Course Name________________________ Grade Level___________

U. S. History Grade Level - 8th

Instructional Activities and Resources

|The following activities and resources have been identified to use with each unit of instruction. |

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|District’s Skills for Success booklet |

|Chester the Crab Graphic Novel |

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|two column notes derived from reading assignments/lectures |

|Foldables |

|Study Island |

|Glencoe Teacher Works Resource |

|Use Graphic Novel from Glencoe |

|Use a variety of information delivery strategies (District’s Skills for Success) including Interactive Cloze, GIST, Anticipation Guide, Guided Reading, Pair Reading,|

|Jigsaw, Stump the Teacher (Forget strategies) |

|United States History Atlas from Nystrom |

U. S. History Grade Level - 8th

1st - Nine Week Period – End Date October 13

* Use CRT Review Checklist with each unit. *

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Assessments |

| | | |Time | |

|3.1 |Life in the Colonies |Triangular Trade |10 days for all of |Chapter 4 Section 1 |

| | |Middle Passage |chapter 4 | |

|3.2 |Describe the economic and social environment in each of the groupings | | |Middle Passage Activity |

| |of colonies. | | |Map Triangular Trade |

| | | | | |

| |What is Triangular Trade? | | | |

| |What is the middle passage and why is it significant? | | | |

| |What was a principle crop for each grouping of colonies and their | | | |

| |economic foundation? | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| |Government, Religion, and Culture |Navigation Acts | |Chapter 4 Section 2 |

| | |English Bill of Rights | | |

| |Compare and contrast English Colonial rules and desires to the actual |Mayflower Compact | |Political Cartoon over Enlightenment |

| |desires of the colonists. | | |Freedom of the Press trial of John Peter Zenger |

| | | | | |

| |What is the English Bill of Rights and was its impact in the English | | | |

| |colonies? | | | |

| |What was the purpose and impact of the Navigation Acts? | | | |

| |How did religion affect colonial life? | | | |

| |Compare and contrast colonial governments? | | | |

1st - Nine Week Period – End Date October 13

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|3.1 |France and Britain Class in America |French and Indian War | |Chapter 4 Section 3 |

| | |Strengths and weaknesses of each side | | |

|3.2 |Describe the impact of European wars on the colonists and their |Result of war | |Create a map of major American Indians Settlements before|

| |effects on colonial relations with the Native Americans. |Who was involved | |European colonization. |

| | |Why did it occur | |Create a map displaying the displacement of tribes in 20 |

| |What led to the clashes between France and Brittan? |battles | |year periods |

| |What was the Iroquois Confederacy and how did it affect the relations|Importance of Ohio Valley | | |

| |with British and French settlers? |Role of Native Americas | | |

| |What was the Albany Plan of Union and why was it important? |George Washington | | |

| | |Albany Plan of Union | | |

| | |Iroquois Confederacy | | |

| |The French and Indian War |General Edward Braddock | |Chapter 4 Section 4 |

| | |William Pitt | | |

| |Understand the causes of the French and Indian War. Understand the |Marquis de Montcalm | |Create a map of North American and Colon code sections |

| |terms under the Treaty of Paris of 1763. |Seven Year’s War | |that are controlled by world powers of the time |

| | |Treaty of Paris of 1763 | |Create a foldable of Facts on the French and Indian War |

| |Why was the Proclamation of 1763 viewed by the colonist as a “choke |Pontiac’s Rebellion | | |

| |hold” on their growth? |Proclamation of 1763 | | |

| |What methods did the British government use to exercise their power | | | |

| |in the new world from 1754-1763 | | | |

| |What were the major events of the French and Indian War? | | | |

| |What was the impact of the Treaty of Paris, 1763? | | | |

| |What was the Proclamation of 1763? | | | |

1st - Nine Week Period – End Date October 13

*United States Atlas pg. 37 Teapots

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|3, 4, 5 |Taxation without Representation |Writs of Assistance |10 days for all of |Chapter 5 Section 1 |

| | |Sugar Act |chapter 5 | |

| |Why did the British face problems in North America after the French and |Taxation without representation | | |

| |Indian War? |Patrick Henry | |Create a poster that would simulate a protest against the|

| |Why did the American colonists object to the new British laws? |Samuel Adams | |king |

| |State two reasons why the t relations between the British and the |Sons of Liberty: purpose and activities | |Create a chart of the various acts against the colonist |

| |colonists began to deteriorate. |Boycott of goods: what / why | |and the effect that particular act had on the colonist |

| |Compare and contrast various methods of protest used by the colonists |Stamp Act | |and their existence |

| |against the King and Parliament. |Declaratory Act | | |

| |Who were the Daughters of Liberty and the Sons of Liberty? |Quartering Act | | |

