US History EOC Study Guide

US History Unit Test and EOC Study Guide

Goal 1: The New Nation

01. Early Domestic Issues

a. Who was Washington’s Secretary of State? a. Thomas Jefferson

b. Who was Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury? b. Alexander Hamilton

c. What did they disagree about? c. A.H.’s economic plan

d. Which political party did each help develop? d. TJ–Dem-Rep;AH-Feds

e. Why was the election of 1800 significant? e. Dem-Rep took control

f. What did Marbury v. Madison establish? f. judicial review

g. What is the difference between a strict and loose interpretation of the Constitution? g. literally vs. implied

02. Early Political Freedoms

a. What treaty required 11 American Indian Nations to give up their territory? a. Treaty of Greenville

b. Who invented the cotton gin? b. Eli Whitney

c. Did the cotton gin increase or decrease the number of slaves? Why? c. inc. demand for cotton

d. Which first lady is known for the quote “Remember the Ladies”? d. Abigail Adams

03. Early Foreign Policy Issues

a. What were the key points of Washington’s Farewell Address? a. no political parties, no

sectionalism, no

alliances, no European


b. Under what agreement did Britain agree to pay for the ships it damaged? b. Jay’s Treaty

c. In which situation did the French ask for a bribe to stop attacking U.S. ships? c. XYZ Affair

d. What was Jefferson’s form of “peaceful coercion”? d. Embargo of 1807

e. Who wanted war against Britain? e. War Hawks

f. What ended the War of 1812? f. Treaty of Ghent

g. Which country were Pinckney’s Treaty and the Adams-Onis Treaty with? g. Spain

Goal 2: Expansion and Reform

01. Territorial Expansion

a. Why did Jefferson worry about the Louisiana Purchase? a. maybe unconstitutional

b. What was the major route west? b. Oregon Trail

c. What was Polk’s campaign slogan? c. 54 40 or Fight!

d. What war led to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Mexican Cession? d. Mexican American

e. What purchase was made with the intent of building a Southern transcontinental railroad? e. Gadsden Purchase

f. Which Supreme Court case challenged the Indian Removal Act, was ignored by Jackson,

and led to the Trail of Tears? f. Worcester v. Georgia

g. What temporarily solved the problem of slavery in 1820? g. Missouri Compromise

h. What did it do? h. Maine-free state

Missouri-slave state

i. What is the right to vote called? Which group in society had it in the Jacksonian era? i. suffrage; white males

j. Which area did 54 40 or Fight refer to? j. Oregon Territory

02. Nationalism in Art and Literature

a. Who helped develop the American language in his Blue-Backed Speller and dictionary? a. Noah Webster

b. Who were four authors who developed an American form of writing? b. Irving, Poe,

Hawthorne, Cooper

c. Which school of landscape painting developed in the early 1800s? c. Hudson River School

d. What type of architecture existed? d. neoclassical

e. Who were the two leading Transcendentalists (one wrote Civil Disobedience)? e. Thoreau, Emerson

03. Economic and Social Issues in the Early 1800s

a. What did Samuel Morse invent? (This revolutionized communication) a. telegraph

b. Match the inventor to each invention: John Deere, Cyrus McCormick, Robert Fulton b. Deere-sp, Fulton-sb

mechanical reaper, steamboat, steel plow McCormick-mr

c. Which political party developed because of nativist (anti-immigrant) feelings? c. Know-Nothings

d. What was the difference in the economy of the North and the South? d. N-industry,S-farming

04. Political Issues in the Early 1800s

a. What warned European powers against involvement in the Western Hemisphere? a. Monroe Doctrine

b. Which “Great Compromiser” developed the American System (tariffs, transportation, bank)? b. Henry Clay

c. Which election was called a “Corrupt Bargain” when J.Q. Adams appointed Clay Sec. Of State? c. Election of 1824

d. After the Panic of 1819, what banks did Jackson put money into? d. pet banks

e. Which famous slave rebellion was in 1831 in Virginia? e. Nat Turner’s

f. The Tariff of 1828 (called the Tariff of Abominations) led to what? f. SC Exposition&Protest

05. Reform Movements of the Early 1800s

a. Who organized the Seneca Falls Convention? a. Stanton and Mott

b. Which former slave spoke there? b. Sojourner Truth

c. Who pushed for equal pay for women? (Hint: She’s on a dollar) c. Susan B. Anthony

d. Which religious movement led to societal reform (like temperance – anti-drinking)? d. 2nd Great Awakening

e. Who pushed for better treatment for the mentally ill? e. Dorothea Dix

f. What was an attempt to create perfect societies like Brook Farm, Oneida, and New Harmony? f. Utopian Communities

06. The Role of Religion in Social Movements

a. Who was a well-known preacher during the Second Great Awakening? a. Charles G. Finney

b. Which sisters spoke at many abolitionist meetings? b. Grimke

c. Who published the antislavery newspaper The Liberator? c. William Lloyd Garrison

d. Who was a radical abolitionist? d. David Walker

e. Which escaped slave wrote Narrative of the Life of an American Slave? e. Frederick Douglass

