St Patrick’s Church

Islandeady-Glenisland Parish Newsletter


St Patrick’s Church, Islandeady and Holy Rosary Church, Glenisland.

Parish Priest: Fr Pat Donnellan- 094-9024125 or 087-2311236. Email:

Web sites: / / /

Remembering in Mass:

SAT 28th (Gl.) 7 pm: Jimmy Deffely & wife Margaret, Glenisland. / Paddy Ryan & wife Baby, Killaughbawn. / Harry Faul, Tully, Raheens, & Dec of Family.

SUN 29th (Is.) 11 am: Anniv. Ann Maloney, Bohess, & parents-in-law Patrick & Mary. /

Annie & Patrick Neary & Dec F, Ballyglass. / Michael Joe Walsh, Longford and late of

Slingane & Manchester.(+ Confirmation Enrolment Cloggernagh NS (16) & Leitir NS (4).

WED 1st Feb (Gl.) 7 pm: Lay-led Communion Service + Blessing of Throats by Priest.

THUR 2nd Feb (Is.) 7 pm: Lay-led Communion Service + Blessing of Throats by Priest.

FRI 3rd Feb (Gl.) 8 pm: First Friday Vigil - Mass, Confessions & Prayers until 11 pm.

SAT 4th (Gl.) 7 pm: 2nd Anniv. Anne Ginnelly, Thownyeena, & Dec Ginnelly & Roache F. / 2nd Anniv May Ginnelly, Cummer, & husband Bernard & Dec Ginnelly and McTigue F. /

Annie & Thomas Healy, Cummer./ Tommie O’Brien & parents Mary & John, Graffymore.

SUN 5th (Is.) 11 am: + Confirmation Enrolment - Cornanool NS (12) & Cogaula NS (6).


RIP - Michael Joe Walsh, Longford & late of Slingane & Manchester,

(brother of Margaret Cooney, Bohess).


February monthly Sick Calls will be attended to next FRI 3rd Feb starting at 10.30 am in Islandeady Church area and continuing at 2 pm in Glenisland Church area FRI 3rd Feb.


Confirmation & First Communion Enrolment Ceremonies - for the 58 children in our 4 schools will be at 3 SUN Masses – 29th Jan, 5th Feb, 19th Feb. Confirmation Retreat Day in Ballintubber Abbey TUES 7th Feb. Talk for all parents WED 8th Feb in St Aidans 8 pm.


Pobal Dé – People of God helping / ministering in CHURCH next week:

Readers: Gl. – Teresa Walsh (5th Sun Ord Time A. P181) Is. – Philomena Browne.

Min of Euch: Gl. – Feb. M Lavelle & T Walsh. / Is. –L Sadler, M Brosnihan, P Browne.

Mass Servers: Gl. – Cornanool NS. / Is. – SUN 29th Team 4.

Lists of Glenisland Altar Society, Min of Eucharist & Readers in Sacristy.

Offertory Collectors Feb: Is. Breege Carney, Austin Gibbons, Patrick Malone.

Finance Committee helping for February: Team B.

Altar Society Feb: Derrycooraune/Cornagushlaun.


February starts with 3 very special Feasts: 1st Feb St Brigid (St Brigid’s Crosses) / 2nd Feb

Candlemas Day / 3rd Feb St Blaise (Blessing of Throats). Please read following details:

Candles for Blessing for the Church & for your Home can be left before the Altar.

Crosses & Candles will be Blessed at weekend Mass. Throats blessed as follows …

WED 1st Feb (Gl.) 7 pm: Lay-led Communion Service + Blessing of Throats by Priest.

THUR 2nd Feb (Is.) 7 pm: Lay-led Communion Service + Blessing of Throats by Priest.


For Communion Services ALL Readers, Min of Eucharist, Mass Servers are asked to attend at least one of these – as these Services involve changes for all of you. All invited.


St Brigid’s Crosses for St Joseph’s Sec school Lourdes fund on sale this weekend.

1. Adoration: Glenisland Mon/Wed 7-8 pm./ Islandeady: Sun/Mon/Tues7-8 & Thur 8-9.

2. Marian Movement ‘Praying for Priests’ in Glenisland Church every SUN evening 7 pm.

First Friday Vigil including Mass in Glenisland Church next FRI 3rd Feb 8 to 11 pm.

4. Monthly hour of PRAYER for Marriage & Family Life is next SAT 4th February.

5. Pro Life talk & training this MON 30th in The Castlecourt at 7.30pm in Ashleigh suite


Archdiocese of Tuam Pilgrimages 2017:

- to Shrines of Portugal (inc Fatima for the Centenary Year) June 29th. 7 nights. Details & Booking Form from Therese at 012410822 or leave your name & address at 09328337.

- Walsingham, England's National Marian Shrine April 21st. 4 nights.. Details from Margaret at 012808072 or 086 8554665

- Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday, May 7th with the Blessing of the Sick at 2.30pm.


Islandeady Community Council February Newsletter is available outside after Mass. Always worth reading. The Newsletter sellers are Owen O’Malley and Robert O’Reilly.


Community Games: Interested in playing Chess (U13’s/U16’s) or Draughts (U10’s (over 8) /U12’s/U14’s) please come to Cogaula NS this TUES 31st @ 6:30 – 8 pm. €3 entry fee on the night. Draughts contact Catherine Cunniffe (086 3238722) or Michelle Needham (087 9843964). Chess contact Deirdre Kellett (087 6109999). Anyone interested in playing Futsal  Boys U 13 contact Seamus Devoy 086 4079114 or Boys U 15 contact Pat Morris 087 2380060. Futsal Girls U 13 & U15 Contact Elaine Gallagher 087 6416130 or Brid Tuohy Ward 087  2461179. Please contact relevant manager by this MON 30th


25 Drive Card Game (Partners) in aid of Chernobyl Children Castlebar Branch in Castlebar Tennis Club on next FRI 3rd Feb at 8:30pm. Tickets €10. Please support.


Please join us for a cuppa & chat in The Presbytery immediately after Sat eve Mass.

Please join us for a cuppa & chat in St Aidan’s room immediately after Sun am Mass.

Islandeady GAA Lotto this SUN 29th at 8.30 pm in Marty’s Halfway. Jackpot  €4,000.

Card Game every MON night in Islandeady Comm Centre at 9 pm. All welcome.

The Wed Get-together & dinner every WED from 11 in Comm Centre. All welcome.

11. Card Game every FRI night in Glenisland National School at 8.30 pm. All welcome.


The Islandeady-Glenisland Church weekly Parish Newsletter is on the web every week. Many extra items of interest on the web as there is not enough room in the printed edition.

Please inform people away from home that it can be read at: OR


Day of Renewal in St Johns Rest & Care Knock next SUN 5th at 11am -5.30pm. Rosary, Divine Mercy, Word of God, Confessions & Talk. Info from Maura 085 7338617.


If you feel somewhat isolated and want to live life to the full and connect with other people then the ‘Discover your Interests’ course starting WED 1st Feb could well be just what you are looking for. Other courses coming up include Monthly Christian Meditation group Tuesday 7th February, and the Enneagram Part 1 starting on Wednesday 8th February.

Info from Ph Family Centre C’Bar 094 9025900 or see


Epilepsy Ireland Outreach Clinic, Friday 3rd February 2017, 10 am – 1 pm at the Family Life Centre Castlebar. Tel 091 587640 for appointments.


AGM of Mayo Branch of Retired Civil & Public Servants in TF Castlebar on next TUES 31st, beginning at 11 am. Light refreshments served. Officer from An Garda Síochána will speak on crime prevention.  New members welcome. Enquires : 086 6026078.


Interested in sharing your home & supporting a service user for a few hours per day, a couple days per month, or long term. Avail of Western Care recruitment drive. We are looking for single people, couples, married people and/or families to provide short respite for children. If you are interested please contact social work dept on 094 9025133.


Family Carers Irl 2 workshops for Carers in the Mayo area: 2nd Feb for carers looking after someone with a mental health illness 10am-4pm. 16th Feb on Falls Management 10am-1pm. Venue is Parish Centre Castlebar. Book at 0949060305 or 0863775702.


‘Become a Foster Carer’ Informaiton evening in Macalla Hall lough Lannagh Village Castlebar on THUR 9th Feb 6.30 pm to 8.30. Info at 096-21511 or see


Western Alzheimers  are opening a charity shop in Market Square, Castlebar to help fund services for people affected by dementia living  in the West of Ireland.   We are currently recruiting volunteers.  For further information please contact Fiona at 0949364900.


Truth & Reconciliation Weekend at Knock House Hotel: Fri 3rd – Sun 5th Feb. Includes powerful & inspiring speakers from N Ireland who will share intimate, personal testimony of their real-life experiences. It will also present the audience with the opportunity to consider the appalling consequences of violence. For full programme details & booking information from (094) 93 88088 or Email:


Even though our great parish facilities, St Aidans room Islandeady & The Presbytery Glenisland, are available free of charge a number of kind families have made donations in appreciation esp after funerals – Sincere THANKS. People also continue to express admiration for the kind volunteers who offer help & do all the generous work.


