French English Chess Vocabulary

French English Chess Vocabulary

|Aile Dame |Queen side of the board |

|Aile Roi |King side |

|Échec à la découverte |Discovered check |

|Échecs |chess |

|En passant |En passant |

|La dame |the queen (Not your normal French word for queen) |

|La position répétée |Draw by Repetition; Threefold repetition |

|La prise |Capturing |

|La règle des 50 coups |The 50 move rule (If neither plyer captures a piece or moves a pawn for 50 moves, a draw is called.) |

|La tour |the tower or rook |

|Le cavalier |the knight |

|Le clouage |Pinning |

|Le fou |the bishop (more literally the jester) |

|Le grand roque |Queen side castling (0-0-0) |

|Le match nul |Draw |

|Le pat |Stalemate |

|Le petit roque |King side castling (0-0) |

|Le pion |pawn |

|Le pion doublé |Doubled pawn (2 pawns in one row) |

|Le pion passé |Passed pawn (Pawn that has a clear way to the other side of the board.) |

|Le planche |the board |

|Le roi |the king |

|Le roque |Castling |

|Le tournoi |tournament |

|L'échec |Check |

|L'échec double |Double check |

|L'échec et mat |Checkmate |

|L'échec perpétuel |Perpetual check |

|L'échiquier |chess board (but sometimes kids just call it le planche) |

|Mat aux épaulettes |A check withyour own pieces standing by your side. |

|Mat du berger |Scholar's mate |

|Mat du sot |Fool's mate |

|Mat étouffé |Smothered mate |

|Pomotion du pion |Pawn promotion |


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