Goal 3: Civil War and Reconstruction

01. Antebellum Economic, Social, and Political Events

a. Which two candidates ran for Senator of Illinois in 1858? a. Lincoln & Douglas

b. Which Supreme Court case ruled that slaves were property? b. Scott v. Sandford

c. What allowed the people of a territory to allow slavery (mentioned in the Freeport Doctrine)? c. Popular Sovereignty

d. What allowed California to enter as a free state and supported the Fugitive Slave Law? d. Compromise of 1850

e. Who led a violent antislavery movement in Bleeding Kansas? He also raided Harper’s Ferry. e. John Brown

f. What reversed the Missouri Compromise? f. Kansas-Nebraska Act

g. Who was the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad which helped slaves escape?g. Harriet Tubman

h. Which political party was founded on an antislavery platform? h. Republican

i. Which famous debate was about tariffs and states’ rights? i. Webster-Hayne

02. Causes of the Civil War

a. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? a. Harriet Beecher Stowe

b. What immediately followed the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln in 1860? b. secession of the South

c. Who was the President of the Confederacy? c. Jefferson Davis

d. Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired? d. Fort Sumter, SC

03. Turning Points of the Civil War

a. What was the first major battle of the Civil War? a. First Bull Run

b. What was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War? b. Antietam

c. What battle did the Union win to split the Confederacy at the Mississippi? c. Vicksburg

d. What battle was the turning point of the war? Lincoln later gave a famous address here. d. Gettysburg

e. Where did Robert E. Lee surrender for the Confederacy? e. Appomattox

f. Who assassinated Lincoln? f. John Wilkes Booth

g. The name of the Union strategy to win? (Blockade, division at Miss., capture of Richmond) g. Anaconda Plan

h. Who was the commander of Confederate troops? Who was the commander of Union troops? h. Lee; Grant

i. What did Lincoln suspend during the war? (There had to be cause for imprisonment) i. Writ of Habeas Corpus

j. What was Lincoln’s goal at the beginning of the war? j. to preserve the Union

k. What turned the war into a moral issue? k. Emancipation Proclamation

3.04 Political, Economic, and Social Impact of Reconstruction

a. What is the time period 1865-1877 called? a. Reconstruction

b. Who became President after Lincoln died? b. Andrew Johnson

c. What did Radical Republicans (like Thaddeus Stevens) want to expand? (food, medicine, ed.) c. Freedmen’s Bureau

d. What did Johnson violate which led to his impeachment? d. Tenure of Office Act

e. Which hate group emerged during Reconstruction? e. Ku Klux Klan

f. What two new forms of labor emerged in the South? f. sharecropping, tenant


g. What was an example of scandal during Grant’s administration? g. The Whiskey Ring

h. What were the names of laws passed to limit the rights of African Americans? h. black codes, Jim Crow

i. What was the South called when it remained loyal to the Democratic Party? i. Solid South

j. What ended Reconstruction? j. Compromise of 1877

3.05 Test of the Government

a. Which Amendment made the Emancipation Proclamation constitutional (freed the slaves)? a. 13th Amendment

b. Which Amendment guarantees the rights of citizenship? b. 14th Amendment

c. Which Amendment gave all males the right to vote? c. 15th Amendment

d. Which Amendment gives rights to the states? d. 10th Amendment


Goal 4: Moving West

4.01 Groups that Moved West

a. What were the three reasons that Americans moved west? a. God, Gold, Glory

b. Which religious group was founded by Joseph Smith and later led by Brigham Young? b. Mormons

c. What was the name of a very important mining discovery? c. Comstock Lode

d. When was gold discovered in California? d. 1848

e. What encouraged settlers to move west by giving out free land to farm? e. Homestead Act

f. What kind of houses did western settlers build since there were very few trees? f. sod houses

g. What provided land grants for colleges? g. Morrill Land Grant Act

02. The Impact of Westward Movement

a. What was completed on May 10, 1869 at Promontory Point, Utah? a. Transcontinental


b. Which two immigrant groups assisted greatly in the building of this railroad? They were met with discrimination. b. Chinese and Irish

c. Which group of American Indians led by Chief Joseph was forced onto a reservation? c. Nez Perce

d. Which battle was a reaction to the Ghost Dance Movement led by Sitting Bull? d. Wounded Knee

e. Which battle between the Sioux and the US Cavalry is also called Custer’s Last Stand? e. Little Big Horn

f. What nickname was given to African-American cavalrymen? f. Buffalo Soldiers

g. Who wrote A Century of Dishonor which described the abuse of American Indians? g. Helen Hunt Jackson

h. Which act broke up the American Indian reservations in order for Indians to assimilate? h. Dawes Severalty

4.03 Difficulties for the American Farmer

a. Which movement grew out of farmers’ discontent in the late 1800s? a. The Grange

b. What were the three major farmers alliances? b. National, Colored,


c. What Supreme Court ruling allowed states to regulate private property for public use? c. Munn vs. Illinois

d. What act required railroads to charge reasonable rates? d. Interstate Commerce

e. What was the idea of money being backed by both gold and silver called? e. Bimettallism

f. What was William Jennings Bryan’s famous speech that criticized the gold standard? f. Cross of Gold

g. What party of the late 1800s wanted govt. ownership of railroads and to restrict immigration? g. Populist