The Islandeady-Glenisland Church weekly Parish Newsletter is on the web every week. Many extra items of interest on the web as there is not enough room in the printed edition – including the recently published parish ‘Annual’ from Islandeady Community Council. Please inform people away from home that it can be read at: OR


Items for the Islandeady-Glenisland weekly Parish Newsletter should be in by THUR the latest each week – Email & Phone Number details above or post or deliver to the Priest.


2017 Confirmation in Islandeady Church will be on FRI 10th March at 12 noon.

2017 First Confession in Islandeady Church will be on WED 22nd March at 7 pm

2017 First Holy Communion in Islandeady Church will be on SUN 14th May 11 am.


Islandeady Annual 2016-2017


A Message from the Chairperson of Islandeady Community Council:

Dear Reader,

We had a very good but challenging 2016.

We delivered on many worthwhile projects and activities:


• We improved our roads and villages by working closely with MCC.

• The green area at Reids cross

• The new fencing erected at the Three Bridges,

• The Aughagower cross

• Grass verge cutting

• Hedge cutting

• Wall repair and maintenance

• Wednesday’s weekly get together in the Community Center.

• Christmas party

• Summer outing

• Litter-Free day and collection.

• Heritage Projects e.g the monument at Rahins

• Sale of Work

• Community Alert

Our main funding events are:

• Our Annual Sale of work

• Our weekly card games 

• Church Gate Collection


All funding raised is used in the Maintenance and day to day running of our Community Centre.

So I want to take this opportunity to thank all the teams involved that have helped in any way towards organising the various fundraising events, because it’s your time and commitment that has ensured that we continue to perform so well. Last but not least I want to thank you all for your generosity, sponsorship, and continued support. We in the Community Council remain committed to making Islandeady a better place to live in and a Community that we are all proud of.

Our Challenges for 2017

• Continue to enhance our roads and Villages

• Continue to provide for our elderly

• Secure funding for  projects from local Agencies and MCC

• Support other groups and clubs advance their ideas and projects.

• Organise Annual Sale of Work

• Review our Facilities usage and Identify the needs of our Community 

• Compose and publish Christmas Annual

• Keep our Community Litter Free.

• Protect our Environment and local Heritage

40th Anniversary:

We also reached a milestone in 2016 as we celebrated our 40th anniversary as a Community Council. 

Since its foundation in 1976 I want to acknowledge the great work carried out by our Community on a voluntary basis.  It’s the generosity of your time and commitment that has been at the very heart of the fantastic community spirit that exists in Islandeady today.

I congratulate James O’ Malley on being the longest serving member of our Community Council. James has over 34 years of continued service. Well done to James and to the many others that have served on the Community Council and given so generously of their time down through the years.

As we approach Christmas I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families at home and abroad a happy, peaceful and enjoyable Christmas. 

Season’s Greetings and a prosperous New Year .


God Bless


John Cannon 

Islandeady Community Council Chairperson.





(Numbers after the name indicates the number of years that person served on the Council)

JAMES O’MALLEY   34 ​​​​​





T.J. FLAHERTY  R.I.P.    24




T.F. GIBBONS    18













MARY BOURKE  R.I.P.     12


PATRICIA RICE     12                               

NOREEN COYNE     12                                     

MARY BROSNIHAN     12                                 



FR. COLM BURKE P.P.     10

















FR. A. O’TOOLE PP. R.I.P.     8


BREDA CLEARY     7​​​         

ANN JENNINGS Lds. Cl.     7











MARY WALSH Corn     6






NORA O’BRIEN Aps, Lds.  Cl.     6




P.J. CONWAY     5






ALACOQUE O’CONNELL     5                                             

MARIAN MCNAMARA     5                           

TOMMIE WALSH Derryc.     5                                      

BRENDAN NEEDHAM     5                              

MARTY NEEDHAM     5                                    

FR. J. McHUGH PP. R.I.P.  4                                      

JOHN JOYCE     4                                                

GERRY FAHEY     5                                                  

JOHN WALSH Corn.     4 
















JM. SAMMON  R.I.P.     3 








JOE RUDDY R.I.P.     3


























JEANETTE MOYLETTE  2               

LORRAINE LAFFEY  2            












TOM WALSH Derrycrieve  2




JANE DRAME (For.)   2






TOMMIE JOYCE (Cashel)  2





MARGARET CORCORAN  1                      













B. O’CONNELL  1                                             







LIAM JOYCE (Youth)  1









Long live the local publication !

Modern technology means instant communication. On the HD television, on the ipad or tablet, on the smart phone or on the world wide web, we can get instant access to news and entertainment from anywhere on this earth. Still, for me, there is no substitute for getting your local publication into your hand. The smell of the ink from a fresh publication & the feel of the printed edition cannot be replaced.

I look forward each year to our parish Christmas Annual. Like most people I immediately scan through the pictures. Then, in age old tradition as our parents and grandparents did, sipping a nice cup of tea I slowly turn the pages and read all the local news. The variety of contributions is wonderful and helps to prompt the memory - to remember absent faces at Christmastime & the New Year (those who have died and those who live away from home). But our Christmas Annual prompts us more importantly to celebrate all the exciting things that happen in our parish. The stories, the humour, the pictures help to lift our hearts, to raise our spirits and to build 'a caring community moving in unity' (our parish motto). It is consoling also to observe the very odd spelling mistake or grammatical error (which we all make thank God). We can spoil ourselves with 'spell check' computers and watch high tech screens until our eyes go red but nothing will ever replace the  uniqueness of the printed word and the local publication. 

I congratulate Islandeady Community Council and the hardworking committee and all who contributed and helped with our Christmas Annual. May God bless the generous use of your time and talent for the sake of our community. Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís and ...

Long live the local publication !

Fr Pat Donnellan, PP, Islandeady-Glenisland


Phone: 094-9024125 or 087-2311236 ​

Parochial House

e.mail: ​​​                      





February 2016  


Deaths associated with the Parish: 


- Frances Moran, Drummindoo.

- Bridget Sweeney, Raheens PO, Islandeady.

- Tommie McManamon, Knights Park, C’bar & formerly Beltra, Glenisland.

- Michael McGreevy, Glenhest (uncle of Jimmy McGreevy, Killaughbawn).

- Geraldine McHugh, Newtown, C’bar (wife of late Tom McHugh, Derrycoosh).

- Tom O’Malley, Killsallagh, Louisburgh (brother-in-law of Julia Reilly, Cashel).

- Michael John Basquil, Killawalla (brother-in-law of Martina & Chris Gavin, Dooleague)

- Frances Connelly, Tuam (mother of Jackie McDermott, Sheeaune).

- Mickey Kelly, Kilrush, Hollymount (brother of Áine Conway, Dooleague).

- JP Granahan, Castlepollard (brother-in-law of Ann O’Flaherty, Carrowbeg).

- Tommie Gavin, London (uncle of  Martina & Chris Gavin, Dooleague).

- Joe Kennedy, Rahard, Ballinrobe (brother of Anne O’Neill, Cloggernagh).


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.


Baptisms in Islandeady:

- Matthew Keith Carter, Westport, son of Teresa & John. 

- Fia Erel, Rinnaseer, daughter of Eleanor & Emrah.

- Emmet Francis Ingalla, Dooleague, son of Niamh & Eric.

- Aoibheann Marie Irwin, Cashel, daughter of Rita & Paul.

Liam Michael O’Malley, Killadeer, son of Cecilia & Frank.

- Noah Edward McDonagh, The Fairways, son of Nicola & Philip.


- Saoirse Mairead Lavelle, Aglish, daughter of Emer & Patrick.




Islandeady Weddings: 

- Edel Barrett, Glenisland, to Graham Cotter. 

- Amanda Walsh, Derrycooraune, to Pádraic Moylette.

- Leah Ketterick, Westport, to Thomas White.

- Stephen Kelly, Ballintleva, to  Danni Breust.

- Caroline Brosnihan, Deergrove, to Kieran Horan.





Church Notices for March 2016


Deaths associated with the Parish:


- Lorraine Keane, Glenisland & Achill (mother of Brandon and Ryan).

- Mary Henry, died recently in Liverpool (mother of Eileen McManamon, Corha).

- Patrick Fox, Curraghroe, Roscommon (uncle of Irene Moylette, Derrycooraune).

- Nicole McCaffrey-Nyland, Curradrish (niece of Patricia Lydon,           ex Glenisland NS).

- Nora Noonan, Drumhill, Aughagower (mother of Kathleen Roache, Cogaula)

- Freda O’Donnell, Brighton (aunt of Seamus O’Donnell, Knockbawn).


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.


Baptisms in Islandeady: 


- Anne Catherine Neary, Derryharriff, daughter of Maria & Anthony.

- Eiblín Jo Creaby, Ballyglass, daughter of Kathryn & Justin.

- Maddison Eva Creaby, Ballyglass, daughter of Hannah & Darren.

- Faoláin Séan Creaby, Ballyglass, son of Aoife & John.

- Quinn Maria Feeney, Cloonan, daughter of Aoife & Martin.

- Greta Marie McCormack, Rinnaseer, daughter of Michelle & Brian.




