
[a] OPNAVINST 4790.2H, Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), Vol. V

[b] OPNAVINST 4790.2H, Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), Vol. I

[c] COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.46, Aircraft Carrier (CV/CVN)/Carrier Air Wing

(CVW) Aviation Support Phased Milestone Program

[d] Support Equipment Standardization System Users’ Guide

[e] NAVAIR 00-80T-119, Weight Handling Support Equipment Manual

[f] NAVAIR 17-1-114, Inspection and Proofload Testing of Lifting Slings for

Aircraft and Related Components

[g] NAVAIR 17-1-125, SE Cleaning, Preservation, and Corrosion Control



[j] NAVAIRINST 13670.1B, Naval Air Systems Command Mobile Facility (MF)


[k] NAVAIR 00-25-300, Technical Directives System

.1 Discuss the programs managed by the SE Division Officer. [ref. a, ch. 17]

I level program manager (SE Division Officer) shall:

(a) Manage the SE Training and Licensing Program.

(b) Establish a formal course of instruction on each end item of SE in the inventory and the List of Equipment Requiring an SE Operator’s License.

(c) Ensure Phase I instructors are trained and capable in the proper techniques on instruction. Instructors shall be designated in writing, be E-5 or above, and licensed on all SE for which designated to provide training.

(d) Provide the best possible facilities for classroom and laboratory areas.

(e) Provide Phase I SE training, as requested by the SE Operator Training Request, to all command and tenant activity personnel.

(f) Forward completed SE License Certification to each individual's assigned activity.

(g) Publish schedule of Phase I SE training (minimum of 30 days in advance), identifying course, location, and time of instruction.

(h) Upon completion of Phase I SE training, sign and forward the Phase I Section of the SE License Certification to the individual's permanent activity.

(i) Develop Phase I operator courses if not furnished or developed by CNATT. Phase I operator course requirements for WHE are in NAVAIR 00-80T-119, Appendix C.

(j) Develop Phase II written examinations with the cognizant Division Officer. WHE Phase II requirements for WHE operators and personnel who operate WHE for maintenance purposes only are in NAVAIR 00-80T-119.

(k) Complete U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Cards (OF-346) for all forklift operators upon completion of DOD 4145.19-R-1 and NAVSEA SW023-AH-WHM-010 training requirements.

(l) Notify all user activities if a course update revision affects equipment operating procedures or requirements.

(m) Ensure all personnel TAD to the SE pool have completed Phase II requirements for each T/M/S aircraft supported.

.2 Discuss the SE Division’s procedures as an SE issue/receipt point for supported activities. [ref. a, ch. 18]

a. All personnel shall have in their possession a valid SE operator's license and comply with all applicable safety precautions for specific equipment being checked out/in.

b. Issuing and receiving personnel shall perform a joint preoperational inspection, using applicable MRCs, prior to issue.

c. The SE Custody and Maintenance History Record (OPNAV 4790/51) and the SE Preoperational Record (OPNAV 4790/52) shall accompany items (when applicable).

d. Joint preoperational inspections and inventory shall be performed, using applicable MRCs, upon return of items.

.3 Discuss the types and use of SESS reports. [ref. d]

1. A SESS is documented in the NALCOMIS User's Guide. The only official document of SESS is the 4790.

-Overdue Preventative List

-Near due Preventative Maintenance List

-Location: provides subcustody and location information for issue and receipt.

2. IM4 uses NALCOMIS to pullup custody to track trends of how often and of what type of gear has been used.

3. Helpful in determining planning for Phase Kits i.e. that equipment that has been hit the most will be most likely needing the PM Kits.

4. Helps adjust and predict allowances for kit procurement multiple -Other adhoq reports available not mentioned.

.4 Discuss afloat IMA inter-deployment SE Phase Milestone Program. [ref. c]

Read reference.

.5 Discuss SE licensing instructor qualifications. [ref. a, ch. 17]

Instructors shall be designated in writing, be E-5 or above, and licensed on all SE for which designated to provide training.

.6 Discuss the restrictions of an issued SE license. [ref. a, ch. 17]

Block 9. "Restrictions" on the back of the USN Aviation Support Equipment Operator’s License (OPNAV 4790/102) shall be annotated as follows:

(a) To indicate the specific (T/M/S) aircraft the individual is certified to operate, O-level activities shall annotate block 9 “For (T/M/S) aircraft only” or “Restricted to Non-Aircraft Use.”