4.04 Agriculture Technology

a. What were four ways in which agriculture improved in the late 1800s? a. windmill, barbed wire,

steel plow,

refrigerated railcar

b. What developed to help farmers buy supplies as a group? b. cooperatives

c. Which business practice allowed a few people to control an industry as directors? c. interlocking


d. What is the process of buying out one’s suppliers? d. vertical integration

e. What is the process of buying out one’s competitors? e. horizontal integration

f. What term means very little government control of business? f. laissez-faire

Goal 5: Immigration, Urbanization, and Industrialization

01. Immigration and Urbanization

a. What inventions of the late 1800s improved business and industry? a. elevator, Bell’s phone,

Edison’s light bulb,

Sholes’ typewriter

b. Which immigrants were primarily from Western Europe? Eastern Europe and Asia? b. Old; New

c. Which act prohibited the Chinese from immigrating to the United States? c. Chinese Exclusion

d. What uniquely shaped buildings allowed more room for windows? d. Dumbell Tenements

e. Who wrote How the Other Half Lives? e. Jacob Riis

f. Who started the settlement house movement? (These were community centers.) f. Jane Addams

g. What did Frederick Law Olmstead develop? g. Central Park

5.02 Business and Industrial Leaders

a. What allowed for mass production of steel? a. Bessemer Process

b. Who invented the oil drill? b. Edwin Drake

c. Who merged with J.P. Morgan to form U.S. Steel? c. Andrew Carnegie

d. What was the term for owners allowing a board of trustees to control businesses? d. trusts

e. When these trusts eliminated all competition, what were they called? e. monopolies

f. Who started Standard Oil? f. John D. Rockefeller

g. They thought of themselves as “Captains of Industry,” but what did some call Carnegie, etc.? g. Robber Barrons

h. When Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest” is applied to the human population? h. Social Darwinism

i. Who wrote many “rags to riches stories” about young men who were honest and hardworking? i. Horatio Alger

j. What did Mark Twain call the late 1800s? j. The Gilded Age

5.03 Labor Unions

a. What unions included all kinds of workers? What included workers from the same occupation? a. trade; craft

b. Who was the president of the American Federation of Labor? b. Samuel Gompers

c. Which President of the AFL ran for U.S. President five times as a socialist? c. Eugene V. Debs

d. Which union allowed women and African Americans to be members? d. Knights of Labor

e. What was the major railway strike of 1877 called? e. The Great Strike

f. What major strike occurred at one of Carnegie’s steel works factories? f. Homestead

g. What was a demonstration in Chicago in which someone killed eight policemen with a bomb? g. Haymarket Riot

h. What was a strike in which federal troops had to intervene? h. Pullman Strike

i. What act made monopolies illegal and forced them to break up into smaller companies? i. Sherman Antitrust

j. Which union lost popularity after the Haymarket Riot? j. Knights of Labor

5.04 Changing Role of Government

a. What Supreme Court case showed that the government was pro-business? a. US vs. EC Knight

b. What were groups of politicians that gained control of public services and practiced patronage?b. political machines

c. What was the most famous one and who was the boss? c. Tammany Hall; Tweed

d. What act created the civil service system? (Qualifications for jobs instead of favors) d. Pendleton

e. What well-known scandal involved Union Pacific stockholders selling shares to congressmen? e. Credit Mobilier

f. What were Republicans that supported Civil Service Reform called? f. Mugwumps

g. What were four political changes that took place in the late 1800s? g. initiative, referendum,

recall, secret ballot

Goal 6: Imperialism

01. Role in World Affairs

a. What is the policy in which stronger nations extend economic, political, and military control? a. imperialism

b. Who wrote the Frontier Thesis which claimed that westward expansion had shaped the US? b. Frederick J. Turner

c. Which admiral of the U.S. Navy pushed for military growth? c. Alfred Thayer Mahan

d. What is an economic system in which colonies provide raw materials for a country? d. mercantilism

e. Who was the minister that preached about Anglo-Saxon superiority? e. Josiah Strong

f. What is it when one country controls all or part of another country? f. sphere of influence

6.02 Military, Economic, and Political Involvement

a. What hurt the sugar industry and made sugar producers push for the annexation of Hawaii? a. McKinley Tariff

b. Where did the U.S. establish a naval base in Hawaii? b. Pearl Harbor

c. Who was the Hawaiian queen that was overthrown? c. Liliuokalani

d. Who was the President of the temporary government in Hawaii? d. Sanford B. Dole

e. What was known as Seward’s Icebox or Seward’s Folly? e. Alaska

f. Who were the two leading yellow journalists? (Yellow journalism was sensationalized.) f. Pulitzer, Hearst

g. The explosion of what US ship was blamed on Spain? g. USS Maine

h. Who destroyed the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay? h. George Dewey

i. Who did Theodore Roosevelt lead in the Battle of San Juan Hill? i. The Rough Riders

j. What is the Spanish-American War often called? j. A Splendid Little War

k. What claimed that the US had no intention of taking control of Cuba? k. Teller Amendment

l. What limited Cuba’s rights in dealing with other countries? (Made Cuba a US protectorate.) l. Platt Amendment

m. Who was John J. Pershing supposed to capture in Mexico? m. Pancho Villa

n. What did Roosevelt use his influence to build? (This connected the Atlantic and Pacific.) n. Panama Canal