| | |Townshend Acts | | |

| | |Declaratory Acts | | |

| | |Daughters of Liberty | | |

| | |English imperial policy toward the colonies | | |

|3, 4, 5 |Building Colonial Unity |Boston Massacre | |Chapter 5 Section 2 |

| | |Crispus Attucks | | |

| |Why did Boston colonists and British soldiers clash in the Boston |Paul Revere | |Create a time-line of events |

| |Massacre? |Committee of Correspondence | |Create a political cartoon over Boston Massacre |

| |How did the British government try to maintain its control over the |Tea Act | |Propaganda |

| |colonies? |Boston Tea Party | | |

| |How was propaganda used to convey information about the Boston Massacre? |King George III | | |

| |How did the Boston Tea Party lead to the Intolerable Acts? |Intolerable Acts | | |

| | |Coercive Acts | | |

| | |Quebec Acts | | |

| | |Give me liberty or give me death. | | |

| | |Don’t tread on me. | | |

| | |The shot heard around the world | | |

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|Growing Conflict Between Britain and America |


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|1763-Proclamation of 1763 forbids colonial settlement west of the Appalachians. |Colonists protest; some ignore the law. |

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|1764-Sugar Act cuts in half the import duty on foreign molasses but enforces law strictly. |Colonists raise cry of "no taxation without representation" and boycott British products. |

| | |

|1765-Quartering Act requires colonists to furnish food and lodging for British troops. |Colonial assemblies pass resolutions. Colonists boycott British products. Sons of Liberty attack stamp |

| |agents. Stamp Act Congress sends Declaration of Rights and Grievances to Parliament. |

| | |

|1765-Stamp Act passed |Boycott of British goods |

| | |

|1766-Repeal of Stamp Act. Parliament passes Declaratory Act stating its right to tax the colonists. |Boycott ended |

| |New York refuses to enforce Quartering Act. Colonists ignore Declaratory Act. |

| | |

|1767-Townshend Acts impose duties on paper, tea, paint, lead, and other items. |Colonial assemblies pass resolutions challenging Parliament's right to tax them. Colonists boycott British |

| |products. Sons of Liberty enforce boycotts. |

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|Suspension of New York Assembly for its refusal to enforce Quartering Act. | |

| |Colonists rally to the support of New York. Numerous protests held. |

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| |Boston Massacre – March 1770 |


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|1770-Repeal of the Townshend Acts except the tax on tea. |Colonial boycotts ended and calm restored. |

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|1773-Tea Act gives the East India Company a monopoly on the colonial tea trade. |In the Boston Tea Party incident, colonists dump the company's tea into the Boston harbor. In other colonies|

| |the company's ships are not allowed to unload, or the tea is confiscated. |

| | |

|1774-Intolerable Acts passed to punish Boston for the Tea Party. (1) Boston's port is closed. (2) Britain |Colonists interpret the Quebec Act as evidence that Britain wants to close the west to settlers from the 13 |

|takes tighter control of Massachusetts' government. (3) The Quartering Act directs colonists to find housing|colonies. Protestants are alarmed over religious provisions of the act. Because of the Quebec Act and the |

|and certain supplies for British troops. (4) British soldiers will be tried in England for certain crimes. |Intolerable Acts, all the colonies except Georgia send delegates to the Continental Congress. |

| | |

|Quebec Act sets up a civil government and recognizes certain French laws in Quebec. It grants religious and |Militias are formed |

|political freedom to Catholics in Quebec. It also extends the boundaries of Quebec southwestward to the Ohio| |

|and Mississippi rivers. |Congress calls for defense measures against British attack, authorizes another boycott against British goods,|

| |and appeals to King George III to restore the peace. |

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|1775-First battle of Revolutionary War results when British troops encounter colonial militia at Lexington |Militia fights British Troops |

|while en route to Concord to seize military supplies. | |

| |Second Continental Congress meets |

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| |Continental Army formed |

1st - Nine Week Period – End Date October 13

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|3, 4, 5 |A Call to Arms |First Continental Congress | |Chapter 5 Sec 3 |

| | |John Adams | | |

| |What happened at the first continental congress in Philadelphia? |Patrick Henry | |Student’s write a headline article from British point of |

| |How did the colonists meet British soldiers in their first armed clash? |Minutemen | |view over Bunker hill |

| |Identify key Revolutionary leaders |Lexington/Concord | | |

| |What was the purpose of the militia? |Ethan Allen and Green Mountain boys | | |

| |Identify the importance of the battles of Lexington/Concord and Breeds |Bunker Hill | | |

| |Hill/Bunker Hill. |Loyalists | | |

| | |Patriots | | |

|3, 4, 5 |Moving Toward Independence |Second Continental Congress | |Chapter 5 Sec 4 |

| | |Benjamin Franklin’s role in the American | | |

| |What happened at the 2ND continental congress? |Revolution | |Have students create their own preamble |

