EDUCATION - Alabama A&M University - Alabama A&M …

AMIN U. SARKAR Department of Accounting & Finance, College of Business & Public Affairs, Alabama A&M University, AL 35762 Email: Phone: (256) 372 4820 EDUCATIONPh.D. (1988), University of California, Berkeley Primary Fields: Resource Economics and Economic Development Secondary Field: Comparative Economic SystemsM.A. (1983), University of California, Berkeley Major: Economics LEADERSHIP TRAINING2006 Executive Leadership & Management Institute at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CaliforniaCornell University/New York State United University Professions Leadership Institute, 2001, New Paltz, New YorkState University of New York Leadership Institute for Deans and Chairs, 1998, Buffalo, New YorkADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONSVice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer - North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2013 -15Dean –College of Business and Public Affairs, Alabama A&M University, Normal (Huntsville), AL, 2007 -13Dean - College of Business and Technology, Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD, 2004- 2007Chairman - Department of Economics, Finance, and Marketing, The J. Whitney Bunting School of Business, Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA, 2001-04 Chairman - Department of Economics, SUNY Fredonia, NY, 1997-2001ACADEMIC POSITIONS Tenured Professor of Economics – Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business & Public Affairs, Alabama A&M University, Normal (Huntsville), AL 35762, 2007- Present (was on leave for 2013-15)Tenured Professor of Economics – Department of Accounting and Economics, College of Business & Technology (CBT), Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD, 2004 -2007Tenured Professor of Economics- Department of Economics, Finance, and Marketing, The J. Whitney Bunting School of Business (ScOB), Georgia College & State University (GC&SU), Milledgeville, GA, 2001-2004 Tenured Professor - Department of Economics, SUNY Fredonia, NY, 1999-2001.Tenured Assoc. Professor – Dept. of Economics, SUNY Fredonia, NY, 1994-1999.Tenure-track Asst. Prof. – Dept. of Economics, SUNY Fredonia, NY, 1989-1994.Lecturer (Full-time)- Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, CA, 1988-1989.Visiting Positions:Fulbright Professor, Faculty of Business, Tashkent State Economic University, Uzbekistan, 1997 and 1999 (Summer).Visiting Associate Professor - Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, Summer Sessions, 1994-1997.Visiting Assistant Professor - Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, Summer Sessions, 1989-1994.Lecturer (Part-time) - Department of Economics, San Jose State University, California, 1987-1988.Teaching Areas: Introductory Economics, Economic Principles, Intermediate Theory, Economic Development, Natural Resource & Environment Economics, Managerial Economics, and Money & BankingResearch Interests: Sustainable Development, Exchange Rates, Third World Debt, and Resource Policy EDITORIAL BOARDSServed as Associate Editor for the AIMS International Journal of ManagementServed as Associate Editor for the Indian Journal of Economics and BusinessServed as a Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE)Served as a Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Development Management (IJDM)Served as a Member of the Editorial Board, Forman Journal of Economic Studies (FJES)Served as Assistant Editor, 1992-2002, for the Journal of EconomicsREFEREE SERVICESServing as an external examiner of overseas Ph.D. dissertations.Served/serving as a referee for Contemporary Economic Policy, Journal of Economics, Energy- The International Journal, Journal of Canadian Development studies, Contemporary Policy Issues, Forman Journal of Economic Studies, Society and Natural Resources, Resource Management and Optimization, Journal of Tropical Forest Science, Indian Journal of Business and Economics, International Journal of Energy and Environment, and AIMS International Journal of Management. Served as a referee for Todaro’s Economic Development for the Third World, Longmann Publishers. Made a pre-revision review of Intermediate Microeconomics by Walter Nicholson, The Dryden Press, TX.Served as a referee for the textbook manuscript: Environmental and Resource Economics. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, The Dryden Press, TX. Served as a referee for the textbook manuscript: Economic Development. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Dryden Press, TX. Reviewed a business statistics textbook for Harcourt Brace College Publishers, TX. Served as a referee for a monetary policy textbook for Houghton Mifflin Company, MAPUBLICATIONSGreenhouse Gas Emissions, the Corporate World, and Economic Incentives for Developing Countries (with J. Swinton). International Journal of Global Business and Economics 2:3: 1-13 (2010).The Effect of Exchange Rate Disequilibrium and International Financial Integration on Emerging Economies (with T. Amor). International Journal of Economics and Finance1(2) August 2009Exchange Rates Misalignment and Economic Growth (with T. Amor).Indian Journal of Economics and Business 8(1) June 2009 Financial Integration and Real Exchange Rate Volatility: Evidence from South and South East Asia (with T. Amor), International Journal of Business and Management 3(1), January 2008The Benefits of the Kyoto Protocols to Developing Countries (with John Swinton). Environment, Development and Sustainability; 10(6):731-743, Springer, Netherlands, Accepted: 20?December?2006 Political economy of sustainable development of Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Studies 4(2) 24-36, 2003. Pennsylvania State University.Trading emissions: The Kyoto protocol. Proceedings of the annual conference of the International Trade & Finance Association, 28-30 May 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.Structural adjustment programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies. 19(4)43-56; December 2000.Foreign direct investment in Malaysia’s economic growth up to mid-90s (with Lynn Jangjan). Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies 17(4)59-75; 1999.Sustainability, sustainable development and forest resources. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 5(1998) 164-171. Elsevier.Solar box cookers: towards a decentralized sustainable energy strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa (with Ellie Carmody). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 1(1997) 291-301. Pergamon/ElsevierSustainable development of India. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 4(1997) 136-142. Elsevier. Sustainable development and technology. The Environmentalist 17, (1997) 97-102. Chapman and Hall. China’s central bank and efficiency. (with Amy Chi). China Report - the Journal of East Asian Studies 33:1(1997) 83-90. Sage Publications.Sustainable development of forest resources in industrialized countries (with William McKillop). Agricultural Economics 14(1996) 175-184. Journal of the International Agricultural Economic Association. Sustainable agricultural development. Economic Planning in Free Societies 32(1): 5-10. 1996. Academic Publishing Co., Canada.Sustainable development of hydroelectric power. (with Serkan Karagoz). Energy - The International Journal 20(10):977-981. 1995. Elsevier. Economic parameters for resource policy analysis in developing countries (with William McKillop). Journal of Environmental Management 40(4):309. 1994. Academic Press Limited. Debt relief for environment: experience and issues. Journal of Environment and Development 3(1):123-136. 1994. University of California, San Diego. Sustainable agricultural development in the third world. Abstract in the Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on Society and Resource Management, 1994. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.Modeling timber supply: resources and management regimes. (with William McKillop). Journal of Environmental Management 38(1): 1-11, 1993. Academic Press Limited. A possible solution to tropical troubles: debt-for-nature swaps. (with Karen Ebbs). Futures, the journal of forecasting, planning and policy 24(7), 1992 Oxford, UK. Butterworth-Heinmann. Normative supply modeling and forest policy analysis in a developing economy. (With William McKillop). The Journal of World Forest Resource Management 6(2), 1992. A B Academic Publishers, UK.An economic model of renewable resource development in the third world. The Journal of Economics, XVII, 1991. Economic efficiency and ecological considerations in resource development policies. (with William McKillop). Ecological Economics, 4(1991)57-67. The Journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics. Elsevier Science Publications. Optimal resource allocation in timber production. Resource Management and Optimization, volume 9 (1). 1991. Harwood Academic Publishers. Debt relief for environment. Abstract in Development 1993:4 Journal of the Society for International Development. Modeling timber resources in densely populated developing countries. Abstract in the Proceedings of the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Natural Resource Modeling, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, October 1990. Social forestry for development: an economic enquiry. In the Third Symposium on Social Science in Resource Management Proceedings, Texas A & M University, College Station, May 1990. Book Chapters “Minimizing the Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Developing Countries” in Globalization and Development: Country Experiences. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2010. New York, ISBN 978-1-60876-851-6. “Political economy of sustainable development in Bangladesh” in Political Culture in Bangladesh: Perspectives and Analyses.2007. The University Press Ltd., ISBN 984-05-1782-1. “Inefficiency in resource management and its environmental repercussions” in Economy of Bangladesh-Problems and Prospects. 