6.03 US Policies and the Impact on Others

a. What type of diplomacy involved helping other nations because of our moral duty? a. “missionary” diplomacy

b. What stated that the US had the right to intervene in the Western Hemisphere? b. Roosevelt Corollary

c. What was Theodore Roosevelt’s version of diplomacy? c. big stick diplomacy

d. What situation involved the Chinese fighting foreign influence? d. Boxer Rebellion

e. What type of diplomacy relied on investment in foreign economics? e. dollar diplomacy

f. What did John Hay send to other countries requesting that China’s ports stay open? f. Open Door Notes

g. What belief in superiority can lead to bullying other countries? g. Jingoism

h. What was the name of the group of battleships that Teddy Roosevelt sent around the world? h. Great White Fleet

Goal 7: Progressivism

01. Rise of Progressivism

a. What white collar movement demanded change for workers? a. Progressivism

b. Who were two of the most famous muckrakers (journalists who exposed poor conditions)? b. Tarbell and Sinclair

c. Where were 146 workers killed during a fire when the factory doors were locked? c. Triangle Shirtwaist

d. Who wrote “The Shame of Cities”? d. Lincoln Steffens

e. What two church organizations organized to help the poor? e. YMCA, YWCA

7.02 Economic and Political Gains

a. What was Teddy Roosevelt’s first major anti-trust lawsuit? a. Nothern Securities

vs. United States

b. Which act required railroads to set rates and not change them without notice? b. Elkins

c. The book The Jungle led to the passage of what acts? c. Pure Food and Drug,

Meat Inspection

d. When Taft wanted to lower tariffs, what did the Senate pass? d. Payne Aldrich Tariff

e. Who did Roosevelt choose as his successor? e. Taft

f. When Roosevelt did not like Taft’s policies, which party did he form? f.Progressive or Bull Moose

g. Which act declared certain businesses to be illegal? g. Clayton Antitrust

h. What was established to control the money supply and the value of money? h. Federal Reserve

i. Which Amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of alchohol? (It was the Volstead Act.) i. 18th Amendment

j. Which Amendment established the direct election of Senators? j. 17th Amendment

k. Which Amendment established the graduated income tax? k. 16th Amendment

l. Which temperance reformer would use her hatchet to vandalize saloons? l. Carrie A. Nation

m. Which two women pushed for the 19th Amendment? m. Anthony, Catt

n. What did the 19th Amendment establish? n. women’s suffrage

7.03 Racial Segregation

a. What were two ways that states prevented African Americans from voting? a. poll tax, lit. test

b. How could white males that could not read or pay the tax be allowed to vote? b. Grandfather Clause

c. Which Supreme Court case established the principle of “separate but equal”? c. Plessy v. Ferguson

d. What type of segregation was by law? What type of segregation was by custom? d. de jure; de facto

e. What was the movement of African Americans to Northern states called? e, Great Migration

f. Which black reformer wanted economic equality and started Tuskegee Institute? f. Booker T. Washington

g. Who was his rival that started the Niagara Movement and the NAACP (along with the Crisis)? g. W.E.B. DuBois

h. Who started the United Negro Improvement Association and the Back to Africa Movement? h. Marcus Garvey

i. Which founding member of the NAACP led an anti-lynching campaign? i. Ida Wells Barnett

7.04 Technological Changes

a. After the Wright brothers invention, what developed in the United States? a. airmail

b. Who was a prominent architect of skyscrapers? b. Louis Sullivan

c. What George Eastman invention allowed Americans to take more pictures? c. Kodak camera

d. What were Henry Ford’s innovations/inventions? d. workers as consumers,

$5/day, assembly line,

Model T

e. What did companies like Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck introduce? e. Mail-order catalogs

Goal 8: World War I

01. Neutrality to War

a. What were the MAIN causes of World War I? a. Militarism, Alliances,



b. Which heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was assassinated by a Serbian named Princip? b. Archduke Ferdinand

c. What were the two sides in World War I? c. Allies, Central Powers

d. Who was the leader of Germany? d. Kaiser Wilhelm II

e. Whose 1916 campaign slogan was “He kept us out of war”? e. Woodrow Wilson

f. Which passenger ship was sunk by a German U-Boat? (128 Americans were killed.) f. Lusitania

g. What was the name of a telegram sent by Germany to Mexico proposing an attack on the US? g. Zimmermann

h. Which act recruited 3 million soldiers for World War I? h. Selective Service

8.02 WWI Turning Points

a. Who led the American Expeditionary Force of “doughboys”? a. John J. Pershing

b. What new weapons were introduced in World War I? b.machine guns, poison gas

c. What was the area between trenches called? c. No Man’s Land

d. What took place on November 11, 1918? d. armistice

e. What was Wilson’s plan for peace called? e. Fourteen Points

f. What was the Fourteenth Point about? f. League of Nations

g. What group was made up of Clemenceau, George, Orlando, and Wilson? g. The Big Four

h. What ended the war? (The US never signed it.) h. Treaty of Versailles

8.03 WWI Impact

a. Who headed the Committee on Public Information? a. George Creel

b. Who led the Food Administrations? b. Herbert Hoover

c. Who headed the War Industries Board? c. Bernard Baruch

d. During the Red Scare following WWI, what searches took place to find anarchists, etc.? d. Palmer Raids