(b) Due to the various types of transient aircraft serviced by OMDs, SE licenses for transient line personnel may be annotated "Transient Aircraft Use" in block 9. "Transient Aircraft Use" is limited to launch, recovery, servicing, and handling operations. The transient aircrew shall provide assistance as required. Additionally, block 9 of licenses for transient line personnel shall list the T/M/S of any "Other Than Transient" aircraft for which the MO is certifying proficiency.

(c) Personnel assigned to Air Departments aboard CV- and L-class ships shall be licensed under the same provisions as transient line personnel and shall be required to document Phase II SE training for only one T/M/S aircraft. Their licenses shall be annotated in block 9, "Flight/Hangar Deck Operations Only". Aircraft hookup shall be required to be performed by a licensed plane captain for the T/M/S aircraft under tow.

(d) IMA personnel not operating equipment on aircraft shall have an entry "Restricted to Non-Aircraft Use" placed in block 9.

(e) IMA personnel being licensed to operate self-propelled mobile cranes for maintenance purposes only shall have "For Maintenance Only" annotated in block 9.

.7 Discuss MHE training and licensing afloat versus ashore. [ref. a, ch. 17]


Commercially available industrial equipment, such as forklifts, warehouse tractors, pallet trucks, and platform trucks. Some of these items are approved for use in ammunition and explosive ordnance handling operations, and are a category of logistic SE.

2. Forklift trucks are classified as MHE. Forklift operators and explosive ordnance drivers (operators of ordnance handling vehicles) do not require SE operator's licenses. Forklift operator training is conducted ashore by the Supply Department or Public Works using NAVSEA SW023-AH-WHM-010 and DOD 4145.19-R-1. IMAs ashore may also conduct forklift operator training, after coordinating with the Supply Department to develop a training program which meets or exceeds all of DOD 4145.19-R-1 requirements. IMAs afloat and MALSs shall accomplish forklift operator training using, as a minimum, the Support Equipment Forklift Operator course (Course C-600-3283). Procedures for explosive ordnance driver training and licensing are in NAVSEA SW023-AH-WHM-010. Procedures for explosive ordnance forklift operator training are in NAVSEA SW023-AH-WHM-010. Type equipment and weight limitations are recorded on the U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card (OF-346).

3. PPE training shall be included in all operator training courses, and specifically in all MHE/WHE courses.

.8 Discuss WHE training and licensing afloat versus ashore. [ref. a, ch. 17; ref. f]


A category of WSE which provides direct support to the weapons item. This equipment includes both peculiar and common ordnance handling and transportation equipment, as well as tools used for canning/decanning, magazine handling, and assembly of weapons/ordnance related items. Examples of this equipment include hoisting beams, weapons carriers, strongbacks, handlift trucks, handling bands, magazine lifting slings, weapons skids, trailers, bomb trucks (nonself-powered) and their associated tools, gauges, jigs, alignment bars, bomb assembly tables, maintenance stands, and other weapons related equipment. This equipment supports both air and surface launched weapons.

2. Training and licensing

a. Phase I operator course requirements for WHE are in NAVAIR 00-80T-119, Appendix C.

b. Develop Phase II written examinations with the cognizant Division Officer. WHE Phase II requirements for WHE operators and personnel who operate WHE for maintenance purposes only are in NAVAIR 00-80T-119.

NOTE: Wings shall develop standardized WHE Phase II SE training and documentation procedures for the T/M/S aircraft they support per NAVAIR 00-80T-119. IMAs shall develop the training and documentation procedures for the WHE they maintain per NAVAIR 00-80T-119.

3. PPE training shall be included in all operator training courses, and specifically in all MHE/WHE courses.

.9 Discuss SE custody control procedures. [ref. b, ch. 12]

1. Issue Procedures.

All personnel shall have in their possession a valid USN Aviation Support Equipment Operator's License (OPNAV 4790/102) for specific equipment being checked out. A joint (issuing and receiving personnel) preoperational inspection shall be performed, using the applicable MRCs prior to issue. Personnel receiving the SE will sign the SE Preoperational Record (OPNAV 4790/52) in the inspector's block. Issuing personnel will sign the supervisor's block. The SE Preoperational Record (OPNAV 4790/52) will accompany each item of SE. The Support Equipment Transaction Report (OPNAV 4790/64) shall be signed in block 27f by the user to document SE issue. The white, green, and yellow copies of the TR will be retained by the issuing activity for local record keeping purposes. The pink copy will be retained by using activity for its records.

