Environmental Research Laboratory

Environmental Research Laboratory

Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Kevin Fitzsimmons, Ph.D.

2601 E. Airport Drive

Tucson, AZ 85706-6985 U.S.A. Ph: (520) 626-3322

FAX: (520) 573-0852





April 8, 2005

To: Search committee

Re: Letter of recommendation for Joy Terry

I have known Joy Terry for almost 15 years. We first met when she was still a high school student working in her family’s video store here in Tucson. During her undergraduate studies Joy worked in a student job at the Environmental Research Lab. A year later, after her graduation, I helped her to get a position with a large shrimp farm project in Indonesia. At the farm she developed a hatchery system working with shrimp and fish. She supervised and trained local staff to work in the hatchery. Eventually the farm dropped her contract due to the Asian financial crises and political upheavals at that time in Indonesia.

Joy came back to Tucson and worked in the computer industry while she and her husband bought a home and started a family. She decided to continue her education and is now completing her Master’s degree. When she took my Algae course here on campus. She was one of the top students in the class. The course is a lecture and lab course that allows me to get to know students much better than would be possible in a typical lecture course. Her writing skills are especially good and she quickly picks up lab techniques. Joy has been a very good student who already has valuable experience. Her experience as a technical support specialist with Intuit makes her well qualified to be a teaching assistant.

I am confident that Joy will be a strong contributor to your organization. In the university environment she works well with students, staff and faculty. In industry she supervised unskilled workers as well as trained technicians. She is a motivated worker who needs only minimal supervision and can start and accomplish tasks in a straightforward manner. Joy will make a fine scientist and colleague. I look forward to the opportunity to work with her in the future. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.


Kevin Fitzsimmons, Ph.D.

Professor and Research Scientist


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