Mrs. O's Brit Lit Webpage

1. Bodies in the Greek (and English) World:

Today, you’re going to play doctor. First though, you need to decide what kind of doctor you want to be. What kind of doctors are the following? Take a look at the roots below and then decide. Put the correct Greek roots with the doctor who specializes in this part of the body.

Note the suffix -iatrist means “one who heals”

1. pediatrician

2. dermatologist

3. podiatrist

4. osteopath

5. gastroenterologist

6. cardiologist

7. orthodontist

8. oologist

9. thoracic surgeon

10. rhinoplasty technician

chir = hand

pod = foot

cephal = head

dactyl = finger, toe

gloss, glott, glot = tongue,


osteo = bone

derm, dermat = skin

plas, plasm, plast = mold,

shape, form, substance

bio = life

psych = mind, soul, spiri

soma = body

morph = form

arthr = joint

cardi = heart

cyto, cyte = cell

gastr = stomach

gnath = jaw

histo = tissue, web

myelo = marrow

myo = muscle

odon, odont = tooth

oto = ear

rhin = nose, nostril

sarc = flesh

stoma = mouth, opening

thorac, thorax = chest

oo = egg

tox, toxic = poison

2. “Playing doctor” Continued – See attached “body” for this activity.

Label the pictures with as many of the Greek roots in the appropriate places as you can. Feel free to draw arrows or necessary anatomical features if needed. See attached worksheet.

3. Numbers in the Greek (and English) World

According to the roots below, write the associated number next to the English word derived from the Greek. The first one is done for you.

Ex. decade: 10

1. pentathlon: _____

2. Deuteronomy: _____

3. kilometer: _____

4. heptameter: _____

5. hexagon: _____

6. diplomacy: _____

7. hectare: _____

8. dichotomy: _____

9. enneagram: _____

10. tetrarchy: _____

11. protagonist: _____

mono = one

bi = two

dis, di = two, twice

dicho = in two, divided

diplo = double, twofold

proto = first

deuteron = second

tri = three

tetra = four

penta = five

hexa = six

hepta = seven

octo = eight

ennea = nine

deka, deca, dec = ten

hecato, hecatom, hecaton, hect = hundred

kilo = thousand

myriad = ten thousand


chir = hand

pod = foot

cephal = head

dactyl = finger, toe

gloss, glott, glot = tongue,


osteo = bone

derm, dermat = skin

plas, plasm, plast = mold,

shape, form, substance

bio = life

psych = mind, soul, spirit

soma = body

morph = form

arthr = joint

cardi = heart

cyto, cyte = cell

gastr = stomach

gnath = jaw

histo = tissue, web

myelo = marrow

myo = muscle

odon, odont = tooth

oto = ear

rhin = nose, nostril

sarc = flesh

stoma = mouth, opening

thorac, thorax = chest

oo = egg

tox, toxic = poison

4. How to Run a Country in the Greek (and English) World

We, of course, live in a democracy (well, Federal Republic, but that doesn’t sounds as nice). We call it that because it literally means “rule of the people.” What about these other forms of rule?

1. oligarchy: ____________________________

2. gynarchy: ____________________________

3. monarchy: ____________________________

4. aristocracy: ____________________________

5. heliocracy: ____________________________

6. idiocracy: ____________________________

7. kleptocracy: ____________________________

8. theocracy: ____________________________

9. plutocrat: ____________________________

10. autocracy: ____________________________

arch, archi = rule, government cracy, crat = rule, government

a, an = without, not

aristo = best

auto = self

dem = people

gyno, gynec = woman

helio = sun

idio = one’s own, individual

klept = thief

mono = lone, one

olig = few

theo = god

5. Friday Randomness!

Match the word to the definitions based on their Greek roots:

1. abiosis

2. euphagia

3. prodrome

4. pathophobia

5. agraphia

6. algesia

7. chromatotherapy

8. dactylomegaly

9. pantalgia

10. autohemotherapy

11. tomomania

12. encephalopathy

13. asynergia

14. ectopia

15. pathognomic

16. homophobia

17. neoplasm

18. adynamia

19. syndrome

20. dermatophysosis

a) weakness

b) pain over the whole body

c) pointing surely to a certain disease

d) absence of life

e) lack of cooperation

f) abnormal size of fingers

g) undue eagerness to perform surgical operations

h) displacement or malposition

i) morbid fear of disease

j) treatment of disease by means of colored light

k) new growth

l) aggregate symptoms of a disease

m) normal and proper eating

n) inability to write

o) disease or disorder of the brain

p) sensitivity to pain

q) premonitory symptom

r) treatment by reinjection of a patient’s own blood

s) any fungal injection of the skin

t) morbid dread of the sight of blood

a, an = without, not

eu = good, well

phag = eat

pro = before

drom = a running, course

path = feeling, disease

phobia = fear, dread

graph = writing

algia = pain

chrom, chromato = color

dactyl = finger

megalo = big

pan, panto = all

auto = self

hemo = blood

bios = life

tom = cut

mania = madness for

en = in

cephalo = head

homo = same

neo = new

plasm = mold, shape, substance

dyn, dynam = power, force

syn = with, together

derm(at) = skin

phys = nature, growth


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