Church Notices for April & May 2016


Deaths associated with the Parish:


- Jack Fahey, Beltra, Glenisland.

- Tommy Ruane, Shunnagh, Parke, & Killaughbawn, Glenisland.

- Annie Sammon, Tully, Rahins, & formerly Claggan, Glenisland.

- Tom Healy (suddenly), Ranaghy, Glenisland.

- Leo Scahill, Murrisk (husband of Ann Scahill, Derrycooraune, and father of 

Anne-Marie Scahill, Glenisland).

- Rory MacNally, Perth & Westport (brother of Liamy MacNally, Sheeaune).

- Jimmy Reynolds, Westport (brother-in-law of Eddie Browne, Knockbrack).

- Fr Michéal Mannion, PP Clonbur-Cornamona – tragically aged 44.

- Mike Tuohy, Liverpool (brother of late Paddy Tuohy, Cornagushlaun).

- Agnes Farrell, nee McGowan, Knockbawn, Glenisland, & Ballina, (aunt of Ann O’Hara, Cornanool NS).

- Martin O’Malley, Corha (brother of Peter O’Malley & Ann O’Malley, Corha).

- Mike Burke, Drunnagh, Kilmeena (brother of late Paddy Burke, Cornanool).

- Mary Wallace (nee McDonnell, Kilgarriff), died in Rochdale England.

- John McAndrew, London & Kilhale, Glenisland.

May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.


Baptisms in Islandeady:


- Iseult Anna O’Reilly, Sheeaune, daughter of Rachael &  


- Conor Brian Collins, Drimshinnagh, son of Emer & Kieran.

- Cameron Patrick O’Donnell-Walsh, Glenisland, son of Trudy & Thomas. 

- Lochlán Paddy Mary Carney, Garryduff, son of Aisling & Eric.

- Kyle David Chambers, Cloonan, son of Jane & Ian.

- Seán Martin Walsh, Knockbrack, son of Michelle & John Paul.




Islandeady Weddings:


- Elaine Madden, Cloonkeen, to John Fitzgerald, Graffymore. 

- Nicola McDonagh, Kilbree, to Darren Keenan.

- Jane Wallace, Cloonan, to Ian Chambers.




Church Notices for June 2016


Deaths associated with the Parish:


-Eddie Joe Ginnelly, Cashel, Glenisland & Blackburn (brother of Jack Ginnelly, Cashel).

-Kathleen Deere, nee Deegan, Snugboro, Castlebar.

-Norman Kerr, Liverpool (husband of Eileen Kerr, nee O’Brien, Graffymore).

-Marion Dillon (nee Sammon, Cloonkeen), Ballydangan , Ballinasloe      

-Vincent McGrath, Turlough (father of Peter McGrath,) Cloggernagh).


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.


Baptisms in Islandeady:


- Toby Jack Moylette, Derrycooraune, son of Emer & Brendan.


Congratulations to the parents and their families.


Islandeady Weddings:


- Breda Forkan, Kilfea, to Paul Quinn.

- Eibhlín Casey, Cloonkeen, to Dean Munnelly.




Church Notices for July 2016


Deaths associated with the Parish:


- Paddy McDermott, Cashel, Ayle.

- Peter Martin, Kent (brother of Eileen Walsh, Derrycrieve).

- Fr Attie Devine, former AP in Glenisland 1999-2003.


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.


Baptisms in Islandeady:

- Emelia Ann Marie Jordan, Derrycoosh, daughter of Gemma & Brendan. 

- Lily Jane O’Malley, Cloggernagh, daughter of Jessica & Johnny.

- Cormac Patrick Joyce, Ranaghy, son of Sandra & Patrick.




Islandeady Weddings:


- Maeve McCormack, Rinnaseer, and John Ward. 

- Niamh Barrett, Kilfea, and Roger Martin.

- Ruth Hastings, Westport, and Tim English.

- Patrick Joyce, Glenisland, and Amanda Kilcoyne.

- Deirdre Jennings, Westport, and David Cuddy.

- Maria McDaid, Kiltimagh, and Joshua Dingham.

- Breda Moylette, Derrycooraune,  and Michael Maguire.

- Christina Joyce, Cummer, and Brendan Raftery.






                    Church Notices for August 2016


Deaths associated with the Parish:


- Mary Jennings, nee Hynes, Louisburgh (aunt of Mary Sammon, Cloonan).

- Frankie McGoff, nee Murrihy, 126 Knockaphunta & Milltown Malbay.

- Tony Carney, Dublin & formerly Leitir, Islandeady. 


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.



Baptisms in Islandeady:


- Éire Annie Chalke, Thownyeena, daughter of Caitriona & Stephen.

- Dean Samuel Fenton, Beltra, son of Regina & Aiden.




Islandeady Weddings:


- Ruth Hastings, Westport, and Tim English.

- Gerard Lavelle, Tullycommons, and Annie Kirby.

- Annette Cannon, Cornagushlaun, and Danny McGing.




Church Notices for September & October2016


Deaths associated with the Parish:


- Caitríona Lucas, tragically in Kilkee, Co Clare (niece of Marie O’Driscoll, Cloonkeen).

- Joe Forkan, Kiltimagh (father of Breda Quinn, nee Forkan, Kilfea).

- John Moran, Drummindoo.

- Mary Rose Tarpey, nee Murray, Birkenhead & late of Doogara, Glenisland.

- Maura Carney, Chapel St, Castlebar (mother of Eimear Horan, Corha).

- Mick Keaney, Birmingham (uncle of Carmel Masterson, Dooleague).

- Jim Dempsey, formerly Cashel, Glenisland, died in Sydney Australia.

- Joan Greaney, Caherlistrane (sister of late Martin McManamon, Kilfea).

- Colette McAree, Castleblaney (sister-in-law of Anne Heraty, Sheeaune).

- Rose Lyons, Erriff, Ballyhaunis (mother of Mary Reidy, Rushbrook).

- Petie Philbin, Lenasellagh & Belcarra.

- Tom Ruane, Manchester & Derrartin (brother of Frank Ruane, Derrartin).

- Tony Junior O’Malley, Castlebar (nephew of Breege Moran, Drimneen).

- 8 year old Jessica Needham, Lismolin, who died tragically.

- Pat Ludden, Castlebar (brother of Margaret Fitzgibbon, Cloggernagh).

- Christy Gallagher, Louisburgh, tragically (brother of John Gallagher, Cloggernagh).

- Owen Sweeney, Collooney, Sligo (brother-in-law of Marian Irwin, Cashel).


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.



Baptisms in Islandeady:

Mason Alan Teresko, Glenisland, son of Sharon & David. Jesse Lee Durcan, Cogaula, son of Michelle & Frankie. Anna Ciara Smerdova, Derrycoosh, daughter of Aisling & Vaclav. Tara Clodagh Mulchrone, Cashel, daughter of Breda & Dominic. Odhrán John Collins, Graffymore, son of Kylie & Peter Mark. Poppy Matilda O’Shea, Knockanedin, daughter of Suzanne & Richard.  Nathan James Patrick Staunton, Knockanedin, son of Lisa & Stephen. Emily Grace Scahill, Rushbrook, daughter of Aoife & Danny. Grace Aoife Dillon, Derrycooraune, daughter of Samantha & Matt. 

Jake Peter McLoughlin, Westoning, son of Natasha & Patrick.

Liam Kevin Corcoran, Slingaun Roe, son of Imelda & Kevin.





Islandeady Weddings:


- Shane Keaveney, Sheeaune, and Aoife McGee.

- Sandra Walsh, Derrycoosh, and Mark Reilly.

- Ollie Moylette, Derrycooraune, and Emma Hammond.

- Richard Moylette, Derrycooraune, and Maria Sanjuan Cid.

- Karen Kelly, Derrada, and Shane Mulchrone.

- Ciarán Jennings, Kilbree, and Jessica McColl.

- Isabell Walsh, Clogher, and Trevor Bourke.

- Yvonne Ruane, Kellaughbawn, and Shane Duffy.




Church Notices for November 2016


Deaths associated with the Parish:

- Phyllis Walsh, nee Conroy, Cornanool & late of Kinvara Co Galway.

- Sheila Sharrocks, nee O’Boyle, Snugboro & Accrington, (sister of Evelyn Cooper, Doon).

- Charlie Nellany, Boston & Collooney (brother of Marian Irwin, Cashel).

- Teresa O’Donnell, nee Corcoran, Gurteen, Fahy.

- Eileen Walker, formerly Wastie, nee Moran, Drimneen.

- Betty Bourke, nee Conaboy, Derrycoosh (sister of June Costello, Kilbree).

- Pat Sammon, Tully, Rahins & formerly Glenisland.

- Pat McAndrew, London & formerly Glenisland.

- Baby Tom Charles Healy, Turlough & Cummer.

-Tom Morley, Lower Carrowbeg Estate, Westport.

-Pat Brady, Birmingham and Cornagushlaun. (Brother of Mary Kate Walsh, Doon)

-Joe Geraghty, Pontoon Road, Castlebar. (Uncle of Bernie Moran


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.



Baptisms in Islandeady:

- Elisagh Mae Ryan-Conway, daughter of Catherine & Mark. 