2. Receipt Procedures.

All persons shall have in their possession a valid OPNAV 4790/102 for specific equipment being returned. The applicable SE Preoperational Record (OPNAV 4790/52) shall be returned with the SE. A joint (issuing and receiving personnel) preoperational inspection will be performed by the using and receiving personnel using the applicable MRCs. The SE Preoperational Record (OPNAV 4790/52) will be annotated the same as above. The TR shall be signed in block 28f by receiving personnel to document SE return.

3. Discrepancy Identification.

All discrepancies noted during issue/receipt or preoperational inspections shall be annotated on a MAF by Production Control.

.10 Discuss scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on SE. [ref. b, ch. 16]

1. DON’s three-level maintenance concept is applicable to SE. The three-level maintenance concept provides classification and optimum assignment of SE maintenance functions consistent with an organization's capability to perform these functions. SE maintenance functions are classified and assigned to PMS for SE consists of the maintenance functions per Volume V, Chapter 18.

(1) Limited I-Level Maintenance. When an organization is deploying to an operating environment without IMA capability, pre-deployment planning shall include how accomplishment of scheduled maintenance of SE is to be accommodated. If in theater afloat or ashore I-level support non-availability is anticipated due to distance or time, the deploying unit shall request all necessary I-level SE training from its supporting IMA. Successful completion of this training will allow for self sufficiency of scheduled SE maintenance for IMRL during deployment. This authority for I-level detachment maintenance of SE excludes maintenance of aircraft lifting devices that require a functional load test, proofloading that uses a portable or stationary jack tester, when NDI requirements exist, and in any situation where the appropriate special tools or SE, consumable maintenance materials, or replacement parts are unavailable. Maintenance documentation will be accomplished per Volume III.

NOTE: SE shall not be transferred in a non-RFI status without prior approval of the cognizant SECA.

(2) Calibration. Calibration is a scheduled performance evaluation and correction requirement for certain specified items of SE. Calibration is the responsibility of the Avionics Division.

(3) Unscheduled Maintenance. Unscheduled maintenance is the maintenance required due to SE failures or as a result of discrepancies and deficiencies found during scheduled maintenance. Unscheduled maintenance consists of fault isolation (troubleshooting), repair or replacement, test, and calibration, if required.

(4) Upon approval by the cognizant SECA, non-RFI SE being transferred shall have all Supply documentation attached to the appropriate SE Custody and Maintenance History Record (OPNAV 4790/51). All parts removed for maintenance and all received parts not installed shall be forwarded with the SE.

2. The MMCO shall ensure all SE maintenance is optimally scheduled. This includes scheduled maintenance, unscheduled maintenance, and TD compliance. Monthly scheduled maintenance plans will be developed either manually from files, or by MIS procedures, and will project the scheduled workload. If possible, SE on subcustody to user activities shall be recalled at least 1 day prior to a scheduled inspection. When operational requirements dictate, PM may deviate plus or minus 3 days on calendar cycles and plus or minus 10 percent on meter times. The next inspection will be due as if no deviation had occurred.

NOTE: When deviations described previously have been exceeded, the SE item is restricted from further operation until completion of the subject inspection, that is, after 3 days or 10 percent have passed. When PM inspections are done earlier than 10 percent or 3 days, the next inspection is due based on the date/hour/cycle the PM inspection commenced. SE reporting custodians need no higher authority to perform inspections outside authorized deviations.

.11 Discuss the proper routing and sign-off of an SE misuse/abuse report concerning a supported activity. [ref. b, ch. 14]

1. Reporting SE misuse/abuse is an all hands responsibility. Procedures are as follows:

(1) Anyone witnessing SE misuse/abuse is expected to prepare and forward an SE Misuse/Abuse Report (OPNAV 4790/108) to the activity with IMRL reporting responsibilities for the SE item. Handwritten forms are acceptable.

(2) QA shall assign a control number and prepare an official typewritten report for the MO’s signature. Forward the signed report to the CO of the command which held custody of the item. Send a copy to the CO of the command to which the offender is attached, if different.

