Does your Inner Wisdom know you are destined for more in …

Does your Inner Wisdom know you are destined for more in 2012?

… that this is THE year to finally breakthrough to a new level?

Dear Fabulous You,

Not that long ago, we both found ourselves knowing we had SO many more meaningful, powerful and frankly rewarding things to contribute and experience in our lives… but no matter what we did, we couldn’t seem to breakthrough to the next level at the pace we wanted. And, while we didn’t know how to get from ”here”’ to ‘”there,”’ we had a definite feeling inside that there was something more.

Tired of pushing, waiting, and doing work we didn’t completely love, we each made some of the smartest decisions in our professional and personal lives:

1. We stopped looking outside for answers and started looking inside, using our Inner Wisdom as our guide.

2. We created connections with women who had broken through as mentors, coaches & colleagues.

3. We let go of limiting and self-sabotaging patterns that were creating fear, procrastination, and confusion, resulting in lots of wasted time, money and energy. In other words, we got our Inner Mean Girls out of the driver’s seat!

4. And, we stopped trying to rely solely on our old linear, man-powered strategies for manifesting success and instead turned to the intuitive and wise way of our Feminine Super Powers.

Within less than a year, we both experienced huge breakthroughs in our careers, a deep sense of fulfillment and happiness, and decreases in exhaustion and overwhelm. Finally, we were free to give our gifts, do the work we love, and celebrate life along the way. And the same is possible for you – when you use and trust your true power, and when you get the support and love you deserve.

We call this true power YOUR INNER WISDOM, a force within you that moves you past fear, isolation and doubt into trust, so that you can act from that deep knowing inside of yourself – even when it doesn’t seem practical or convenient. INNER WISDOM gives you courage and insight to pull yourself forward into a new reality. It calls you forward into big leaps of faith and risks that seem impossible.

Your Inner Wisdom is a more vibrant version of the current you. She is connected to a deep well of feminine power, and she’s waiting for you to hand over the keys to the driver’s seat. When you listen to her, you achieve results faster, easier and in a bigger way than you ever imagined. Acting from your INNER WISDOM gives you the energy, knowledge and confidence to give your gifts the way YOU want, with the impact YOU want, living the lifestyle that you WANT… without exhausting yourself in the process!

This is what we want for you - a breakthrough to a new level of success AND happiness. It’s up to you to listen to your Inner Wisdom and move into action. Read this letter in its entirety. Complete this application today. Hand it in. Trust that 2012 can be THE year you quantum leap into a new level of self-expression, self-love AND achievement.

We stand here with you, ready to bound forward, to guide you, inspire you, and unconditionally love you every step of the way!

Everything starts with the relationship you have with you. Dare to live from your INNER WISDOM this year.

With great heart and enthusiasm,

Christine Arylo and Amy Ahlers

Co-founders of Inner Mean Girl Reform School &

The Inner Wisdom Circles

Welcome to the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle, specifically designed to help you breakthrough into new levels of expressing and experiencing the woman you know you were born to be… giving you the opportunity to contribute to the world in a bigger way AND receive more than you even knew was possible.

No matter what phase of life or career you are in:

• You’ve built a successful career, but know there is something more for you and you may not even be sure what that is,

• You’re straddling two worlds, needing to work your ‘money-making’ career to fund your ‘heart-centered’ work, and you’re ready to finally breakthrough to one world guided by your Inner Wisdom,

• You’ve experienced success in your business, but know you are meant to have a bigger and deeper impact and message… and you are ready to step into that next level,

• Or you’re entering into a new phase of life -- you’ve completed one career and are ready for another or have raised a family and are now ready to focus on yourself and your life purpose in a bigger way.

Regardless of where you find yourself, The Inner Wisdom Golden Circle will help you break free of self-sabotaging beliefs and limitations, build the bridge from where you are to where you want to be, give you the courage and support to walk over that bridge, and help you breakthrough to reveal the truth of you.

The “This is THE Year” Inner Wisdom Golden Circle delivers support, tools, motivation, knowledge, coaching and accountability through exclusive connection with two dedicated and powerful coaches and teachers (Amy Ahlers and Christine Arylo,) structured mastermind groups (which we call Femma-minds), private one-on-one-coaching, an in-person retreat, access to some of the top transformational teachers on the planet, and a rich, supportive community of like-minded women… all designed to challenge you to step through the barriers keeping you from living and giving your greatest self.

