Curricular - Archdiocese of GlasgowReligious Education ...

Month/Season: Lent/Easter Class: Primary 4 Level: First

|Strands of Faith : Experiences | | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Mystery of God |I know that God created, loves and keeps|Class: Teacher reads from the bible Genesis 1: 1‐10 to the class and discusses the |Bibles |Children know that God |

| |everything, both visible and invisible, |story of God’s creation with the children. What was the earth like before creation? |God’s Creation worksheet |created the earth, sun, moon|

|RERC 1‐01a |in being. |What did God create on the first day? How did God separate the light? What did God |(attached to planner) |and stars. |

|I am discovering God's precious | |create on the second day? What did God create on the third day? How did God feel |Art materials | |

|gift of life and reflect on how | |about his creations? How do we know that God was pleased with his creations? | | |

|this reveals God's love for me. |I know that God created, the earth, sun,|Teacher leads a prayer time thanking God for creating the day, the night, the sky, | | |

| |moon and stars and the angels, and I can|the earth and the sea. | | |

|GLP |appreciate their beauty and harmony. | | | |

|HWB 1-50a |GLP |Class: Teacher reads from the Bible Genesis 1: 14-19 to the class and discusses the |Bibles | |

|I am learning about where living|I can hear, read and recall the poetic |continuing story of God’s creation with the children. What lights did God create to | | |

|things come |presentation of God’s creation of the |separate day from night? What were the larger lights? What else did he make to | | |

|from and about how they grow, |Heavens and the earth: |light up the sky? How did God feel about his creations? How do we know that God | | |

|develop and | |was pleased with his creations? |God’s Creation Worksheet | |

|are nurtured. |The first account of creation | |attached to planner | |

| |Wisdom as creator |Class: Teacher leads a prayer time thanking God for creating the sun, the moon and | | |

| |The glories of creation |the stars. Children complete ‘God’s Creation’ worksheet (attached to planner). |Bibles | |

| |And I recognise God’s joy and | |Art materials | |

| |playfulness in creating, which |Class: Teacher reads from the Bible Ecclesiasticus 43: 1‐17 to the class and explains|GLP | |

| |illustrates God’s absolute goodness, |that this scripture reading is praising God’s creation and in particular the glorious|Science topics, e.g., | |

| |holiness and love. |heavens. Teacher asks the children to name all the different things being praised and|building on Primary 3 | |

| | |makes a list of them on the whiteboard. Teacher divides the class into groups of |learning |Children will be assessed on|

| | |four children and each group is allowed to choose a part of the reading to illustrate|• sky, sun, moon, stars |their completed |

| | |using paint, charcoals, tissues paper, etc. This art work with suitable quotes from |• land and sea |illustrations |

| | |the scripture could be displayed around the class altar. |• Living Things: sorting | |

| | | |living and non living | |

| | | |things; growing | |

| | | |and caring for plants & | |

| | | |animals; | |

| | | |• animals’ offspring and | |

| | | |their growth | |

| | | |• life cycles | |

| | | |• Topics related to Food, | |

| | | |Health and Nutrition | |

| | | |Lanarkshire RSHP Pack | |

| | | |Primary 4 page 50 | |

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|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that in the Old Testament there is a Book of |Bible |Children will understand |

| | |Psalms which is the hymn book and prayer book of the Bible. Teacher reads from the |Psalm 104 worksheet |what a Psalm is. |

| | |Bible Psalm 104: 1‐6 and explains that this psalm is praising the glories of creation|(attached to planner) | |

| | |and its creator. Teacher discusses with the children the use of imagery in this |Highlighters | |

| | |psalm and explains that similes and metaphors are used to conjure up pictures in our | | |

| | |imagination. Children are given Psalm 104 worksheet (attached to planner) and are | | |

| | |asked to read it carefully highlighting any imagery. Teacher discusses each example| | |

| | |of imagery with the children e.g. What are the clouds compared to? Why do you think| | |

| | |clouds are compared to chariots? Do you think this is a good comparison? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Psalm 104’ worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

| | | | |Children will successfully |

| | |Class: Teacher explains that sometime s we say a special prayer called a litany. A |Bible |complete the Psalm worksheet|

| | |litany is made up of lines of praise called invocations and a response which is |Paper |attached to planner |

| | |repeated after each invocation. Psalm 136 is a litany of thanksgiving. Each | | |

| | |invocation praises God for the beauty and harmony of creation and is followed by the | | |

| | |response his love is eternal. Teacher reads from the bible Psalm 136: 4-9 and | |Children will understand the|

| | |discusses with the class how the psalm praises God for the beauty and harmony of | |meaning of the word |

| | |creation. What is a miracle? How did God perform a miracle? What is wisdom? How | |‘Litany’. |

| | |did God use his wisdom in creation? What parts of creation do the invocations | | |

| | |praise? What is the response to each invocation? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children are asked to write an invocation for a class litany of thanksgiving | | |

| | |for God’s creation of the earth, sun, moon and stars. Each child reads out their | | |

| | |invocation and the class respond with the response his love is eternal. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |School: Children share their litany with the school community at assembly. | |Children will write their |

| | | | |own litany of thanksgiving. |

| | |Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible Colossians 1: 15-17 and discusses | | |

| | |with the children Christ being the head of all creation. What does it mean to be the| | |

| | |head of something? Why is Jesus described as visible but God invisible? What seen and| | |

| | |unseen things did God create? | |Children demonstrate |

| | | | |awareness that Christ is the|

| | |Class: Children paint/draw a picture of Jesus as head of all creation. | |head of al creation. |

| | | |Paper | |

| | | |Art materials | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know that, just as the earth has |Class- Teacher explains to the class that the earth has seasons which are influenced |Bible |Children demonstrate |

