DUE DATE: February 8, 2006

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: This miniproject is designed to help you understand what individuals such as students/athletes perceive as enjoyable about a particular activity such as a class that you teach or a team you might coach. The specific steps you must complete in this miniproject include:

STEP 1 -- Interview 4 individuals about their perceived sources of enjoyment and video or audiotape their responses. Try to select individuals who have as much experiences with the activity as possible because the quality of interviews normally increases with experience.

STEP 2 -- Make sure your sample differs on at least one independent variable (i.e., age, experience, gender, sport-type, ability, etc.) Thus, you could compare two males with two females, two collegiate athletes to two high school athletes, two bikers to two runners, two elite to two mediocre triathletes.

STEP 3 -- Remind individuals that these sources of enjoyment should cover all aspects of the activity. For example, students/athletes should remember that these sources of enjoyment include every aspect of their experience with the activity (i.e., entire academic or competitive experience), not just performance on tests or in games. Thus, they would consider such experiences as homework/lessons, daily classes/practices, tests/competitions, and interactions with others during classes/practices and tests/games.

STEP 4 -- Define enjoyment as the positive feelings or emotions that your could have had about the activity of interest (e.g., academic/competitive experiences) such as pleasure, fun, liking or loving the experience.


STEP 5 -- Ask the individual the following question, Thinking back over the various aspects of your experience in this activity, what do you remember being the major causes or sources of enjoyment of that experience? Following their response, keep probing with What else caused your enjoyment? until they have given you all their sources.

STEP 6 -- If you do not fully comprehend what the individual has said, use a clarification probe such as I’m not sure I understand exactly what you mean? Would you please go over that again?

STEP 7 -- After individuals discuss all their sources of enjoyment, use elaboration probes to obtain the complete, in-depth understanding of their meaning concerning each source. Elaboration probes include: (a) What was it about _____________ (e.g., specific source such as exercising with friends) that made it a source of enjoyment for you? or (b) What did __________ (e.g., specific source such as exercising with friends) mean to you that made it so enjoyable? You should use at least 1 elaboration probe for each enjoyment source.

STEP 8 -- Write out the major quotes for each type of source of enjoyment from all four of your interviewees. Next group quotes into the major enjoyment categories defined by Scanlan, Stein & Ravizza (1989). If you have any other sources, try to develop new categories or subcategories that would fit them.





1. Social & Life Opportunities 92%

1.1 Friendship opportunities through sport 65%

1.2 Opportunities afforded going to competitions & touring 54%

1.3 Family/coach relationships 35%

2. Perceived Competence 88%

2.1 Mastery 65%

2.2 Competitive achievement 58%

2.3 Performance achievement 46%

2.4 Demonstration of athletic ability 8%

3. Social Recognition of Competence 81%

3.1 Achievement recognition 58%

3.2 Performance recognition 58%

4. Act of Sport Movement 65%

4.1 Movement & sensations of sport 38%

4.2 Self-expression/creativity 31%

4.3 Athleticism of sport 19%

4.4 Flow/Peak experiences 19%

5. Special Cases 50%

5.1 Sense of specialness 31%

5.2 Coping through sport 23%


(a) Include a copy of your audiotape of the 4 individuals you interviewed.

(b) Provide a copy of all major quotes grouped under the appropriate Sources of Enjoyment headings (Scanlan et al., 1989).

(c) React of the following issues: Were you surprised by any of the sources of enjoyment that were important to the individuals you interviewed? Were you surprised by any of the sources of enjoyment that were NOT important to the individuals you interviewed? If so, what sources surprised you?

(d) Are there any differences between the sources of enjoyment based on your independent variable(s) (e.g., gender, level of perceived ability, activity, etc.)? If so, describe these differences?

(e) What strategies could you use as a teacher, coach or program leader to provide more enjoyment to individuals of different ability levels? Explain the rationale behind each strategy.


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