| |Why did the delegates draft the Declaration of Independence? |John Hancock | |Create an “Olive Brand Petition” to the current president |

| |What was the Olive Branch Petition and why was it important? |Thomas Jefferson | |on a topic of modern day discussion |

| |What role did Thomas Paine have on the call for independence? |Declaration of Independence | |Show video (movie) titled “1776” |

| |What was a Preamble to the Declaration of Independence and how is it a |King George III | | |

| |reflection of Enlightenment philosophy? |Intellectual origins of DOI | | |

| |-Understand the concept of “social contract” – John Locke |Key principles of DOI | | |

| |How did ideas of John Locke and Thomas Paine influence Jefferson’s |Abigail Adams | | |

| |writings in the Declaration of Independence? | | | |

| |John Locke’s Natural Rights Theory | | | |

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1st - Nine Week Period – End Date October 13

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|3.2 |American Revolution: The Early Years |Hessians / mercenaries |12 days for all of |Chapter 6 Section 1 |

|3.3 | |Role of women, African Americans, Native |chapter 6 | |

| |Recognize the comparative strengths and weaknesses of the British and |Americans | |Write a song about Saratoga |

| |Patriot forces during the first year and a half of the American |Thomas Paine / Common Sense | |Develop a timeline putting critical events in correct order |

|4.2 |Revolution. |Political advantages and disadvantages of | |Use Venn Diagram to compare Loyalists and Patriots |

| |What were the political, economics, geographic and social advantages and |each side | |Students re-write “Common Sense” in their own words. |

| |disadvantages of both sides in the American Revolution? |Economic advantages and disadvantages of | | |

| |What differences existed among Americans concerning separation from Great |each side | | |

| |Britain? | | | |

| |What were the roles of Patriots & Loyalists in the war? | | | |

| | | | | |

|3.5 |The War Continues |Significance of the war in the south | |Chapter 6 Section 2 |

|4.3 | |General Charles Cornwallis | | |

| |To whom did the Patriots look for support? | | |Examine Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography focusing on his |

| |How did the war change the role of women? | | |time as American ambassador to France. |

| |Discuss the pros and cons of an alliance with a foreign nation. | | |Students write a letter from George Washington to Martha |

| |Why was Valley Forge important to eventual patriot success? | | |Washington about days in Valley Forge. |

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1st - Nine Week Period – End Date October 13

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|4.4 |The War Moves West and South |Saratoga | |Chapter 6 Section 3 |

| | |the French Alliance | | |

| |What role did the British Navy in the war? |Yorktown | |Discuss how guerilla warfare hampered the British forces in |

| |Where did the British concentrate their war efforts? Was this an |Valley Forge | |the South |

| |effective strategy? | | |Analyze Washington’s Farewell to the Traps |

| |What was the economics effect of blockades? | | |Create a headline news article about Battle of Yorktown from|

| |Why were “privateers” a source of pride for the Americans? | | |British or Patriots point of view. |

| |How did the battle at King’s Mountain change people’s attitudes towards| | | |

| |the war? | | | |

| |What was the impact of the Battle of Yorktown on the eventual patriot | | | |

| |victory? | | | |

|4.4 |The War is Won |1. Treaty of Paris of 1783 | |Chapter 6 Section 4 |

| | | | | |

| |Why was the Treaty of Paris a triumph for the Americans? | | |Page 187 Interdisciplinary activity. |

| |Discuss the importance of the colonies being recognized as a nation. | | | |

| |What were the advantages that allowed the American army to defeat the | | | |

| |British military? | | | |

| |Why were the colonists able to defeat the British? | | | |

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2nd - Nine Week Period – End Date December 22

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|4.4 |The Articles of Confederation |Republic |10 days for all of chapter|Chapter 7 Section 1 |

| | |Articles of Confederation: strengths and |7 | |

| |What weaknesses of the Articles of the Confederation led to the effort to |weaknesses | |Compare/contrast activity concerning British abuses toward |

| |draft a new constitution? |State Constitutions | |the colonies and colonial reaction as stated in the Articles|

| |Why did most American favor a weak central government? |Land Ordinance of 1785 | |of Confederation |

|5.1 |Explain why the founding fathers wanted a republic form of government. |Northwest Ordinance 1787 | | |