1996. Greenwood Publishing, Westport, CT. CONFERENCESAttended American Economic Association’s annual meetings, San Francisco, January 2016Participated as a panelist at the Australasian conference on business and social sciences, Central Queensland University, Sydney, April 12-14, 2015Participated in the Business Deans Conferences of the AACSB, 2006-12.Participated in the Annual Conference of the Southern institutional accrediting agency: SACS, Atlanta, December 2009Participated in the International Conference and Annual Meeting of the AACSB, 2007-12Participated as one of the 60 Business School Deans from different countries at the Global Forum on Responsible Management Education at UN Headquarters addressed by the UN Secretary General. New York, 4-5 December 2008.Participated in the SBAA (Southern Business Administration Association) Annual Conferences, 2007-11.Participated in the 2012, 2011 and 2009 SBAA (Southern Business Administration Association) Summer Workshop for DeansParticipated in the National Annual Conference of the HBCU Business Deans, 2007-11Participated in the Opportunity Funding Corporation (OFC) Venture Challenge Annual Conference for HBCU Institutions, Atlanta, GA, April 2008 - 2011.Participated in the Annual Conference of the Association of Alabama Higher Education in Business (AAHEB), Orange Beach, AL, March 2008, 2009, and 2010Participated in the Alabama A&M University National Alumni Association’s Annual Conference, Atlanta, July 27-29, 2007Participated in the accreditation seminar of the AACSB, Tampa, 2005Participated in the annual conference of the Fulbright Association, Washington DC, October 7-11, 1998. Participated in the conference on “Globalization of the State University of New York: the role of the Fulbright scholar”, Saratoga Springs, New York, April 3-4, 1998.Led the delegation of the Tashkent State Economic University to the international conference on “Re-emergence of the silk road” held at Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research under the President of Kazakhstan, Alamaty, December 5-7, 1997. Participated in a conference on “Rebuilding the silk road: the re-emergence of Central Asia” held in Alamaty, Kazakhstan, December 5-7, 1997, sponsored by the Civic Education Project (CEP), New Haven, CT. (CEP paid all expenses).Academic ConferencesChaired a session and presented the paper (with T. Amor) "Exchange Rate Misalignment, International Financial Integration and Economic Growth" at the 6th. International Institute for Development Studies (IIDS) Conference, University of Technology, Mauritius, July 15-18, 2008.Chaired a session and presented the paper "Adaptation Measures and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Developing Countries” at the 17th. World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association (IMDA), Paramaribo, Suriname, 18-22 June, 2008 Chaired a session and presented the paper entitled “Incentives for Reduction of Global Emissions and Promotion of Green Energy” at the 3rd International Green Energy Conference, IGEC-III, June 17-21, 2007, V?ster?s, Sweden?Chaired a session on corruption and presented at another session a paper entitled “The benefits of the Kyoto Protocols to developing countries” at the 5th. International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association, 10-12 March 2006, Sousse, Tunisia Presented a paper entitled “Political economy of underdevelopment” at the 37th. Bengal Studies Conference, Stamford University, 4-6 January 2005, Dhaka, BangladeshChaired a session and presented at another session a paper entitled “Liberal arts foundation for business education” at the 2nd. AIMS International Conference on Management, Indian Institute of Management, 28-31 December 2004, Calcutta, IndiaPresented a paper entitled “Sustainable development of South Asia” at the Third International Convention of Asian Scholars, National University of Singapore, 19-21 August 2003, Singapore.Presented a paper entitled “Alleviation of poverty for sustainable development” at the Allied Social Science Associations/ American Economic Association (ASSA/AEA) annual meetings in on 3-5 January 2003 at Washington DC.Presented the paper “Trading emissions” at the annual conference of the International Trade & Finance Association, 28-30 May 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.Presented the paper “Policies for sustainable economic development” at annual CIRA conference, April 26-28, 2002 at the Institute for Comparative & International Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.Presented the paper “Sustainable development” at the international symposium on Poverty and Co-operation, 22-25 October 2001, Tlemcen, Algeria (US Embassy in Algiers paid all expenses).Presented the paper “The Kyoto treaty” at the Eastern Economic Association’s Annual Conference, 23-25 February 2001, New York City, NY.Presented the paper “Sustainable development of Bangladesh” at the 14th. North American Bangladesh Convention, 1-3 September 2000, New York City, NY.Presented the paper “Inefficiency in resource management: the case of Aral sea” at the 7th. Annual conference of the Global Awareness Society International, held in Istanbul, Turkey, May 28-31, 1998.Chaired a session on agricultural policy at the Missouri Valley