- Fionnán Eugene Flanagan, Glenisland, son of Niamh & Michael.

- Roisín Mary Alba Mulchrone, Glenisland, daughter of Aoife.



Islandeady Weddings:

- Margaret Moran and Patrick Flynn, Lanmore. 

- Elaine Keane and Richard Needham, Doon.

- Jessica Larson and Alan Barrett, Glenisland.

- Shauna Roberts and Seid Mujic, Derrycoosh.

- Edel Mullin and Paul McGarry, Dunmore.

- Karen McGowan and Eamon Higgins, Glenisland.




Church Notices for December 2017


Deaths associated with the Parish:

- Bridie Scripps, died in London (formerly Bridie Moran, Drimneen).

- Gary Cafferkey, Bray & Belmullet (twin brother of Jason Cafferkey, Drimneen).

- Kathleen Dooley, Gurteen, Co Galway (mother of Michael Dooley, Kellaughbawn).

- Nora McHale, Parke (mother of Mary Jennings, Cashel).

- Jim Cooney, Kilmeena and Derrycrieve.

- Marty Walsh, Blackburn (brother of Tommy Walsh, The Key West).

- Sabina Holmes nee Ludden, Thownyeena & Manchester (sister of Tony Ludden, Rahins).

- Mary Killeen, Leixlip, Co Kildare (aunt of Sara Ryan, Cogaula).

- Cyril Moran, Parke (brother of Johnny Moran, Sheeaune).

- Seamus Lally, Drumnaguncan (brother of Anne McGreevy, Killaughbawn).


May They Rest in Peace.

Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.


Baptisms in Islandeady:

- Sophie Lauren Lavelle, Kilfea, daughter of Roisín & Keith. 

- Tom Anthony Moylett, Rinnaseer, son of Valerie & Tom.

- Mya Michelle Cunningham, Cornagushlaun, daughter of Sandra & Brendan.




Islandeady Weddings:

- Michelle Kerrigan, Monageeraun,  and Anthony Lynch. 

- Aishling Costello, Derrycoosh,  and Gerard Hogan.

- Bernardine Walsh, Westport,  and Adrian Cummins.






The Tochar Valley Rural Community Network

A network with a difference 

“For the people by the people”


Networks and networking have contributed significantly to community development in Ireland and beyond. Here in Mayo we are particularly proud of our unique grass roots network which was established in 1999. As a voluntary, autonomous grass roots rural community network it is committed to the empowerment of rural people in the development of sustainable rural communities. It’s establishment was in response to a farm survey that highlighted the need for communities to work together and to develop off farm income ( e.g rural tourism initiatives etc)

The Tochar Valley area stretches from Balla in east Mayo to Murrisk in the west of Mayo. It is comprised of eighteen communities. They are Balla, Manulla, Ballyvary, Mayo Abbey, Hollymount, Ballyglass, Clogher, Belcarra, Carnacon, Ballintubber, Killawalla, Ballyheane, Islandeady, Partry, Tourmakeady, Aughagower, Brackloon/Drummin, Murrisk. Islandeady is an active member of the network and has two members of the Community Council on its Board of Directors. It continues to show leadership and the present Treasurer of the Network is from Islandeady Community Council - John Cannon. Philomena Browne is also a director of the network board.

The main objectives of the Network are as follows:

To promote and encourage income generation activities  e.g  Rural Tourism

To preserve and enhance the diverse Archaeological and Historical Heritage of the Tochar Valley region

To preserve our Heritage and develop an awareness of our natural environment

To develop the economic potential of the Tochar Valley

To off-set the anticipated drop in employment within the agricultural sector and maintain rural viability

Strengthening the Web of Connections

A partnership Approach


The development of The Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail – A 61 km marked way was a huge achievement for the Network.

For the past sixteen years the Network has developed a strong partnership between landowners, State Agencies, Mayo County Council, South West Mayo Development Company, The Rural Social Scheme, The National Trails Office, the Irish Sports Council and many more. The network has a deep conviction around the benefits of partnership and have been actively involved in collaborations with Michigan State University, The Kettering Foundation, Ohio, and with the S.T.R.A.P partnership, Tyrone, Armagh, Down and Antrim.

From a network perspective we have come to truly believe in Margaret Wheatley s words

“ there is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about”

The network values the benefits of working with all types of groups, hence the web of connectedness it has built around itself e.g Michigan University Programme with Communities in Mayo, the partnership between Northern Ireland, Scotland and Mayo, our ongoing programme with The Kettering Foundation in Ohio. Its work with youth groups in Mayo, particularly the research projects which are opening new doors and possibilities

We are grateful to all communities who are driving the network. We thank the Islandeady community for your on-going support and interest.

“ Ni Neart a cur le cheile”

The network would like to share a few delicious simple easy to do recipes for you to enjoy. They have been taken from The Tochar Valley Cook Book which is in the process of compilation at the moment. We intend to publish it in the near future.


May your hearts be filled with Joy, Hope and Peace this Christmas


Sister Maureen Lally

Manager Tochar Valley Rural Community Network




Islandeady RSS workers are busy as usual in the community. The football pitch has been the main project for the two Martin’s this year, and it is a credit to all involved there.  But other jobs have to be done too, like the hovering of St Aidans room and maintaining of the graveyard and the village enhancement projects.  Patricia is always busy in the community centre which is becoming an important hub of the community where young and not so young meet on a regular basis. 


May we take this opportunity to wish all, A Merry Christmas and a prosperous NEW YEAR




Islandeady Cycling Club located in Jacks old cottage DerrycooraneIslandeady Castlebar, is a leisure cycling club

The club has members ranging in ages from 14 to 70 years of age and of all cycling abilities. Islandeady cycling club offer cycle runs for beginners, improvers and more advanced riders, the club is split into different categories of cyclists depending on their skill and distance they would like to cycle for but the ethos of community and fun are at the heart of this club.

We currently have members who cycle regularly on club organised cycles and at sportive events through the country. 

The club members will cycle as a group every Wednesday evening at 7pm during the summer months and Sunday morning at 9am leaving Jacks old cottage in Islandeady and returning there for a much needed cup of tea. If you would like to meet new people and keep fit and have fun then Islandeady is the place to be.

The members of the club started off with its first Charity cycle on 27th February for Epilepsy to raise awareness of Epilepsy and funds for Epilepsy Ireland by participating in a 68km or 127km leisure cycle to coincide with the International Epilepsy Day.

In March we took on the challenge of the Gran Fondo in Westport which was our first timed cycle, alot would have treated this event as a race and some treated it as a leisure cycle with 2 routes, 122km – Difficult terrain which includes the iconic Sheffry climb and the beauty of Glassilaun and Tully Cross or 70km – Moderate terrain which includes the stunning Ashleagh Falls and the iconic Sheffry climb.

In March we organised a 24hour cyclothon to raise funds for a defibilratorall members and the wider community of Islandeady cycled and supported  this great event. 12 Members of the club have under gone first responders and CPR training so all our cyclists are in safe hands.

Also in March 3 of our members went on a lovely cycling holiday to Lanzarote to enjoy the sunshine, the hill climbs and off course breathtaking views along the way. 

In May our members enjoyed the Pink Ribbon cycle which was for a great cause, The routes were 51km, 108km and 147km so there was something for everyone. All routes took in areas of natural beauty and brought cyclists through many of the towns and villages of Mayo. 

In June we took to the roads for the Explore Mayo Cycle 2016 this was a leisure event that catered for cyclists of all standards. There were three routes to choose from; 50km, 100km or 150km- one to suit each level of fitness and all with breathtaking views of Mayo. 

In July we got a superb day for the Westportif. There was an  80km cycle it set out from the bustling town of Westport with breathtaking views of Ireland’s famous mountain Croagh Patrick and the 365 islands of Clew Bay with many more breathtaking views along the way. The 120km cycle with 3 categorised climbs offered a good test for all riders. The biggest climb was at the end of the day, so energy had to be conserved wisely. The 160km cycle with 5 categorised climbs offered a good test for all riders..

Also in July Some of our Members travelled all the way down to Kerry to cycle the famous Ring of Kerry for more breathtaking views.

On July 30th Islandeady CC organised a very successful Fun Run in aid of the Melissa Patterson Fund The proceeds from our fun run went towards encouraging disadvantaged children to take part in sporting activities. We had planned that Success for the event would be 150 happy participants - BUT we had in excess of 250 very happy participants on the day. The overwhelming feedback from everyone was hugely positive and everyone who took part thoroughly enjoyed their day - young & old. 


On July 31st we enjoyed the Drum Inn Annual Cycle In aid of Annie Mai's Wish and in association with Holy Angles National School, Clogher. The cycle consisted of a family cycle of 15km and another route of 50km.

Also on the same day some of our members headed to North Mayo to enjoy the Giro De Baile There was two routes available for participants – for the more experienced, the 146km route followed a wonderfully scenic course from Ballycastle Village right along the North Mayo coast.

For the intermediate or leisure cyclist, the 60km route took in the parishes of Ballycastle, Lacken, Killala, Cooneal, Crossmolina, Moygownagh and Kilfian .

