Bryant Chambers

Print out the results of your Myers Briggs, HEXACO, Enneagram, and Dark Triad tests and place them in your “I LOVE ME” books. List your Core Values (you can have more than 3 if you like)Core Value 1Core Value 2Core Value 3Rank Your 4 M’s Of MotivationMaterial (money & possessions)Momentum (freedom)Mastery (status & expertise)Mating (love & relationships)Map Out Your Eularian Destiny:What were you raised around?What are you naturally curious about?What do strangers compliment you on or tell you you’re good at?What skills have you developed over the last 10 years?Where do all 4 of these traits intersect?If you woke up tomorrow and your career consisted of having to do the same thing every single day for the rest of your life, what would that thing be (be as specific as you can)? ................

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