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|5.2 |What did the Northwest Ordinance say about the spread of slavery? | | | |

| |What were the purposes of the Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest | | | |

| |Ordinance? | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|5.1 |Convention and Compromise |Economic Depression: postwar economy | |Chapter 7 Section 2 |

| | |Shays’ Rebellion | | |

|5.2 |Why was it necessary to draft a new Constitution? |Slavery/slave trade and the constitution | |List the needs of the colonies in one column then list how |

| |What compromises had to be made in order to draft a new Constitution? |Constitutional Convention: debates and | |the Articles either met or failed to meet those needs. |

|5.3 |Why did the states fear a strong central government? |compromises | |Political cartoon over 3/5 compromise. |

| |What was the cause of Shay’s Rebellion? What weaknesses in the Articles |Three-fifths Compromise | | |

| |of the Confederation did it expose? |E pluribus Unum | | |

| |Explain the different plans of government proposed at the Constitutional |Constitutional Convention: leadership of| | |

| |Convention including: Virginia Plan, New Jersey, Great Compromise, |George Washington and James Madison | | |

| |Three-fifths Compromise. |New Jersey | | |

| |Why was it necessary to add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution? |Virginia Plan | | |

| | |The Great Compromise | | |

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| | |

|There was no separate executive branch to carry out the laws of Congress. |A separate executive department was created, headed by the President. Its job was to enforce the |

| |Constitution and laws enacted under it and to conduct foreign relations. |

| | |

|There was no national judiciary to handle offenses against the central government's laws and to settle |A judicial department was created, headed by a Supreme Court, to handle offenses against federal laws, |

|disputes between states. |disputes between states, and cases involving foreign diplomats. |

| | |

| | |

|Congress did not have the power to levy taxes. It could only requisition, or request, contributions from the|Congress was given the power to levy and collect taxes, thus freeing it from dependence upon financial |

|states. |contributions by the states. |

| | |

|Congress could not regulate interstate and foreign commerce. |Congress was given the power to regulate commerce between the states and with foreign nations, thus enabling |

| |it to make enforceable trade treaties with foreign nations. |

| | |

|The states, as well as Congress, had the power to coin money. |Only Congress was given the right to coin money and regulate its value, in order to provide a single national|

| |monetary standard. |

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|Congress was in no position to support an army and navy, since it could not collect taxes. It had to depend |Congress, with power to tax, could afford to create a national army and navy, thereby freeing the central |

|on the support of state militias. |government from dependence upon state militias. In addition state militias were put under the control of |

| |Congress. |

| | |

| | |

|It was difficult to pass laws under the Articles, since at least nine states had to approve each proposal. |Under the Constitution the process of lawmaking was made easier. Bills needed only a simple majority vote of|

| |Congress to become laws. |

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|The requirement of unanimous consent of all the states made amendment of the Articles almost impossible. |The Constitution provided for amendment by two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states. This made|

| |change more possible, although still difficult. |

2nd - Nine Week Period – End Date December 22

|Constitutional Convention |

|Key Issues and Their Resolutions |Key Leaders |

|Made federal law the supreme law of the land when constitutional, but otherwise gave the states considerable|1. George Washington, President of the Convention |

|leeway to govern themselves. |– Washington presided at the Convention and, although seldom participating in the debates, lent his enormous|

| |prestige to the proceedings. |

|Balanced power between large and small states by creating a Senate (where each state gets two senators) and | |

|a House of Representatives (with membership based on population). |2. James Madison, ―Father of the Constitution |

| |– Madison, a Virginian and a brilliant political philosopher, often led the debate and kept copious notes of|

|Placated the Southern states by counting the slaves as three-fifths of the population when determining |the proceedings—the best record historians have of what transpired at the Constitutional Convention. |

|representation in the U.S. House of Representatives. | |

| |– At the Convention, Madison authored the Virginia Plan, which proposed a federal government of three |

|Avoided a too-powerful central government by establishing three co-equal branches—legislative, executive, |separate branches (legislative, executive, judicial) and became the foundation for the structure of the new |

|and judicial—with numerous checks and balances among them. |government. |

| | |

|Limited the powers of the federal government to those identified in the Constitution. |– He later authored much of the Bill of Rights. |

| | |

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2nd - Nine Week Period – End Date December 22

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|4.5 |A New Plan of Government |English Bill of Rights | |Chapter 7 Section 3 |

| | |John Locke | | |

|4.6 |What is the role of checks and balances in our government? |Enlightenment | |Page 206 Skillbuilder |

| |How did the ideas of John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu affect the |Montesquieu | |Page 211 Great Seal of United States. |

| |Constitution of the United States? |Federalism | | |

| |Compare and contrast the powers of the three branches of government. |Magna Carta | | |

| |Understand the principle of federalism and checks & balances. |Iroquois League (pg 117 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|5.4 |Ratifying the Constitution |Federalists: Federalists Paper | |Chapter 7 Section 4 |

|5.5 | |Anti-Federalists arguments | | |

| |How did the Federalists and Anti-Federalist view the Constitution? |Purpose of the Bill of Rights | |Use Study Island |

| |Review the concept of “social contract theory of law” – John Locke |Ratification | |Use Glencoe Teacher Works Resources |

