Environmental Science - Bridgeway

Name ____________________________ Date ____________________ Class ____________

Environmental Science

Book Test

Environmental Science

Multiple Choice

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line.

____ 1. Forests and fisheries are examples of

a. abiotic factors.

b. energy resources.

c. renewable resources.

d. nonrenewable resources.

____ 2. A group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms is known as a

a. community.

b. biome.

c. habitat.

d. niche.

____ 3. The major role of technology in controlling air pollution is to reduce

a. sediments.

b. hydrocarbons.

c. sewage.

d. emissions.

____ 4. All the biotic and abiotic factors that interact in a particular area

make up a(n)

a. species.

b. population.

c. community.

d. ecosystem.

____ 5. The contamination of Earths land, water, or air is called

a. pollution.

b. habitat preservation.

c. extinction.

d. succession.

____ 6. The behaviors and physical characteristics of species that allow

them to live successfully in their environment are called

a. limiting factors.

b. abiotic factors.

c. adaptations.

d. habitats.

____ 7. The process of restoring land to a more natural, productive state is called

a. nutrient depletion.

b. desertification.

c. habitat fragmentation.

d. land reclamation.

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Name ____________________________ Date ____________________ Class ____________

Environmental Science

Book Test

____ 8. The movement of organisms from one place to another is called

a. competition.

b. commensalism.

c. dispersal.

d. biogeography.

____ 9. A major cause of extinction is

a. captive breeding.

b. nutrient depletion.

c. erosion.

d. habitat destruction.

____ 10. Producers such as plants make their own food through the

process of

a. photosynthesis.

b. symbiosis.

c. nitrogen fixation.

d. succession.


Fill in the line to complete each statement.

11. The type of reaction used to generate electricity in a nuclear power plant

is nuclear ________________________.

12. A(n) ________________________ material can be naturally broken down

and recycled by bacteria and other decomposers.

13. The most diverse land biome is the ________________________.

14. A(n) ________________________ is a substance that provides a form of

energy as the result of a chemical change.

15. The water and human wastes that are washed down sinks, toilets, and

showers are called ________________________.

True or False

If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, change the underlined word or words

to make the statement true.

____ 16. Energy conservation involves increasing energy use.

____ 17. A chemical found in the upper atmosphere that blocks ultraviolet

radiation from the sun is nitrogen.

____ 19. Electricity produced by flowing water is known as geothermal


____ 20. A renewable waste is any material that can be harmful to human

health or the environment if it is not properly disposed of.

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Book Test

____ 18. Secondary succession is the series of changes that occur after a

disturbance in an existing ecosystem.

Name ____________________________ Date ____________________ Class ____________

Environmental Science

Book Test


Solve the following problems. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

21. An ecologist counted 9 pronghorn antelope in a 4.5-km by 6-km section

of prairie. The entire prairie area measured 18 km by 24 km.

a. What was the population density of antelope (per km 2) in the 4.5-km by

6-km section? ______________________________________________________________

b. Estimate the total population of pronghorn antelope in the entire prairie

area. ______________________________________________________________________

Using Science Skills

Use the figure below to answer Questions 22 and 23. Write your answers on a

separate sheet of paper.












22. Interpreting Diagrams The diagram above shows the water cycle.

Name and describe each process that is labeled with a letter.

23. Applying Concepts Explain how the water cycle removes pollutants

from Earth's water.


Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

24. Describe the role of decomposers in ecosystems. What would happen if

ecosystems did not include decomposers?

25. Explain why protecting biodiversity is important to medical researchers.

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Name ____________________________ Date ____________________ Class ____________

Environmental Science

Book Test

Using Science Skills

The table below shows how much solid waste is produced each year in the United

States. Use the table to answer Questions 26C28. Write your answers on a separate

sheet of paper.

Type of Waste

Amount (in millions of metric tons)


Percentage of Total



Electricity generation















Low-level radioactive




26. Calculating Calculate the total amount of solid waste produced. Then

calculate the percentage of the total for each type of waste. Write your

answers in the table above.

27. Graphing Use the data in the table to construct a bar graph on a separate

sheet of paper. Sequence the types of wastes from the largest amount to

the smallest amount.

28. Classifying If more households recycled paper, plastic, and other

materials, which type of solid waste would be reduced?


Answer the following on a separate sheet of paper.

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Book Test

29. Both foxes and owls eat field mice. Suppose that a disease killed the

entire fox population in a certain area. Describe how the owl and mouse

populations could be affected. Use the terms predator, prey, and

competition (or compete) in your answer.

30. Explain the major difference between renewable and nonrenewable

energy sources, and give three examples of each. Why is it important for

the United States to develop renewable sources of energy?


Environmental Science

and lakes. During evaporation, liquid water

changes to water vapor. D: condensation. As

water vapor rises, it cools and changes to liquid

water. E: precipitation. When water drops in the

air become heavy enough, they fall to Earth as

rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

23. When liquid water evaporates from Earths

surface, substances that were dissolved in it are

left behind. The water vapor in the air is pure


24. Decomposers break down wastes and dead

organisms and return raw materials to the ecosystem so they can be used again. Without

decomposers, wastes and dead organisms

would pile up, the supply of nutrients would

eventually run out, and living organisms would

not be able to survive.

25. Many medicines are produced from chemicals found in wild organisms. Protecting biodiversity helps keep potential sources of

medicines from becoming extinct before they

can be discovered.

26. Total: 4,086 million metric tons

Percentages:Agricultural 51%, Electricity generation 2%, Hazardous 1%, Industrial 5%,

Low-level radioactive 0.07%, Mining 37%,

Municipal 4%















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Amount (in millions of metric tons)

Book Test

1. c

2. b

3. d

4. d

5. a

6. c

7. d

8. c

9. d

10. a

11. fission

12. biodegradable

13. tropical rain forest

14. fuel

15. sewage

16. reducing

17. ozone

18. true

19. hydroelectric

20. hazardous

21. a. 0.3 antelope per km2; b. 144

22. A, B, C: evaporation from ocean, plants,

Types of Wastes

28. Municipal wastes

29. Sample answer: Both the foxes and the owls

are predators, and the mice are prey. If the population of foxes disappeared from the ecosystem, the population of mice could increase as a

result. With a larger population of mice as prey,

the population of owls might increase, especially since the owls would no longer have to

compete with the foxes for mice. However, as

the owl population increased, the mouse population would decrease due to more predation by

owls. The reduced numbers of mice as prey

could cause a decline in the owl population. As

a result of all these changes, the mouse population without foxes in the ecosystem might stay

about the same as it was with the foxes.

30. Renewable energy sources are resources

that are replaced naturally in a relatively short

time. Examples are sunlight, wind, wood, geothermal energy, and water. Nonrenewable

energy sources are natural resources that are not

replaced as they are used. Examples are coal, oil,

and natural gas. The United States should

develop renewable energy sources because nonrenewable sources will eventually be depleted.

Also, renewable sources are generally less

expensive to use and cause less pollution than

nonrenewable sources do. In addition, using

renewable sources makes the United States less

dependent on oil and other fossil fuels imported

from other countries.

? Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.


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