Today I want you share with you a few, very interesting facts about Elephants. I know this may seem like an off the wall topic, but I love elephants and just maybe I can share some information with you that will make you fond of them as well. Elephants are more closely related to humans than I ever imagined. For example, many times as children, humans suck their thumb; well elephants do the same thing but instead suck their trunk, for a sense of comfort. Another attribute that elephants have is that, just like humans, the females mature faster than the males…go figure. Female elephants hit puberty around the age of 11 and males hit puberty around the age of 13. Something that I find quite funny is that as well a female humans, female elephants also go through menopause, who would have thought another species is feeling the effects of being a woman! Elephants also have many emotions that resemble a human. If an elephant comes back to a pack after being gone for a length of time the elephants rejoice that a member is back and on the other hand, if an elephant passes away the group of elephants will mourn. A time when much joy is shown is when a baby elephant, called a calf, is born. Mothers carry around their baby for 22 months before giving birth and after the birth of the calf the mother is estatic as well as the rest of the family, they will gather around for days rejoicing over a newborn. The life expectancy of an elephant is around 70 years old which isn’t much different from a human. Elephants also love to swim which seems ironic since they are so large. Some diseases that humans have, elephants have as well, such as cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Some differences between elephants and humans is that elephants are able to bear offspring up until the age of 50 and most humans are far finished with having children by that age. Also something else unusual about an elephant is that they do not use their ears to do most of their hearing, they use their feet. They have very large feet which are able to pick up supersonic sound waves. So most of an elephants hearing comes from the ground and through their feet. And ironically enough, even though an elephant is the largest land living mammal, they are able to walk almost silently due to the padding on their feet. However, what they do use their very large ears for is to fan themselves and stay cool while in extremely hot weather. I hope that you found a few interesting and quirky facts in this speech that you did not know about elephants. I hope that next time you see one that you take the time to stop and marvel at its beauty and remember the facts that you have learned about them today!Lindsay BlantonProfessor JohnsonSeptember 15, 2011Entertainment Speech OutlineIntro: The topic is elephants. They are more closely related to humans than most would think; fun facts about elephants; introducing information about an animal most people may not know a lot of detail about. Body: Elephants have many attributes that resemble humansFemale elephants mature faster than males, 11 years old for female puberty and 13 for male Elephants express emotion frequently. As well as being similar to humans, elephants also have a few ironic traits that most would not realize, such as using their feet to hear. Conclusion: Elephants are more closely related to humans than most think. They do some of the same things that humans do, most people just aren’t aware of it. Also, the speech points out a few differences about elephants to humans, but are fun facts, some of which are ironic that you would not normally know about an elephant. ................

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