e. Which Italian immigrants that were anarchists were convicted and executed? e. Sacco and Vanzetti

f. What acts punished those that did not support the war effort? f. Espionage & Sedition

g. Which union encouraged workers to strike even though it was illegal during the war? g. IWW

h. Which Sup. Court case put limitations on free speech when there is a “clear & present danger”? h. Schenck v. US

i. Who was the leader of the United Mine Workers? i. John L. Lewis

j. What was the plan for Germany to repay war debts called? j. Dawes Plan

Goal 9 1920s and 1930s

01. Boom to Bust

a. What did Warren G. Harding stress after World War I? a. Return to Normalcy

b. What scandal during Harding’s administration involved Sec. of the Interior Fall selling land? b. Teapot Dome

c. What was the highest tariff in U.S. history? c. Hawley-Smoot

d. Who experienced hard times in the 1920s? d. farmers

e. What were two factors that led to Black Tuesday (Oct. 29, 1929) when the market crashed? e. speculation, buying on

a margin

f. Hoover believed in “rugged individualism” and therefore did not provide any of what? f. direct relief

9.02 Prosperity of Different Segments

a. What allowed Americans to buy many things easily in the 1920s? a. installment plan, easy


b. Herbert Hoover was blamed for the state of things. What were shantytowns called? b. Hoovervilles

c. What forms of relief were offered? c.soup kitchens, breadlines

d. Many Americans living in the West experienced a severe drought known as what? d. The Dust Bowl

e. Which group protested in Washington to receive their WWI bonuses? e. Bonus Army

9.03 Changes

a. What new form of music emerged on the growing number of radios in the 1920s? a. jazz

b. What was one of the most popular “talkies” (movie with sound) of the decade? b. The Jazz Singer

c. Writers such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway were a part of what group? c. The Lost Generation

d. Who was the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature? d. Sinclair Lewis

e. Who made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean? e. Charles Lindbergh

f. As credit became available, what did many Americans buy? (This became a huge part of life.) f. automobiles

g. The name of FDR’s radio addresses intended to calm the fears of the American people? g. Fireside Chats

h. What was the name of the growth of African American culture in the 1920s? h. Harlem Renaissance

i. Who was the most famous poet of this movement? i. Langston Hughes

j. Who was one of the most famous jazz musicians of this era? j. Louis Armstrong

k. What were the names of underground bars that developed after the 18th Amendment? k. speakeasies

l. What name was given to those that smuggled liquor during Prohibition? l. bootleggers

m. What was the irony of Prohibition? m. supposed to improve

morals, but more

people broke the law

n. Who was the famous baseball hero of the 1920s? n. Babe Ruth

9.04 Challenges to Tradition

a. Who was the famous Harlem Renaissance author who wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God? a. Zora Neale Hurston

b. What did W.E.B. DuBois help organize in the 1920s? b.Pan-African Congresses

c. What kind of religious movement swept the nation? c. fundamentalist

d. Who were the two most famous fundamentalist preachers of the 1920s? d. McPherson & Sunday

e. What case involved a biology teacher from Tennessee who was arrested for teaching evolution? e. Scopes Trial

f. Which nurse encouraged women to use birth control to have control over their own lives? f. Margaret Sanger

9.05 Impact of the New Deal

a. Who were the two key opponents of FDR’s New Deal? a. Father Charles

Coughlin, Huey Long

b. What New Deal agencies have had the most lasting impact? b. Social Security, FDIC,


c. What economic idea did FDR support during the New Deal? (Spending $ when you have none.) c. deficit spending

d. Who was the first female Presidential Cabinet member? (She was Secretary of Labor.) d. Frances Perkins

Goal 10: World War II

01. WWII Causes and US Entry

a. What did Germany resent after World War I that in part led to World War II? a. War Guilt Clause

b. Which dictator rose to power in Germany and wanted to start an empire called the Third Reich?b. Adolf Hitler

c. Which leader in Italy led the fascist movement? c. Benito Mussolini

d. Who led the militaristic government in Japan? d. Emperor Hirohito

e. Who rose to power in the Soviet Union? e. Joseph Stalin

f. What did Germany and the Soviet Union sign? f. Nonaggression Pact

g. What agreement between Britain/France and Germany was considered appeasement? g. Munich Pact

h. Who rose to power as Prime Minister in Great Britain? h. Winston Churchill

i. What pact stated that war could not be used as a tool of national policy? i. Kellogg-Briand

j. What act allowed the US to supply arms and ships for the war? j. Lend Lease

k. What were passed to maintain isolationism during World War II? k. Neutrality Acts

l. What speech by Franklin Roosevelt signaled a change in foreign policy? l. Quarantine Speech

m. What four things did FDR begin to emphasize as the US became closer to war? m. The Four Freedoms

n. What attack on a US naval base led to US entry into the war? n. Pearl Harbor

o. What system developed to escort ships across the Atlantic Ocean? o. convoy system

