Japanese Teaching Ideas - HOME

なまえ:_______________かぞくPART 1Complete the hiragana words below by filling in the missing characters on the blank lines. The first one has been done as an example.EG.おとうとさんLittle brother_ か _ _ んMotherお _ い さ _Grandad_ _ あ さ んGrandmaお ね _ _ _Big _________い _ う_ さ ん_______ sisterお _ う _ _Father_ に _ さ んBig ____Unscramble the following words and work out what family member they are supposed to be. The first one is done as an example.SCRAMBLEDUNSCRAMBLEDENGLISHじおさんいおじいさんGrandadんにさいおあかんさおおさんあばとんとおさうえおんさねんさうとおChallenge!Kanji PracticeUsing a lead pencil/pacer, write the kanji symbol in the smaller boxes. Try saying the word for family in your mind as you write each symbol. Trace the symbols to practice.Familyかぞく ー Ka zo ku家族家族家族かぞくPART 2Complete the table below by filling in the missing words in the blank boxes. The first one has been done as an example.ひらがなROMAJIENGLISHははHAHAYOUR OWN MOTHERSOFUおとうとYOUR OWN GRANDMOTHERちちKAZOKUいもうとWrite a sentence describing how many people in each of the following groups.386715012319000-762004572000024447500Challenge!Kanji PracticeUsing a lead pencil/pacer, write the kanji symbol in the smaller boxes. Try saying the word for person in your mind as you write each symbol. Trace the symbols to practice.Person nin - にん人人人人人かぞくPART 3Match the image to the correct adjective.こわいうつくしいかっこいかしこいかわいいうるさいUsing the sentence pattern from class (and in the booklet you completed), write the following sentences into Japanese. Then, read the Japanese sentences and write their meaning in English.My mum is cheerful.My dad is scary.My little sister is cute.そぼはおかしいです。そふはうるさいです。おとうとはかっこいです。Challenge!Kanji PracticeUsing a lead pencil/pacer, write the kanji symbol in the smaller boxes. Try saying the word for your mother in your mind as you write each symbol. Trace the symbols to practice.Your Own Motherはは ha ha母母母母母 ................

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