
WHICH ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY ARE YOU?The Enneagram of Personality is a model of human personality which is principally used as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. Principally developed by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo, it is also partly based on earlier teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff. The typology defines nine personality types (sometimes referred to as "enneatypes"), which are represented by the points of a geometric figure called an enneagram, which also indicates some of the connections between the types.1. Which number is your personality type and what is the name? See which number type you scored the highest on (e.g. Type 2 or Type 8) and click on that type for a description. If you have a tie, read through the different type descriptions and see which one seems most accurate.2. What is your type in brief (i.e. share a brief description)? 3. Which of the “Key Motivations” do you agree with the most and why? Next, go to the following link and click on your personality type and use this page to answer the questions below: . According to your type, when are you at your best? What situations in your life currently support or foster these qualities? 5. Which level do you feel you are operating at now and why?Scroll down and click on “Personal Growth” (under the More About Type ___ heading) and answer the following questions:6. Briefly discuss the top 5 recommendations you feel would be helpful:i.ii.iii. iv.v.Click back to the previous page and click on “Compatibility with Other Types” (for this part of the assignment you will need a partner from class or you can choose to do this activity with a friend or family member.)Find your type and then click on the type number that your partner is. Read the overview and answer the following questions:7. Who did you choose for your partner and what type were they? 8. What qualities does each type bring to the relationship?9. What are the potential trouble spots or issues? (Look under ‘Addiction’ and Unhealthy Levels.)10. Provide a short reaction to what your read. Which suggestions or information about your type could you most relate to? Which information might be most helpful or useful and why? ................

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