10.02 WWII Turning Points

a. What type of warfare did Germans use to move into enemy territory? a. blitzkrieg

b. After invading Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, etc what attack did the Germans begin? b. Battle of Britain

c. Over 2 million people were killed in what turning point battle in the Soviet Union? c. Stalingrad

d. What was the allied invasion in which 150,000 Allied troops landed at Normandy, France? d. D-Day (Operation


e. Who led Allied forces toward Paris after D-Day? e. Patton

f. What was the German counterattack to D-Day? f. Battle of the Bulge

g. What was the turning point in the Pacific? g. Midway

h. Who led the Marines in the process of island hopping toward Japan? h. Nimitz & MacArthur

i. What two significant island victories were in Japan? i. Iwo Jima & Okinawa

j. What was the name of the project led by Oppenheimer to develop an atomic bomb? j. Manhattan Project

k. What were four ways that the government distributed information about the war? k. newsreels, pamphlets,

air drops, war posters

l. What was the name of the end of the war in Europe? In the Pacific? l. V-E Day, V-J Day

m. What was Hitler’s genocide of 11 million people (Jews and others he saw as “subhuman”) called? m. The Holocaust

n. What put many of the highest Nazi officials on trial for “crimes against humanity”? n. Nuremburg Trials

o. What were the four World War II conferences? o. Casablanca, Tehran,

Yalta, Potsdam

10.03 Effects of WWII

a. Although 5 million men volunteered for service in WWII, another 10 million were drafted how? a. Selective Service Act

b. What system did the Office of Price Administration set up during the war for scarce goods? b. rationing

c. What were sold to raise money for the war? c. war bonds

d. What agency decided which companies would make war materials and how to distribute things? d. War Production Board

e. What was a symbol of women joining the workforce in large numbers during the war? e. Rosie the Riveter

f. What was created for women by Congress in 1942? f.Women’s Army Auxiliary

g. What were over 100,000 Japanese sent to after Pearl Harbor? g. internment camps

h. What Supreme Court case decision justified this act saying it was “military necessity”? h. Korematsu v. US

i. What could returning veterans use to get an education and buy a home? i. GI Bill of Rights

j. What was the most famous example of a 1950s suburb? j. Levittown

k. The time period following World War II when a baby was born every 7 seconds called? k. Baby Boom

l. What 15 million member union developed when two former unions merged? l. AFL-CIO

10.04 Changes in Foreign Policy

a. What was the name of the idea that if one country “fell” to communism, all would fall? a. Domino Theory

b. What act sent aid to Turkey and Greece to help the two countries resist communism? b. Truman Doctrine

c. What act gave money to rebuild Western Europe and prevent the spread of communism? c. Marshall Plan

d. What did the US and Britain start after Stalin blockaded the city of Berlin? d. Berlin Airlift

e. The development of what weapon followed the atomic bomb? e. hydrogen bomb

f. What did Winston Churchill say had fallen across Europe as communism creeped in? f. Iron Curtain

g. What event signified that the Cold War had spread to Asia? g. Chinese Civil War

h. What statement declared the US would defend the Middle East against communism? h. Eisenhower Doctrine

i. What was established in the 1960s as a literal division between democracy and communism? i. Berlin Wall

j. What began in 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea? j. Korean War

k. Who led the mostly American United Nations’ troops in Korea? k. Douglas MacArthur

l. Who became the new Soviet leader after Stalin died? l. Nikita Khrushchev

m. What did Eisenhower rely on to get information about the Soviets? m. CIA

n. What incident involved a high altitude US spy plane that was shot down over the Soviet Union? n. U-2 Incident

10.05 Peacekeeping Organizations

a. What worldwide peacekeeping organization was founded in 1945? a. United Nations

b. What “collective security” organization agreed to defend one another? (Democratic nations) b. NATO

c. What was the communist opposition to this North Atlantic Treaty Organization? c. Warsaw Pact

d. What anti-communist organization developed in the Pacific? d. SEATO

e. What was created by John F. Kennedy to provide economic aid to Latin America? e. Alliance for Progress

f. What regional branch of the United Nations was founded in the Western Hemisphere? f. Organization of

American States

Goal 11: 1950s and 1960s

11.01 Economic, Political and Social Impact of the Cold War

a. What two things developed to calm the American people’s fears of the atomic bomb? a. fallout shelters, “Duck

and Cover Films”

b. What realigned and reorganized the United States’ armed forces and Intelligence Community? b. National Security Act

c. What authorized the building of highways throughout the nation? c. National Highway Act

d. What did Eisenhower warn against in his Farewell Address? d. Military-Industrial


e. What did Congress set up to investigate communist activity? e. HUAC

f. What developed in the movie industry to identify suspected communists? f. Hollywood Blacklist

g. Which Senator led this “witch hunt” for communists? g. Joseph McCarthy

h. What two famous spy cases developed as a result of McCarthyism? h. Hiss & Rosenberg

i. Who was the Cuban communist leader the US tried to overthrow with the Bay of Pigs invasion? i. Fidel Castro

j. While the Bay of Pigs invasion was a failure for the US what scary situation was a success? j. Cuban Missile Crisis

k. What was signed in 1963 - prohibited testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere and water? k. Test Ban Treaty

l. What was Nixon’s easing of Cold War tensions called? l. détente

m. What treaties limited the number of ICBMs and the manufacture of nuclear weapons? m. SALT I & SALT II

