2001 - Fairfax County, Virginia

11112571120002020Fairfax CountyEnvironmental Excellence Awards Purpose and BenefitsThe Fairfax County Environmental Excellence Awards recognize individuals, organizations, businesses and county employees who dedicate time and energy to benefit the environment and support county environmental initiatives. Nominations will be accepted in each of these four categories. Awards will be presented this Fall. Additionally, award recipients will be recognized on the county website.CriteriaThe nominee clearly contributed to the advancement and support of county environmental goals by devoting time, effort, or expertise beyond normal work / civic responsibilities and expectations.The nominee served as a model for individuals and communities to follow.The achievement must have occurred during the period of eligibility or over a period of years including a portion of the eligibility period. It may be for a specific service, accomplishment, or an accumulation of accomplishments.Submission RequirementsThe nominator must notify the nominee(s) of their nomination.Separate nomination forms must be used for each nomination.You can submit more than one nomination and can submit nominations in as many categories as you’d like.Include a statement of up to two pages in length describing the nominee’s contribution, with details of the nominee’s role and the extent to which the contribution benefited Fairfax County.Include supporting evidence that shows the value of the contribution in terms of results achieved or the potential for future results and how the contribution was extraordinary or unusual. This evidence need not be extensive or complicated - a simple discussion would suffice.[Optional] Include up to three supportive exhibits, such as testimonials, news articles, photographs, resumes, and biographical documents. The exhibits must be reproducible.See for examples of successful nominations.Key Dates and ContactsPeriod of eligibility: June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020Nomination period:March 20, 2020 – June 1, 2020Confirmation of receipt:Through June 5, 2020Where to obtain nomination forms: additional information:Email: EQAC@ or call the Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination, 703-324-7136 (TTY 711)11112511747500To request this information in an alternate format, call the Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination at 703-324-7262, (TTY 711).2020Fairfax County Environmental Excellence AwardsNomination FormNOMINEE INFORMATION__________________________________________________________________________________NameEmailDaytime Telephone Number__________________________________________________________________________________ AddressCityStateZip Code______________________________________________________________________Contact Person (for organizations) Daytime Telephone Number CATEGORY (Nominations will be accepted in four different categories. Please identify the category for which this nomination should be considered) The nominee is: 1.__An individual; 2.___ An organization; 3. ___A business; 4.___A county employeeNOMINATOR INFORMATION______________________________________________________________________NameEmailDaytime Telephone Number___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Title of Organization (if appropriate) _______________________________________________________________________________________AddressCityStateZip Code____________________________________________________________________________________E-mail address (needed for confirmation of receipt of nomination)________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of NominatorDate(By signing, the Nominator acknowledges that he/she has notified the Nominee(s) of this nomination.)SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTSReturn nominations postmarked by June 1, 2020 to:Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination, Attn: Jill Allen12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 533 Fairfax, Virginia 22035Please note, all nominations received by mail will be acknowledged after June 1, 2020. ................

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