Which of the following correctly lists solar, nuclear and ...

Environmental Science II

Exam I

1. Which of the following correctly lists solar, nuclear and crude oil energy sources from most to least versatile?

a) crude oil > solar > nuclear

b) crude oil > nuclear > solar

c) solar > crude oil > nuclear

d) solar > nuclear > crude oil

e) nuclear > solar > crude oil

2. Which of the following is a completely clean energy source?

a) coal b) nuclear c) solar d) none of these choices is correct

Which country has the highest rate of per capita energy use?

a) United States b) China c) Japan d) Germany

3. Compared to development of new energy sources, energy efficiency and energy conservation:

a) cost less c) save energy for future use

b) improve the economy's productivity d) all of these choices are correct

4. Which term below is defined as "The amount of available energy in a source that is transmitted into useful work"?

a) energy waste b) energy production  c) energy used) energy conservation

e) energy efficiency

5. A "zero-net energy" building:

a) is built using only natural raw materials

b) can last longer than a traditional building

c) produces as much as or more energy than it uses

d) produces less than half the solid waste of a traditional building

e) all of these answer choices are correct

6. Electric power plants do not operate efficiently because:

a) A large amount of energy is lost as heat during generation.

b) Electricity is lost during transmission.

c) Energy often must be converted to supercooled hydrogen.

d) A large amount of energy is lost as heat during generation and electricity is lost during transmission

7. Some of the factors that decrease efficiency of automobiles include:

a) friction between tires and the road

b) Energy lost as heat during combustion inside the engine

c) their heavy weight relative to the weight of passengers

d) friction and energy lost as heat during combustion inside the engine

e) all of these answer choices are correct

8. Production of two useful forms of energy from the same fuel is known as:

a) cogeneration b) sustainability c) biproduction d) renewable production

9. Which of the following are possible methods of decreasing the amount of energy required to transport people to and from work?

a) satellite offices

b) working from home

c) working fewer, but longer, workdays

d) use of early or late start times for the workday

e) all of these answer choices are correct

10. An example of an intermittent energy source is:

a) wind b) gasoline c) hydroelectric d) natural gas

11. Users of which energy source have benefitted recently from a change in policy in the United States that allows consumers to sell energy back to the grid?

a) coal b) nuclear c) solar d) wind

12. Combustion of which of these fossil fuels is/are linked to global warming?

a) oil b) natural gas c) coal d) methane e) All of these

13. Which fossil fuel reserves will most likely last the longest?

a) oil b) natural gas c) coal d) peat e) uranium

14. The law that has regulated mining activities in the United States since 1977 is the: 

a) Wilderness Act

b) Clean Water Act

c) Endangered Species Act

d) Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

e) Soil Conservation Service Act

15. Scrubbers in smoke stacks remove large amounts of what major air pollutant?

a) carbon dioxide b) sulfur oxides c) nitric acid d) sodium oxides

e) mercury

16. The concern about global warming is directly related to increased levels of what chemical in the atmosphere?

a) mercury b) carbon dioxide c) sulfur oxide d) nitrogen oxide e)chlorofluorocarbon

17. Today the world's main energy source is

a) coal b) hydroelectric c) natural gas d) nuclear e) oil

18. Tar sands, oil shales, and gas hydrates are examples of 

a) fossil fuels b) synfuels c) evaporates d) petrochemicals e) strata

19. A major reason that global energy consumption is increasing is that:

a) energy prices keep falling

b) developing countries are using more energy as they improve their standard of living

c) the world's population growth is slowing

d) global energy reserves are increasing

e) farmers in developing countries depend on animals for plowing and other work

20. Which of the following fuels produces the greatest quantity of CO2 per unit of heat energy produced?

a) methane b) natural gas c) coal d) oil e) wood

21. In areas experiencing acid precipitation, the pH of the rain may be

a) 2.1 b) 7.0 c) 7.9 d) 11.9

22. Negative environmental impacts from oil production MAY occur due to:

a) release of particulates into the atmosphere c) release of acids

b) radical changes in the local topography d) accidental spills during transport

23. One of the most destructive types of surface mining for the land itself 

a) is mountaintop removal 

b) is associated with the increased risk of black-lung disease in miners

c) is regulated by the guidelines of the 1977 Surface Mining and Reclamation Act

d) is most common in the western United States

e) involves replacement of the overburden that is first removed

24. Which of the following is a potential environmental impact of using synthetic fuels for energy? 

a) production of CO2

b) use of large amounts of water

c) use of large amounts of land

d) production of CO2 and use of large amounts of water

e) all of these

26. Plant material used for food is called:

a) hydromass. b) tidalmass. c) biomass. d) cogeneration. e) fertilizer.