| |seasons, which are influenced |by the sun and moon and this was all part of God’s plan for creation. Teacher reads|Liturgical Calendar |appreciation of God’s |

| |by the sun and moon (see Genesis 1: 14),|from the bible Genesis 1: 14 to the class and discusses why God created light. What |Copies of liturgical |creation of the earth, sun, |

| |so too the Church’s year is divided into|did the light separate? Why is it important to know when it is day and when it is |calendar (attached to |moon and stars. |

| |seasons, which we call the liturgical |night? When a year begins and ends? When religious festivals happen? How do we know|planner) | |

| |year: Advent, Christmastide, Ordinary |that a year is progressing? What are the names of the seasons? How does the sun |Art materials | |

| |Time, Lent and Eastertide. |and moon influence the seasons? Teacher explains that the Church’s year is divided | |Children know that the |

| | |into seasons, which we call the liturgical year: Advent, Christmastide, Ordinary | |Church’s year is divided |

| | |Time, Lent and Eastertide. Teacher shows the class a liturgical calendar and points | |into seasons, which we call |

| | |out the seasons of the Church’s year. | |the liturgical year: Advent,|

| | |Teacher emphasis the season of Lent and Eastertide. Teacher reminds the class of the| |Christmastide, Ordinary |

| | |liturgical colours of the Church: purple during Advent and Lent; white during | |Time, Lent and Eastertide. |

| | |Christmastide and Eastertide; green during Ordinary time. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class - Children dress the class altar with the purple altar cloth. |Purple altar cloth | |

| | |Children colour in a liturgical calendar (attached to planner) in the correct | | |

| | |liturgical colours. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Beauty and harmony of creation, seasons, liturgical year, Advent, | | |

| | |Christmastide, Ordinary Time, Lent, Eastertide, | | |

| |I have listened and responded to pupils | | |The children will listened |

| |in my class describing times when they | | |and responded to other |

| |knew God’s love and presence in their | | |pupils in their class |

| |lives. | | |describing times when they |

| | |*This Strand of Faith was covered in the November Planner and should be revised | |knew God’s love and presence|

|Revealed truth of God | |during Lent. | |in their lives. |

| | | | | |

|RERC 1‐03a | |Class: Teacher leads the children in reflecting on times they felt God’s presence in | | |

|I am exploring God's | |their lives. When did you feel him? How did you feel Him? | | |

|relationship with others and I| |Did you feel Him in church? Did you feel Him when praying? Did you feel Him when | | |

|have reflected on how people's| |something god was happening? | | |

|faith has helped them in | | | | |

|difficult times. | | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I have reflected on the narrative of the|Class: Teacher revises the story of the Repentant Thief with the class and reads from|Bible |Children demonstrate |

| |Repentant Thief (Luke 23: 39‐43) and I |the Bible Luke 23: 39‐43. What did the criminals say to Jesus? What does this story|Paper |understanding that God is |

| |can recognize that Jesus shows us a God |tell us about the love of God our Father? Where did Jesus promise they would all go |Art materials |merciful, just and full of |

| |who is merciful, just and full of |later in the day? Where do you think Paradise is? Does God always forgive us? Why | |compassion. |

| |compassion. |do you think he always forgives us? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children are given paper to write and illustrate the following words of Jesus,| | |

| | |“I promise you that today you will be in Paradise with me.” | | |

| |I know that, when I experience difficult| | | |

| |moments in my life, I can ask the Holy |Class: Teacher reminds the children that we can always ask the Holy Spirit to guide | | |

| |Spirit to guide, strengthen and console |strengthen and console us in difficult times. Children read the prayers that they | | |

| |me. |wrote to the Holy Spirit in November and are given the opportunity to redraft them. |Children’s’ prayers to the|Children know that they can |

| | | |Holy Spirit |ask the Holy Spirit to |

| | |Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible Psalm 62 and reminds the children | |guide, console and |

| | |that a psalm is like a song or a prayer. Teacher discusses Psalm 62 with the | |strengthen them. |

| |I have listened to Psalm 62 (Hope in God|children. What does God always do when you need help? What must we do in return? | | |

| |alone) and know that I can always trust |Do you always trust God? What must we never trust? |Bibles |Children demonstrate |

| |in God’s love when I experience | |Paper |understanding that they can |

| |difficult times. |Class: Teacher divides the class into small groups and gives each group a few lines |Art materials |trust God’s love during |

| | |of the psalm to write out and illustrate. This psalm could be displayed on the class | |experience difficult times. |

| | |altar. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: God’s love and presence, repentant thief, merciful God, just God, |RERC jotters | |

| | |compassionate God, , Holy Spirit guides, Holy Spirit Holy Spirit strengthens, trust | | |

| | |in God’s love. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class – Read from the Bible Luke 19:28-40). | | |

| | |Discuss: | | |

| | |1. What did Jesus tell two of His disciples to do? (Go to a village and get a colt.) | | |

| | |2. What did the people lay down in Jesus’ path? (coats and palm branches) | | |

| |I can read and recall Jesus’ triumphant |3. What did the people shout as Jesus passed by? (“Hosanna! Bless the one who | |The children will recall the|

|Son of God |entry into Jerusalem (e.g., Matthew 21: |comes in the name of the Lord!”) |Bibles |story of Jesus’ entry into |

| |11; Mark 11: 1‐11; Luke 19: 28‐40) and I|4. Did the people understand that Jesus was going to die on a cross? (No.) | |Jerusalem and its connection|

|RERC 1‐07a |recognise that we pray the same words as| | |to the ‘Sanctus’ during |