Economic Association’s annual conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 1997.Presented a paper entitled “Tradable quota system and joint implementation for global pollution control” at the thirty-third annual meeting of the Missouri Valley Economic Association, St. Louis, Missouri, 1997.Presented the paper “Sustainable development of India” at the American Economic Association\Allied Social Science Associations annual conference, San Francisco, CA 1996.Chaired two sessions and presented at another session a paper entitled “A lost opportunity for the Philippines” at the 18th. Third World Studies Conference at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska 1995. Chaired two sessions and presented at another session the paper “Modeling environment and economic growth” at the Missouri Valley Economic Association’s annual convention, Kansas City, MO 1995. Chaired two sessions and presented at another session the paper “Sustainable agricultural development” at the 5th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, held in the Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, 1994. Chaired the session on economics of renewable resources and presented with McKillop the paper “Sustainable development of California private forests” at the annual conference of the Western Economic Association, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 1993. Chaired two sessions: Diverse development and conservation and environment, and presented at another session the paper “Sustainable development and technology” at the annual conference of the Eastern Economic Association, Washington DC, 1993. Participated in a panel discussion and presented the paper “Economic parameters for resource policy analysis in developing countries” at the annual conference of the Missouri Valley Economic Association, Memphis, TN 1993. Chaired a session, was a discussant, and presented at another session a paper entitled “The Latin American debt-for-nature swaps” at the Western Economic Association’s annual meetings, San Francisco, CA 1992. Chaired two sessions at the 4th North American Symposium on Society and Resource Management, held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 1992. Invited by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN to participate in the Session on the FAO World Outlook for 2000, held at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA 1992. Presented the paper “Economic efficiency and ecological considerations in resource development policies: a case study” at the Resource Management and Behavioral Ecology conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 1991. Presented the paper “An analysis of the Indian industrial policy for 1990-95” at the Eastern Economic Association’s annual convention, Pittsburgh, PA. 1991. Presented the paper “An economic model of renewable resource development” at the Missouri Valley Economic Association’s annual convention, Kansas City, Missouri. 1991. Presented the paper “Supply schedule simulation and natural resource policy formation- a case study (with McKillop)” at the American Economic Association/Allied Social Science Association meetings, Washington D. C., 1990. Presented the paper “Modeling timber resources of densely populated developing countries” at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Natural Resource Modeling, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1990. Presented the paper “Social forestry for development: an economic enquiry” at the Third Symposium on Social Science in Resource Management, Texas A & M University, 1990. Presented the paper “Growth and equity in resource management in densely populated developing countries” at the American Economic Association/Allied Social Science Association meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, 1989. Presented the invited paper “Economic feasibility of social forestry programs” at the Ford Foundation workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1986. Presented the paper “Renewable resources for rural community development: A Case of Bangladesh” at the UNFPA/FAO seminar, Manila, Philippines 1980 SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS, PRESS INTERVIEWS, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPSGave an invited talk on a broad based undergraduate education at BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2015Participated as an invited commencement speaker at the Canadian International School of Bangladesh in Dhaka, June 21, 2015.Delivered annual commencement speeches as the Vice Chancellor, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Academic Officer of North South University in June 2013, April 2014 and April 2015Participated as an invited keynote speaker at the Sydney international business research conference organized by the Australian Academy of Business Leadership, held in the University of Western Sydney, Campbell Town Campus. April 14-16, 2015.Participated as invited guest in several national TV channels of Bangladesh on the impact of the proposed curriculum modification at North South University, the top most of 83 private universities in Bangladesh, 2014-15 Made numerous speeches at numerous university and community events in front of faculty, students, parents, community and business leaders and many national forums on higher education. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2013-15Made speeches at numerous national forums on national budget, economic and environment policies of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2013-15Gave numerous interviews to the national reporters of the media including newspapers, TV, radio and magazines, Dhaka, 2013-15Participated as invited guest in numerous national TV channels of Bangladesh on a narrow vs. broad based undergraduate education in Bangladesh 2013-14Gave numerous presentations on the importance of strategic planning, assessment of student learning, quality enhancement plan, program and institutional accreditation from the U.S., standardization of the credit hour requirement for all bachelor and master degrees, and curriculum modification with a substantial general education program, outreach and globalization, enrollment growth and recruitment of quality faculty and staff at the North South University trustees, academic and non-academic administrators, faculty, advisory boards, alumni, community leaders, staff and students. Bangladesh, 2013-14Invited speaker and award presenter at Annual Small Business Awards Celebration of the Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County, August 31, 2012. There were 1300+ attendees at this black-tie dinner event.Participated in the AACSB Volunteer Training Program for Deans for Accreditation Reviewers and Mentors, New Orleans, LA, February 2012. Was a speaker on Sustainability of Energy/Renewable Resources and Management Education at the 8th. Annual National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable Summit, Houston, TX, June 3-5, 2010Was a speaker at the Regional Conference on Economic Development, Huntsville, AL, November 5, 2009Invited speaker and award presenter at the Annual Small Business Awards event of the Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County, September 1, 2009. There were 1100+ attendees.Hosted the Greater Jackson County Government Contracting Forum supported by the Greater Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Jackson County Economic Development Authority, Alabama Small Business Development Consortium and U.S. Small Business Administration. August 6, 2009 and August 7, 2008, Scottsboro, ALWas a speaker at the regional seminar on Small Business Development, Huntsville, AL, November 2008Was a speaker at the 11th. Annual Entrepreneurship Development Institute of Alabama DBE Consortium, Huntsville, AL, April 22-25, 2008Spoke as an Invited Panel Speaker on Global Warming and the Developing World at the International Research Conference at Iloilo City, Philippines, 26-29 February 2008Was a speaker at the Women’s Business Center of North Alabama Fall seminar on women entrepreneurship, Huntsville, AL, 2007Invited speaker and award presenter at the Annual Small Business Awards event of the Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County, September, 2007. There were 1000+ attendees at the dinner.Gave a seminar on sustainable development at the University of Malay, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 August 2003.Gave a talk at the U.S. Consulate on foreign students in the USA, American Center, Kolkata, India, 20 June 2003.Gave invited seminars on sustainable resource development and modeling timber supply in a densely populated third world country at the UAS Bangalore on 16-18 June 2003 and on sustainable economic development of South Asia at Osmania University of Hyderabad, India on 19 June 2003.Participated as one of the three Guest Speakers at a U.S. Embassy seminar on American higher education, American Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 13 June 2002.Gave a seminar on “Economic Development of Bangladesh” at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) of the Dhaka University, Independent University of Bangladesh, BRAC University, East West University, and Independent University of Business, Agriculture, and Technology (IUBAT) in Dhaka. June 7-13, 2002Participated in a workshop, on 14th. June 2002, organized by Rapport Bangladesh, on the national debate on Bangladesh government’s budget for 2002-03.Participated in the 1999 Central Banking seminar at Federal Reserve Bank of New York, January 11-13, 1999 (Fed paid all expenses).Presented a workshop on December 11, 1998 on “economics and the environment” for high school teachers, sponsored by the economics education program at SUNY Fredonia.Guest-speaker on development policy at the “South Asian human rights awareness” conference, State University of New York, Buffalo (UB), April 16-17, 1998.Presented a workshop on May 15, 1998 on “U.S. trade deficits” for high school teachers, sponsored by the economics education program at Fredonia.Gave a seminar on “international trade and development” to the Academy of State and Social Construction under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Nov. 