1. Go to . Click “Enneagram tests” on site features. In the first column under enneagram tests click on the Advanced test (131 questions). Identify your gender. Take the test.

2. After taking the test and submitting, a page will come up identifying your percentages for each of the 9 personality types. MAKE SURE TO WRITE THE NUMBER DOWN, NOT THE WORD. Check this and determine which two types you rate highest in. See me if you don’t understand.

3. Go to the website: . On that site there will be a diagram at the top of the page listing the 9 personality types. Click on your number and a description will come up.

4. Scroll down on the description type until you reach the spot where it describes healthy, average and unhealthy. Read those descriptions and look for the items that best describe you. Overall are you more in the healthy level, average level, or unhealthy level. Do the same thing for your second highest number


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