At the heart of the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle is the knowing that it’s not your intelligence or lack of hard work that stops you from breaking through. You are a smart woman and you work hard enough (maybe even too hard!). What keeps you from breaking through is those old “drive-hard,” “make-it-happen,” linear and logical ways that just don’t work very well anymore, the patterns of self-sabotage and self-doubt. What is required to move forward with speed and ease in today’s world requires a mastery of your feminine-based power, a deep trust of your Inner Wisdom and connection to other brilliant and vibrant women.

This is the promise of the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle… to bring you closer to yourself, your Inner Wisdom, and a powerful circle of women so that you WILL breakthrough to a new level in 2012 – with grace, ease,

and joy.

The Inner Wisdom Golden Circle

This 9-month experience is perfect for you if you are a woman who knows that there is something ‘more’ out there for you. You are ready to make 2012 THE YEAR you breakthrough to an entirely new level, creating a lifestyle and career that fills you up in every way – financially, spiritually, emotionally and mentally – and allows you to make the IMPACT you know you can make,

in a way that is sustainable and full of joy for you.

The Golden Circle uniquely combines:

• experiential-style monthly teachings focused on releasing barriers, revealing brilliance, and mastering your Feminine Super Powers and Inner Wisdom.

• radical self-love and breakthrough self-expression with private and group coaching,

• expert feedback and coaching from Christine and Amy and the Inner Wisdom team,

• interaction and access to some of the best transformational teachers we know,

• structured accountability and support,

• monthly breakthrough training and coaching,

• an interactive online community,

• and a live retreat with Amy and Christine.

The combination of Christine Arylo -- M. B.A., former marketing executive, and recovering achievement junkie turned inspirational catalyst, spiritual teacher, and self-love expert (they sure didn’t teach that at Kellogg!) – and Amy Ahlers – a former sales executive turned Wake-Up Call Coach, bestselling author & internet marketing visionary – this program is the ONE of its kind in it’s powerful combination of spiritual, emotional, career and transformational-breakthrough training. PLUS we’ve invited some of the best transformational artists we know to bring their tools of breakthrough creative self-expression to this program and to you. You will open your spirit, mind and heart over these 9-months, freeing you to fully express as the powerful, beautiful and brilliant woman that you are.

As a result, you will move more fully into work that creates financial flow AND the lifestyle you want while experiencing a positive, ripple-effect of enjoying an increase in time, energy, self-love, personal relationships, joy and happiness. The Inner Wisdom Golden Circle is more than a ‘program,’ it’s a stand for yourself that will pay you back for the rest of your life.

By Joining the Golden Circle, you will experience and takeaway the following results:

✓ Take the Leap You’ve Been Waiting To Take. Tap into a web of support and insight that ignites your courage and amps up your Inner Wisdom so you can jump big with grace, ease and success.

✓ A Clear Vision of How To Get from Here to There. Build YOUR bridge - see the step by step path that leads to where you want to be, and have the confidence to walk it.

✓ Know Your Current Blocks and Face Them Head On. Identify the beliefs & fears holding you back right now… and will likely get in your way again if you don’t address them.

✓ A BIG box of Powerful Tools For Moving Past Blocks & Triggers. We’ll share all of our tools for seeing and removing blocks as they surface, and a give you a path for releasing bigger, deeper blocks and triggers. This will be a BREAKTHROUGH year for you, so you can bet your Inner Mean Girl will be coming on strong. We will help you keep her out of the driver’s seat, and show you how to do the same for the rest of your life.

✓ Trust Yourself, Find Clarity Quickly & Rebound Faster from Setbacks. You’ll build your Feminine Super Power of Trust so strongly that you will have the ability to find the voice of your Inner Wisdom during moments of fear, confusion, overwhelm and doubt.

✓ Slow Down, Spend Less Effort & Get Better Results. Learn to use your feminine-based super powers and masculine-based powers together – so you can both achieve AND receive. Tired of pushing? Great, you won’t have to anymore.

✓ Attract the Kinds of Opportunities You Want, and Walk Away from the Ones You Don’t. Stop the pattern of having to make it all happen yourself, and start attracting the kinds of partners and experiences you want. Learn to pass on the good so you can get to the great.

