Biology 3 Higher Level Internal Assessment Lab Format

Internal Assessment Lab Format

The following titles and subtitles should be used for your lab report and given in this order Everything should be in Times New Roman, 11 point font, 1.5 spaced lines

TITLE Must be unique to your experiment

Personal Connection

2-3 sentences explaining your interest in the chosen topic and how specifically you have made this investigation uniquely your own


This is the place to summarize what you have verified about the topic using research. Use reputable online sources, but you can probably start with your text book. You should have a minimum of two sources cited at the end of your report (No Wikipedia). You may repeat some of this information in your conclusion when comparing your results to literature values and when explaining your results. When you proofread this section, make a list (actual or mental) of the scientific facts used. If there are none, you need to rewrite. (1/2 page maximum)

Problem – must be focused and not ambiguous in any way. Restating the question posed to you is not sufficient. Your question should be more focused than the question I posed to you.

Hypothesis – state first & then give a logical rationale – your conclusion should address the hypothesis you are giving here. Information in your background section should be repeated and used to support your hypothesis. Do not assume that the reader can tell which parts of your background research support your hypothesis. State the science behind your hypothesis explicitly

Variables – chart or list identifying Independent, Dependent, & Controlled Variables. Include in this chart how dependent variables will be measured, and how & why controlled variables will be controlled. For example, if you are assuming that temperature will be controlled by the air handing system for the building, state that. Dependent variables should be measured quantities, not calculated quantities. If you are planning on calculating density, mass or volume is the Dependent variable, not density. A rate of increase (slope) is also a derived variable.

Materials – make a table listing precisely what materials you are using and what you will use it for. 250 mL beaker not beaker, electronic balance not balance, 100 mL graduated cylinder not graduated cylinder. For any chemicals used, identify the compounds precisely including concentrations where appropriate.

Experimental Setup – annotated photograph showing how variables were instituted, especially the controlled variables. This is not just a variety of equipment sitting next to each other. Can be a drawing if necessary.

Procedure – write numbered list of steps that can stand alone and be followed by any member of the junior class. Be sure to include details of data collection.  Saying you will "collect data" is not sufficient, under any circumstances.  If you're measuring length, say you will measure the length with a ruler, not just measure the results.  Include multiple trials in your procedure!!!  Five is generally a good goal.  Even if you are sure you will run out of time to do 5 trials, put at least 5 trials in your procedure (10 minimum if you use a T-test)!! Don’t exaggerate the number of trials you plan on doing either. If the procedure is simple enough to do 100 trials, say you will do 100 trials, but don’t say that unless you know there is enough time. State the method of data analysis as last step

Safety - Include any appropriate safety precautions, including use of goggles and aprons (if appropriate).

Raw Data Table – make sure this is raw data only. Data table design & clarity is important. A title should be given (Raw Data Table is not a data table title, it is a lab report section title) Make sure that all columns, etc. are properly headed & units as well as symbols are given. Forgetting one unit or misidentifying one unit is enough to drop your score in this section. Do not “split” a data table (putting part of a table on one page and finishing it on another). If you absolutely have to split a table (due to quantity of data), make sure that you re-do the title and all column headings. Uncertainties are mandatory and can be given within column headings for equipment precision and as footnotes beneath data tables for other types of uncertainties. Omitting the uncertainty in any quantitative data will drop your score. Be sure that the reported significant figures in your tables “match” the uncertainties of the instruments.

Raw Data Graph – optional and only included if it is necessary, this will typically be a bar or line graph showing values for each individual. Remember there are no error bars on a raw data graph. Think about title, axis labels, units, scale, etc.

Observations - You must include qualitative data in addition to quantitative data. There is always some relevant qualitative observation that can be made, even if it is as simple as observing the expected color change. In Biology, it might be the observation that the test tube of the enzyme catalyzed reaction became hot, or the mouse became agitated when placed in the maze.