(3) QA of the command receiving the report shall conduct an investigation and provide recommendations to the CO for corrective action. A joint investigation shall be conducted with the offender’s command, if different. During the investigation, an analysis of licensing, training, certification, maintenance procedures, safety, and related trends will be conducted. The CO shall return the report to originator within 10 working days, with recommendations and action taken described on the back of the form.

(4) The originator will provide copies of the completed report to all concerned activities.

2. If the offender and the witness of the misuse/abuse belong to the command with custody of the item that was misused/abused, the report stays within the command.

3. Procedures for SE license revocation and requalification are in Volume V, Chapter 17.

.12 Discuss the Tire/Wheel Certification Program as it relates to SE. [ref. a, ch. 7]

Read section 112

.13 Discuss requirements for load testing of slings. [ref. f]

1. General

All aircraft support equipment slings shall be proofload tested at new manufacture to verify the integrity of construction of the sling. Proofload testing is also conducted by the IMA after all major repairs including welding, significant structural repair, or replacement of sling components with locally manufactured, untested parts. There is no requirement for annual proofload testing of aircraft support equipment slings. The following requirements are applicable to aircraft support equipment slings.

a. Slings shall be proofload tested and tagged at new manufacture. A certificate of proofload test from the original manufacturer (OEM) or the supplier of purchased equipment will satisfy this requirement, provided the proofloads used meet or exceed the values specified in applicable technical data. If newly manufactured slings are received through the Navy supply system without proofload tags or certificate of proofload test, initiate a Quality Deficiency Report (QDR) in accordance with OPNAVINST 4790.2 to the appropriate sling CFA/FST and the Navy Inventory Control Point (NAVICP).

b. If slings are received from a Depot level maintenance activity without proofload tags, initiate a QDR in accordance with OPNAVINST 4790.2 to the appropriate sling CFA/FST and the depot rework activity.

c. Sling that have been repaired by welding or structural repair to load bearing members shall be proofload tested.

d. Sling components that are locally manufactured by the IMA shall be proofload tested to the individual component proofload value, or the sling assembly shall be tested following replacement with the untested component.

e. Sling repaired by replacing damaged components with preproofloaded assemblies, such as wire rope cables or fabric webbing, do not require proofload testing.

f. Sling repaired by replacing common hard bolts, nuts, washers, quick release pins, shackles, and other simple readily available hardware with like items per applicable IPBs, do not require proofload testing.

.14 Discuss equipment and safety requirements for a paint booth/facility. [ref. g, ch. 8]

1. Paint Spray Booths.

A paint spray booth is a ventilated structure that provides an enclosed space for spraying operations. It confines and limits the escape of sprays, vapors, and residues and directs them safely to an exhaust system. Proper operation and maintenance of paint spray booth equipment is essential to avoid the risk of fire.

2. Paint Spray Booth Types.

The paint spray booth types installed at Navy aircraft intermediate maintenance departments (AIMDs) include water-wash type, dry filter type, and batch powder coating type.

(a) Water-Wash Paint Spray Booth.

The water-wash paint spray booth is equipped with a water-spray system designed to minimize residue entering the exhaust system. The system uses baffle plates and nozzles to maintain a water-spray curtain between the paint sprayer and the exhaust system. It is important that the baffle plates and nozzles do not become covered or plugged with residue. Clogged or plugged nozzles will decrease the efficiency of residue collection and create open areas in the water-spray curtain.

The water-wash system also permits the recovery of over-spray finishing material in a separation tank. This tank is normally installed in the rear of the booth and is equipped with horizontal and vertical screens to collect paint residue and sludge. Chemical additives in the water form a low-density precipitate that can be skimmed off the water's surface. Do not allow paint residue and sludge to accumulate. This residue is highly flammable and should be stored in a closed metal container until it can be disposed of properly.

(b) Dry Filter Paint Spray Booth.

The dry filter paint spray booth is equipped with disposable dry filters to minimize the amount of residue entering the exhaust system. The typical filter area is approximately 40 inches by 40 inches with four dry filters-each 20 inches by 20 inches. Do not allow filters to become paintloaded or paint may be forced back onto the operator and out of the booth.

(c) Batch Powder Coating Spray Booth.

A powder booth is designed to contain over spray powder and allow over spray powder collection for either re-use or disposal. Powder containment is accomplished by drawing air produced by a fan with sufficient velocity through all openings into the booth enclosure. The over spray powder and air mixture in the booth enclosure is hen drawn into the collector device where either a filter or cyclone separate the powder from this containment air. The overspray powder collected is then mixed with virgin powder, supplied directly to powder guns, or disposed of. The powder collected for re-use should be sieved to remove contamination and condition the powder for re-spraying onto the parts to be coated.