|I have explored the events of |the crowd when we pray the Sanctus (Holy|Write the word ‘Hosanna’ on the board. Ask the children what they think it means. | |Mass. |

|the Passion, Death and |Holy) during Mass. | | | |

|Resurrection of Jesus and I | | | | |

|have reflected on the Catholic| | | | |

|meaning of eternal life. | | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can compare and contrast the crowd’s |Information for the Teacher: In the observance of Sukkoth, worshippers processed | | |

| |reaction to Jesus during the entry into |through Jerusalem and in the Temple, waving in their right hands something called a | | |

| |Jerusalem with the responses to his |lulab, which was a bunch of leafy branches made of willow, myrtle and palm. As they | | |

| |arrest (e.g., Matthew 27: 15‐26; Mark |waved these branches in that procession, the worshippers recited words from Psalm | | |

| |15: 6‐15; Luke 23: 13‐25). |118, "Save us (hosianna or hosanna), we beseech you, O Lord ... Blessed is the one | | |

| | |who comes in the name of the Lord." | | |

| | | |Internet Access |The children will actively |

| | |Explain to them that it is a Hebrew word meaning ‘save now’ and it is used also to |Mass Booklets |take part in a discussion |

| | |express joy and praise. Ask the children to reflect on the Mass. Can you think of a | |about the crowd’s reaction |

| | |time when we say ‘hosanna’ during Mass. (The Holy, Holy) Class - Watch the clip from | |to Jesus as he entered |

| | |Jesus Christ Superstar. | |Jerusalem and how different |

| | | | |it was to the response from |

| | |Discuss who is happy about Jesus entering Jerusalem and who is not. Why is this? | |the crowd at his arrest. |

| | |The children should complete the ‘Hosanna’ worksheet attached. | | |

| | | | |The children will make their|

| | |Art – The children should make their own palm crosses. If possible ask the church to | |own palm and have it |

| | |supply some if not strips of yellow card can be substituted. |Palms or alternatively cut|blessed. |

| | |Instructions attached to planner. |yellow card. | |

| | |The priest could be invited to the school to bless the children’s palms. | |The children will complete a|

| | | | |relevant diary entry from |

| | |Class – In our previous lesson heard the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Think |Bibles |the point of view of |

| | |back to how the people reacted? |Barabbas Diary Worksheet |Barabbas. |

| | |Today we are going to read another story from scripture. This tells of what happened |attached to planner | |

| | |after Jesus was arrested. | | |

| | |Explain to the children that Jesus was taken to Pilate. He was the Roman governor in | | |

| | |Judea at the time of Jesus. | | |

| | |Read from the Bible Matthew 27:15 – 26. Discuss the reaction of the crowd in this | | |

| | |scripture reading. How does it differ from the other? | | |

| | |The children should imagine that they are Barabbas and write a short diary entry of | | |

| | |the day when he was saved by Jesus. | | |

| | |There is a worksheet attached to the planner although this task could be completed | |The children will understand|

| | |and illustrated in the children’s RERC jotters. | |that when people die in |

| |I have reflected on the narrative of the| |Contact parish priest to |friendship with God they |

| |Repentant Thief (Luke 23: 39-43) and I |Class /Parish – Explain to the children that during Lent we reflect on past mistakes |arrange for children to |live in Heaven. |

| |know that when people die in friendship |and sins that we have committed and make time to receive the sacrament of |receive the sacrament of | |

| |with God, they will live happily with |reconciliation. |reconciliation | |

| |him in Heaven. |Read the story of the Repentant Thief Luke 23:39 | | |

| | |-43 and discuss the phrases, “I promise you that today you will be in Paradise with | | |

| | |me.” | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can explain that, as Christians, we |Teacher reminds the children that in the month of November we remember those who have|RERC jotters |The children will know that |

| |remember and pray for those who have |died. Explain that it is not that we don’t think of them at any other time of the |Candle worksheet attached |during November we remember |

| |died especially in the month of |year but we are more focussed. At Easter we remember that because Jesus died on the |to planner. |those who have died. |

| |November. |cross we can enter heaven (paradise). | | |

| | |Ask the children to write a prayer of intercession for someone they know who has | | |

| |I know that Jesus rose from the dead on |died. Candle images are attached to the planner and can be used as a template. | | |

| |Easter Sunday and that, at his | | | |

| |Ascension, He promised to be with us |Class – Watch the following clip and discuss (*based Gospel of Mark) | | |

| |always (Matthew 28: 16‐20). | | |The children will know that |

| | |The children should complete the attached Easter Scripture crossword |Internet Access |Jesus rose from the dead on |

| | | |Easter Scripture worksheet|Easter Sunday. |

| | | |attached to planner. | |

| | | | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Last Supper, Passover, Eucharist, Mass, Sacrifice of the Cross made | | |

| | |present, encounter the Risen Christ, Jerusalem, Repentant Thief, Heaven. | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Signs of God |Preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist|The following website has an excellent Sacraments Section for kids. |RERC jotters |The children will understand|

| |in Primary 4 | | |and explain the significance|

|RERC 1‐09a | | | |of its different names |

|I am exploring the Sacraments |I have explored the Sacrament of the |Class – Teacher writes on the board ‘We Gather Together to Celebrate …..’ They should| |associated with the |

|of Initiation and |Eucharist in the other Strands of Faith |then ask the children to think of times in their lives when they gather with others | |Sacrament of the Eucharist. |

|Reconciliation and I have |and I can understand and explain the |to celebrate something special. Note these as a mind map on the board. This can be | | |

|reflected on how the |significance of its different names: |copied into the children’s RERC jotters. What might you receive to attend a | |The children will know the |

|Sacraments help to nurture | |celebration? Where might people gather to celebrate? Are there any special foods for | |story of the First Passover.|

