The 9 Enneagram Types - Your EnneaPath

The 9 Enneagram



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The Enneagram shows us there are nine basic personality Types or ways of perceiving, interpreting, and reacting to life circumstances. Each Enneagram Type has four Core Motivations that are the driving force behind why we think, feel, and behave in our particular ways. One of those Core Motivations is your Core Longing, a message your heart longs to hear and experience.

This Core Longing was perfectly satisfied and fully experienced in the Garden, and your soul aches to return to that state--to be free of shame, fear, guilt, and death. And to feel contentment, purpose, joy, and the freedom to be your true self.

We try to fulfill our Core Longing in our relationships, self-talk, and careers. But we always end up disappointed because we are running away from our Type's Core Fear, running toward our Type's Core Desire, and all the while stumbling over our Type's Core Weakness.

TYPE 1 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "You are good."

TYPE 2 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "You are wanted and loved."

TYPE 3 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "You are loved and valued for simply being you."

TYPE 4 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "You are seen and loved for exactly who you are - special and unique."

TYPE 5 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "Your needs are not a problem."

TYPE 6 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "You are safe and secure."

TYPE 7 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "You will be taken care of."

TYPE 8 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "You will not be betrayed."

TYPE 9 Your Core Longing is to be told and to believe that "Your presence matters."

? 2021 Your Enneagram Coach

Other Core Motivations

TYPE 1 : PRINCIPLED REFORMER Core Fear: You fear being wrong, bad, evil, inappropriate, unredeemable, or corruptible. Core Desire: You desire to have integrity, be good, balanced, accurate, virtuous, and right. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Resentment--Repressing anger that leads to continual frustration and dissatisfaction with yourself, others, and the world for not being perfect.

TYPE 2: NURTURING SUPPORTER Core Fear: You fear being rejected and unwanted, being thought worthless, needy, inconsequential, dispensable, or unworthy of love. Core Desire: You desire to be appreciated, loved, and wanted. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Pride--Denying your own needs and emotions while using your strong intuition to discover and focus on the emotions and needs of others, confidently inserting your helpful support in hopes that others will say how grateful they are for your thoughtful care.

TYPE 5: ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATOR Core Fear: You fear being annihilated, invaded, or not existing; being thought incapable or ignorant; having obligations placed upon you or your energy being completely depleted. Core Desire: You desire to be capable and competent. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Avarice--Feeling that you lack inner resources and that too much interaction with others will lead to catastrophic depletion; withholding yourself from contact with the world; holding onto your resources and minimizing your needs.

TYPE 6: FAITHFUL GUARDIAN Core Fear: You fear itself, being without support, security, or guidance; being blamed, targeted, alone, or physically abandoned. Core Desire: You desire to have security, guidance, and support. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Anxiety--Scanning the horizon of life and trying to predict and prevent negative outcomes (especially worst-case scenarios); remaining in a constant state of apprehension and worry.

TYPE 7: ENTHUSIASTIC OPTIMIST Core Fear: You fear being deprived, trapped in emotional pain, limited, or bored; missing out on something fun. Core Desire: You desire to be happy, fully satisfied, and content. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Gluttony--Feeling a great emptiness inside and having an insatiable desire to "fill yourself up" with experiences and stimulation in hopes of feeling completely satisfied and content.

TYPE 3: ADMIRABLE ACHIEVER Core Fear: You fear being exposed as or thought incompetent, inefficient, or worthless; failing to be or appear successful. Core Desire: You desire to have high status and respect, be admired, successful, and valuable. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Deceit--Deceiving yourself into believing that you are only the image you present to others; embellishing the truth by putting on a polished persona for everyone (including yourself) to see and admire.

TYPE 4: INTROSPECTIVE INDIVIDUALIST Core Fear: You fear being inadequate, emotionally cut off, plain, mundane, defective, flawed, or insignificant. Core Desire: You desire to be unique, special, and authentic. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Envy--Feeling that you're tragically flawed, that something foundational is missing inside you, and others possess qualities you lack.

