The Parchment Club - Center for Baptist Studies

The Parchment Club


The First Baptist Church of Christ

Macon, Georgia

under the leadership of

Pope Walter I (a.k.a. Walter B. Shurden)

April 1986–April 1996

4/86 Reaching Out Henri J.M. Nouwen

7/1/86 Forgive and Forget Lewis B. Smedes

10/7/86 Where the Rivers Flow Scott Walker

1/6/87 The Human Church in the Presence of Christ Hunter and Johnson

4/7/87 Winter Grace Kathleen Fischer

7/21/87 The Screwtape Letters C.S. Lewis

10/20/87 Lifesigns Henri J.M. Nouwen

1/19/88 Rediscovering Jesus: Challenge of Discipleship, 1-112 Eamonn Bredin

4/19/88 Rediscovering Jesus: Challenge of Discipleship,113-274 Eamonn Bredin

7/19/88 Being Baptist Means Freedom Alan Neely, Editor

10/18/88 Grief and Growth R. Scott Sullender

1/24/89 A Spirituality Named Compassion Matthew Fox

4/18/89 Varieties of Southern Evangelicalism David E. Harrell, Jr., Editor

7/17/89 Shantung Compound Langdon Gilkey

10/17/87 The Will of God Morris Ashcraft

1/16/90 Worlds Torn Asunder Dov Edelstein

4/17/90 Walking Across Egypt Clyde Edgerton

7/17/90 Reaching Morton Kelsey

10/18/90 The Sacred Journey Frederick Buechner

1/15/91 Now and Then Frederick Buechner

4/23/91 The One Hundred Most Important Events in Church History

Christian History Vol. IX, No. 4

7/16/91 Harvard Diary Robert Coles

10/15/91 The Education of Little Tree Forrest Carter

1/21/92 Gravity and Grace Simone Weil

4/21/92 Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career James Kittelson

7/7/92 Don't Cry Past Tuesday Charles E. Poole

10/20/92 Telling Secrets Frederick Buechner

1/19/93 The Active Life Parker J. Palmer

4/22/93 Raney Clyde Edgerton

7/20/93 A Testament of Devotion Thomas R. Kelly

10/19/93 To Dance With the White Dog Terry Kay

1/18/94 Shadow of the Galilean Gerd Theissen

4/21/94 The Search for Christian America Noll, Hatch, and Marsden

7/14/94 (The Big Flood) Cancelled

10/20/94 Proclaiming the Baptist Vision: The Bible Walter B. Shurden, Editor

1/19/95 A Whole New Life Reynolds Price

4/27/95 To Life Harold Kushner

8/3/95 The Cry of Wrath Mary Glazener

10/19/95 The Morning After Death L. D. Johnson

1/25/95 Discovering the Enneagram Richard Rohr

4/25/96 Is Life Fair? Charles E. Poole

under the leadership of

Pope Richard Francis I (a.k.a. Richard F. Wilson)

April 1996–

8/22/96 The Process of Forgiveness William A. Meninger

11/7/96 Saint Maybe Anne Tyler

1/16/97 Dynamics of Faith Paul Tillich

4/10/97 Luck: A Secular Faith Wayne Oates

7/10/97 Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony Hauerwas and Willimon

10/30/97 Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Anne Tyler

01/15/98 The Tug of Home Charles E. Poole

04/16/98 Where Resident Aliens Live Hauerwas and Willimon

07/16/98 I Heard the Owl Call My Name Margaret Craven

10/15/98 We Drink from Our Own Wells Gustavo Gutiérrez

01/21/99 I Believe: Exploring the Apostles' Creed Alister McGrath

03/25/98 Letting Go Morrie Schwartz

07/22/99 The Third Peacock Robert Farrar Capon

10/21/99 Encounters with the Living Christ Robert B. Setzer, Jr.

01/20/00 A Cry of Absence Martin E. Marty

03/23/00 Wait Till Next Year Doris Kearns Goodwin

07/20/00 To Pray and to Love Roberta C. Bondi

10/26/00 The Astonished Heart Robert Farrar Capon

01/18/01 Beyond the Broken Lights Charles E. Poole

04/26/01 Pope Cancels Session!

07/26/01 The Eyes of the Heart Frederick Buechner

10/18/01 When God is Silent Barbara Brown Taylor

01/24/02 Finally Comes the Poet Walter Brueggemann

04/18/02 Lion Country from The Book of Bebb Frederick Buechner

07/18/02 Open Heart from The Book of Bebb Frederick Buechner

10/17/02 Love Feast from the book of Bebb Frederick Buechner

01/23/03 Treasure Hunt from The Book of Bebb Frederick Buechner

04/24/03 When Religion Becomes Evil Charles Kimball

07/24/03 Speaking of Sin Barbara Brown Taylor

10/23/03 How Christian Faith Can Sustain the Life of the Mind Richard T. Hughes

1/22/04 The Confessions, I - VIII Saint Augustine

4/22/04 The Confessions, IX - XIII Saint Augustine

7/22/04 Creationism on Trial Langdon Gilkey

10/21/04 Remembering Laughter Wallace Stegner

01/20/05 Soul Survivor (1 - 7; Epilogue) Philip Yancey

04/21/05 Soul Survivor (1; 8 - Epilogue) Philip Yancey

July meeting cancelled: Pope has surgery

10/20/05 Generous Saints James Hudnut-Beumler

01/19/06 Searching for God Knows What Donald Miller


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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