✓ Make The Choices That Get You To Where You Want To Go, with the Greatest Ease. Increase your sense of trust and timing, so you can make better decisions and choices.

✓ Increase Your Energy, Time and Money. Learn to listen to your Inner Wisdom before acting.

✓ Find Peace & Calm, No Matter What. Gain access to a place of inner peace, even during the biggest of changes and risks.

✓ Take Care of Yourself, While Making An Impact on the World. Take a stand for radical self-love and self-care that sticks. Create a self-sustainable lifestyle.

✓ Release Comparison, Over-responsibility, and Perfectionism for Good. Deepen your self-love.

✓ Increase Your Beauty & Vibrancy. Yes, women literally shift their physical appearance because they shift from the inside out.

✓ Clarity on What You Really Want to Do and Who You Want to Be. Move past your head and learn to follow your heart. Know exactly who you want to show up as in this world. Dare to be HER.

✓ Express Your True Voice and Message without Holding Back. Step forward and show the world who you really are, not just who you’ve had to be to survive in such a manpowered world.

✓ Make New Friends! Experience the power of working with a group of women rising to a higher level of power in the world—PLAY BIG WITH A GROUP OF OTHER WOMEN PLAYING BIG.

✓ Freedom to do the work you love, and live the lifestyle you want AND enjoy all the relationships and experiences your life has to offer.

Benefits Of The Inner Wisdom Golden Circle Include:

✓ Structure and support to breakthrough to the next level in your life (the next level will be decided and claimed by you & your Inner Wisdom—we guarantee it will be bold!)

✓ A step-by-step inspired action plan to help you leverage your time and your energy so you can create your breakthrough year.

✓ A high level of accountability to support YOU so that you make powerful decisions and take consistent, passionate action toward your Bold Goals. This intimate focus is priceless in terms of growing who YOU are!

✓ A motivating and truly extraordinary Golden-level community experience designed to inspire you and keep you accountable to your Inner Wisdom! You will create life-long friendships with women you admire and adore.

✓ Coaching to keep you thinking big and moving forward, including creating and achieving powerful, authentic goals that move you forward.

✓ Knowledge and information to help you know yourself on a deeper level. You’ll experience tools like Emotional Freedom Technique, the Enneagram, and more to allow you to see (and believe) your magnificence.

✓ Building dynamic relationships and community with people who “get” you, see your heart and soul, and support your vision of success (the ability to rub shoulders with others who understand you are is a rare and valuable benefit!)

✓ A powerful sense of how fabulous you really are (and how to get out of your own way when you doubt yourself.)

✓ Creative, fun, inspiring and motivating coaching to help you solve problems, stay on track and keep making progress towards your goals.

✓ Two coaches who love you, care about you and take a stand for your brilliance and playing big in the world – guaranteed!

✓ Access to some of the top transformational teachers on the planet at this time – who just happen to be our friends. We’ve brought it the best of the best for you, because we know to get to the next level, you have to be around people playing at that level already.

This is THE Year

Inner Wisdom Golden Circle

A 9-month Commitment

(Completing December 31, 2012)

What You Receive As an Inner Wisdom Golden Circle Member

ONE fantastical in-person retreat held in May

This retreat skillfully blends in-depth learning, coaching, exercises and masterminding on every aspect of your life, along with Christine and Amy’s powerful and profound coaching to help you create lasting breakthroughs.

This in-depth retreat is designed to help you deeply and profoundly tune into your Inner Wisdom and learn how to move your life forward by quantum leaps instead of by incremental steps.

Expect to be challenged and richly supported as Amy and Christine masterfully guide you to create breakthroughs that go beyond your Inner Mean Girls’ limitations and will benefit you for the rest of your life. This retreat is key to creating a paradigm shift deep within your soul, which is reflected in rapidly increased momentum and success. You will PLAY BIGGER THAN YOU EVER HAVE BEFORE.

You’ll leave the retreat with profound self-knowledge, a clear action plan, increased confidence and structured accountability to implement it, and expanded self-love and inner peace. Oh…and you will be PAMPERED!

Retreat dates are scheduled for May 4th- 6th at the world famous Claremont Hotel and Spa set in the gorgeous hillside of Berkeley, CA.