11.02 Major Events of the Civil Rights Movement

a. What case reversed the Plessy v. Ferguson decision? a. Brown v. Board

b. Who was the NAACP lawyer who represented Linda and Oliver Brown? b. Thurgood Marshall

c. What group of students were assisted by federal troops to enroll in high school in Arkansas? c. Little Rock Nine

d. Who was assisted by US marshals when enrolling at the University of Mississippi? d. James Meredith

e. Which governor of Alabama tried to prevent black students from attending the U of Alabama? e. George Wallace

f. Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat on a bus led to what protest? f.Montgomery Bus Boycott

g. Which non-violent leader emerged during the Montgomery Bus Boycott? g. Martin Luther King, Jr.

h. What groups emerged to protest for Civil Rights? h. CORE & SNCC

i. During what event did Martin Luther King, Jr. give his famous “I Have a Dream” Speech? i. March on Washington

j. Which leader of the Civil Rights movement promoted the idea of self-defense? j. Malcolm X

k. Which movement did Stokely Carmichael start? k. Black Power

l. Which political party emerged in response to police brutality? l. Black Panther

m. What outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender? m. Civil Rights Act-1964

n. What eliminated state laws that prevented African Americans from voting? n.Voting Rights Act-1965

o. Which Amendment made poll taxes illegal? o. 24th Amendment

p. What is the name given to programs that make special efforts to hire or enroll minorities? p. affirmative action

11.03 Social Movements

a. Who wrote The Feminine Mystique about women’s “quiet lives of desperation”? a. Betty Friedan

b. What organization did she and others form? b. NOW

c. Who started Ms. Magazine and the National Women’s Political Caucus? c. Gloria Steinem

d. Which Supreme Court Case gave women abortion rights? d. Roe v. Wade

e. Which Amendment did many women push for, but still has not been added to the Constitution?e.Equal Rights Amendment

f. Which conservative activist opposed the ERA? f. Phyllis Schlafly

g. Who led the Mexican-American labor movement and their strikes and boycotts? g. Cesar Chavez

h. Which movement pushed for equal treatment of American Indians and compensation for land? h. Am. Indian Movement

i. What two acts is the Environmental Protection Agency responsible for enforcing? i. Clear Air, Clean Water

j. What was the capital of the counterculture in the United States? j. Haight-Ashbury

k. What 3-day event with 400,000 attendees took place in 1969? k. Woodstock

l. What was the name of the intellectual movement that focused on social activism? l. New Left

m. Who was the Chief Justice during Gideon v. Wainwright and Escobedo v. Illinois? m. Earl Warren

11.04 Vietnam

a. Who led the communist party in Vietnam? a. Ho Chi Minh

b. Which group made up of mostly communists wanted independence for Vietnam? b. Vietminh

c. Where did the Vietminh defeat the French in 1954? c. Dien Bien Phu

d. Which peace agreement split Vietnam at the 17th parallel and scheduled an election to unify? d. Geneva Accords

e. Who was Kennedy’s Secretary of Defense that supported the idea of sending US troops? e. Robert McNamara

f. Who was the American commander in South Vietnam? f. William Westmoreland

g. Who were supporters of North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh that lived in South Vietnam? g. Vietcong

h. What new weapons were used on a wide-scale during the Vietnam War? h. napalm, Agent Orange

i. What was passed by Congress in 1964 and gave LBJ broad military powers? i. Tonkin Gulf Resolution

j. What was the major attack on South Vietnam during 1968? (This was the turning point.) j. Tet Offensive

k. What controversial event involved US troops killing 100 unarmed Vietnamese? k. My Lai Massacre

l. Which report revealed the federal government had not been honest about actions in Vietnam? l. Pentagon Papers

m. Shortly after the US bombed Cambodia and Laos, where were four student protestors killed? m. Kent State

n. What prevented the President from committing troops without approval from Congress? n. War Powers Act

o. What was Vietnam called due to the large amount of press coverage? o. “Living Room War”

11.05/11.06 Technological Changes and Political Events

a. What Soviet satellite led to American development of NASA and the National Defense Ed. Act?a. Sputnik

b. Who was the first man to walk on the moon? The first to orbit the earth? b. Armstrong; Glenn

c. What was Kennedy’s domestic program for change called? c. New Frontier

d. Which volunteer program of aid for other nations did Kennedy introduce? d. Peace Corps

e. After Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, who became President? e. Lyndon Baines Johnson

f. What was Johnson’s program that included VISTA, Medicare/Medicaid, HUD, and Head Start? f. Great Society

g. Where did violence break out during the presidential race of 1968? g. Democratic National


h. What groups protested the Vietnam War? h. The New Left & SDS

i. Which Amendment outlined what was to be done in the case of a Presidential vacancy? i. 25th Amendment

j. The release of the Pentagon Papers was questioned in what Supreme Court case? j. NY Times v. US

k. What was Nixon’s policy that put more financial responsibility on the state and local levels? k. New Federalism

l. During Nixon’s second term in office, he was accused of knowing about CREEP’s break-in where? l. Watergate Complex

m. Which two journalists uncovered the scandal? m.Woodward & Bernstein

n. Who linked Nixon to the cover-up? Who led the Senate investigating committee? n. John Dean; Sam Ervin

o. What case decided that Nixon had to give up the Oval Office tapes? o. US v. Nixon

p. Who was the first and only “unelected” President in US History? p. Gerald Ford