|faith |Eucharist: thanksgiving to God (The Last|certain celebrations? Do people were special clothes for different occasions? |Bibles | |

| |Supper took place during the celebration| |‘The First Passover’ | |

| |of the Passover when the Jewish people |Teacher explains that Jesus gathered with His friends to celebrate at the occasion of|Worksheet attached to | |

| |gave thanks to God for freedom from |the Last Supper. What were they celebrating? Passover |planner. | |

| |slavery. Son of God RERC 1‐06a, 1‐07a) |Do you know what the ‘Passover’ is? | | |

| |Sacrifice of the Mass: Jesus’ death and |The teacher should explain a little about Moses before beginning. Read from the Bible| | |

| |resurrection made present (Son of God |Exodus 12:21-28. Allow the children to ask questions about the passage. | | |

| |RERC 1‐07a) |A suggested movie is Disney’s ‘Prince of Egypt’. | |The children will understand|

| |Real Presence: the risen Jesus truly |Complete The ‘First Passover’ worksheets attached to the planner. | |that Jesus was Jewish and at|

| |present among us (Son of God RERC | |Bibles |the Last Supper he was |

| |1‐05a; Son of God RERC 1‐07a) |Class – Ask the children which religion Jesus was. Jewish. |‘Jesus Instructs His |celebrating The Passover. |

| |Holy Communion: uniting us with God and |Explain the celebrating Passover was something that Jesus would have done with His |Disciples’ worksheet | |

| |one another in the community of the |family and friends. |attached to planner. | |

| |Church (In the Image of God RERC 1‐02a)|At the Last Supper Jesus was celebrating Passover with His friends. | | |

| |Mass: being sent out to live the Gospel |Read from the Bible Mark 14:12-16. This passage is centred on the preparation for | |The children will reflect on|

| |(Reign of God RERC 1‐20a). |Passover. | |Jesus’ words during the Last|

| |(The above 5 points represent a summary |Complete ‘Jesus Instructs His Disciples’ worksheet attached to the planner. | |Supper and their connection |

| |of learning from other Strands which | | |to Mass. |

| |relate to preparation for the Sacrament |Class – Read from the Bible Luke 22:14-20. |Bibles | |

| |of Eucharist.) |What made this Passover more special than any other Jesus had celebrated? What was |Place Setting Art Lesson. | |

| | |Jesus trying to explain to His disciples through what He did with the bread and wine?|Instructions attached to | |

| | |How do you think the disciples were feeling? How do you think Jesus was feeling? |planner. | |

| | |Art Activity – The children will design their own place setting as they too are | | |

| | |invited to celebrate the Last Supper with Jesus. | | |

| | |Instructions attached to planner. | | |

| | |Finalised artwork can be displayed on the Class Altar with a banner | | |

| | |“We Celebrate the Last Supper.” | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class – Explain to the children that during Mass we are remembering what Jesus did at|Internet Access | |

| | |the Last Supper. Refer back to the Bible phrase, ‘Do this in memory of me.’ Explain | | |

| | |that this is why we celebrate to this day, because Jesus asked us to. | | |

| | |Show the children the following clip: | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Read the following to the children:- | | |

| | |At Mass the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. When we celebrate the| | |

| | |Mass Jesus is with us in a very special way. He calls us to come together at Mass to | | |

| | |celebrate what He did for us at the Last Supper. The priest says the words which | | |

| | |Jesus said at the Last Supper. As he takes the bread in His hands he says; | | |

| | | | | |

| | |“Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my Body, which will be given up | | |

| | |for you.” | | |

| | | | | |

| | |As he takes the wine in His hands he says: | | |

| | | | | |

| | |“Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my Blood, the | | |

| | |Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many | | |

| | |for the forgiveness of sins. | | |

| | |Do this in memory of me.” | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Children will assemble mass booklet (attached to planner) and design their own front | | |

| | |cover. This should be used at future masses and they will be able to take it along to| | |

| | |their First Holy Communion. Teacher will need to print fold and staple. |Mass Booklet attached to | |

| |I know that, at the Last Supper, Jesus | |planner | |

| |chose bread and wine, which nourish us |Class – Ask the children what it would be like if syrup rained down from the sky, if |Long armed stapler | |

| |physically, as symbols of the spiritual |meatballs hit us like hail, and if spaghetti tied up our town.  What would it be like|Colouring pens | |

| |nourishment he wished to give us. |for food to fall from the sky?  Would it be messy?  What if too much came?  What if | | |

| | |you didn’t like the food that fell? | |The children will have a |

| |I know that we are spiritually nourished| | |basic understanding that the|

| |in the Eucharist because the bread and |Teacher explains to the children that they are going to hear a story taken from the | |Holy Eucharist nourishes us |

| |wine are changed into the Body and Blood|Book of Exodus in the Old Testament about how God nourished his people when they were| |spiritually. |

| |of Christ at the Consecration. |hungry. Give background on when the Israelites were in the desert and who was with | | |

| | |them (Moses). |Bibles | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The teacher reads to the children from the Bible Exodus 16:14-16. |Bibles |The children will know the |

| | |Watch the following clip |Internet Access |story, ‘Manna from Heaven’ |

| | | |‘God Nourishes’ worksheet |from the Old Testament. |

| | |Read from the Bible John 6:32-40. Discuss with the children similarities between the |attached to planner. | |

| | |two texts. Explain that God nourishes both our body (Exodus) and Spirit (John). Learn| | |

| | |the hymn ‘I am the bread of life’. Music can be found at the following website. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Children should complete the worksheet ‘God Nourishes’ attached to the planner. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Home - Teacher print the take home sheet ‘Manna Cookies’ to send to parents. | | |