| | |George Mason | |Use Graphic Novel |

| | | | |Use a variety of information delivery strategies |

| | | | |including: Interactive Cloze, GIST, Anticipation Guide, |

| | | | |Guided Reading, Paired Reading, Jigsaw, Stump the Teacher|

| | | | |Foldables |

2nd - Nine Week Period – End Date December 22

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|5.3 |Goals of the Constitution: Principles and Powers |1. Preamble Goals |15 days |Civics in Action: A Citizenship Handbook -- pgs. 214-251|

|5.4 | |2. Three branches of gov | | |

|5.5 |What are the goals expressed in the preamble? |Powers | |Students construct an essay describing two areas of |

| |How does federalism divide power between the government and its people? |Duties | |citizens lives with which they think the government |

| |Describe how the separation of powers limits the branches of government. |Reasons for having 3 | |should not interfere. Students should explain why they |

| |How does the system of checks and balances prevent an abuse of power |Based on what idea | |think the government should not intrude in these areas. |

| |within the government? |3. Separation of powers | |Students should describe the terms that concern the |

| |Explain the concept of judicial review and how it became part of the |4. Checks and balances | |specific area. |

| |system of checks and balances. |5. Principles of the Constitution | |We The People Workbooks |

| |Which amendments concern citizen’s individual rights? |6. Consent of the Governed | |Debate between Federalist vs. Anti-federalist |

| |What would be some reasons for placing limits on freedom of expression? |7. Bill of Rights: Rights and | | |

| |What specific amendments have affected the structure and power of |Responsibility | | |

| |government? |8. Rule of Law | | |

| |What was the purpose for adding the 26th Amendment? |7. Limited government | | |

| |Identify and explain the “seven principle of government” as outlined in |9. Electoral College | | |

| |the Constitution. |10. Popular Sovereignty | | |

| | |11. Brown v Board of | | |

| | |Education | | |

| | |12. Plessy v Ferguson | | |

| | |13. What is propaganda? | | |

2nd - Nine Week Period – End Date December 22

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|5.6* |The First Presidents and Early Challenges |Judiciary Act |9 days for all of Chapter |Chapter 8 Section 1-2 |

|5.7* | |John Jay |8 | |

| |Why were Washington’s actions as President important to the future of the|Alexander Hamilton and his economic plan | |Bell Ringer Motivational Activity Section #2 |

|Not Tested |United States? |4. Domestic affairs | |Reading a Flow Chart Activity #8 |

| |How did Hamilton prepare to pay government debts and strengthen the |6. Foreign affairs | |Linking Past and Present Activity #8 |

| |economy? |7. National Bank | |Have students construct an essay describing Alexander |

| |Why did some groups oppose Hamilton’s economic plans? |8. Protective tariffs | |Hamilton’s economic plan for the United States. Make |

| |How did Americans respond to the French Revolution? |9. Whiskey Rebellion | |sure to include the role of the national bank, redemption|

| |What was the purpose of the Neutrality Proclamation? |10. Washington’s Farewell | |of bonds and protective tariffs. |

| |Why did fighting erupt in the Northwest Territory? | | |Students write a paragraph over Washington’s farewell |

| |What were the main ideas of Washington’s Farewell Address? | | |comparing his advice with politics today. |

| | | | |Draw a political cartoon over the Whiskey Rebellion (page|

| | | | |265 under differentiated instruction) |

|5.9 |The First Political Parties |Rise of political parties | |Chapter 8 Section 3-4 |

| | |John Adams as President | | |

| |How did Hamilton and Jefferson differ on major issues? |XYZ Affair | |Bell Ringer Motivational Activity |

| |How did the Aliens & Sedition Acts divide the country? |Alien and Sedition Acts | |Have students construct an essay describing Alexander |

| |What were the causes and effects of the first political parties? |States’ rights | |Hamilton’s economic plan for the United States. Make |

| |How did Congress respond to the undeclared war with France? | | |sure to include the role of the national bank, redemption|

| | | | |of bonds and protective tariffs. |

| | | | |Have students select the political party they would have |

| | | | |joined and defend their choice, orally or in writing. |

| | | | |Making a Campaign Poster: Have students choose the |

| | | | |candidate that they would have voted for in the election |

| | | | |of 1796 and make a campaign poster using words and |

| | | | |illustrations to promote their candidate. |

3rd - Nine Week Period – End Date March 10

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|5.8 |The Jefferson Era |Presidential Election 1800 |7 days for all of chapter |Chapter 9 |

| | |Chief Justice John Marshall |9 | |

| |What were the important legal issues of the early national period? |Marbury v Madison | |Marbury vs. Madison: We the People |

| |How was the election deadlock resolved? |McCulloch v. Maryland | | |

| |How did John Marshall strengthen the Supreme Court? |Interpretation of the Constitution | | |