On 14th August enjoyed the Gift for Life Cycle in Enniscrone Our to promote organ donation. It was open to everyone free of charge, in return you have a donor card or you get a friend to sign up for a donor card. Two fabulous routes to choose from 62km or 105km. Very challenging 105kmSept 6th we enjoyed another great event for Western Care there was 2 lovely Routes 50km & 100km

Sept 17th  seen us in Claremorris for the Claremorris Charity Cycle in aid of Prostate Cancer, well enjoyed leisure cycling event that was the last of the sportive events this year and what an amazing year it has been.

We have now gone back to spinning for the winter months with our new tutor this year Ray Moylette and he is an excellent one we all look forward to our Tuesday and Thursday spinning as we never know what he has in store for us!!

Our plans for the future is to continue as we have been the past 2 years and to share our experiences with everyone to try and encourage people to take up this wonderful hobby and  to joining our brilliant and enjoyable club as we have a lot of fun along with getting fitter and stronger.




The Village Enhancement group is a sub-group of the Community Council formed in 2014.Since then the Group have planned and carried out several Community projects, with plans in progress for many more.

The Group would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the help and support of people in the Community with the various projects undertaken to date. Several people in different areas throughout the Community have come on board offering suggestions to benefit their area and assistance while the work is being carried out. This is very important in ensuring the completed projects are maintained on a regular basis. This voluntary assistance and enthusiasm has been a significant boost to the group making their efforts all worthwhile and also helps to further  plans to enhance the area .The group would also like to acknowledge the Community Council for their support with all projects.

• Mayo Co Council and Ann Sweeney( area engineer) for all her assistance and advice with several projects.

• The RSS men Martin Graven , Martin Cannon, their Supervisor  and their work colleagues who helped during the year.

• The group would especially like to thank Padraic Horkan  of ‘ Horkans Garden Centre’ for meeting with them on many occasions when his advice and  assistance was invaluable. Sincere thanks to Padraic, for sponsoring and supervising the planting of the fifteen beautiful lime trees at ReidsX. These trees are a beautiful addition to this area.


Work to date:

Reids X. This area has improved significantly during the year, testament to local people who are maintaining it on a regular basis. The group e to acknowledge the donation of a Bench seat for this area , dedicated to the late Tommy Walshe, Derrycoosh ( father of VEG member Tommy). Other developments will follow in this area.

Three Bridges...The hedge-cutting across this area has greatly improved vision for all road users and the group have received many positive comments. Thanks to the RSS men for painting the fence here.

The trees have been cut also at the dangerous bend in  Derrycoosh lending to improved vision. A luminous strip has been requested for the low bridge along the road here. 

Aughagower X..This area is also being maintained on a regular basis and it is hoped to further enhance the road side on either side. Some daffodil bulbs have been planted here to provide some colour in springtime.

The Arch. there are plans for further enhancement of this area with the help of locals and the group have been in contact with Iarnroid Eireann to carry out some improvements on the wall along the railway track.

Hedge-cutting Grant for Communities..The group was successful in their application and secured a small amount of money for same. They will have to organise/pay for the work themselves within certain criteria 

before the Council will reimburse them. This work will be carried early in the New Year and the group are hoping all landowners involved will be supportive of same.

Plans for next year:

• Meeting with Ann Sweeney ( area engineer) re plans for next year

• Some hedge-cutting in the area under recent Grant

• Plans to improve corners on the Church rd as previously agreed.

• Develop footpath from Church to Football Grounds

• Walkway along main road from Cloggernagh school/ Church road and lay-by along main rd.

• Open discussion with NRA regarding plans for New Road and effect on area.

• Enhance lay-by in Cloggernagh/Cloonkeen near ‘ Islandeady’ 

• Enhance areas around both’ Islandeady’ signs on Wport/Cbar road. 

The Group are always open to suggestions and ideas from people relating to improvements that could be carried out in their area. We guarantee that every suggestion will at least be discussed and feedback given. The group would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas with every good wish for 2017

Group members representing each area in the parish as follows:

Owen O’Malley, Breege Carney, Gerard Fahey, Tommy Walshe, Marty Needham, Liam Keaveney, John Cannon, James O Malley, Kathleen Feeney ( RSS Representative) Breege Joyce ( Chairperson)  





Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Oileán Éadaí 2016 


Tá sé ag tarraingt ar an Nollaig, agus is maith and tráth é breithniú siar a dhéanamh ar an mbliain atá caite. Tá lucht an Chumainn go breá sásta leis an dul chun cinn atá déanta acu. 

As Christmas approaches, members of Islandeady G.A.A. can look back with some satisfaction on a year in which the club made good progress on several fronts. 


Development of grounds

       The sweeping vista of green that is the two new pitches at the club’s grounds is indeed a sight to lift the hearts of all, but especially of those people who have dreamed of it and worked towards it for the best part of ten years. Embracing as it does the entire community of Islandeady, there is room now for everyone- young, old, fit and not so fit. The walkway / running track extends right around all three pitches, approximately 1km in length. There is ample scope for leisurely strolls, power-walking, jogging and running, as well as training for the more serious runner. In July, a fine community effort was evident as children and adults formed a meitheal to remove any small stones that escaped the attention of the workmen. 


       The big, comfortable stand and open, spacious area around the original pitch makes for an agreeable experience for spectators when a match is being played, or a Sports Day is in progress. Often, the church bell ringing the Angelus can be heard mingling with the people’s voices as they issue instructions and encouragement to each other. People home on holidays greet neighbours and friends. There really is no place like home. 



 Of course, funding was required to achieve the improvements to the facilities, and the club is grateful to all those generous people who supported the Development Draw over the last three years. IslandeadyG.A.A. club had a winner in each of the two Mayo County Board Club Development Draws 2016 that were held at Elvery’s McHale Park on Friday June 24th 2016. Congratulations to Ignatius Goggins and Philomena Browne, who each won €200.


Thank you to those who regularly suppport the club’s Lotto, which is drawn every fortnight in either The Key West or Marty’s Halfway House. Congratulations to John Ward who won the Jackpot worth €15,600 on April 10th 2016. 


       Senior club players led the effort to keep a football moving around the pitch non-stop for 24 hours in July as both a cheerful celebration of high summer and a fundraiser for the club. Well done and thanks to all involved. 


      Thank you also to all who contributed to the annual Flag Day in support of Islandeady G.A.A.’s underage members which was held on September 3rd. 


Underage fun and games

      Islandeady G.A.A. provides playing opportunities for boys and girls aged under 6 and under 8, under the direction of Pat Ryan and Ray McNamara. In July, Achill Bord na nÓg were guests in Islandeady G.A.A. grounds for an Under 6 blitz. Lovely scenes took shape as little children ran around, chased a bouncy football, squealed and kicked and threw the ball in the general direction of their team mates, while the adults did their best to offer advice and sort out little clusters of enthusiastic youngsters when they got entangled. A very pleasant event for all involved.


A really enjoyable week was had by all the children who took part in the Islandeady Cúl Camp in July. Well done to Pat Ryan and all the team who organised the event and saw to it that the children had a memorable week. Thank you to Diarmuid O’ Connor who took time out to visit the camp and make it extra special for the participants.

Girls’ football

       Girls play on all-girls teams at under 10 and under 12 levels. Thank you to Rory Courell, Ken Irwin, Ann Graven, Marian McNamara, Una Moran and Eamon Shaughnessy who do great work to develop the girls’ game. In June a grant was received from Mayo Sports Partnership to help develop ladies football. Lots of girls are enjoying the sport and the craic. New members, volunteers and supporters are always welcome. 


Boys’ football

Boys play at under 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 levels.

     At under 10 level, boys play Go Games under the direction of Tony Collins, Ciarán O’ Connell and Noel Walsh. They had a great day out in October as guests of Achill Bórd na nÓg when they competed in the Gearóid Murphy Blitz. Kilmeena, Achill and Islandeady competed for the Murphy trophy, playing two games each and then a final. Islandeady came out on top, much to the delight of the young players. Well done to all. Thank you to Achill Bórd na nÓg for their hospitality.


     At Under 12 level, boys played the Spring League and the Summer League under the direction of Noel Walsh, Cormac Moran and Gary O’ Mahony.

     The Under 13 boys competed in the Division 4A League, while the under 14 boys  put on a delightful display of football and teamwork in Ballintubber pitch in July as they competed in the West Mayo C championship final. Islandeady emerged victorious and Caillin Joyce accepted the perpetual shield, acknowledging Tourmakeady in his acceptance speech. Manager Kevin Kelly and coaches Michael Kelly, Darragh Joyce, Kieran Gibbons, Michael Joyce, Ann Barrett and CormacMcCarthy were very pleased. 


       The Under 15 boys, under the direction of Kevin Kelly and Michael Kelly and their management team, reached the county semi final of the Division 4 Cup. In a fine display of good football, they confidently defeated Castlebar Mitchells B, and at the time of going to print were preparing for the county final. Well done to all concerned. 


       The Under 16 boys, under the direction of manager David Gordon and coaches Kevin Bourke and Martin McMenamon produced some very good football which earned them a place in the West Mayo D Championship final against Tourmakeady. However, a very good Tourmakeadygoalkeeper denied them the chance to bring home the trophy. 