| | |Encourage the children to share the stories they have been learning in class with |Take home sheet, ‘Manna | |

| | |their family at home. |Cookies’ attached to | |

| | | |planner. | |

| | |Art/Parish – The children will work together to create Easter bunting for the local | | |

| | |parish. They can use the template attached which should ideally be printed onto |A wide variety of art |The children will know words|

| |I understand the significance of the |cartridge paper. Letters should be written on each triangle to make words and phrases|materials |associated with Easter and |

| |following parts of the Mass: |associated with Easter. |coloured card |link them to the Mass. |

| |Entrance Rite: Penitential Rite, Gloria |For example: | | |

| |(These take place at the Presidential |Hosanna, Alleluia, King of Kings, He Has Risen, Glory | | |

| |Chair.) |Decorate with ribbon and crafts in bright colours. | | |

| |Liturgy of the Word: readings (including|The finished bunting should be given to the parish priest. | | |

| |the Psalm); Gospel Acclamation; Gospel; | | | |

| |Homily; Creed; Prayers of the Faithful |*If you want to add lettering prior to giving it to the children a large stencil | | |

| |(These take place at the Lectern.) |could be used or alternatively lettering can be added using a text box, enlarging to | | |

| | |desired size, right clicking text box to remove the line and the fill, selecting the | | |

| | |letter and right click ‘font’ and clicking outline. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class – The children should complete ‘Parts of the Mass’ worksheet attached to the | | |

| | |planner. In order to complete this, the children will need access to a Mass Response |‘Parts of the Mass’ | |

| | |Card. |worksheet attached to | |

| | | |planner. | |

| | | |Mass response booklet. | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |Liturgy of the Eucharist: Offertory; |KEY VOCABULARY: Sacrament of the Eucharist, Eucharist, Thanksgiving to God, Last | | |

| |Sanctus (Holy, Holy); Eucharistic |Supper, Passover, Sacrifice of the Mass, Real Presence, Holy Communion, Mass, | | |

| |prayer; Memorial Acclamation; Great |spiritual nourishment, faith journey, bread and wine, Body and Blood of Christ, | | |

| |Amen; Our Father; Sign of Peace; Agnus |Consecration, sent out, Penitential Rite, Gloria, Presidential Chair, Liturgy, | | |

| |Dei/ Lamb of God; Communion. (These take|Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, readings, Psalm, Gospel Acclamation, | | |

| |place at the Altar.) |Gospel, Homily, Creed, Prayers of the Faithful, Offertory, Sanctus, Holy Holy, | | |

| |Dismissal. |Eucharistic prayer, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, Agnus Dei, Lamb of God, | | |

| | |dismissal. | | |

| |I know that when I receive the Eucharist| | | |

| |in First Holy Communion, this will be | | | |

| |the centre and high point of my | | | |

| |Christian initiation which began with | | | |

| |Baptism and is strengthened and deepened| | | |

| |in Confirmation (whenever it is | | | |

| |received). | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Hours of God | | | | |

| |I have been given opportunities to | | | |

|RERC 1‐17a |celebrate liturgy as part of my class, | | | |

|I have, through liturgical |my school and my parish. | | | |

|experiences, reflected on an | |During Lent and Easter the children will have opportunities to celebrate liturgy as |Picture of a thurible |Children know that incense |

|ability to respond to symbols | |part of their class, their school and their parish. |(attached to planner) |is used during some |

|and take part in rituals in | | | |liturgical celebrations. |

|order to worship God. | |Class: Children will be given opportunities to participate in class prayer times and | | |

| | |prayer services associated with Lent and Easter. | |Children understand that |

| | | | |incense symbolizes the |

| | |School: Children will participate in school assemblies and prayer services associated| |sacredness of the event and |

| | |with Lent and Easter. | |its participants and that it|

| |I know that incense is used during some | | |also reminds us of our |

| |liturgical celebrations. |Parish: Children will receive ashes on Ash Wednesday, visit the Church to pray the | |prayers rising to God. |

| | |Stations of the Cross and celebrate Mass. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the children that incense is used during some liturgical |Incense worksheet | |

| | |celebrations. Incense is a substance made from trees and plants. It has a sweet- |(attached to planner) | |

| | |smelling perfume and produces high-ascending smoke when burned. A thurible is a | | |

| | |metal container holding burning charcoal in which incense is sprinkled. It is | | |

| | |suspended from chains and is swung by the priest to incense the altar, the word of | | |

| | |God, priest and | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |people or the dead. Incense is used during special masses, the Benediction of the | | |

| | |Blessed Sacrament and is often used during processions, funeral rites and when | | |

| | |objects and places are blessed. Teacher shows the children a picture of a thurible | | |

| | |(attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Parish: Teacher asks their parish priest to show the children a thuribile and be |Contact priest to arrange | |

| | |given the opportunity to smell incense. |class visit. | |

| | | | | |

| |I understand that incense symbolises the|Class: Teacher explains that incense has been used by the Catholic Church for many | |The children understand that|

| |sacredness of the event and its |years. The rich smell of the incense symbolizes the sacredness of the liturgical | |incense symbolises the |

| |participants and that it also reminds us|event itself and those participating in it. The rising smoke reminds us of our | |sacredness of an event and |

| |of our prayers rising to God. |prayers rising to God. | |reminds us of our prayers |

| | | | |rising to God. |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Incense’ worksheet (attached to planner). |‘Incense’ worksheet | |

| | | |attached to planner | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains that a ritual is series of actions always performed in the | | |

| | |same prescribed order. When mass is celebrated all over the world, the gestures of | | |

| | |the priest and meaning of the words are exactly the same. Teacher discusses the | | |

