AP Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science

The Research Project

You have been exposed to a lot of information about Environmental Science throughout this course. Now, with ONE partner, you will have a chance to investigate one area of it in greater depth in your final days at Voorhees High School. This assignment is MANDATORY! Do a good job!

You will create a PowerPoint presentation for the class and present (5-8 minutes) your research/data as your part of your final exam. You will be presenting during June 1st - 5th.

Topic deadline: Friday May 8, 2015 (I will discuss topics with you if necessary on Monday and Tuesday)

Point value: 130 points for Presentation, in addition to the following:

• Classwork grade during work days on 4th Marking Period (between 50-100 points)

• Up to 10 points for Group Evaluation

• Up to 20 points for turning your proposal in on time

Project deadline: Friday, May 26, 2015 (at 2:30)

• Due to S-drive, saved as ModsResearchProjectInitials (Ie: 1ResearchProjectJC)

• You will have class time to work on this project (May 15 – 22); anything you do not finish in

class must be done outside of school.

Project #1: Research

You may carry out a project dealing with some aspect of environmental science that involves collection of data, research, and creating a PowerPoint presentation.

Suggested ideas: Most of the labs we have done this year can be used as a basis for your project. The following is a partial list intended to give you ideas, but it is open-ended:

• water quality

• stream flow

• soil analysis

• air pollution analysis

• ozone levels

• LC-50 tests

• acid precipitation

• refuse analysis and recycling

• alternative energy choices

• change in human longevity

• estimating population of various organisms

• ecosystem analysis

• succession

• species diversity

**Keep in mind you MUST collect data and simply looking online does not count…**

Project #2: Take Action

You may also contribute to the environmental movement by doing a special project on a particular cause. For example, you can create a community garden or participate in one of the activities to bring student awareness to Environmental Science. **Keep in mind it is more difficult to earn all points for this**

Suggested ideas:

• Awareness bulletin board

• Photography display with detailed notes/research

• Purchasing acres of rain forest

• Creating and selling environmental T-shirts (must be bought by deadline!)

Use your text, on-line search engines, and other legitimate sources for research. Wikipedia does NOT count! Please cite all your sources using APA format on the back of your poster.

Please reference the rubric on my website for both the presentation so you know exactly what to include so you can get as many points as possible. The presentation rubric is located on the back of this page.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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