Marnie’s Scavenger Hunt Handbook

Please print this document now. This workbook is 15 pages long.

Be refreshed & encouraged

while learning how to...

- Align Your Priorities With God’s

- Simplify Your Life

- Say “Yes” to Success Every Time

- Unlock Creative Solutions

- And So Much More

These simple, doable,

Biblical applications

will recharge your

relationship with

God and others.


Introduction & Overview

God is the Ultimate Time Manager: perfect in perspective, plans, resources and timing. Doing life with God at the helm yields eternally perfect results - even though our part of the equation is often far from perfect.

Life Prioritization Project

Learn how to align your life, time, relationships and routines with God’s best for you and emerge with a clearly defined personal plan.

Procrastinate No More

These word pictures will help you overcome some of your irksome areas of procrastination.

Time Management

Understand how a good schedule works and how it can help you maximize your minutes. This strategy is also an excellent tool to use when helping your children learn how to manage their time.

Create a Master Schedule

Keep it all organized, one way or another. Ideas to help.

Paper Management

You are going to love this paper management system which

allows you to organize your mail, email, paperwork and projects in just minutes/day.

Tap Into Creative Solutions

Pressure lock got you down? This 30-second approach will free you up to enjoy God’s creativity in the moment.

Program Host

Jon Michael

Recorded at

Border Broadcasting

Workbook Copyright 2004

Marnie Swedberg

Gifts of Encouragement, Inc.

306 Elk Street ~ Warroad, MN 56763

No portion of this material may be copied or

used without the express permission of its owner.

Audio Rendition Copyright 2005

Marnie Swedberg

Gifts of Encouragement, Inc.

306 Elk Street ~ Warroad, MN 56763

No portion of this material may be

Reproduced without the express

permission of its owner.


There is time to do everything God wants us to do.

There is not, however, time to do...





II Corinthians 9:8 NIV

God is able to make all grace abound toward you, so that in all things, at all times, having everything that you need, you may abound in every good work.

God’s timing is always perfect!

Life without God at the helm is....




When we work for God, He provides us with ...





To Read: A Life God Rewards: Why Everything You Do Today Matters Forever

by Bruce Wilkinson. Available from .

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Life components include everything imaginable. Here are some possibilities to get you started:

|Husband |grocery shop |sleep |

|women’s club/group |clean the house |MSN/chat |

|shopping for pleasure |children (name each) |work |

|close family (name) |Bible study |commute |

|Wait |Exercise |read a book/magazine |

|write letters |make/clean-up meals |outdoor activities |

|watch TV |entertain guests |travel |

|sports events |Volunteerism |prayer |

|Laundry |teach Sunday School |pay bills |

|closed friends (name) |run errands |handle papers |

|talk on the phone |memorize/meditate |shop for pleasure |

Below, write your specific life components:

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Analyze your list of life components to fit each into one of these categories:

G R W Z (think of “grows”)

G -

(include prayer, Bible study, Scripture memory and meditation, learning at church and so on)

R –

(include spouse, children, extended family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and others who cross your path)

W –

(include everything that even “feels” like work whether it is paid, unpaid or volunteer)

Z –

(include only those activities which provide both physical and mental rest. ie - you know you’ve been resting when you emerge ready to work.)

What’s missing?

E -

Webster defines it as “a diversion that holds the attention.”

When I say “No” to something

I have, in effect,

said “”Yes” to something else.

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How should life components look in the big picture?

Prioritize each using this scale:




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If you would prefer a larger circle, you may follow this link to the .pdf version, which will still print out onto an 8.5x11” sheet of paper:

NOTE: To view or print out a .pdf form, you will need to have Acrobat Adobe Reader on your computer. It probably already is in your set-up, but if not, you may download it, free here:

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Procrastination often has little or nothing to do with laziness. Instead, it is...

the intentional engagement of the brain

on a low priority item

in order to avoid a high priority item.

The previous worksheets will help you identify where you are procrastinating. If something is high on your priority list, but being replaced in reality by an item low on your priority list, it is often procrastination. List below any areas in your life where you know, or suspect, you may be procrastinating:

Three Procrastination Illustrations...

Yellow Lights ...

Free Falls....

Game Show Dilema ...


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1. List the “gottas” of a normal weekday.

|12-? Sleep | | | |

|AM Routine | | | |

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|Breakfast |Lunch |Supper | |

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| | | |? - 12 Sleep |

2. Assign an estimated time allowance for each item.

3. Add up the minutes you spend on “gottas” each day.

4. Do the math. 24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes/day.


- your GOTTA minutes/day

your FLEXIBLE minutes/day

5. Envision an ideal “real” day. Imagine doing all the things you

HAVE to do. You have minutes left. How will you

invest them?

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|Investment |Minutes |GRWZ |Goals |

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Format Options

- Notebook Formats

- 5 Subject = 3 Months

- 1st Section = Bible Study, Sermon Notes

- 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sections = One flat per day

L Side - To Do’s / Daily Journal

R Side - Hourly Schedule

- 5th Section = Projects, Lists

- Computerized Schedules

- Microsofts Email Program has one.

- Time & Chaos ().

- Portable Technology

- Palm Pilot

- Smart Cell Phones

Basic Needs

- Must have room for your life’s components.

- Children’s activities, sports, lessons, etc.

- Routine appointments

- Special events

- Action-required occasions like birthdays

- Must allow you to plan in advance

- Must provide space for To Do Lists

Other Considerations

- Auto-Repeats: birthdays, monthly meetings, etc.

- Address/Telephone List

- Carry-Over To Do Items

- Area for Journaling

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|Mon |Tues |Weds |Thurs |Fri |Sat |

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God, I don’t have any more

for , but I know that You

have all the in the universe.

Please flow some of it through me right now! Amen.


Note from Marnie: My prayer is that you would have gained some truly useful insights and ideas from this training. If you would want to communicate with me, please send me an email at info@.

Thank you!

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Additional Resources by this Author

[All details at ]

Web Sites

Free resources for every woman and event planner.

Planning and promotional tools for Women’s Ministry leaders.

Over 800 Christian women speakers from every state,

denomination and experience level.

When the urge to party overrides the lack of time to prepare.

Books & Ebooks by Marnie

Marnie’s Scavenger Hunt Handbook (17.95)

Over 50 extremely fun and easy-to-run relationship building hunts.

Entertaining Secrets (FREE)

Laugh your way from coast to coast as Christian Women Speakers

share their favorite quick-to-fix recipes dished up with a dose of

humor based on their own entertaining mishaps.

Gasping for Grace (8.95)

31-Daily Devotionals for Discouraged Dieters

Women’s Ministry Guide (FREE)

Starting a Women’s Ministry from the ground up – a one hour read for busy women..

Marnie’s Substitutions & Equivalents Guide (9.95)

This 29 page handbook contains the “key” to the ebook version of

the out-of-print, Marnie’s Kitchen Shortcuts, plus is itself the

solution to mid-recipe, missing ingredients.

Girls, Games & Gifts of Encouragement (16.95)

The Amah-El Story. Projects, plans, recipes, crafts and tips which

enable girls to extend a helping hand to the hurting while having a blast

in the process.





The old-fashioned

Stadium Checker game [L] required the players

to move the marbles

from the outside edges inward by using a back and forth, sifting motion. The first person to get his marble to the center was the winner.


For our purposes, we are going to work from the center outward. On the following page, place your #1 priority in the center. Place your second set of highest priorities in the next circle out, all the way to the oustside rim.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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