25, 1997.Presented a report on the American higher education system to the Tashkent State Economic University, Former Soviet Union, Fall of 1997.Gave presentations on Asian culture in BA 376: Business and Culture, Sum. 1995 and Fall of 1996.Presented a workshop on December 20, 1996 on “budget deficits and national debt” for high school economics teachers, sponsored by the economics education program at Fredonia.Gave a talk on “the role of tradition and culture on economic development” at Cassadaga Job Corps Center, U. S. Department of Labor, Cassadaga, NY 1994.Guest-speaker for World Religions Series of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Northern Chautauqua, Fredonia, NY1994.Invited participant to the 31st. Central Banking Seminar of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1991. (Fed paid all expenses).Gave a talk on Asian culture at the United Way, Dunkirk, New York, October 7, 1991.Guest speaker at the Amicae Summer Crisis Line Training, Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, NY June 19, 1991.Guest speaker at the Innovative Workshop: Global Education Policy. Topic: Economics and educational development in the third world. SUNY Fredonia. July 10, 1991.Participated in a grant writing workshop at the SUNY Fredonia, summer 1991.Participated as a panel discussant in the development experience session of the Eastern Economic Association’s meetings, Pittsburgh, PA. 1991. Attended the Vice President’s conference on professional activities. SUNY Fredonia, Sept. 1991.Participated in the fall Colloquium on Comparative Social Services Systems. Gave a presentation on Social Services in the Indian Subcontinent on October 8, 1990.Participated in new faculty orientation workshop, SUNY Fredonia, August 1989.Research Assistantship, University of California at Berkeley, 1986-88Assisted Professor Laura Tyson (Former Chairperson, National Economic Council and President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors) in her research on East Asian economic policies.Assisted Professor Jeff Romm in his research on South Asian resource MITTEE WORK in the U.S.Huntsville, Alabama, Chamber of Commerce Award Committee for small business development 2007-2013Member of the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) Graduate Council, 2007-13Member of the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) Deans Council, 2007-13Participated in the 72nd. Annual Chamber Meetings, Huntsville, 22 January 2008Member of the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee, 2007-Member of the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) Executive Enrollment Management Team, 2010-Member of the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) BRAC Committee, 2007-13Member of the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) Space Utilization Committee, 2008-13Member of the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) Master Planning Committee, 2008-13Member of the AAMU Planning and Budgeting Committee, 2007-13Member of the AAMU Business and Industry Cluster, 2007-13Member of the AAMU Student Recruitment and Retention Committee, 2007-13Member of the AAMU Youth Motivation Task Force, 2007-13Member of the AAMU School of Business Strategic Planning and Accreditation Committee, 2007-13Member of the AAMU School of Business Alumni and Business Advisory Boards, 2007-13Spoke at the Huntsville Chamber’s Annual Small Business Annual Award Ceremony, 22 August 2007 Vice President, South Dakota Board of Regent’s Business Discipline Council, 2005-2007Member, Black Hills State University (BHSU) Strategic Planning Committee, 2004-07Member, BHSU Coordinating Committee, Spearfish, 2004-07Member, Council of Deans, BHSU, 2004-07Member, Assessment Committee, BHSU, 2004- 07Member, Administrators Sub-committee for the BHSU Presidential Search Committee, 2005 Member, Global Awareness Committee, BHSU, 2004-07Member, Strategic Planning Committee, BHSU College of Business and Technology, 2004-07Member, Graduate Committee, BHSU College of Business and Technology, 2004-07Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, BHSU College of Business and Technology, 2004-07Chair, Executive Committee, BHSU College of Business and Technology, 2004-07Member, Strategic Planning Committee of the ScOB at GC&SU, Milledgeville, 2001-04Led the departmental committee for curriculum and catalog revision, GC&SU, Milledgeville, Spring 2001-04Member, GC&SU Committee for new AACSB standards. Reviewed all the versions of the reports on the proposed AACSB standards, 2001-04Member, Committee for AACSB’s re-accreditation of the SOB, GC&SU, 2001-04Chair, International Business Committee of the SOB, GC&SU, 2001-04Member, International Committee, GC&SU, Milledgeville, 2001- 04Member, ScOB Committee for SACS review, GC&SU, Milledgeville, 2001- 04Member, Committee for re-accreditation review (internal and external) for the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, SUNY Fredonia, 1998 –2000.Member, Committee for implementing the NSSE findings, SUNY Fredonia, 2000 –01.Member, Governance Committee