V555125 - Nebraska



EST: 05/74 - REV: 07/90 OVERTIME STATUS: E


DESCRIPTION: Under general direction, manages the work of a staff of environmental engineers through subordinate professional engineering supervisors in the review of facility plans, plans and specifications, construction, operational plans, operations, and operator training of public water supply systems and waste water treatment facilities; performs related work as required.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (A position may not be assigned all the duties listed, nor do the listed examples include all the duties that may be assigned.)

Manages the work of a staff of environmental engineers through subordinate engineering supervisors.

Negotiates with design engineers and owners on environmental engineering projects.

Interprets federal and State laws and regulations to field staff, system owners/operators, local officials, and private citizens to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Negotiates with federal and State agencies to influence the development of regulations which govern environmental engineering practices in waste water treatment or public water supply systems.

Conducts on site inspection of projects to determine compliance of projects with approved plans and specifications, to evaluate the physical condition of systems and to evaluate the effectiveness of their operation and maintenance in delivering adequate quantity and quality of water or adequate water treatment.

Ensures assigned programs are conducted to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

Presents talks to lay and professional groups to promote environmental/health issues.

Attends meetings of associations and organizations on environmental/health issues to participate as a representative of the agency.

FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES, AND SKILLS REQUIRED: (These may be acquired on the job and are needed to perform the work assigned.)

Knowledge of: general attitudes of water and/or waste water system owners and operators, local officials, and State legislators toward regulations.

Ability to: present information to an adverse group and answer their questions; communicate technical concepts in non-technical terms which can be understood by the layman; plan, coordinate and supervise the work of others.


ENTRY KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES, AND SKILLS REQUIRED: (Applicants will be screened for possession of these through written, oral, performance, and/or other evaluations.)

Knowledge of: sanitary engineering principles, practices and techniques especially in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of public water supply and/or sewage treatment systems; Federal regulations, State law and regulations governing the development and operation of public water supply and/or sewage treatment systems; environmental and ecological relationships as they are influenced by the activities of man.

Ability to: apply and interpret state and federal regulations; communicate information orally and in writing; make decisions and take action in dealing with environmental engineering problems within established regulations; interpret plans and specifications.

JOB PREPARATION GUIDELINES: (Entry knowledge, abilities, and/or skills may be acquired through, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, the following coursework/training and/or experience.)

Bachelor's degree in civil, mechanical, chemical or agricultural engineering plus eight years experience in environmental engineering work at least two years of which must be in supervisory or managerial functions; or Master's degree in sanitary engineering plus seven years experience in environmental engineering work at least two years of which must be in supervisory or managerial functions. Must possess registration as professional engineer in Nebraska.


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