COVID-19 Symptom and Exposure Plan for Shelter Staff and ...

-67903770421500COVID-19 Decision-Making Tool for Shelter Staff and ClientsThis template is intended for homeless and domestic violence service providers to give guidance to staff and clients who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have been exposed to a person with test-confirmed COVID-19.Throughout this document, there are fillable sections about paid time off, sick time, isolation, and quarantine. Please add organization-specific information before sharing with staff and clients. We also recognize that not all situations fit neatly into one of these categories. If you have questions about the scenarios listed, or have a more complex situation, please do not hesitate to reach out to the MDH COVID-19 Homeless and Sheltered Response Team. We are always here to help!StaffBefore coming into work, screen yourself for a fever (check temperature) and any new symptoms that may be compatible with COVID-19: Fever (≥100.4 °F) or chillsCoughShortness of breath or difficulty breathingFatigueMuscle or body achesHeadacheNew loss of taste or smellSore throatCongestion or runny noseNausea or vomitingDiarrheaWhat should I do?ScenariosCan I come to work?Should I get tested for COVID-19?I screened myself for a fever and COVID-19 compatible symptoms and do not have any and I have not had close contact with someone with test-confirmed COVID-19.Yes.Unless you are a close contact of a test confirmed case, you do not need to be tested, but can attend a free COVID-19 Community Testing event if you choose.I do not feel well or have new COVID-19 symptoms.Do not come into work and call your supervisor. Information about paid time off/sick time is below. While you are waiting for test-results, do not come into work.You should be tested. Call your health care provider to schedule a test or find a test site near youI found out a family member, coworker, client, roommate, or friend tested positive for COVID-19 and I have been around them during their infectious period.Do not come into work until you have called your supervisor and talked through next steps.If you are not identified as a close contact, you can come into work. If you are identified as a close contact, you cannot come into work for 14 days since you last saw the person (even if you have a negative COVID test). Information about paid time off/sick time is below.If you are not identified as a close contact, you do not need to be tested, but can attend a free COVID-19 Community Testing event if you choose.If you are identified as a close contact, you should be tested. Call your health care provider or attend a free COVID-19 Community Testing event.I found out someone I live with was exposed to a person with test-confirmed COVID-19 and they have to quarantine (e.g., child was exposed at school, roommate exposed at work). I was not a close contact to the person with test-confirmed COVID-19.Yes.Unless you are a close contact of a test confirmed case, you do not need to be tested, but can attend a free COVID-19 Community Testing event if you choose.I was tested for COVID-19 (e.g., community testing event), but I do not have symptoms and have not had close contact with a person with test-confirmed COVID-19.Yes.N/AI tested positive for COVID-19.Call your supervisor and do not come into work for at least 10 days from symptom onset or test date and until symptoms are improving and you do not have a fever for at least 24 hours (without fever reducing medicine). Information about paid time off/sick time is below.N/AInformation about paid time off and sick time: Click or tap here to enter text.ClientsImmediately tell shelter staff if you or someone in your family develops a fever or any new symptoms that may be compatible with COVID-19: Fever (≥100.4 °F) or chillsCoughShortness of breath or difficulty breathingFatigueMuscle or body achesHeadacheNew loss of taste or smellSore throatCongestion or runny noseNausea or vomitingDiarrheaWhat should I do?ScenariosShould I tell a staff member?Should I get tested for COVID-19?I screened myself for a fever and COVID-19 compatible symptoms and do not have any.If someone asks, you can tell them you do not have any symptoms.You do not need to be tested, but can attend a free COVID-19 Community Testing event if you choose.I do not feel well or have new COVID-19 symptoms.Yes! We have a plan. If you need to isolate, Click here to enter where someone will isolate, include information about transportation and whether there will be a spot in shelter when they return.You should be tested. Call your health care provider or work with staff to schedule a test. I found out a family member, coworker, roommate, or friend tested positive for COVID-19.Yes! We will help you determine if you were a close contact. If you need to quarantine, Click here to enter where someone will quarantine, include information about transportation and whether there will be a spot in shelter when they return.If you are not identified as a close contact, you do not need to be tested.If you are identified as a close contact, you should be tested. Call your health care provider or work with staff to schedule a test.I found out someone I live with was exposed to a person with test-confirmed COVID-19 and they have to quarantine (e.g., child was exposed at school, roommate exposed at work). I was not a close contact to the person with test-confirmed COVID-19.Yes! We have a plan.If someone in your family needs to quarantine, Click here to enter where someone will quarantine, include information about transportation and whether there will be a spot in shelter when they return.You do not need to be tested, but can attend a free COVID-19 Community Testing event if you choose.The person who was exposed should be tested. Call your health care provider or work with staff to schedule a test.I was tested for COVID-19 (e.g., community testing event), but I do not have symptoms and have not had close contact with a person with test-confirmed COVID-19.Yes! We will help you decide if you need to isolate when your test-results come back. If you need to isolate, Click here to enter where someone will go if they are waiting for test-results (stay in room, go to isolation hotel, etc.), what will happen if they test negative, and whether there will be a spot in shelter when they return.N/AI tested positive for COVID-19Yes! During your isolation period, Click here to enter where someone will isolate, include information about transportation and whether there will be a spot in shelter when they return. There will be a spot in shelter when you return.N/AWhat is the difference between quarantine and isolation?Isolation and quarantine help protect your family, friends, coworkers, and others by preventing exposure to people who have or may have COVID-19.Isolation separates sick people with COVID-19 from people who are not sick.During isolation, people should call out from work, stay in their rooms, avoid going out in public, and minimize contact with others as much as possible.To help clients recover quickly, meals and other necessities will be brought directly to their rooms. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to COVID-19 to see if they become sick.During quarantine, people should call out of work, stay in their rooms, avoid going out in public, and minimize contact with others as much as possible.Isolation time (10 days) is different from quarantine time (14 days). You will need to isolate until all of the following are true:10 days since symptoms started (if you did not have symptoms, 10 days from when you were tested for COVID-19)Symptoms have improvedYou have not had a fever for 24 hours and have not used any fever-reducing medicines (e.g., Tylenol, Ibuprofen)You will need to quarantine for 14 days starting from your last contact with a person who has COVID-19.If you were exposed to COVID-19, symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virusMinnesota Department of Health | health. | 651-201-5000625 Robert Street North PO Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164-0975Contact to request an alternate format.10/09/2020 ................

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