3. Safety Features.

(a) Exhaust System.

Each booth has its own independent exhaust system that is equipped with an explosion-proof fan motor. For safe operation of these booths, the filtering medium must be maintained. If paint spray is not filtered out, it will collect in the exhaust fan and ducts, creating a fire hazard. It is highly important to maintain a minimal airflow of 150 feet per minute face velocity.

(b) Filter System.

In the dry filter booth described, replace filter pads when visual examination indicates that the filters are loaded with paint. In the water-wash booth, the baffle plates and nozzles should be examined and stripped of paint when necessary. When the filters or baffles show evidence of paint-loading, further inspection of the exhaust system, including the exhaust fan, is required. In spray booths where touch-up painting is conducted, inspect the filtering mechanisms every 3 months for an accumulation of paint residues.

For the powder coating spray booth above, filtration is accomplished through either cartridge filtration. Cartridge filtration systems typically use two sets of filters-primary filters and final filters. Primary filters remove over spray from booth air, either for recycling or disposal. Final filters capture any powder particulate larger than 0.03 microns which is not removed through primary filtration, ensuring that clean air is returned to the workplace. A collector fan draws the powder laden contaminant/safety air through the cartridge filters. Over time, collected powder builds up on the outside of the cartridge. This "powder cake" enhances filter efficiency by using the collected powder as additional filter material. Periodically, powder is cleared from the filters by applying an intermittent back pulse of compressed air to "shock" the powder free from the filter's surface. The powder falls to the bottom of the collection unit and is removed for re-use or disposal. The cartridge system tends to be highly efficient for recovering large volumes of powder, with average recovery rates ranging from 95-98%.

(c) Air Filter Gauge (Dry Filter Paint Spray Booth).

The dry filter paint spray booth is equipped with a flex tube manometer that serves as an air filter gage. Newly purchased spray booths are supplied with green and red stick-on markers in the shape of an arrowhead. In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, place the green arrow at the 1/4inch graduation mark on the manometer water column and the red arrow at the 5/8-inch mark. The 1/4-inch mark represents the static airflow condition, and the 5/8-inch mark represents the point at which the filter should be replaced.

4. Safe Operation.

Safe operation of a paint spray booth is following:

(a) Physical Layout. No open flame, sparkproducing equipment, incandescent lamps, or electrical receptacles should be used or installed in the space extending 20 feet horizontally from the open front of the spray booth and vertically from the deck to 3 feet above the top of the booth.

(b) Portable Equipment Restrictions. The use of portable equipment is restricted during spraying operations. This includes the preparation of material, spraying, and prescribed exhaust time.

(c) Electrical Grounds. All metal parts of the spray booth, including exhaust ducts and spray, must be electrically grounded.

(d) Flammable Liquids. Only a 1 day or one shift supply of flammable liquids may be present in the booth when the booth is in use.

(e) Drying Spaces. Drying spaces must be adequately ventilated; otherwise, they must be regulated as spraying areas.

(f) Exhaust Fan. When paint spraying operations are completed, the exhaust fan should be run a minimum of 3 minutes to purge vapors from the booth.

(g) Fire Extinguisher. Keep an 18pound, portable purple-k-powder (PKP) fire extinguisher, or equivalent, within 5 feet of the booth's opening.

.15 Discuss certification requirements and training available for technicians handling special materials (Freon, etc.). [refs. h, i]

Read Reference below.

.16 Discuss the following elements of the Mobile Facility Program:

a. Program manager [ref. j, encl. 1]

NAVAIRHQ MFPST Leader(AIR-3.1) has been assigned to establish policies, procedures, and to develop and execute an overall MF program.

b. Inventory/transfer/receipt requirements [ref. b, ch. 10; ref. j, encl. 1]

1. Allowance. Allowance for MFs and MF program major ancillary equipment for Marine Corps units are contained in the TBA for Fleet Marine Forces Aviation Units, NAVICP 00-35T-37-4. The allowance document for Navy MFs is the MF page of the WSPD, the program planning document, the Table of Basic Allowance for P-3 Mobile Maintenance support system/advanced base functional Component (MMSS/ABFC) Aviation Activities with no aircraft assigned, NAVAIR 00-35-38-3 Part 4

2. Inventory.

Inventory reporting of in-use MF equipment will originate with the reporting custodian. Annual inventory reports will be consolidated by ACCs and COMMARFORs and then forwarded to NAVAIRHQ MFPST Leader(Air-3.1). Records of in-use assets are required by NAVAIR for replenishment planning and forwarding data to higher authority.