Adult football

       The James Sweeney Memorial Cup, hosted by Islandeady, was won this year by Louisburg.


Young men under the age of 21 competed in the C championship, while the Junior team competed in the Mayo Senior League Group 1F and topped their group in the Junior C Championship, getting through to the county quarter final. They put in a sterling performance but had to concede defeat to Burrishoole B. Cathal McLoughlin gave some nice passes, Kevin Gilroy and Marty Gallagher defended well. Brian McCormack and Peter McCormack played well in centrefield and took some good scores while Dean Carney was effective in the forwards.


        Islandeady made a strong start in the Mayo GAA Egan Jewellers Intermediate championship and in June were sitting at the top of their group with one game remaining. In August they got through to the county quarter final to face Burrishoole, but unfortunately lost that match by just 2 points when it was eventually played in late October. 


       In September Islandeady sat in third place on the Mayo Senior League Group 1B table after defeating Belmullet, playing with style and spontaneity. This team is maturing nicely and there were several very good performances from the Islandeady men. Darragh O’ Malley had the upper hand in centrefield, fielding well and distributing the ball to good effect. Cormac Gordon was always a threat to the opposition, and one of his superb passes was received by Peter Gordon who forced the Belmulletgoalkeeper to pull off a very good save to deny Islandeady a goal. Danny McGowan showed his talent to good effect as he scored frees and defended with skill and power. Darragh Joyce, Paul Ruane, Liam Joyce and Levi Barrett all contributed points, David Gordon defended with skill and tenacity and Goalie Nathan Barrett was accurate with his kickouts. In fact every member of Declan Conway’s team did themselves proud. The final score was Islandeady 1-16, Belmullet 1-10. 

Following the teams

All results and league table positions can be viewed on 


All members and friends of Islandeady G.A.A. are encouraged to log on to the club’s website at where they will find details of upcoming fixtures. Simply go to the home page and click on the fixtures link on the left hand side of the page. This pulls the upcoming fixtures for our club directly from the Mayo G.A.A. website. 


Any news item added to the Islandeady G.A.A. website will now show up on Twitter together with a link to the Islandeady G.A.A. page which contains the fresh news item. Click on this link to read the news. 


 will bring you to the Twitter home page. Log in and follow Oileán Éadaí C.L.G. @islandeadyGAA.  If you follow this page, it is possible to turn on mobile notifications for it. You will then get a mobile phone notification from Twitter with a link to the website page every time a new item is posted on


Islandeady players represent Mayo

    Peter Collins took centrefield position on this year’s Mayo Junior Team, while Darragh Joyce took his place on the subsitiute bench. The team defeated Sligo and Galway to take the Connacht Junior Championship. They went on to defeat Wexford and met Kerry in the All Ireland final in Croke Park. Peter Collins was unfortunate to suffer a knee injury during that game and Mayo lost a great player when he had to bow out. Islandeady G.A.A. is very happy to have Peter fully recovered from his injury and in action again. 

Mayo Senior Team’s All-Ireland campaign.

     In May a great weekend was had by all the Islandeady G.A.A. members who travelled to Ruislip to see Mayo play and enjoy meeting old friends. By August our extremely hard-working, ever-cheerful, positive and supportive secretary Cathy Carney was moving into higher gears as she coped with the greatly increased workload due to the demand for tickets to see Mayo play in Croke Park. Mayo’s campaign reached a crescendo, but disappointment and dejection was to be our lot. Next year….!


Fáilte 40

Well done to Islandeady Community Council who organised a very successful festival over the weekend. Walkers, runners and joggers took part in the Islandeady Fun Run which started from Jack’s Cottage and took in a scenic route around the parish. A celebration of the 40 years of the Council took place in Marty’s Halfway House. Chairperson John Cannon addressed the gathering and recalled the successes of the Council over the years. 

He also remembered those people who had since passed to their eternal reward, as well as welcoming all those who travelled distances to be there. Mass in Islandeady cemetery was followed by a very enjoyable sports day in the Islandeady G.A.A. grounds,  rounding off a very agreeable, neighbourly weekend. 


2016 U16 West Mayo D Championship Islandeady vs Tourmakeady

Back L-R David Gordon, Kevin Bourke, David Moran, Kevin Coyne, Nathan Reilly, Ciarán Bourke, Kevin Hennelly, Seán Kelly, ConorChambers, Dylan Welsh, Johnathan Lally, Mairtín McManamon, EoinMcManamon, Martin McManamon, Tom Coen

Front L-R Oisín Coen, Thomas Devanney, Alan Kelly, Diarmuid Kelly, Eoin Morris, Ciarán Gallagher, Mark Kirby.

Annual presentation to underage players 2016

The Community Centre was packed for Islandeady G.A.A.’s annual presentation of prizes to boys and girls who played football during the year. 

         The club’s Coaching Officer Pat Ryan thanked special guests An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Mayo player Stephen Coen for being there. He pointed out that the club’s managers and coaches work very hard all year long with the younger members, and thanked them for that. He paid tribute to the parents who brought the children to training and games and supported the Lotto and Flag Day. He saluted the parents who build community by providing tea and refreshments on Saturday morning after training, and thanked them. Pat acknowledged the club’s Chairman Cormac Moran, Secretary Cathy Carney, Treasurer Tommy Francis Gibbons,  P.R.O. Christine Gordon and Children’s Officer Brendan Needham. He was grateful to the Pitch Committee for the superb condition of the pitch. The volunteers who refereed the under 8 and 10 games and the senior players who help out with the youngsters were specially mentioned. The Coaching Officer told the young players to mirror themselves on the best, referring to An Taoiseach and Stephen Coen. 

          Chairman Cormac Moran thanked Pat Ryan and Seán McLoughlinfor all the work, energy and time that they put into the club. He assured An Taoiseach that the club appreciated his giving of his time to be there. 

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny said that Stephen Coen was a special young man, a great ambassador for the G.A.A. who carried the hopes of thousands of Mayo people on his shoulders. He urged the boys and girls present to aim to be the best, by practising hard to do the simple things well. He wished the club well as it develops its walkway in addition to its second pitch, and thanked the parents for their support of Gaelic Games. 



Stephen Coen acknowledged that Islandeady G.A.A. club is in a great position at the moment. He said children were the foundation of the club and that he loved coming to events like this presentation. 

           Stephen Callum said that this year the club lost one of its members, Jessica Needham, R.I.P.  Everyone missed her smiling face and generous hugs and the community rallied around the family in their sadness. The gathering observed a minute’s silence to remember Jessica. 


Under 6 Lions and Bears

Grace Ryan called the following players to receive their medals: OisínToland, Padraic McDonagh, Conor Ludden, Ryan Mulvanney, Holly Barrett, Grace Needham, Leah McNamara, Liam Moylette, Simeon O’ Flaherty, Jack McNicholas, Owen Dillon, Jack Courell, Seán Graven, Saoirse Toland, Tom Collins, Clíona Shaughnessy, Gerry Brosnan, Emma Brosnan, Seán  McNally, Mikey O’ Connor, Daithí Hayes, Amy Needham, Lily Needham, Carlos Tracey, Nathan Gill, Conor Milroy and Tony Milroy

Under 8 

Pat McNamara, manager of the Under 8 team, thanked John McCormack, Des Ryan, Ray McNamara and Vinnie Feeney for their work with this group of players. They had non-competitive games during the year and did well. The main aim is to have fun. The following players received their medals from Stephen Coen: 

Conor Dillon, Kayla Gibbons, Kate McNicholas, Darragh Callum, Brian Walsh, Cian Hamrock, Charlie O’ Malley, Oisín Byrne, MoiaShaughnessy, Emily Irwin, Ella O’ Flaherty, Kaylin Hunter, Kate Needham, Francesca Tracey, Noah John Smith, Evan Danagher, Ronan McNamara, Andrew Gallagher, Jack Danagher, Megan Costello, Katie Costello, Jaden Barrett and Ryan McNamara. 


Under 10

Manager Tony Collins thanked coaches Ciarán O’ Connell and Noel Walsh for their work with this group. Senior footballers Darragh Joyce, Liam Joyce, Ollie Feeney and Niall Walsh have also been generous with their time in helping with coaching. Tony also acknowledged Pat Ryan’s trojanwork in helping and supporting the managers. The following players received their medals: Kaylin Walsh, Ethan Gallagher, Daniel O’ Malley, Seán Collins, Darragh Needham, Keelin Tracey, Chris O’ Connell, Shane Hennelly, Adam Coyne, Dylan Byrne, Seán Crennigan, Martin Graven, Matthew McNamara, Christian McNamara, Luke Carney, Michael Carney, Ben Walsh, Nathan Walsh, Jack Mongan, Aaron Kelly. 

Well done to the Under 10 team, they won a blitz in Achill, showing great character as they dug deep to push on to victory. 


Girls football

Ken Irwin and Rory Courell, together with Ann Graven, Marian McNamara, Una Moran and Eamon Shaughnessy are doing excellent work with the girls. The girls have played in non-competitive games and it is hoped that next year the club will have Under 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 teams. 