TYPE 8: PASSIONATE PROTECTOR Core Fear: You fear being weak, powerless, harmed, controlled, vulnerable, manipulated, and left at the mercy of injustice. Core Desire: You desire to protect yourself and those in your inner self. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Lust/Excess--Constantly desiring intensity, control, and power; pushing yourself willfully on life and people to get what you desire.

TYPE 9: PEACEFUL ACCOMMODATOR Core Fear: You fear being in conflict, tension, or discord; feeling shut out and overlooked; losing connection and relationship with others. Core Desire: You desire having inner stability and peace of mind. Core Weakness: Your weakness is Sloth--Remaining in an unrealistic and idealistic world to keep the peace, being easy-going and not disturbed by your anger; falling asleep to your passions, abilities, desires, needs, and worth by merging with others to keep peace and harmony.

? 2021 Your Enneagram Coach

Our loving God knew we could never completely meet our needs, so he sent the One who could. Jesus IS the spring of living water, and when we turn to him and receive him as our Lord and Savior, he fully satisfies our Core Longing.

So, if all of this is true, then why do we still struggle here on Earth? We struggle because we're currently living in the tension of "already but not yet." This means that God did victoriously save us, and we are His in Christ, but we

still live on an Earth tainted with sin, death, and destruction. This tension will remain with us until Jesus returns.

When you understand your unique personality Type, you can use that knowledge to understand your heart condition and walk a path to experience Jesus' unconditional love, care, and forgiveness. The Enneagram, seen through the lens of the Gospel, can help you do all that.

Reflection Questions

Video 1

As you begin Your EnneaPath journey, how are you feeling? Are you excited and hopeful? Maybe you feel anxious, weary, and overwhelmed? Spend some time journaling about your feelings, and ask God to give you insight into what is causing them.

We instinctively know that we are missing something vital and are created for more. Some people notice it when they are connecting with nature or listening to their favorite songs. When do you most feel an ache or longing for more?

After hearing about the Core Longings, which Type or Types do you most resonate with?

Video 2

What false messages have taken root inside your heart? Take some time to record the negative things you have thought about yourself or heard from others.

In what ways do you try to fulfill your Core Longing, apart from God, through your relationships, self-talk, career, hobbies, or unhealthy habits?

After hearing about the Core Fears, Core Desires, and Core Weaknesses, do you feel like a spot-light is pointed at the most embarrassing and vulnerable parts of yourself? Which Type do you most resonate with?

? 2021 Your Enneagram Coach

Video 3

Do you relate to the endless cycle of running away from your Type's Core Fear, running toward your Core Desire, and all the while stumbling over your Core Weakness? In what ways do you see this pattern showing up in your life?

Jesus IS the spring of living water, and when we turn to him and receive him as our Lord and Savior, he fully satisfies our Core Longing. How does this make you feel? Hopeful? Unsure? Does it sound too good to be true? There are no wrong answers. God welcomes all your honest thoughts and emotions.

The Enneagram is simply a tool that helps you recognize what's going on in your heart. The Gospel is what saves and transforms you. How is this message different from self-help programs/ books you have completed in the past?

Video 4

What does it mean to live in the "already but not yet"? What practical thing can you do throughout the day to be more aware of your heart and to stand firm in the tension of a fallen world?

Is speaking the Gospel to yourself a new concept for you? To start, try replacing negative self-talk with a scripture verse. What is your favorite verse and how does it speak to your unique personality?

To stay aligned on your EnneaPath and experience great transformation, you'll need three things


, and

. Which of the three do you most struggle with? Why do you

think that is? Which are you most excited about?

Congratulations on completed Level 1!

We're so excited you're on this journey. Each month we'll add new layers to your Enneagram knowledge, and in Level 6, we'll introduce a BRAND NEW Enneagram concept we've developed called the Enneagram Internal Profile (EIP).

? 2021 Your Enneagram Coach


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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