3. Transfer/Receipt.

Report Symbol NAVAIR 13670-4, Mobile Facility Transfer/Receipt Report, applies to reporting transfers and receipts of MFs and MF ancillary equipments. Equipment custodians will report by naval message all transfers and receipts of MFs and MF Program major related equipment. Submittal by message during minimize is not authorized.

c. Mobilization requirements [ref. j, encl. 1]

Navy requirements for MFs and ancillary equipment are normally developed on an individual weapon system basis and for specific applications. Marine Corps requirements are generated from the Table of Basic Allowance (TBA) provided by the Commandant of the Marine Corps to support Marine Corps expeditionary deployment concepts.

The leader will convene an MF program review meeting annually at designated government activities.

d. PM requirements [ref. j, encl. 1]

1. MF equipment will be maintained following applicable equipment manuals and under maintenance management systems for SE.

2. Corrosion Control and preservation will be accomplished.

3. When not in use, jack assemblies, butting kits, ECU access panels, and end doors will be removed, preserved, and stored in an area protected from the weather. Also, mobilizers will be preserved and properly stored when not in use. MF side opening panels will be properly stored in the bracket assemblies provided unless MFs are not to be stacked which will require storage with other removed equipment.

4. Organization and intermediate level maintenance of MF equipment will be accomplished in the same manner prescribed for SE. Organizational level maintenance of all MF Program equipment will be the responsibility of the user. Intermediate level maintenance of MF Program equipment used in support of aircraft / weapon system maintenance is the responsibility of the supporting AIMD or Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS). Scheduled maintenance will be accomplished following the applicable Periodic Maintenance Requirements Manual (PMRM) or appropriate maintenance manuals. Additionally, TYCOMs, ACC, or COMMARFORs will establish a program for CSC recertification, and ensure that no MF is transferred with less than sixty days remaining before recertification is required.

5. Depot level maintenance for all MF program ancillary equipment will be accomplished under the guidelines established for SE. Budgeting for depot level rework of generator sets is based on the assumption that, during peacetime, generators are operated in garrison on ly for emergencies, run up, periodic tests, and temporary deployments.

e. Documentation [ref. b, ch. 10; ref. j, encl. 1]

The primary accountability documents for aviation MFs and major related equipment items are the MF LIR (Log and Inventory Record) and OPNAV 4790/51, Support Equipment Custody and maintenance History Record.

A LIR will be maintained for each MF and Power Distribution Box (PDB). The LIR will be initiated when an MF and PDB is internally configured by the industrial configuration activity and will be maintained by the LIR’s custodian. The LIR is similar to the Aircraft Inventory Record, but is a single document. Instructions for maintaining the LIR and OPNAV 4790/51, are contained in the LIR, and will be included in ACC and COMMARFOR implementing directives. The LIR is divided into to sections.

a. Part I OPNAV 4790/51, as a minimum, this form will be maintained for the MF, Mobile facility Program (MFP) Tactical Electrical Power Distribution system (TEPDS) and ECU. OPNAV 4790/51 is also required to be maintained for generators, mibilizers, and mobile frequency changers.

b. Part II the inventory record section, MFs will no be transferred with inventory shortages without approval of the appropriate ACC or COMMARFOR.

f. TD requirements (SEC/62, SEB/63) [ref. k]

g. Prime/ancillary equipment [ref. j, encl. 2]

1. Ancillary Equipment.

Generators, mobilizers, spreader bars, mobile frequency converters, lifting slings, jacks, ECUs, Solid state frequency converters, grounding rods, butting kits, power bables, etc.

2. Prime Equipment.

That equipment which the MF is designed specifically to contain. This includes maintenance SE and material storage equipment as well as administrative and operational support items.


Training Fact Sheet

CFC Refrigerant Recycling

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Sections 608 and 609 of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAA), 1990, CFC Refrigerant Recycling Requirements-Mandatory Technician Training, part of a comprehensive program to limit release of ozone depleting substances.

