Unisa Study Notes

 WHAT- FREEDOM?Not forced,expression- whole human experience>emotionsNot someone/ society messing – head.?HumanHomo sapiens> “Thinking man”Excessive individualismHuman right> something human claim according > accepted standard morality.Analysing statements> Think clearly + precisely= major task in philosophy.PLATO> 1st philosopher think clearlyGreece 428-347BCWhat- truth?, What goodness?, what- justice?EMPIRICISM> Focus searching objective truthKnowledge based, experience ourselves= “experience-ism”- 5 senses.Know something experience through senses/ check scientifically.Origins British+ American philosophy.Helps us> Understand how physical world operates, Test truth, Refute- false, Respect natural laws, learn- experience.X Too much emphasis- science, ignores values, humans= machines, ignores anything not scientifically explained, confines truth. Linguistic Analysis> find exact meaning – words/ sentence+ symbolsMust be true> statements – 2 categories:Mathematical statement‘Is”/ “Is not”- must be true / false by definition.Helps us> Think clearly, Spot hidden assumptions- arguments, be precise- mean, aware dishonesty + manipulation.X Moral problems, Life choices, Facing morality, suffering.20 Century= Ludwig Writgenstein + Bertrand Russel ( 1872- 1970) – All philosophical problems solved- linguistic bases exposed.2 Brittish philosophers= Bertrand Russel+ Aj Ager (1910- 1989) focus 3 things:LogicLinguistic meaningVerifiable factsLogic symbolism + argument> Basic structure- truth, sentences tells facts.CRITICAL RATIONALISM> ?/ scientific rationalismFocus avoiding falsityAre we sure we’re right?Tool- classification types false argument.=Method enquiry in philosophy encourages questioningGreece> Socrates 470 – 399 BC, challenge existing beliefs+ ideasOpen mindness, antidogmatic+ anti authoritarian Essential future + true democracyAim- don’t believe false things, be objective.Problems- Values> morals not the same as scienceHelps us ?authority tells us, open- others, examine own options, more tolerant+ understanding, solve problems.X Quick decisions, find meaning- life, deal dishonest people, feel secure, suffering. Types of false argument:Name- calling> attacking person and not the persons opinion= “ Fallacy of the ad hominem argument”False cause effect> claiming action has an effect.Falsely representing opinion to discredit it> straw man argumentAppeal to emotion> fearFalse argument> popularityToday 3 examples abusive behaviour:Climategate> scientists manipulated + distorted weather data- prove 20th century earth heat up = human activity (carbon emissions)The paedophilia scandal in roman catholic church (RCC)> Church authorities covered up priests molesting young boys.The financial crisis 2007-2008> After 9/11 2001, banks allowed people take loans 1% interest rate> people unable to pay back= bank write money off.EXISTENTIALISM> Asks ? meaning life ( existence- ism)Michel Foucault> French philosopher 1984All institutions distorts life+ destroys innocence- human soulHuman beings essentially free + uninformed.Modern life dominated institutions> rules + regulations “ Are you yourself”Helps us> ? peoples ideas + values, more open- ourselves, trust instincts, spot fakes, enjoy life.XToo trusting, Confusing, lead- despair, helpless+ angry, disruptive.Nihilists> People believe life –no meaning, no soul479425198120479425198120Opposite- existentialism, philosophy of nothing.Black existentialism= Universe against black folkColonialism- Africa> framework > cultural, scientific+ economic life.AFRICAN PHILOSOPHY>Main thing= a response to problems+ troubles in Africa and the domination of western thought.Ethnic, moral, political, wisdom philosophy.Pharoahs, Greeks + Romans expansions north Africa.St Augustine- western Christ church> belief original sin, salvation in Christ and church+ establishing God’s kingdom on earth.Moses the blackMid 20th century, post colonialism> African scholars developed social + economical philosophies, rejected capitalism and created socialism.Writtn philosophy roots- South sahara= anti coloanial struggle and challanges of post colonial reconstructionsAsks questions: > How understand universe, Who+ what is God?Who is my neighbourWhat is my duty- communityHow’s my community governed+ led?Community= centre life, shares features> buddist ideasHuman community= vast, ever expanding> spiritual, pshychological, biological,emotional relations, includes unborn, living spirits- death, earth, mountains & sky.Methods of enquiry _13049251047751304925104775ETHNIC PHILOSOPHY> Philosophy of Africa, religious + moral beliefs continent AfricaPeoples view – life.Africa’s ability- criticise own traditionsLooks at whole experience- humans= philosophy= holistic.SAGE (WISDOM PHILOSOPHY)>Focus- individuals- society> wise + far sighted + think critically, views challenge authority= communities decision.Social critics + innovators.POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY> UniqueMust be peculiary Africa political philosophyEg:Kwame NkrumahJulius NyerePURE