Goal 12: The Modern Era

01. Foreign Policy Since Vietnam

a. Which President focused on human rights and was the first to speak out against apartheid? a. Jimmy Carter

b. Who was one of the key leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization? b. Yasser Arafat

c. What occurred when Egypt and Syria attacked Isreal in 1973? c. Yom Kippur War

d. Which country did the US and Israel invade in 1982 to attack the PLO? d. Lebanon

e. What was signed in 1975 to maintain all European borders? e. Helsinki Accords

f. What was the agreement that Carter negotiated between Egypt (Sadat) and Israel (Begin)? f. Camp David Accords

g. What happened after Carter supported the Shah of Iran? (Khomeini’s supporters did this.) g. Iranian Hostage Crisis

h. Reagan, etc. sold missiles to Iran and used the money to support the Contras in Nicaragua? h. Iran Contra Affair

i. What war occurred against Iraq and Saddam Hussein after he invaded Kuwait? i. Persian Gulf War

j. What missile defense system was nicknamed “Star Wars”? j. Strategic Defense


k. Who was the leader of the USSR who believed in glasnost (openness)? k. Mikhail Gorbachev

l. What happened in 1989 that was a symbol of the end of communism on the European continent? l. Fall of the Berlin Wall

m. Where did a Chinese protest in which hundreds were killed take place in 1989? m. Tiananmen Square

n. Where did Bill Clinton send troops in 1995? n. Bosnia

12.02 Federal Legislation

a. Which Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18? a. 26th Amendment

b. Which Amendment stated that Congress could not vote to give themselves a raise? b. 27th Amendment

c. What act requires equal access to public facilities to those who are disabled? c.Americans w/Disabilites

d. Who was the first woman to run for Vice President? d. Geraldine Ferraro

e. Who was the first female Supreme Court Justice? e. Sandra Day O’Connor

f. Which court case challenged bussing to achieve racial balance in schools? f.Swann v. Charlotte-Meck.

g. What outlawed gender discrimination in school activities? g. Title IX

h. Which Supreme Court case decided that flag burning was legal under the 1st Amendment? h. Texas v. Johnson

12.03 Economic, Technological, and Environmental Changes

a. What did the country experience in the 1970s when there was high inflation and unemployment?a. stagflation

b. What was Ford’s campaign to get rid of this problem? (It was abbreviated WIN.) b. Whip Inflation Now

c. What other problem did the country face in the 1970s? c. Energy Crisis

d. Reagan’s economic system called Reaganomics or Supply-Side Economics relied on what theory? d. “trickle-down”

e. What did Bill Clinton sign in 1993 that eliminated tariffs between Mexico, the US, and Canada? e. NAFTA

f. What well-known computer giant co-founded Microsoft with Paul G. Allen? f. Bill Gates

g. What act was signed in 1978 to end government control of the airline industry? g. Airline Deregulation

h. What space shuttle exploded after takeoff due to mechanical failure? h. Challenger

i. What was created to oversea the use of nuclear energy? i. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

12.04 Social, Political, and Cultural Changes

a. What developed in the 1980s among Christian fundamentalists and conservatives? a. New Right Coalition

b. Who was Speaker of the House from 1995-1999 and co-authored the Contract with America? b. Newt Gingrich

c. Who granted a full Presidential Pardon to Nixon for Watergate? c. Gerald Ford

d. Who granted amnesty to Vietnam War draft dodgers the day after he was inaugurated? d. Jimmy Carter

e. Who won the elections of 1980 and 1984? e. Ronald Reagan

f. Who was Reagan’s Vice President that won the election of 1988? f. George H.W. Bush

g. Who won the election of 1992 defeating both George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot? g. Bill Clinton

h. Who challenged Clinton and lost in 1996? h. Bob Dole

i. Who was Clinton’s Vice President that ran against George W. Bush in 2000? i. Al Gore

j. What memorial has been established to increase awareness of AIDS? j. AIDS Quilt

12.05 Racial and Ethnic Diversity

a. What have schools begun to focus on due to changes in immigration patterns? a. Multiculturalism,

Bilingual Education

b. What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act better known as? b. No Child Left Behind

c. What is issued to 50,000 people each year to let them live and work in the United States? c. Green Cards

d. What have some claimed that affirmative action is? d. reverse discrimination

e. What Supreme Court Case got rid of the racial quota system that some colleges had? e. Regents of UC v. Bakke

f. Where have the majority of immigrants come from in recent years? f. Latin America

12.06 Terrorism

a. Which terrorist network was blamed for bombings at US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya? a. al-Qaeda

b. Who is the leader of that terrorist network? b. Osama bin Laden

c. Which regime with ties to al-Qaeda ruled Afghanistan from 1996-2001? c. Taliban

d. What govt. agency emerged after the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center? d. Deptartment of

Homeland Security

e. What policy did the US develop following the 9/11 attacks? e. pre-emptive strikes

f. Due to a fear of nuclear proliferation and WMD’s, where is the US fighting? f. Iraq

g. What objective has been accomplished? g. capture of Hussein

h. What was passed to expand the power of the federal government in fighting the “axis of evil”? h. Patriot Act

i. Which group has questioned the fairness of this act? i. ACLU


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