| | |Consecration of the mass with the children. What happens during the Consecration? | | |

| | |What does the bread and wine become? | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can explain rituals associated with |Who changes the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ? Can you remember | |The children will have some |

| |the Consecration, particularly the |the words the priest says at the Consecration? Where have you heard these words |Eucharistic Prayer III |understanding of the rituals|

| |gestures of the priest and my response |before? What happened at the last supper? |(attached to planner) |associated with the |

| |to the Consecration. | | |Consecration, particularly |

| | |Teacher reads the words of Eucharistic Prayer III (attached to planner) to the class.| |the gestures of the priest |

| | |What does the priest always do during the Consecration? Teacher explains that the | |and the response to the |

| | |priest always genuflects after he lifts up both the bread and wine. Teacher explains| |Consecration. |

| | |that altar server rings a bell during the Consecration: | | |

| | |When the priest makes the sign of the Cross over the gifts and calls on the holy | | |

| | |Spirit to come upon the gifts | | |

| | |At the elevation of the Consecrated Host | | |

| | |At the elevation of the Consecrated Wine | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |What do we do during the Consecration? During the Eucharistic Prayer, we kneel and |Information sheet attached| |

| | |we are invited to look upon the Body and Blood of Christ as the priest shows them to |to planner | |

| | |us. As the priest genuflects, we bow as a sign of our humility and reverence before |Internet Access | |

| | |the Lord. Children practise looking and bowing at the Body and Blood of Christ. | | |

| | |Other gestures that take place during mass can be explained to the children. An | | |

| | |information sheet is attached to the planner. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Useful Websites | | |

| | | | | |

| | |.uk | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘The Consecration’ worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know the names, and I can recognise |Class: Teacher explains that the priest and the Bishop sometimes use oils during the |The Consecration worksheet|Children can explain the |

| |the significance, of the oils used by |Sacraments. Teacher discusses with the class their experience of the Sacraments and|(attached to planner) |gestures of the priest and |

| |the priest and Bishop in the Sacraments |whether any special oil was used. | |their response to the |

| |(Baptismal oil, Oil of the Sick, Sacred |What Sacraments have you received? Did the priest use any special oil? What was |Teacher’s information |Consecration. |

| |Chrism). |the name of the oil? |sheet- Gestures During | |

| | |Have you ever been to any other Sacramental service? Did the priest use any special |mass (attached to planner)| |

| | |oil? What was the name of the oil? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Teacher explains that these very special oils are called: | | |

| | |Baptismal oil | | |

| | |Oil of the Sick, | | |

| | |Sacred Chrism | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Blessing of Holy Oils: The Chrism Mass is held during Holy Week in every Catholic | |Children know the names of |

| | |diocese. During this Mass, the priests, the deacons and representatives of the | |the following oils: |

| | |entire diocesan community gather around their bishop, who blesses the Holy oils for | |Baptismal Oil |

| | |use in the coming year. | |Oil of the Sick |

| | | | |Sacred Chrism |

| | |Baptismal Oil is olive oil and is rubbed on the baby’s chest. It relates to the days| | |

| | |when athletes used to rub oil into their bodies before events to strengthen them and | | |

| | |make their skin more supple. It symbolizes strengthening for the struggles of life | | |

| | |ahead. | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Oil of the Sick is olive for used in the Sacrament of anointing the sick. The priest| |Children can recognise the |

| | |anoints the forehead and the palms of the sick, while praying that God will save and | |significance of the |

| | |raise them up. The oil symbolizes healing and strengthening effects which are | |following oils used in the |

| | |characteristic of olive oil. | |Sacraments: |

| | |Sacred Chrism is made from olive oil but unlike the other oils is scented with oil of| |Baptismal Oil |

| | |balsam giving it a woody, pine-like fragrance. Sacred Chrism is used for the | |Oil of the Sick |

| | |Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders. | |Sacred Chrism |

| | |The anointing of Sacred Chrism in Baptism signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit to | | |

| | |the newly baptised, who has become a Christian, that is, one "anointed" by the Holy | | |

| | |Spirit, incorporated into Christ who is anointed priest, prophet, and king. The | | |

| | |crown of the head of the newly-baptised is anointed with Sacred Chrism. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The anointing of Sacred Chrism in Confirmation signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit | | |

| | |who anointed Jesus at His own Baptism. The forehead of the person being confirmed is| | |

| | |anointed with Sacred Chrism and the words, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy | | |

| | |Spirit” are said to the candidate. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The anointing of Sacred Chrism in Holy Orders signifies giving the priest a permanent| | |

| | |spiritual mark of belonging to Christ in a unique way. This permanent spiritual mark| | |

| | |can never be removed, and once a man is ordained, he remains ordained forever. Each| | |

| | |new priest is anointed by a bishop with Sacred Chrism on the palms of his hands. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Useful Website | | |

| | | |A3 paper/cardboard | |

| | | |Art materials | |

| | |Class: Children work with shoulder partner to design an information poster on one of | | |

| | |the oils used by the priest and Bishop in the Sacraments | | |

| | | |‘Sacramental Oils’ | |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Sacramental Oils’ worksheet (attached to planner). |worksheet (attached to | |

| | | |planner) | |

| | |Parish: Parish priest allows the children to see and smell the Sacramental oils. | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Liturgy, incense, prayers rising to God, rituals, gestures, oils | | |

Name_____________________________ Date___________________

God’s Creation

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|God created “Day” and Night.” |God created the “Earth” and the “Sea.” |

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|God created the “Sun.” |God created the “Moon” and the Stars.” |

Name_____________________ Date_____________

Psalm 104 - In Praise of the Creator

Praise the LORD, my soul!

O LORD, my God, how great you are!