PHILOSOPHY> Done by African philosophersAreas:EmpericismExistentialismCritical RationalismEg:Kwazi Wiredu, Peter BondunrinUBUNTUISM> Human happiness+ well being, “ humanity”Full version= “ Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu”= human being= human being through other human beings. I am because you are.Avoids materialism- western world.Recognises human self exists+ develops relationships.Caring, sharing, forgiveness, mitment to peaceful co- existence.Helps us> Build communities, humble, understand ourselves, appreciate mistery, re-examine need tradition human life.X Challenge power struggles, accept woman = men, not encourage critical thinking, ignore needs- individual person, cruel superstitious practices.? SYSTEM> Political, social, economical system all caught in.Helps us> choose religion, read whatever, decide how spend leisure time etc.X Working every day, supermarkets etc.CAPITALIST SYSTEM> / CAPITALISM “gambling machine- poor lose.”NY stock exchange influence global economy.Weather influences global food production.SYSTEM THEORY> enquire about nature systems + effects.Sees as whole, keep objective system in mind.Approach any problem by asking= Where system fit in the total Environment, what components- system fit together.? Systm work, what prevents efficiency.? Goal of system.Ludwig von Brtalanffy- biologist= living organisms studied whole- not split up= everything he studied- system> tru understanding.>helps us understand what makes us humanENNEAGRAM> forms primal + eastern mystiasism>invention= Oscar Khaze- born Bolivia, established 1960’s, aim> self realisation + transformation of human consciousness.430466550482543046655048253735705504825373570550482537357055048253735705504825>traceable work- Pythagoras.3992245520703992245520703735705286385373570528638537357055207037357055207045942255207045942255207045942252863854594225286385401447052070401447052070>Main concept= personalities= distortions.37357052082803735705208280>9 MAIN WAYS HUMAN- ALIENATED:Chazo’s enneagram= systematic explanation> social, economic + cultural systems, echoes African philosophy.TYPE 1> THE REFORMER – Driven by anger.Lost original serenity> systm born in> violated integrity.Permanently dissatisfiedWork hard improve themselvesRemembers time where everything was as it should be.“Why – wrong- world?”, “ wasn’t always like this”, “ Doesn’t have to be this way”.Injustice> take on systemBrave.TYPE 2> HELPER Focus-other peopleSystem= feel not loveable people.Driven- prideCynical manipulators.TYPE 3> MOVIE STAR –Models+ filmstarsMost rewarded+ encouragedSurvival= impressLeast real- most aggressiveDriven- vanityBorn into world of lies.TYPE 4> INDIVIDUALIST System robbed them> authenticity, feel lossDriven- envySad, depressed peopleArtisticTYPE 5> SCIENTISTFind system born in frighteningHelpless+ afraid “won’t make it”Driven- greedGrab knowledgeTYPE 6> LOCAL SUPPORTERLost faith in system early in lilfeDriven- fearBackground- anxiety= organise+ systemise environment> predictable + less threatening.TYPE 7> PLASURE SEEKERCope- painful experiences inflicted by system.Loss parents, physical pain, trauma, hunger- poverty.Believe world- wonderful things> grab as manyAvoid pain> on the runEmpty people- seek externals fill themCapitalist system.TYPE 8> ACHIEVERLose innocence early in lifeBorn into ruthless+ uncaring systemGet back> systemDriven- addiction power, energetic+ domineering.People vision, get things done.TYPE -> PEACEMAKERTo survive system be invisibleDriven> lazinessHarmonyProblem avoiders, things will sort themselves outHate violence.CRITICAL THEORY> Method enquiry in philosophy> questions existing social, political, economic systems, Marxism, Influence way we think.CHANGING- SYSTMOrigins German philosophy 1930’s (Nazism)Any form power struggle= dangerous+ destructiveFamous version= Marxism> abolish inequalities> social + wealth.Form of social criticism.Influence philosophies + ideologies: Marxism, Feminism, Black rights movements, Postmodernist thinking, Socialism.Eg: Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Karl Marx, Gautama Buddha.Help us> assss power, identify power + weaknesses, re-examine priorities, re-assess lives.X Fanatical, too simplistic, may lead to despair and violence, ignore human emotions+ desires, grim philosophy.FEMINISM> Women denied basic human rights, men unworthy leaders> acts war,violence,abuse power relationshipsWomen= stability, harmony, culture.>Group philosophies, women- different cultures+ societies = own feminism.African Feminism> Western gender + white male domination – Africa, described as political, pragmatic. Reflexive, group orientated/ sisterhood.British+ American Feminism> 1st + 2nd wave, 1848 in Seneca Falls NY, Lucreria Mott+ Elizabeth Lady Stanton> women – no vote, law run men> divorce, marriage, child custody.1st wave> Right to vote + equal before lawEuropean Feminism> Marxist + existentialistIslamic Feminism> place – women in Islam + moral & spiritual equality to men.All focus on: Sexual stereotypingCreating bigger place- women in worldRejecting view women inferior to men.Since 1990 SA reconstruction> non racist, non sexist? men oppress women> religious + cultural beliefs> women subordinate – men in society and community, Survival instincts> consciously and unconsciously control over other people.Links to> Critical rationalism (? Tradition), Critical theory> challenges power, Empiricism> look- reality objectively.ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM/ PATRIACHAL FUNDAMENTALISM>System fanaticism> Spread militarists, recent political control> society/ country. System based ageing despotic political dispensations + extreme poverty.Universe create + ruled male god> men created in his image, rest = non divine> class animals(women).Feminist Christian theology> 1970, ? male God, worship malness instead of invisible essentially unknowable God.PHENOMENOLOGY>Whats going on inside usWho we areHow we relate- worldEncourages us wonder anew.Dalai lamaClaims> humans + world interact whole tome= influencing each other. “ I am in the world and the world is in me”, connect real world> trees, flowers etc + human made thingsCareful other people not rule us.Categories: > Phenomenology (?- I) >Social Phenomenology (?- my community) >Cosmic Phenomenology (place- universe)Dangerous thing = FALSITY> individual pretence+ social falsityHelp us: Examine lives closely, reject false values, slow down, less stressfull, resist demands + expectations, find happinessX Accept social evil, mental confusion, morally demanding, not problem solving philosophy, too uncritical.Antropology>Study – humans, origins, society, religions, institutions, customs.SYMBOLS>Method of enquiry= HERMENEUTICS> Greek interpretation, similar to existentialismHow do we discover/ create meaning> how understand+ interpret symbols in world..Emphasises- nb listening + observingLife experience influence way understand world.Importance- dialoge and understanding issueAnti authoritarian+ encourage create own meaning + understandingToday Hermneutics ignored> science, technology, consumerism.Focuses literature, art, film poetry, music, craftCarl Jung.Wassily Kandinsky> brought art (colours) + numbers together 1962Mandala> Diagram focus + guide- meditation, represents universe pictorially.Einstein> E= MC2(energy= mass, speed)Helps us> creates meaning, discover abilities, resist scientific arrogance, understand each other clearly.X Define problems, overcome injustice, decisive+ take action, more logical.Jean Baudrillard> French philosopher, symbols- consumer, western approach> shopping mall + Disneyland.Ken Wilber, born 1949> most influential thinkers. Entire universe “Kosmos”, human beings + human endeavour= HOLONSHOLONS> Anything can give name to, Help rethink our world> connects all philosophy, cultures, all human symbolism.-122553190500-1225531905004 DRIVES: Agency, Communion, Dissolution, Transcendence. “I” , Interior individual,“IT”, Exterior individual, behavioral27768551847852776855184785Intentional13049252895601304925289560“WE” “ITS” Exterior collective, social systemsInterior collectiveCulturalHolons> 2 basic forces>> Agency + communion (DRIVE 1- horizontal forces ) & Dissolution + transcendence (DRIVE 2- vertical forces)Phenomenology + existentialism ignores exterior world, objects Uupper- right) + society (lower right) undervalue cultural realm (lower left)Empiricism ignores> (left hand) interior, dismiss lower right- politicalHermeneutics ignores> right exterior, underplays role individual (upper left)System theory ignores> left hand interior, underplays upper right.Wilbers truth> problem – world view = All partial> possess best test of truth>>27209752635252720975263525PhenomenologyEmpericismTruth test: inner state consciousnessTruth test: Go take a look.-33654252730-33654252730HermeneuticsSystems theoryTruth: ommon cultural/ Social agreementTruth: Does is function?? Truth= accurate representation external reality? Truthfullness= About relationships, starting relationship to ourselves. (Authenticity/ integrity), In community> Justic + peace, but ignored= Exterior world, communities controlled powerful people> democracies + dictatorships, western culture, global financial crisis. POST MODERNISM> Questioning process some belive to be an extreme.Science, reason, technology fix all.Modernism>> strongest 1940’s-1950’s after world war 2, slums destroyed, children inoculated, new educational systems, West economics boomed, low unemployment, Car + TV. Ideal human> cool, calm, rational, ideal world ruled> reson + technologyPshycology> science- human person.Rethink belief science progress itselfMethods> connection- post modernism:Phenomenology (Who we are)Hermeneutics (Symbols + images speak to us)Empericism (? Going on, Foucault)Feminism( ? male= norm)Help us> re-assess quality llives, resist pressure, gain creative energy, claims morality, freer livesX Encourage destructive behaviour (drugs),Not give alternative- science, Underestimates discipline, lead- despair, elitist.? ................

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