• Note: We’ve pre-negotiated deeply discounted, budget-friendly room rates for you so you can confidently enjoy immersing yourself in the atmosphere of this luxury resort hotel.

EIGHTEEN monthly Femma-Mind calls with Amy and Christine

Each month we’ll lead TWO 90-minute Group Femma-mind calls where Golden Circle members receive coaching on a specific issue or goal. You’re guaranteed coaching on a rotating schedule so you know exactly when your coaching spot is. Because of the small group size you are guaranteed a minimum of FOUR coaching sessions within the Femma-mind format (on the rotating schedule.)

Plus, you’ll benefit from EACH Femma-mind call because what others want coaching on is often what you want help with too! This is the power of the collective feminine mind, and believe us, these calls are phenomenal for motivating you forward out of overwhelm and into CONSISTENT action!

THREE private coaching calls with Christine and Amy (one every other month)

These private coaching sessions will be your time to get personal, private attention with Amy and Christine to break through any blocks and get customized coaching. You will receive one session with Christine, one with Amy and then a super-powered tag team session with both!

NINE monthly Inner Wisdom Community Learning Calls

Each month for the larger Inner Wisdom Circle community, Amy and Christine will host a 60-90 minute call that focuses on one on a specific Feminine Super Power, providing you with access to more in-depth feminine wisdom and self-coaching tools, and gives you the chance to interact with a larger community of women in group interactive exercises.

NINE PEER-to-PEER monthly small-group (just 4 Golden Circle members in each monthly call) 90-minute Femma-mind calls

Each month you’ll meet on the telephone with 3 of your Golden Circle super power sisters. Facilitation of these Femma-mind calls is rotated between you and your Golden Circle peers, using our Femma-mind coaching templates. These calls are designed to help you stay in action, remove any obstacles, elegantly handle any self-doubt or fear that may be coming up and give you high-caliber coaching to listen to your intuition and take action! What can happen in these circles alone can be life-changing! When women come together, shift happens.

VIP Treatment on Monthly Inner Wisdom Expert calls

Golden Circle members receive special Q and A with leading experts – we’re bringing you into the green room so you can ask these transformational experts your most pressing questions, and get answers. To get access to this caliber of people would cost tens of thousands of dollars on their own.

Monthly accountability declaration

Each month, you’ll make your monthly accountability declaration and post it in the special Golden Circle Members Only Private forum. This gives you the motivation and the power to follow through.

Monthly breakthrough sheets personally reviewed by Christine and Amy

Each month, you’ll turn in your breakthrough sheet to Amy and Christine to track your inspiring progress. These will be carefully reviewed and utilized to give you the support you need.

THREE books, selected by Amy and Christine, one mailed to you every three months

Each book will serve as a focus and discussion tool throughout the trimester. Books are chosen for their ability to support your mastery of living BIG in your life and having a breakthrough year!

Accountability with a “super star sister” throughout the program

To keep you accountable, motivated and moving forward you’ll partner up with a “super star sister” throughout the program. Assignments will rotate once during the program so you have an opportunity to connect and collaborate with more than one woman.

Access to the Golden Circle Members ONLY private forum

This is your opportunity to network, connect, post your goals and receive support as you move forward week by week.

SPECIAL goodies and exclusive discounts!

You know us—always full of something new! So expect “goodies” to help you stay focused on how fabulous you are throughout the year.


✓ Free pass to all of Amy and Christine’s 2012 Virtual events - VIP access to our virtual events

Additional bonus benefits for Golden Circle Members:

This Golden Circle 2012 Program Is ONLY Right For You If:

• Have a feeling that 2012 is meant to be a big shift year for you, and you are ready to make the jump to a new level (you may not know exactly where you are going, but you know you are ready and you're tired of waiting).

• Know that you have SO many more meaningful, powerful and rewarding things to contribute in your life, but you are not contributing at the level you know you could (and it's not because you aren't smart enough).

• You are tired of trying to do it all alone, and would love to add powerful, heart-centered women as your friends and champions.

• Your life is busy, and without accountability and focus on this new path, your life can easily take over, leaving lots of potential and happiness on the table. (This year YOU are the priority!)