Who is covered:

Servicing of Non-Motor Vehicle Appliances

Section 608 of CAA applies to personnel who evacuate and recover CFC's from non-motor vehicle appliances or refrigeration systems. Appliance types are described in the definitions section below. EPA has defined these categories of technicians:

• Type I technicians - persons who maintain, service or repair small appliances

• Type II technicians - persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of high or very high pressure appliances, except small appliances and motor vehicle air-conditioning systems

• Type III technicians - persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of low-pressure appliances

• Universal technicians - persons who maintain, service or repair low and high pressure equipment, including small appliances

Servicing of Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners

• Under Section 609 of CAA, personnel who service motor vehicle air conditioners were required to be properly trained and certified by August 13, 1992. This is a separate certification from non-automotive appliances. Personnel who are certified on automotive applications cannot work on non-automotive applications and vice versa without obtaining the appropriate certification.

• Persons who maintain, service or repair motor vehicle-like appliances (e.g. farm equipment and other non-road vehicles) must either be properly certified as Type II technicians or complete the training and certification test offered by a training and certification program approved under Section 609 (motor vehicle air conditioners).

What training is included:

Training addresses service procedures, purity of recycled refrigerant, environmental consequences of refrigerant release, adverse effects of stratospheric ozone layer depletion, and EPA regulations. Under Section 608 EPA certifies only the tests which are administered. Under Section 609, EPA certifies both the training programs and the tests. This department has a list of such EPA technician certification programs for both types of training.

When training is required:

• Class I and II CFC's must be removed prior to disposal or recycling of appliances by technicians who have been certified in an EPA approved program. This requirement becomes effective November 14, 1994.

• In addition, sale of Class I and II CFC's will be restricted only to certified technicians, effective November 14, 1994.

• Technicians who service motor vehicle air conditioners must be certified before beginning this work.

Recordkeeping requirements:

Each department that has personnel who are certified should keep a record of that certification in a department file. This may be required for purchase of CFC materials, or may be requested during an inspection by an outside regulatory agency such as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or EPA.

Contact name and number:

For further information, call Greg Archer, environmental compliance specialist, Environmental Health and Safety, at 612-626-4399 or e-mail: arche005@tc.umn.edu


Chlorufluorocarbon (CFC) Recycling Definitions

Appliance means any device which contains and uses a class I (CFC) or class II (HCFC) substance as a refrigerant and which is used for household or commercial purposes, including any air conditioner, refrigerator, chiller or freezer. EPA interprets this definition to include all air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment except that designed and used exclusively for military purposes.

High pressure appliance means an appliance that uses a refrigerant with a boiling point between - 50 and 10 degrees Centigrade at atmospheric pressure (29.9 inches of mercury). This definition includes but is not limited to appliances using refrigerants -12, -22, -114, -500, or -502.

MVAC-like appliance means mechanical vapor compression, open-drive compressor appliance used to cool the driver's or passenger's compartment of a non-road vehicle, including agricultural and construction vehicles. This definition excludes appliances using HCFC-22.

Motor vehicle air conditioner (MVAC) means any appliance that is a motor vehicle air conditioner as defined in 40 CFR part 82, subpart B.

Recover means to remove refrigerant in any condition from an appliance and store it in an external container without necessarily testing or processing it in any way.

Recycle means to extract refrigerant from an appliance and clean refrigerant for reuse without meeting all of the requirements for reclamation. In general, recycled refrigerant is refrigerant that is cleaned using oil separation and single or multiple passes through devices, such as replaceable core filter-driers, which reduce moisture, acidity, and particulate matter.

Small appliance means any of the following products that are fully manufactured, charged, and hermetically sealed in a factory with five pounds or less of refrigerant: refrigerators and freezers designed for home use, room air conditioners (including window air conditioners and packaged terminal air conditioners), packaged terminal heat pumps, dehumidifiers, under-the-counter-ice makers, vending machines, and drinking water coolers.

Technician means any person who performs maintenance, service, or repair that could reasonably be expected to release class I (CFC) or class II (HCFC) substances into the atmosphere, including but not limited to installers, contractor employees, in-house servicing personnel, and in some cases, owners. Technician also means any person disposing of appliances except for small appliances.

Very high-pressure appliance means an appliance that uses a refrigerant with a boiling point below - 50 degrees Centigrade at atmospheric pressure (29.9 inches of mercury). This definition includes but is not limited to equipment utilizing refrigerants -13 and -503.


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