The award for most Improved Player of the Year went to Kirstin Chambers. The following players received their medals from Stephen Coen: 

Amy Dillon, Pauline Fox, Sarah Courell, Maeve Kelly, Clodagh Walsh, Kirstin Chambers, Abby Carney, Anna Conor, Lauren Moran, Lauren Courell, Tara Hennelly, Sarah McArdle, Leah Irwin, Lara Shaughnessy, Shauna Corcoran, Aisling Graven, Laura Graven, Orla Graven, Diane McManamon and Sarah Graven.  

Under 12

Manager Noel Walsh, together with coaches Cormac Moran and Gary O’ Mahony did a fine job with these players. Rory Morris was named Player of the Year while the following players received medals: Christopher O’ Connell, Seán Collins, Éanna Walsh, Darragh Needham, Adam Coyne, Martin Graven, Jamie Reid, Oisín Moran, Nathan Walsh, Aidan Hennelly, Rory Morris, Zach Collins, Keelin Barrett, Aaron Corcoran, Evan Barrett and Patrick Carney.


Under 14

Manager Kevin Kelly, and coaches Michael Kelly, Darragh Joyce, Kieran Gibbons, Michael Joyce, Anne Barrett and Cormac McCarthy were very pleased with the progress of their players. They won the West Mayo Under14 Championship, reached the semi final of the County Championship (a separate competition) and reached the semi-final of the County League. Captain Caillin Joyce, Nathan Reilly Doyle and Keith Joyce made the West Mayo Development squad. 

The Most Improved Player of the Year, sponsored by Tommie Joyce Car Sales, was  awarded to Diarmuid Rowan. 

Players who received medals were: Brian O’ Flaherty, Seamus Hayes, Cian Moylette, Liam Hegerty, Diarmuid Rowan, Nathan Reilly Doyle, Liam Coyne, Caillin Joyce, Keith Joyce, Ethan Barrett, Liam Morris, Thomas Coen, Conor Coyle, Saul McCarthy, Dylan Kelly, Patrick Graven, Jack Carney, Michael O’ Connell, Keelan Foy, Jack O’ Donnell, Peter O’ Donnell and Finn Killet. 


Under 16

Manager David Gordon and coaches Kevin Bourke,  Martin McMenamonand Tom Coen did sterling work with this group of players, and were very pleased when Kevin Coyne and Ciarán Gallagher made the South/West Mayo Development Squad. 

Player of the Year, sponsored by Jimmy Heneghan School of Motoring, was awarded to Ciarán Bourke.

The players are as follows:  David Moran, Kevin Coyne, Nathan Reilly Doyle, Ciarán Bourke, Kevin Hennelly, Seán Kelly, Conor Chambers, Dylan Welsh, Johnathan Lally, Mairtín McManamon, Eoin McManamon,

 Oisín Coen, Thomas Devanney, Alan Kelly, Diarmuid Kelly, EoinMorris, Ciarán Gallagher, Mark Kirby.





The Wednesday Get together group has enjoyed another great season, Our members experience great company and a meal every Wednesday.

Every so often we leave the comfort of the Centre to explore the Countryside, For example,  locally we viewed the development of the football pitch, and also “Jack’s Cottage” one of our favourite places where we are always treated to tea and home baking.

We have been Bussed to Turlough Museum for the dresser expiation.  Ballina and Knock were other day’s outings with lunch included.

In house activities include Bingo, Cards and art.  Our wonderful art students held an Exhibition earlier this year. We have fundraised successfully most recent our coffee morning, thank You to all the supported.  

We always  welcomed Entertainment. So if you have a talent and are free on a Wednesday we would love to see you.

We had a visit from Foròige who recently won a national award  “Congratulations” to you all


We would like to Thank Philomena and all the  wonderful workers who make it all possible and also Fr Donnellan who cerebrates Mass with us each Month. 

We would like to wish one and all A  very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 





Medals were in abundance this year for Islandeady Community Games participants in Athletics, Art & Swimming. In total at County level, our participants won 7 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals which was a huge achievement for our area and some of those participants went on to win a further 2 Silver and 2 Bronze medals at National Level. Islandeady hosted the Mayo Draughts U10 & U12 competition this year and our U10 Draughts team went on to win a Silver Medal in the Connacht Finals.6 teams were entered in Indoor Soccer & Futsal but were narrowly beaten at County level and our U13 Quiz team had a lot of fun at the County 

Table Quiz.

The Art & Handwriting Competition which took place in Cloggernagh NS had a huge turnout which produced some fantastic pieces of art, handwriting and models and ensured Islandeady was well represented in all categories at County Level. Similarily the Sports day was a huge success with increased numbers participating in every event in spite of a very stormy start to the day!

All- Ireland Medal Winners:

Tadgh Hayes ​U12 Art Silver:

Thomas Devaney​ U16 7K Bronze& Mayo Cross Country Team SILVER 

Roisin O Brien ​U14 Mayo Cross Country Relay Team BRONZE


Connaught Finals:​

U10 Draughts Silver Medals

Mayo County Athletics Finals Results;

Thomas Devaney:​U16 7K GOLD

Tara Hennelly:      U12 Ball Throw GOLD

Kevin Coyne: ​U16  100m GOLD

Mixed Relay Team:​U15 GOLD

{Vivienne Ward, Zara Collins, Liam Morris and Thomas Devaney}.

Roisin O Brien:​U14 800m SILVER

Liam Coyne:   U14 Long Jump BRONZE

Mayo Swimming Finals:

Leah Irwin:​U12 Freestyle GOLD

Niall Carter:             U14 Freestyle SILVER

Mayo Art Finals:

Tadgh Hayes:​U12 Art​GOLD

Liam Coyne:​U14 Art SILVER

Noah Devoy   U12 Model Making BRONZE

Ella Shaw​U10 – Art BRONZE;

Shannon Kelly U12 – Model making ,BRONZE



Congratulations to all the  participants and winners and a big thank you to our GAA, Cloggernagh NS, Cogaula NS and to all the coaches and volunteers who helped make every event a success!





With huge interest this year and almost 80 members in Islandeady Foroigethere are now three groups meeting in the Community Centre each week. Foroige Seniors for transition years and older meet on Thursdays with a 1styear and a 2nd /3rd year group meeting on Fridays.

There were a number of fun filled trips this year including BOTS,  a great day out in Carrick on Shannon at Go-Karting & the Boda Borg; bowling; kayaking and watersports in Adventure Islands and our third years enjoyed surfing and an overnight in Louisburg in Foroiges ‘ Pinelodge’.

Highlight of the year was our award winning boat project. The village enhancement project involved a lot of work painting and planting an old boat and the placing of a stone seat to improve the area at the slipway on the road to the cemetery. This project won a Gold Citizenship Award this Year at the National Foroige Citizenship Awards in City West.

Other highlights included our Wakeathon leading in to the ’Darkness into Light which raised €250 for Pieta House and our Hill Climb for Jack and Jill raising a further €250 for the Jack & Jill Foundation.  Friday nights generally comprise a meeting to organise activities and games and we had quite a few visitors this year including a talk from Niall Dunne on Mental Health, Sharon Cameron, Mayo Environmental Officer on Anti-litter and a night of Zumba with Lorraine Toner. Club members participatedin many inter club events including a table quiz, Foroiges Got Talent and of course enjoyed many discos. The new club year kicked off with our own very successful disco in October in the Halfway (Thanks again Marty!). Club members organised a Kiddies Halloween Fancy Dress and helped out at the Community Games Sports Day, held a lovely Youth Mass and helped out with the Santa Party and Sale of Work.                                                                 The club have recently secured a grant of €700 for a project on Anti-Litter awareness so would love to hear ideas from the community on how to develop this campaign. More recently the senior members did a research project and video on the Camino and how a trip there could benefit their own community.

Two of our members, Saoirse Gallagher & Thomas Devaney have been elected to the National Foroige Forum where they represent other young people and discuss issues at a National level.

All in all a very hectic year and with so many enthusiastic members anything is possible!

Merry Christmas from all in Islandeady Foroige and Best Wishes for 2017



 “IT’S PART OF WHO WE ARE”  1916  -  2016

History and heritage came to the fore throughout the country to mark 1916 and the Easter Rising. In those years Islandeady would have been a different place with whitewashed cottages dotted all around.

All our schools had a special Day of Remembrance. The tricolour was hoisted over all schools and teachers put in many hours of preparation for this event. Children learned much about the brave men and women who gave of themselves to make Ireland the country it is today. Our heritage will live on in story and song for many years to come as a result of this initiative.  

Joe Moylette keeps history alive with Jacks Old Cottage in Derrycouraneand he was busy this year again distributing Brochures to Hotels, B&Bs & Schools.

Marian Irwin organised the printing of the Brochures so that this Heritage Cottage remains prominent on the Map.



Great credit is due to Padraig Staunton, P.J. Sammon and Paul Casey, Cloonkeen, who organised the restoration of the Ambush Monument at Fitzgeralds. The Monument was erected to the memory of Thomas O¹Malley (20) and Thomas Lally (19), who lost their lives on 6th May 1921. Both young men were shot by British Forces while trying to escape from the scene of a foiled ambush on that fateful morning during the Troubles.