You are clothed with majesty and glory; you cover yourself with light.

You have spread out the heavens like a tent

and built your homes on the waters above.

You use the clouds as you chariot and ride on the wings of the wind.

You use the winds as your messengers and flashes of lightning as your servants.

You have set the earth firmly on its foundations,

And it will never be moved.

You placed the ocean over it like a robe,

And the water covered the mountains.

What does this Psalm 104 compare the following things to?

the heavens ____________________________

the clouds______________________________

the winds_______________________________

flashes of lightning________________________

the ocean_______________________________

Name_____________________ Date_____________

Liturgical Calendar

A Thurible

Name_____________________ Date_____________


Incense is made from _____________________________________.

It has a _______________________________ perfume and produces

____________________________________________ when burned.

A thurible is a______________________________________________


Incense is used at___________________________________________


The rich smell of the incense symbolizes __________________________


The rising smoke reminds us of_________________________________


Draw a thurible in the box.

The Order of Mass

New English Translation


The Priest alone says:

You are indeed Holy, O Lord,

and all you have created

rightly gives you praise,

for through your Son our Lord Jesus Christ,

by the power and working of the Holy Spirit,

you give life to all things and make them holy,

and you never cease to gather a people to yourself,

so that from the rising of the sun to its setting

a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name.

Therefore, O Lord, we humbly implore you:

by the same Spirit graciously make holy

these gifts we have brought to you for consecration,

that they may become the Body and Blood of your

Son our Lord Jesus Christ,

at whose command we celebrate these mysteries.

For on the night he was betrayed

he himself took bread, and, giving you thanks, he said

the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to his

disciples, saying:


In a similar way, when supper was ended,

he took the chalice

and, giving you thanks, he said the blessing,

and gave the chalice to his disciples, saying:




The Priest says:

The mystery of faith.

The people continue, acclaiming:

We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

and profess your Resurrection

until you come again.


When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup,

we proclaim your Death, O Lord,

until you come again.


Save us, Saviour of the world,

for by your Cross and Resurrection

you have set us free.

Gestures during Mass

Our prayer is also expressed in a variety of gestures through the Celebration of Mass.

The Sign of the Cross, the simplest of prayers, recalls our Baptism and the passion and resurrection of the Lord and marks the beginning and conclusion of our prayer.

During the Confiteor we strike our breast as we say “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.” We find this gesture in the gospel of Luke (18:9-14) in the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. In striking our breast we acknowledge our guilt and beg for forgiveness.

At the beginning of the gospel as the priest or deacon says “A reading from the holy Gospel according to...” we make the Sign of the Cross on our foreheads, lips and breast. A simple gesture

which prays that the Lord may be in our mind, on our lips and in our heart.

As we profess our faith in the Creed we bow as we speak of the birth of the Lord. In the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed we bow as we say “and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man”. In the Apostles Creed we bow as we say “who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary”. When we bow we are expressing our humility, calling upon God that he may set us upright, allowing us to gaze upon him and make us worthy of his gaze.

During the Eucharistic Prayer we are invited to look upon the Body and Blood of Christ as the priest shows them to us. As the priest genuflects, we bow once again as a sign of our humility and reverence before the Lord.

Following the Lord’s Prayer we are invited to offer each other the sign of peace. We offer one another the customary sign of peace which is an expression of peace, communion and charity.

As we come forward in procession to receive Holy Communion standing we are invited to make an act of reverence by bowing in honour of Christ’s presence in the Sacrament.

At the end of Mass we are invited to go forth. Some of the new dismissals better express that we leave Mass taking the Lord to the World. We are invited to “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord” or “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life”.

Name_____________________________ Date__________________

The Consecration

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|During the Consecration the priest always |During the Consecration I always |

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Name_____________________________ Date__________________

Sacramental Oils

|Baptismal Oil |Oil of the Sick |Sacred Chrism |

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Write the following statements in the correct box.

anoints the palms of the hands of priests anoints the foreheads of those being confirmed

symbolizes strengthening for the struggles of life ahead symbolizes healing and strengthening

scented with oil of balsam anoints the forehead and the palms of the sick

Jesus Instructs His Disciples

Read from the Bible Mark 12:14-16

Jesus and His friends were preparing for Passover. He gave them very specific instructions.

The instructions below are jumbled up! Re-write them in the order in which Jesus gave them to His disciples.

• “A man carrying a jug of water will meet you.”

• “He will show you a large upstairs room prepared and furnished.”

• “Go into the city.”

• “Ask the owner where we are to eat Passover.”

• “Get everything ready for us.”

• “Follow the man to the house.”

Re-write the instructions in the correct order below.

1. __________________________________________________________



4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

The Last Supper – Art Activity


Paper Plates

Paint / colouring pens


Coloured paper


The children will create a patterned place mat their own design. They will then decorate their paper plate and glue it to the mat. The teacher can photocopy the cutlery from below which can be pasted on. Alternatively, plastic cutlery could be covered in silver foil. They will write the phrase, “Do this in memory of me,” in the centre of the plate.

God Nourishes

We have been listening to scripture passages from both the Old and the New Testaments. We are comparing the two pieces of scripture and finding similarities.

Read the description and tick the box if the event happens in the story.

|Description |Book of Exodus |Gospel of John |

|God wanted his people to believe in him. | | |

|The story mentions ‘manna’ from heaven | | |

|God gave bread from heaven | | |

|God gave bread to eat for nourishment | | |

|God gave bread to eat to nourish the spirit | | |

|‘The bread’ in this story if manna | | |

|‘The bread’ in this story is Jesus | | |

If there is a tick in both boxes then there is a similarity in the text.

Colour, cut and complete the speech bubbles in the images below. Glue into your jotter.