Data Processing:

Overview – this is a short paragraph section that gives an overview of how and why you decided to process and present the data in the form that shows up later in this section. This should show that you understand why you chose to analyze this way!

Calculations – neatly lay-out and explain one example only of any type of manipulation that was done to the raw data to help make it more useful for interpretation. This section is REQUIRED if your experiment doesn’t lend itself to calculations you need to write a new procedure. The minimum that you need to have is mean, standard deviation and your particular statistical test.If you did calculations on Excel using standard excel formulas; you do not need to show the formula or the work, but you must state that is was done using excel, the formula used in excel, and any other parameters you had to enter like type, tails, DF etc.

Presentation – this is typically 2 data tables (one for descriptive statistics like means, standard deviations, etc.; the other for statistical test (T-test or linear regression) results) and 1 graph (should be a bar graph with error bars (standard deviation) for a T-test and a scatterplot with trendline for a linear regression). Again, the design & clarity of data table(s) is important and the quality of graphs is also very important. Give careful consideration to the choice of graph style(s) that you choose to do. Remember that demonstrating errors and uncertainties in your data is also mandatory for the processed data. Be sure that the significant figures reported in your calculated data match the calculated uncertainties of your calculated data. Make sure that you follow good standard rules for doing graphs (valid title, axis’ labeled including units, etc.) Please put graphs in the correct place in your report. They should be BEFORE the conclusion and evaluation!

Data Discussions –make note of outliers or data you did not include, make interpretations of what the graph or data is showing etc. below the graphs you include. Basically an annotation of the graph.


|Limitations/Sucesses of Experimental Design – |Suggestions for Improvement - in reference to the limitations given in the previous |

|-discusses how well your/the experimental design helped answer your |subsection, what realistic and useful improvements could be made if you were to do this |

|experimental question. What worked well (and why) and what did not |investigation again? More trials only reduces random error. If you do not have any |

|work well (and why). |fluctuation between trials this isn’t really an improvement. More time gets you no points. |

| |A “better” stopwatch, ruler, etc. is too vague, and probably unrealistic. Use of calipers |

|-outlier points could be discussed (if there were any outlier points) |instead of a ruler, use of a photogate instead of a stopwatch are real improvements. You |

|as well as possible reasons for those outlier points. |MUST include however, if such improvements would change the conclusion of your lab. |

| | |

|Human error is NOT Design Error. If you truly did not follow the |This is not a place to suggest a new experiment with a different independent and dependent |

|procedure, then amend the procedure so you can talk about those design|variable. Restrict your improvements to the experiment you performed!! Suggesting a |

|flaws here |different way of measuring or controlling the variables is encouraged, as long as it is a |

| |real improvement. Written reports are not an appropriate place to vent. |

|-Consider how each of the following may have impacted your results and| |

|if they impacted your conclusion. Not all may need improvements | |

|Random errors (population is variable) and systematic errors (problems| |

|with your actual measurements) must both be explicitly addressed. | |

|Accuracy and Precision | |

|Uncertainty and Variance of data | |

Conclusion - this is a paragraph section in which you get a chance to discuss the results of your experiment. Start by addressing whether your data seems to support or refute your hypothesis. This should be discussed and not just stated. Specifically refer to your graphs and statistics to give support to this discussion. Avoid the use of the word “proof” or “proves” within your conclusion, as your data will not prove anything. Include comparisons to any literature values and important theories, another 2 citations minimum. (1/2 page maximum)

I suggest writing this section in 3 parts & 3 paragraphs as follows:

• Restate the purpose and hypothesis and then state if the data accepts or rejects the hypothesis

• Support the above by referring to your data table and results. Also explain the results, and give a reference that supports those results and explanation.

• Make a general scientific concluding statement ie. The theory the lab supported or demonstrated. AND state a potential future investigation purpose related to this investigation.

Works Cited – Proper MLA style reference list for the sources you cited in your paper.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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