| | |Supreme Court as an independent and equal | | |

| | |branch of government | | |

| | |Louisiana Purchase | | |

| | |Lewis and Clark | | |

| | |War of 1812 | | |

|5.9 |How did the U.S. expand its territory in the early 1800’s? | | |Map Lewis and Clark trails |

|9.3 |What was significant about the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis & Clark’s | | |Video – Lewis & Clark |

| |expedition of the Louisiana Territory? | | |Interdisciplinary activity on page 285. |

| | | | |Create a political cartoon over an issue of the War of |

| | | | |1812. |

| | | | |Students should write the words to the “Star Spangled |

| | | | |Banner” |

|5.9 |Why did Tecumseh build a confederacy among tribes in Indiana, Ohio and | | |Primary Source Reading #9 or Enrichments |

| |Michigan? | | |9-4 Tecumseh |

| |Who were the three main War Hawks? | | | |

| |Why did the War Hawks want to go to war with Britain? | | | |

| |What was the significant about the British attack on Washington, D.C. and | | | |

| |what role did Dolly Madison play? | | | |

| |What were the causes of the War of 1812? | | | |

| |Why is the War of 1812 considered by some to be an unnecessary war? | | | |

3rd - Nine Week Period – End Date March 10

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

| |Growth and Expansion |Industrial Revolution |7 days |Chapter 10 |

|6.1 * | |Territorial disputes | | |

| |How did the Industrial Revolution begin in the United States? | | | |

|6.2 |What effects did the Industrial Revolution have on the United States? | | |Electronic Field Trip: Lowell Factories have students |

| |How did land and water transportation improve in the early 1800’s? | | |draw their own factory system. |

| |How did settlement in the west affect the nation's economy and politics? | | | |

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| | |Era of Good Feeling | | |

| | |Monroe Doctrine | | |

| | |Missouri Compromise | | |

| | |Acquisition of Florida in the Adams-Onis | | |

| | |Treaty | | |

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| |What roles did Daniel Webster, John Calhoun and Henry Clay play in 1820’s| | |Create a sign that warns European foreign countries about|

| |politics? | | |Monroe Doctrine. |

| |Why did sectional differences grow in the 1820’s? | | | |

| |What effect did the Monroe Doctrine have on foreign policy? | | | |

| |Analyze the Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland. | | | |

3rd - Nine Week Period – End Date March 10

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|7.1 |The Jackson Era |Jacksonian Democracy |7 days |Chapter 11 |

| | |Elections of 1824 and 1828 | | |

|7.3 |Why was Andrew Jackson a popular leader? |Jackson’s portrayal as and appeal to the | |Create a newspaper from Jackson’s Presidency |

| |What changes did President Jackson bring to the American political system?|common man | |stories should include Indian Removal |

| |Why did South Carolina threaten to withdraw from the U.S. in 1832? |Nullification Crisis and states’ rights | |Enrichment 11-2 |

| | | | |King or Commoner? |

| | | | | |

| | |Treatment of Native Americans | | |

| | |Impact of white expansion on Native | | |

| | |Americans | | |

| | |Resistance and removal of the Five Tribes | | |

|7.4 |How and why were Native Americans forced off their lands in the Southeast?| | |Primary Source 11 |

| |How did President Jackson defy the Supreme Court? | | |The Trail of Tears |

| | | | |Role play a scene from Trail of Tears – Divide class into|

| | | | |groups. Groups are to role play a scene from the Trail |

| | | | |of Tears which they create themselves. Each group gets a|

| |Why did Jackson want to destroy the Bank of the United States? | | |2 minute scene. |

| |How did the Whigs come to power in 1840? | | |Simulation: Move Out |

|7.2 | | | | |

|Jacksonian Era |

|The changing character of American politics “in the age of the common man” |Spoils System: |Change in Political Parties: |

|was characterized by: |Andrew Jackson personified the “democratic spirit” of the age by |The Federalists Party disappeared and new political parties, the Whigs |

|Heightened emphasis on equality in the political process for adult white |challenging economic elites and rewarding campaign supporters with |and Know-Nothings, were organized in opposition to the Democratic Party.|

|males |public office (Spoils System). | |

|The rise of interest group politics and sectional issues | | |

|A changing style of campaigning | | |

|Increased voter participation | | |

| | | |

3rd - Nine Week Period – End Date March 10

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|9.1 |Manifest Destiny |Manifest Destiny |8 days |Chapter 12 |

| | |Westward Expansion | | |

| |How did the idea of Manifest Destiny Contribute to the growth of the U.S.?|Oregon Territory | |Manifest Destiny Poster |

| | | | |Create a slogan to recruit people to Oregon |

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| | | | | |

| | |Territorial Acquisitions | | |

| | |Texas Annexation | | |

| | |Mexican Cession | | |

| | |Gadsden Purchase | | |

| | |Louisiana Purchase | | |

| | |5. Texas Independence | | |

| | |6. Mexican War | | |

| | |7. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo | | |

| | | | | |

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| | |8. California Gold Rush | | |