• You are ready. You are open. You are geared up to bust open your set points, limitation, and patterns. You are ready to bring your voice and full self to this world, in a way that fuels you up, not depletes you

• You have a dream you are committed to achieving (but you are not sure how to build your bridge to get there)

This program is NOT for you if...

• You are not open to being coached and challenged (with love) to release and transform the beliefs, patterns and habits that have been getting in your way.

• You are not ready to claim the gifts and work you can uniquely give to the world through your fullest self expression.

• You won't show up for yourself or the group, or hold yourself accountable 

• You don't like being in groups and using the power of the group to catapult you forward.

• It's not the right year for you to have a breakthrough... you have other things - a sick parent, a new baby, severe financial stress - that need your attention.

• You would be so stressed by the monetary investment, that you couldn't take care of your basic needs (which is different than the investment being a 'stretch' -- investing in ourselves always is.)

The Choice is Clear…

What does your Inner

Wisdom Know?

This is your moment!

This is a one of kind program, offering a compelling and beneficial, combination of personal breakthrough, spiritual mastery, AND self-expression. Plus the love, support and expertise of two master coaches who deeply care about you, your dreams and your impact on this world.

Close your eyes, take a breath and a Pause. Ask your Inner Wisdom what she knows to be true. Be aware of your Inner Mean Girl sticking her two cents in with lies like, “Yes, but…” or “It’s not the right time,” “I’m not ready yet,” “I don’t know enough yet,” “I can probably do this on my own,” “I’ll just get my website/blog/etc. ready first.” This is your IMG’s way of trying to keep you playing small and comfortable… she is, afraid to step out as the new you ready to burst forward.

Trust us, we know what it feels like to be in your shoes right now. We’ve both made jumps from ‘successful’ corporate careers, we’ve both busted through levels of resistance and fear to reach huge levels of success – personally with ourselves, in our relationships with our beloveds, in our work in the world, and in the ability to manifest financial flow doing what we love.

So what did we do to change it? We joined a high-end Femma-mind, started surrounding ourselves with other brilliant and vibrant women who brought both their feminine and masculine powers forth, and we transformed MANY Inner Mean Girls by developing a rock-solid, trusting relationship with our Inner Wisdom.

The decisions we made from our Inner Wisdom were often scary and exhilarating, and always paid off in so many unanticipated ways. And we will show you how to do the same!

Participation in the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle is on a strictly limited basis and all spots will be sold out. If this experience resonates with you then the next step is easy – fill out the application now, then hand it in to our team. We’ll personally discuss your application with you to ensure you are a perfect fit for the program before finalizing your acceptance. (Note: To ensure the integrity of the program, not everyone who applies will be accepted.)

The next 9-months have the power to change your life forever, but only if you complete your application today. No matter where you are in your life right now you’ll receive the support, tools, and wisdom you need to dramatically shorten your learning curve and save you months – even years! – trying to achieve similar results on your own.

It’s time!

With enthusiasm and love,

Christine & Amy

Application for

The Inner Wisdom Golden Circle

If you are considering applying for the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle, we encourage you to give this application your all! Just the act of filling it out is a powerful, self-awareness experience that can help you address your blocks from a place of strength and compassion.

This application will also help us determine if this program is a match for you and if you’re truly ready for the transformation it will help create for you. It will also help us decide if we’re the right fit to work together. So, please be completely honest and authentic with your answers. Your application is 100% confidential.

This application alone does not obligate you in any way to participating in the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle Program. The investment for the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle will be discussed once your application is reviewed and selected for a private interview. The investment for a premium coaching program like this is in alignment with the woman who is serious about making 2012 THE Year of Breakthrough and who is deeply ready to LIVE from her Inner Wisdom in all places – career, relationships, health & wealth.

Don’t delay, as spots are filling FAST (less than 5 spots remain) and when we’re full, we’re full!

Once you’ve completed all pages FAX right away to 510.473.3748 or email it to us at support@. If you need additional assistance, please call us at 888.929.2531.






Office Phone:

Cell Phone:





← We know that women applying for this program have achieved a certain level of success. Please describe your current life and what works WELL?

← Please tell us what isn’t working well about your personal and professional life (remember to have this come from your Inner Wisdom vs. your Inner Mean Girl)? What is the TRUTH about your life that you are ready to change?

← What currently holds you back from achieving the level of financial, emotional and spiritual success you want in your life?

