Environmental Issues of Southern and Eastern Asia

Environmental Issues of Southern and Eastern Asia Think-Tac-Toe

SS7G10 The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia.

a. Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers.

b. Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China.

| | | |

|In an outline, describe the causes and effects of |Create an environmental issue awareness poster. |In a one page paper, compare and contrast the causes |

|pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers and |Include the location, cause, effect, and possible |and effects of water pollution in the Yangtze River |

|describe the causes and effects of air pollution and |solution to the environmental issue. Poster should |and Ganges River. How are they similar? How are they|

|flooding in India and China. Develop a possible |include pictures (either drawn or printed). |different? Is there a possible solution to this water|

|solution for each environmental issue. | |pollution? |

| | | |

|In a one page paper, compare and contrast the causes |You are an environment expert working for the U.N. |Create a poster on the environmental issues of |

|and effects of air pollution in India and China. How |Write a one page report on the Asian Brown Cloud. |Southern and Eastern Asia. Include water pollution, |

|are these issues similar? How are they different? Is|Discuss the location, cause, effects, and possible |air pollution, flooding, and the Asian Brown Cloud. |

|there a possible solution to air pollution? |solutions. |Also needed is the location, causes, effects, and |

| | |possible solution for each issue. |

| | | |

|Create a flip book on the environmental issues of |Create a Southern and Eastern Asia environmental |In a one page report, describe how population is |

|Southern and Eastern Asia. Include water pollution, |issues brochure. Include pictures of each issue along|contributing to the environmental issues of Southern |

|air pollution, and flooding. Be sure to include the |with the location, causes, effects, and possible |and Eastern Asia and suggest a possible solution to |

|location, causes, effects, and a solution. |solution. |this problem. |

This project is due Friday (January 22nd ). You will have Friday and Monday’s class periods to complete this project. Whatever is not completed in class is homework.

Environmental Issues Project Rubric

Name: __________________________________

Project one:

_______Locations _______Causes _______Effects

_______Solution _______Pictures _______Extra Facts/Info

Project two:

_______Locations _______Causes _______Effects

_______Solution _______Pictures _______Extra Facts/Info

Project three:

_______Locations _______Causes _______Effects

_______Solution _______Pictures _______Extra Facts/Info

Grade: ________/100


Environmental Issues Project Rubric

Name: __________________________________

Project one:

_______Locations _______Causes _______Effects

_______Solution _______Pictures _______Extra Facts/Info

Project two:

_______Locations _______Causes _______Effects

_______Solution _______Pictures _______Extra Facts/Info

Project three:

_______Locations _______Causes _______Effects

_______Solution _______Pictures _______Extra Facts/Info

Grade: ________/100



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