| | |9. Frontier trading | | |

| | | | | |

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| | |10. Mormons and their migrations west | | |

| | |11. Opening of new lands in the south and | | |

| | |west | | |

|9.2 |Why did problems arise between the Mexican government and the American | | |Video (A&E Discover) |

| |settlers regarding Texas? | | |The Alamo |

|9.3 |How did Texas achieve independence form Mexico and later become a state? | | | |

| |Why did California become a source of conflict between the U.S. and | | | |

| |Mexico? | | | |

| |How did the idea of Manifest Destiny contribute to the outbreak of war? | | | |

| |How did the U.S. acquire New Mexico and California? | | | |

| |What is the Gadsden Purchase, and how was it acquired by the USA? | | | |

|9.6 |How did the hope of getting rich quick draw thousands of people to | | |Stage a gold Rush |

| |California? | | | |

| |Why did a large number of settlers travel to Oregon Country? | | | |

| |Who were some of the first Americans to travel to Oregon? | | | |

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|9.7 * | | | | |

3rd - Nine Week Period – End Date March 10

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|9.8* |Conflicts between American settlers and Indian (First American) nations in| |8 days |Chapter 12 |

| |the Southeast and the old Northwest resulted in the relocation of many | | | |

|Not Tested |Indians (First Americans) to reservations. | | |Manifest Destiny Poster |

| | | | |Video- A&E Alamo |

| |Identify each major land acquisition and explain the circumstances that | | | |

| |made it a possession of the United States. | | | |

| |Analyze growth and settlement patterns and identify impact on American | | | |

| |Indians. | | | |

| |Explain the impact of the Mormon migration on the settlement of the west. | | | |

|Territorial Expansion |

|Expansion resulting from the Louisiana Purchase and War of 1812 |The westward movement and economic development |Impact on the American Indians |

| | | |

|Jefferson as President in 1803 purchased the huge Louisiana Territory |American settlers poured westward from the coastal states into the |The belief that it was America’s ―Manifest Destiny‖ to stretch from |

|from France, which doubled the size of the United States overnight. He |Midwest, Southwest, and Texas, seeking economic opportunity in the form |Atlantic to Pacific provided political support for territorial |

|authorized the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the new territories|of land to own and farm. |expansion. |

|that lay west of the Mississippi River. Sacajawea, an American Indian | | |

|woman, served as their guide and translator. |The growth of railroads and canals helped the growth of an industrial |During this period of westward migration, the American Indians were |

| |economy and supported the westward movement of settlers. |repeatedly defeated in violent conflicts with settlers and soldiers and |

|The American victory over the British in the War of 1812 produced an | |forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands. They were either forced|

|American claim to the Oregon Territory, and increased migration of |Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin led to the spread of the |to march far away from their homes (the “Trail of Tears,” when several |

|American settlers into Florida, which was later acquired by treaty from |slavery-based “cotton kingdom” in the Deep South. |tribes were relocated from Atlantic Coast states to Oklahoma) or |

|Spain. | |confined to reservations. |

| |American migration into Texas led to an armed revolt against Mexican | |

|The Monroe Doctrine (1823) stated: |rule and a famous battle at the Alamo, in which a band of Texans fought | |

|– The American continents should not be considered for future |to the last man against a vastly superior force. The Texans’ eventual | |

|colonization by any European powers. |victory over Mexican forces subsequently brought Texas into the Union. | |

| | | |

|– Nations in the Western Hemisphere were inherently different from those|The American victory in the Mexican War during the 1840s led to the | |

|of Europe, republics by nature rather than monarchies. |acquisition of an enormous territory that included the present-day | |

| |states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado and | |

|– The United States would regard as a threat to its own peace and safety|New Mexico. | |

|any attempt by European powers to impose their system on any independent| | |

|state in the Western Hemisphere. | | |

| | | |

|– The United States would not interfere in European affairs. | | |

| | | |

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3rd - Nine Week Period – End Date March 10

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|6.2 |North and South |Protective Tariffs |6 days |Chapter 13 |

|6.3 | |Impact of Industrialization on the North | | |

|6.4 |What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on slavery and farming in|Industrial Revolution | |Chart new technologies, inventors of the technologies, and |

|10.2 |the South? |Shipping | |the affect the new inventions had upon the lives of |

| | |Railroad system | |Americans. |

| |Explain how advances in technology shaped the US economy. |3. Cotton Gin | |Examine sectional divisions of northern industry and |

| | |Plantation system | |southern agriculture. |

| |What caused the increased demand for slave labor? |5. Economic and social impact of slavery | |Use Glencoe Teacher Works Resources |

| | |6. Resistance to slavery | |Use a comparison matrix to analyze northern and southern |