← Please rate on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) your satisfaction level in the following areas of your life. Circle or highlight one:

a. Business: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Financial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

c. Family & Friends: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

d. Health/fitness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

e. Spiritual: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

f. Recreation/Fun: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

g. Creativity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

h. Romance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

i. Personal Time: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

j. Mental Attitude: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



← If you are accepted into the program, what are your top 3 desires you want to accomplish by the end of our program year together?

← Is there anything you believe you have to give up to create amazing success and live a life where you can trust and make decisions from your Inner Wisdom?

← Do you have any other commitments that could keep you from being 100% successful in this program? This could be a job, community service, board commitments, family, etc.

← On a scale of 1-10, please rate the following questions (1 being “not at all”, 5 being “somewhat” and 10 being “yes!”):

o How willing and committed are you to this program, doing whatever it takes, being in integrity with your commitments and supporting your Inner Wisdom Golden Circle sisters?

o If you are accepted into the program will you be able to commit to the fee without undue stress? Remember, your application does not commit you in any way to the program and the program investment and payment options will be discussed during your interview.


← What do you consider to be your Life Purpose, Life Mission and/or Unique Gifts?

← What are the 3 biggest challenges you’re facing in right now in living that purpose (please list them in order, #1 being the MOST pressing issue)?

← What is the #1 most painful lie your Inner Mean Girl says to you? What has it cost you? And what is the truth about why you’ve kept it going?

← What is the #1 most brilliant truth your Inner Wisdom says to you? What does your Inner Wisdom know you are destined for?

← What are the top 5 highest priority projects on your 2012 list of accomplishments or to-dos right now?

← Why do you believe you might be a good fit for the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle?

← Why is it important for you to be accepted into this program?

← Is there anything else you’d like us to know in considering your application?

Signature Form

Must be signed in order to be considered for

The Inner Wisdom Golden Circle

I, ______________________________, have read the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle program description and would like to be considered for acceptance for the this 9 month program.

At this point in time, I understand I am showing interest only in this program and am under no obligation.

I further understand that if I’m accepted into this program, after submitting a payment form and Inner Wisdom Coaching Circle agreement (supplied upon acceptance), I am committed to the program for its duration. I agree, at that time, to honor my investment payment schedule and show up fully and powerfully in my life and in my business.


Print Name


Signature and Date

Please SIGN and FAX this page with your completed application to

510.473.3748 or email to support@

Remember, that your Inner Mean Girl LOVES to procrastinate. Applicants will be considered on a first come first serve basis, and once the spots are filled, we will close enrollment. Make a date with your Inner Wisdom to get your application at the top.

Thank you for your honesty and authenticity in completing this application. You have taken a big step forward in your commitment to 2012 being THE year. We are excited to review your application and potentially schedule a private interview to complete the application process.

During the interview process, we will discuss the financial details of this program of you. The financial investment is commensurate with a program of this length and depth. The total payment will vary based on the payment option you choose should we both determine this program is a good fit for you at this time.

If you’re accepted into this program, we know this will be an amazing year for you!




Bonus #3:

✓ A copy of Amy’s book, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves, personalized and signed for you or for a girlfriend you’d like to gift it to.

✓ A signed personalized copy of Christine’s book, Choosing ME Before WE, Every Woman’s Guide to Life and Love, personalized and signed for you or for a girlfriend you’d like to gift it to.

Bonus #2:

✓ Inner Mean Girl Reform School home study digital kit – emailed right to your inbox

✓ Free pass to all of Amy and Christine’s 2012 Virtual events - VIP access to our virtual events

Bonus #1:

✓ A relaxing spa treatment at our Golden Circle retreat – It’s time for you to feel pampered

You do NOT need to already have a clear idea of HOW to achieve what you desire—

that’s what you’ll learn if you’re accepted into the program!

This program is for women who are ready to play BIG…

to stretch beyond what’s looked like power into what power truly is…

and to allow themselves to be open to receive the support of a truly stellar

group of women willing to do the same for themselves.

This is the year you


To claim HER,

your most powerful,




To Live HER

To be witnessed

by a group of other women

as HER.

We hold YOU up

As you step forward

To know that never again

Will your fear

Keep you from stepping forward

In the truth

The power

The beauty

And freedom

Of who


Were born





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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