Members of Heritage Group visited the Monument in May to see the restoration. Photographer John Moylette took pictures also.



Another important Monument came under discussion at our meetings i.e. the

Cenotaph/Obelisk at the Browne Estate beside Raheens Wood. With the development of Rehins wood as a most pleasant walk and the nearby  extension of the Greenway through  Islandeady, the monument at Rehinshas become a familiar sight to the many hundreds who walk/run/ jog close beside it. This type of monument is particularly rare, a similar one in the Phoenix Park in Dublin being another. It was erected by Dodwell Browne in memory of his late beloved wife, Maria.

Recently it had come to notice that seeds of bushes had taken root in the cracks between the stones of the monument and threatened to cause structural damage if not seen to. Islandeady Heritage Group decided to take action. Application was made for funding .


Cllr. Martin McLoughlin was by now on board, anxious also to preserve  the 200-year-old Monument. Deirdre Cunningham (Heritage Officer), Mayo County Council, was instrumental in  arranging  for Irish Heritage Council funding for this project to be allocated.  As the funding allocated proved less than the proposed cost of this specialised heritage work, we had to seek help elsewhere. Minister Michael Ring T.D., Cllrs. Martin McLoughlin and Henry Kenny promised to allocate funds so that work might go ahead. 

Landowners Sean and Ann Hopkins were contacted and gave permission for the necessary work to be carried out on their lands also. 


Well, not exactly. But the idea was the same.

August Bank Holiday week-end was celebrated  with “Failte 40” organised to mark the 40th anniversary of Islandeady Community Council and with it to have an occasion when we could offer a Cead Mile Failte to our emigrants, our diaspora. 

Members of the first Council were there to meet up with people who had returned home from abroad. It was an occasion of nostalgia for the older generation while the young people took part in the many activities organised. Marty’s Halfway House rang with music and banter. Food was served at the expense of the Community Council. Posters arranged round the hall told the story of 40 years of a caring community moving in unity. An overhead projection showcased the work of photographer  JohnMoylette’s involvement with the Council’s work over the 40 years.


 Joe and Irene Moylette were kept busy as usual on Sunday 21st August 2016 to celebrate National Heritage Week. The Title “Ruaille Buaille  atJacks Cottage” appeared on the Co. Council Booklet. But surely RuailleBuaille means mayhem and madness, we asked ourselves as we arrived to see what Joe had up his sleeve. All seemed quiet. June Bourke gave a demonstration of spinning wool on her Spinning Wheel and other crafts were demonstrated. Many of us can now make a hay rope, should the need ever arise! The teenagers present learned how to play Pitch and Toss.

But...As luck would have it  the Mayo Team  were playing in Croke Park that same afternoon.. Work came to a halt as all present downed tools and watched the match on the big screen in Jack’s. Of course Gaelic football has been part of our Irish Heritage for over a century and it was a blend of modern technology combined with skills of bygone days!


Noreen Sadler, Pauline Rice and James Bourke attended a meeting in Westport Woods Hotel in September. It related to Green Transition and the talk was given by Vincent Carraher, Trinity College, Dublin. A good attendance of interested people from several Community Groups werepresent. In the years to come we must learn to play our part in helping save our environment from all harm. What better place to start than at home.

 Thanks to all who helped us throughout 2016. Wishing our Readers a Happy Christmas & New Year.

Noreen Sadler, Marian Irwin, John Moylette, Joe Moylette, James Bourke, Cllr. Martin McLoughlin and Pauline Rice.




Here’s a sample of some of the things that happened in Leitir N.S. during the 2016 year…..

R.S.A. Talk

On January 8th, Katie Conneely, a Road Safety Promotion Officer, came to talk to the children about road safety. She discussed various dangers on the road and how the children can make themselves ssafe on the road e.g. wear a hi-vis vest. The children enjoyed the talk and showed that they were quite knowledgeable about road safety.


On February 3rd, Grandparents Day took place in Leitir school. Grandparents were invited to the school by their grandchildren to take part in this day. There was a short prayer service in which various children read prayers. This was followed by the children showing portraits of their grandparents and talking about their traits and personalities. Each child presented a specially written prayer to their Grandparents to show how thankful they are for them.


Fire Safety Day

On Tuesday, 8th of March, Padraig a firefighter based in Castlebar, came to the school to talk to the children about fire safety. He introduced the children to some characters such as Beep and Plan Man. He highlighted the importance of having a working smoke alarm in the home and having a plan in place if there was a fire. The children had lots of questions for him and they were interested to hear about his own experiences. Each child was given a Fire Safety Pack to bring home with them.


Mayo Safe Cycling

Gerry Butler comes to the school every year to teach the children how to cycle safely on the road. Children from second class to sixth class take part in the programme. It prepared the children for the Mayo Cycle Safety competition which took place on Thursday, May 19th. The children that competed in the competition had to do a theory test in their teams before proceeding to cycle around the town of Castlebar showing their ability at being safe on the road. 


School Tour to Zipit

On Friday, June 10th, the children went on their annual school tour to Lough Key Forest Park to Zipit. Here, the children took part in a variety of tree top activities while on a harness including bridges, net ropes and of course, ziplines. The children completed varying levels based on their ages and really embraced conquering their fears in order to get to the ziplinepart. When the children were finished at Zipit, the bus travelled towards Sligo and stopped at Supermacs in Castlebaldwin where everyone was treated to a nice meal. The bus then travelled on to Sligo where the children had an hour and a half to go around in their groups to the various shops. The children then got on the bus again and headed home after a very enjoyable day out.

The Daily Mile

he children have started doing the Daily Mile. The Daily Mile Initiative is promoted by Mayo Sports Partnership and it involves the children and teacher taking part in a one mile walk/run every day. The benefits of the Daily Mile include improvement in children’s fitness levels, reduced stress and anxiety levels and greater concentration in class to name but a few. It is a 15-minute slot and the children have the freedom to walk/run at their own pace and challenge themselves daily to improve.


Mayo Day

The children were all very excited about their county team playing in the All-Ireland final again this year and donned their red and green jerseys, dresses, jumpers, trousers and wigs to show their support for their county on Friday 16th September. They decorated the school in the county colours and created their own Cillian O’Connor and Keith Higgins.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t Mayo’s year but the children were still proud of the team’s efforts.


The Pete McDonnell Cup

The Pete McDonnell Cup visited Leitir school on the 13th of Ocotber. Stephen, who had been helping out in the school, was on the Lousiburghteam who won the Country Junior Final on Sunday, 9thOcotber. He brought the cup to the school to show the children and it brought back great memories of when the Islandeady team won the cup in 2011.





The Islandeady Community Alert was first launched in the IslandeadyCommunity Centre in October 1995.

On November 10th 2014 Islandeady Community Alert with members of the Islandeady Community, Crime Prevention Officer Sergeant Tony Cosgrove and Garda Sergeant David Tiernan officially launched the Text Alert system for the Islandeady Community.


It’s the time of the year again where we need to be extra vigilant and report anything suspicious in your area.  Special emphasis should be put on our homes and property to make sure they are secured adequately.  Also please ensure that we check in on our senior citizens that are living alone or living in isolated areas and make sure that they are also adequately equipped to deal with emergency situations.

If there is anybody in need of Government Grant Aid for phones and pendants, please contact any of the committee members for assistance.



Top 5 Burglary Prevention Tips:

1. Secure all Doors and Windows

2. Light up your Home, use timer switches when out.

3. Store keys safely and away from Windows & Letterboxes.

4. Record details of Valuables and don’t keep large cash amounts at home

5. Use your Alarm, even when at home


Committee Members:

John Cannon Chairperson

Breege Carney secretary

Kathleen Feeney Treasurer.


We would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a safe and Peaceful Christmas.




The children of Cogaula N.S. were excited to return back to school after the summer holidays this year as they were eager to test the new playground installed during the summer. They love the climbing ropes and walls and the slide is brilliant. They love the see-saw and even the biggest in the school can fit into the wendy house. 


They are busy playing football and are looking forward to their day in the Centre of Excellence playing rounders against other schools. They also enjoyed celebrating Roald Dahl Day in the school where they dressed up as characters from his books.


For Halloween in Cogaula the children  dressed up for the occasion. Parents were woken up early to apply make-up and to help with the last touches to their costumes

The school had been decorated by the students with their Halloween art. Skeletons and witches appear from around every corner and the children looked forward to the mid-term break. 


After the Halloween break, it will be time to start preparing for the annual Cogaula Christmas Concert which takes place in the Islandeady Community Centre just before the Christmas Holidays. This will include plays, comedy, singing, dancing and all sorts of acts. 


Those in fifth and sixth class will be preparing for their Confirmation this year while children in second class will be preparing for their First Holy Communion. Soon after, they will be looking at school tours and before we know it, the year will be over and the children will be looking forward to the summer holidays. Along the way, they do  a little work but it's difficult when there's so much to enjoy during the school year!




As part of the 1916 commemorations Cornanool N.S was chosen to be the first school to receive the Irish Flag from the Armed Forces. This was a very memorable for the entire school community and a great honour for our school. 


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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