| | |7. Tenant farming | |economies. |

| | |8. Immigration: Irish Potato Famine, | |Create a chart or spreadsheet of cultural, economical, and |

| | |Railroad Construction, German failed | |constitutional issues that divided the North and South |

| | |revolution, religious discrimination | |before the Civil War. |

| | |9. Slave rebellions: Nat Turner | | |

4th - Nine Week Period – End Date May 19

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|8.2 |Age of Reform |Utopian experiments |7 days |Chapter 14 |

|8.4 | |New Harmony, Indiana | | |

|8.6 |The abolitionists worked to end slavery. |Oneida, New York | |Examine selections from The Liberator and Uncle Tom's Cabin.|

| |The suffrage movement helped women gain equal rights. |2. Pro-slavery and anti-slavery ideologies | | |

| | |3. Abolitionist Movement | |Conduct a critical review that might have been found in |

| |What were the main ideas expressed by the abolitionists? |Frederick Douglass | |advertisements for those works. |

| |What were the main ideas expressed during the suffrage movement? |5. Sojourner Truth | |React as a southern slave owner to abolitionist literature |

| |What were Utopian Societies and why were they formed including: Oneida, |6. Underground Railroad | |from the North. |

| |Shakers—New Harmony? |7. Temperance Movement | |Prepare a poster for a women's suffrage meeting to be held |

| | |8. Women’s Suffrage | |at Seneca Falls |

| | |9. Elizabeth Cady Stanton | | |

| | |10. Seneca Falls Convention | | |

| | |11. Susan B. Anthony | | |

| | |12. Elizabeth Blackwell | | |

| | |13. Dorthea Dix | | |

| | |14. Horace Mann | | |

|10.4 |Road to the Civil War |Polarization of the North and South |10 days |Chapter 15 |

|10.5 | |Compromise of 1850 | | |

| |How was the debate over slavery related to the admission of new states? |Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin | |Explain the points of view of the North and South over state|

| |Understand what the Compromise of 1850 accomplished. |Kansas-Nebraska Act | |rights. |

| |How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act divide the North and South? |Dred Scott Decision | |Create a debate. |

| |-Why did John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry become a rallying point for |John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry | |Explain the points of view of the North and South over state|

| |Abolitionists? |Presidential Election of 1860 | |rights. |

| |What was the main issue of the Lincoln-Douglas debates? |Issues | |Identify significance of Missouri Compromise, Compromise of |

| |How did Abraham Lincoln win the 1860 election without any electors from |Candidates | |1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and concept of popular |

| |the South? |Result | |sovereignty. Include major routes of Underground Railroad. |

| |Describe how the Dred Scott decision affects Americans. |8. Homestead Act 1862 (page 530) | |Draw conclusions. |

| |Explain how secession led to the Civil War. | | |Create a political cartoon over Lincoln’s speech: “ |

|Review for CRT |

|PASS |Content and Essential Questions |Topics |Instruction |Suggested Resources |

| | | |Time | |

|11.1 * |The Civil War | |15 days |Chapter 16 |

|11.2 * | | | | |

|11.3 * |Who were the main northern generals and describe their initial campaigns | | | |

|11.4 * |in the West? | | |Make a two column note table comparing the advantages and |

| |What were the Northern and Southern military strategies to capture their | | |disadvantages of the North and South. Make sure to include |

|Not Tested |enemy’s capital? | | |resources, economy, and social characteristics. |

| |What caused the decline of the Southern economy and contributed to the | | |View the school version of the video Glory and give a follow |

| |expansion of the Northern economy? | | |up quiz. |

| |Why did Britain remain neutral during the Civil War? | | |District – Wide Civil War Encampment Activity and Civil War |

| |Describe the final events of the war leading to the surrender at | | |Journal |

| |Appomattox. | | | |

| |What role was played by the Border States in the War? | | | |

| |What was the impact of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation? | | | |

| |Describe the roles of African-Americans in the Civil War. | | | |

|11.5 * |Reconstruction and Its Aftermath | |5 days |Chapter 17 |

|11.6 * | | | | |

|11.7 * |What were President Lincoln’s Reconstruction policies? | | |The Living Constitution Case Study: The Impeachment Trial of |

|11.8 * |Describe the differences between presidential and congressional | | |Andrew Johnson pg 14 |

| |Reconstruction policies. | | |Have students write an essay describing the effect of the |

|Not Tested |What were the reasons for President Johnson’s impeachment? | | |Supreme Court’s decisions on Reconstruction |

| |What were some steps taken by congress to protect rights of farmer | | |Draw a political cartoon depicting share cropping. |

| |slaves? | | |Stress the Civil Rights Amendments |

| |How did the Southern economy change after the new Reconstruction policies| | | |

| |were put in place? | | | |

| |How and why did the Compromise of 1877 effectively end Reconstruction? | | | |


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