ___________________ and how judges apply the laws in individual cases called _______________. If judges find a congressional law conflicts with the constitution, they declare the law __________________.

6. The American legal system is based upon limited government, and a complex strategy of preventing a monopoly of power in the hand of the government. The enactment of three separate branches of government is called __________________________. The Constitution also reserves most powers to the states, which is callled ____________________. Finally, some powers are denied to government altogether, based upon the idea of __________________________ enshrined in the U.S. Bill of Rights, which is ___________________________________________________.

7. Judges who decide cases of congressionally-enacted laws against the standard of the U.S. Constitution are engaging in what's called _____________________.

II. Short essay questions (answer in about 5 complete sentences)

Give reasons for the law listed in the book, and give a practical example of a law enacted for each reason.

List the goals of the law, and give a practical example of a law that represents each goal.


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