27. Which of the following is not an emerging alternative, renewable resource energy technology?

a) nuclear energy b) wind farms c) alcohol fuels d) photovoltaic solar cells

28. The amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth depends on:

a) the amount of cloud cover.

b) the distance from the equator.

c) the time of day.

d) the season of the year.

e) All of these

29. All of the following materials are examples of biomass fuels except:

a) wood b) oil c) animal waste d) crop wastes e) sawdust

30. Passive solar heating:

a) cannot be used to heat buildings.

b) is effective only in the summer.

c) uses the sun's energy without machines.

d) is a non-renewable resource.

e) depends on x-rays.

31. Which of the following does not involve solar energy?

a) geothermal energy b) photovoltaic cells c) solar power towers d) wind farms

32. The burning of biomass, such as wood, is an example of:

a) active solar heating.

b) indirect use of solar energy.

c) passive solar heating.

d) using a non-renewable resource.

e) None of these

33. Growing crops specifically for alcohol production would probably result in:

a) increased desertification.

b) increased soil erosion.

c) reduced food production.

d) increased pollution by fertilizers and pesticides.

e) All of these

34. Wind:

a) is the result of the conversion of radiant energy into chemical energy.

b) is used in Montana to generate most of the electricity used in that state.

c) cannot be used to generate electricity.

d) has been used to pump water, irrigate fields and grind grain for many hundreds of years.

e) energy produces low levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

35. Which of the following is not a disadvantage to using biomass as a source of energy?

a) deforestation

b) air pollution

c) depletion of minerals in the soil

d) increased possibility of erosion

e) nonrenewable source of energy

36. Potential locations for wind farms include:

a) mountain passes b) islands c) coastal areas d) grasslands e) All of these places

37. The process of refining uranium ore and insuring the proper amounts of various types of uranium is called:

a) breeding. b) fabrication. c) enrichment. d) fission. e) integration.

38. When high temperatures begin to melt the metal encasing the uranium fuel pellets, this is called a:

a) breeder reaction. b) fission reaction. c) fusion reaction. d) meltdown.

39. The worst nuclear accident ever to happen at a nuclear power plant occurred at:

a) Chernobyl, Ukraine. c) Savanna River, GA.

b) Normandy, France. d) Three Mile Island, PA. 

40. The greatest problem with the use of nuclear power to generate electricity is its production of:

a) air pollutants. c) carbon dioxide.

b) water pollution. d) radiation that is released into the surrounding region.

e) radioactive waste that requires waste storage.

41. One advantage of conventional nuclear power, when compared to coal, is:

a) no connection to water pollution.

b) limited risk from catastrophic accidents.

c) Emission of few pollutants to the atmosphere.

d) no related occupational death.

e) unlimited supply.

42. An area of land that is drained by a single river is called a/an:

a) wetland. b) aquifer. c) watershed.

43. The upper limit of an unconfined underground reservoir of water is termed the:

a) aquifer. b) water table. c) watershed. d) wetland. e) groundwater.

44. The greatest use of fresh water is for:

a) irrigation. b) industry. c) small businesses. d) homes. e) mining.

45. A flood plain describes the area bordering a river channel __________.

a) where no building construction is allowed

b) that is likely to flood

c) that is flooded after a dam is constructed

d) where periodic floods remove nutrients from the soil

e) where plant cover should be removed to reduce flooding

46. Which of the following is the most effective way to reduce flood-related damage?

a) creating exposed, barren hillsides by clear cutting woodlands

b) constructing new buildings

c) building expensive levees

d) restricting development on flood plains

e) paving new roads

47. Removing too much fresh water from a river or lake can:

a) result in increasing salinity for associated estuaries.

b) cause a local increase in bird populations due to an increase in available habitat.

c) have little effect on associated wetland areas.

d) increase the productivity of associated wetlands.

e) reduce an area's precipitation.

48. Excessive removal of groundwater can result in:

a) rising water tables. c) groundwater desalinization. e) all of these choices are correct

b) sinkhole formation. d) increased discharge to streams.

49. Future climate change will likely:

a) have no effect on precipitation.

b) cause an increase in precipitation.

c) cause a decrease in precipitation.

d) cause an increase in precipitation in some areas and a decrease in others.

e) cause extreme droughts throughout all of North America.

50. Nonpotable water that has already been used once, but is reused for toilets or car washing is called:

a) reclaimed water. b) household water. c) gray water. d) secondhand water.

e) xeriscaped water.

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Environmental Science

Exam I

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