[pic] [pic]

Take Home Sheet – Manna Cookies

In class we have been learning about how god fed the Israelites while they were in the desert by sending ‘manna’ from heaven.

The word ‘manna’ comes from the Hebrew words, ‘What is it?’ because this is what the Israelites asked Moses when they woke up and found it all around. It is said that it tasted like wafers dipped in honey.

Below is a recipe that you can make together.



Makes: 4 dozen

• 200g caster sugar

• 200g margarine

• 350g honey

• 2 eggs

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

• 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

• 500g plain flour

Preparation method

Prep: 20 mins | Cook: 12 mins

1. In a saucepan over low heat, melt together sugar, margarine and honey. Let cool.

2. Mix together eggs, vanilla, bicarbonate of soda and ginger. Gradually add to cooled honey mixture.

3. Slowly add 500g to mixture. Stir until well blended. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto baking trays about 5cm apart. Bake at 180°C / Gas 4 until golden, about 12-15 minutes.


I can read and recall Jesus’ triumphant entry into and I recognise that we pray the same words as the crowd when we pray the Sanctus (Holy Holy) during Mass.

Copy and complete the following into your RERC jotter.

During the Liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass we say a prayer called the ‘Holy Holy’.

Holy, ______________, Holy Lord ______________ of ____________________.

Heaven and ______________________ are full of your ___________________.

___________________________ in the highest.

Blessed is he who ______________________ in the _______________________ of the Lord.

Hosanna in the ____________________________.

Why was Jesus going to Jerusalem?

What did Jesus ask His disciples to do?

What were the people shouting?

What did they place on the road for Jesus?

|Instructions |

|Make a Palm Cross |

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|You will need a palm frond about 2cm wide and 30cm long or yellow card of the same width and length.                                  |

|                                                     |

|                                                           |

|1. Hold the frond horizontally |

|                                     [pic]        |

|  |

|2. Bend the right end straight up from the center to form a right angle. |

|  |

|                                            [pic] |

|  |

|3. Fold this same top strip, from the center, back and down, up and over again, |

|    to form a square at the back. It will still be a right angle at this point. |

|     |

|                                          [pic] |

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|4a) Bring the left strip forward and fold over the center towards the right. |

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|4b) Fold away from you and pull through the square at back, all the way. |

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|                                          [pic] |

|5.  Bend the top strip forward and put the end through the center square |

|     to make a shaft of desired length. |

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|                                          [pic] |

|6.  Fold left hand strip backwards and put through the back square. |

|     This makes the left crossbar and should be in proportion to the shaft. |

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|                                              [pic] |

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|7. Fold the right strip back, put through the back square and fasten. |

|                                          [pic] |

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Barabbas Diary

I can compare and contrast the crowd’s reaction to Jesus during the entry into Jerusalem with the responses to his arrest.

Write a diary entry from the point of view of Barabbas reflecting on the events of the day Jesus saved him.

Instructions on how to make the bunting below can be found at the following website:

The Parts of the Mass

I understand the significance of the parts of the Mass.

Below is a table which describes the different parts of the Mass. Using a Mass Response Card, complete the table and cut and paste into your RERC jotter.

| |Description of part of Mass |Part of the Mass |

| |The Penitential Rite and the Gloria | |

|1 | | |

| |Readings, Gospel Acclamation, Gospel, Homily and Prayer of the Faithful | |

|2 | | |

| |Offertory, Holy Holy, Eucharistic Prayer, memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, Our Father, Sign of | |

|3 |Peace, Lamb of God, Communion | |

| |Announcements, Final Blessing. | |

|4 | | |

Using the above link answer the following questions

• Click on ‘God’s House’ (picture of the church)

• Click the stairs on the right hand side twice to go into the Choir Loft

• Click on the different areas of the altar to answer the following question.

1. What does the Sanctuary Lamp remind us of?

2. What is the name of the chair where the priest sits at the beginning and end of Mass?

3. What are the two names given to the place where scripture is proclaimed?

4. What is kept on the Credence Table?

5. What is kept inside the Tabernacle?

6. What is the name given to the seats for the congregation?

7. How many Stations of the Cross are around the church and when are they used most?

8. Where can people go to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

9. What is kept in the Sacristy?

10. Why do we have Votive Candles in the church?[pic][pic][pic]



1. God’s Creation

2. Psalms of Thanksgiving

3. Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

4. The Holy Eucharist

God sent us

In a similar way, when supper was ended,

He took the chalice,

And giving you thanks, he said the blessing,

And gave the chalice to His disciples saying:






(The priest raises the chalice and the communion bell rings. The congregation bow their heads.)

Priest: Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.

Response 1: We proclaim your Death O Lord,

And profess your Resurrection.

Response 2: When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup

We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

Until you come again.

Response 3: Save us, Saviour of the world,

For by your Cross and Resurrection

You have set us free.


The Eucharistic Prayer

Priest: The Lord be with you.

Response: And with your spirit.

Priest: Lift up your hearts

Response: We lift them up to the Lord.

Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

Response: It is right and just.

Holy, holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

(Priest Responds)

For on the night he was betrayed

He himself took bread

And giving thanks, he said the blessing,

Broke the bread and gave it to His disciples, saying:




(The priest raises the host and the communion bell rings. The

congregation bow their heads.)

Priest: Through him, and with him, and in him,

O God Almighty Father,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit all glory and honour is yours forever and ever.

Response: Amen

The Our Father

Response; For the Kingdom, the power and glory are

Yours for now and forever.

The Sign of Peace

Breaking of the Bread

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

Grant us peace.

Priest: Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.

Response: Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof.

But only say the word and I shall be healed.


The First Passover

I am the


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