of the SUNY State-level Faculty Senate, 1997-2001Member, Operations Committee of the SUNY State-level Faculty Senate, 1994-97.Member, Finance Committee (State-level), United University Professions (UUP) – SUNY Bargaining Unit, 1999-2001.Representative of SUNY Fredonia in the United University Professions (UUP) Delegate Assembly, 1994-1997.Chairperson, Professional Service Committee, SUNY Fredonia, 1998-2001.Member, Professional Services Committee at SUNY Fredonia, 1993-96. Member, Committee for the feasibility study for AACSB Accreditation of SUNY Fredonia’s business programs, 1999-2001.Member, Committee for creating a School of Business at SUNY Fredonia, 1999-2001.Member/Senator, Faculty Council (College Senate), SUNY Fredonia, 1993-2001.Member, Committee for the General Education Program, SUNY Fredonia, 1995-2000.Member, Faculty & Student Association (FSA) Board of Directors, SUNY Fredonia 1995-97.Member, Employees Assistance Program (EAP) Committee as one of two UUP representatives, 1993-2001. A SAMPLE OF SERVICES AS A FACULTY Contributed to the review of the student affairs division, SUNY Fredonia, Spring 1998.Served on the search committee for the Interim Dean, SUNY Fredonia, Spring/Summer 1997.Contributed to the review of the academic affairs division, SUNY Fredonia, 1996-97. Contributed to the Environmental Studies program, SUNY Fredonia, 1994-96.Contributed to a critique of George Pataki’s income tax plan that appeared in New York Time in October 1994.Served as academic advisor to the undeclared and declared majors, SUNY Fredonia, Economics Department. Served as advisor to the Economics Club, SUNY Fredonia, 1992-95.Served as advisor to Fredonia’s Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE), International Honor Society in Economics for 1990-91 and Spring 1994- Fall 1995. Invited to participate in the Writing Workshop, organized by Dean for Liberal Studies, planned for May 19-21 and May 24-26, 1993.Participated in the campus interviews during the search for President and wrote comments for the search committee. 1996.Participated in Economics Club and ODE activities including taking students to the Toronto Stock Exchange in 1994.Participated in the campus interviews during the search for Dean of Arts and Sciences and wrote comments for the search committee. 1993.Made significant contribution to the new faculty recruitment and external review process of the department, SUNY Fredonia, 1989-90.Investigated the field system in other comparable institutions and made a proposal to the chair which resulted in a debate in the department, SUNY Fredonia, 1990.Contributed to the development of revised outline and syllabus for several courses and curriculum program of the department, SUNY Fredonia.AWARDS2013 Faculty Overseas Study Award, U.S. Dept. of Education/University of Wisconsin Madison and University of Hawaii, FDIB/CIBER – Understanding the Unique Aspects of Doing Business in Southeast Asia (Indonesia): the rapidly transforming developing market, January 3 -13, 2013FDIB 2010 Faculty Overseas Study Scholarship, U.S. Dept. of Education/University of South Carolina - Understanding the Business Challenges of Sub-Saharan Africa(Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania), May 11-26, 2010Virginia Daniel Weir Award, Georgia College & State University, Summer 2002 & 2003.U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Tashkent (former USSR), Summer 1999 Performance Award, Tashkent Economic University, Tashkent 1997.U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 1997Merit (Scholarship) Money Awards, SUNY Fredonia, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1997-2000Award for Academic Advising, SUNY Fredonia, Fall 1996New York State United University Professions Award 1991, 1993, 1997, 1998Outstanding Teaching Award, University of California, Berkeley, 1988 Dissertation Grant, The Ford Foundation, New York, 1985-87 Graduate Fellowship, UN Development Program, New York, 1981-84 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPSAmerican Economic Association, 1988-91, 1997- 14, 2016-International Management Development Association (IMDA), 2007-AIMS International – The Association of Indian Management Scholars 2006-13International Institute for Development Studies 2007-13Eastern Economic Association, 1990-94, 1999- 2001International Trade & Finance Association, 2001 - 03Missouri Valley Economic Association, 1990 - 2001Western Economic Association International, 1992 – 2001Global Awareness Society International, 1998- 2000Association of Indian Economic Studies, 1988-91, 1995- 2003Resource Modeling Association, 1990-92PERSONALCitizenship: U.S.A.Wife: Former Program Director of YWCA of Jamestown, New York; Guidance Counselor, Job Corps Center, Cassadaga, New York; and Career Development Specialist, Job Connection at Goodwill Industries, Milledgeville, Georgia.Two Sons: Global Director, Thermo Fisher Scientific, New Jersey (formerly with BASF & 3M) Enterprise Strategy Architect, Microsoft Corporation (formerly with U.S. Air Force) ................

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