
PENNSYLVANIA LIQUOR CONTROL BOARDINVITATION FOR BID 260310HVAC SERVICE – PHILADELPHIA DISTRIBUTION CENTER OVERVIEWThe Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) is seeking a contractor to provide all labor, material, repair parts, (including belts, economizer gaskets, flame and spark rods) tools and equipment to perform unit inspections and preventative maintenance, including filter service on fifteen (15) heating units and seven (7) air conditioners located at the PLCB’s Philadelphia Distribution Center (DC1), 8201 Enterprise Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153-3896. Emergency service is also required when requested. (See APPENDIX A for Equipment List)ISSUING OFFICEThis Invitation for Bid (IFB) is issued by the PLCB, Purchasing and Contract Administration Division, Room 316, Northwest Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001, telephone: (717) 787-9854; email: patbell@. P. Diana Bell is the Issuing Officer and sole point of contact at the PLCB for this IFB.PLCB CONTRACTING OFFICERThe PLCB Contracting Officer is the PLCB official authorized to enter into and administer contracts and make written determinations with respect to contracts. The PLCB Contracting Officer is Melinda John, Director of Purchasing & Contract Administration, Room 316, Northwest Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001.PLCB CONTACT PERSONThe PLCB Contact Person, defined as the PLCB employee charged with the day to day supervision of the performance of the services and who interacts with the contractor at the work site is Jerry Nelson, Distribution Center Manager, Philadelphia Distribution Center, 8201 Enterprise Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153-3896, telephone: (215) 937-1349.MANDATORY SITE VISITATIONPrior to submitting a bid, all potential contractors shall be required to visit the PLCB Philadelphia Distribution Center (with the exception of the current vendor), to completely familiarize themselves with the needs and requirements of this IFB. The site visit is scheduled for Thursday June 2, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. ATTACHMENT #1 PROOF OF SITE VISIT must be signed by the party performing the site visit plus the PLCB official verifying the visit. Failure to return the signed ATTACHMENT #1 with your IFB will disqualify your bid. QUESTIONSQuestions regarding this IFB must be submitted via e-mail only, with the subject line entitled “IFB 260310 Questions” to the Issuing Officer, Diana Bell, email: patbell@ no later than 11:00 a.m. Friday, June 3, 2016. Do not contact the Issuing Office by phone with any questions. The contractor shall not attempt to contact the Issuing Officer by any other means.All questions received will be answered, in writing, and such responses shall be posted to the Department of General Services (DGS) website at emarketplace.state.pa.us as an addendum to the IFB by 3:30 p.m. on Monday, June 6, 2016. .All questions and official responses are considered an addendum to, and part of, this IFB. The PLCB shall not be bound by any verbal information, nor shall it be bound by any written information that is not either contained within the IFB or formally issued as an addendum by the Issuing Office. The Issuing Office does not consider questions to be a protest of the specifications or of the solicitation.ADDENDA TO THE IFBIf the Issuing Office deems it necessary to revise any part of this IFB before the bid response date, the Issuing Office will post an addendum to the DGS website at emarketplace.state.pa.us. It is the contractor’s responsibility to periodically check the website for any new information or addenda to the IFB.CONDUCT OF SERVICEUnless otherwise provided herein, the contractor, with due diligence, shall furnish all necessary qualified personnel, material and equipment, managing and directing same to provide service described in these specifications. In determining whether or not the contractor has performed with due diligence hereunder, it is agreed and understood that the Contact Person and/or his/her designee may measure the amount of time and quality of the contractor’s effort against the representations made by the contractor. Failure to perform under this contract may lead to termination. The contractor’s work hereunder shall be carried out under the supervision of the Contact Person and/or its designated representative(s).RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORIf, due to the fault or neglect of the contractor, his/her servants, agents or employees, any PLCB property, equipment, stock or supplies are lost or damaged during performance of this contract, the contractor shall be responsible for such loss or damage and the PLCB at its option, may either require the contractor to replace all property damaged or lost at its own expense, or reimburse the PLCB for the full replacement value of the property.The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of its employees and for any injury or damage done to or by them. The contractor shall protect/indemnify and hold harmless the PLCB from all claims for damages to any and all persons and/or property resulting from the performance under this contract.Contractor is responsible for obtaining and maintaining, at its sole cost, all applicable licenses, permits, certifications and/or authorizations required by local, state, and federal authorities for the lawful provision of the contracted services, and shall provide proof of same to the PLCB upon request. RESPONSE DATA Bids must be signed in ink by an official authorized to bind the contractor to its provisions. Failure to sign the Bid Form BOP-1206 shall disqualify your bid immediately. For this IFB, the bid must remain valid for at least sixty (60) days. The contents of the bid of the successful contractor will be incorporated into the contract.Bid must be sealed and hand carried or mailed (U.S. Postal service, Fed Ex., etc.) to:PLCB Purchasing & Contract Administration DivisionInvitation for Bid #260310Northwest Office Building, Room 316Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001Bids must be received on or before Monday, June 13, 2016 no later than 2:00 PM.Contractors mailing bids should allow time to insure timely receipt of their bid. If a receipt is desired, send by U.S. certified or Registered mail. Bid #260310 must be on the outside of the envelope.Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted.The following documents must be included with your bid. Failure to include these required documents will be considered a non-responsive bid and result in bid rejection. BOP-1206Referenced on Page 2Contractor Business DescriptionReferenced on Page 3HVAC CertificationReferenced on Page 3Performance BondReferenced on Page 4Insurance CertificateReferenced on Page 4Attachment #1 – Proof of Site Visit FormReferenced on Page 14Attachment #2 – Cost SheetReferenced on Page 15-16Attachment #3 – Customer ReferencesReferenced on Page 17COST SHEETComplete ATTACHMENT #2 COST SHEET, in its, entirety with no variations or conditions. This cost sheet is the only acceptable cost sheet for your bid.CUSTOMER REFERENCES Prospective contractors must complete and submit ATTACHMENT #3 CUSTOMER REFERENCES with their bid to provide a minimum of three (3) references for which they have serviced comparable HVAC equipment within the last two (2) years. References should include customer name, address, telephone number and contact persons. The PLCB reserves the right to contact any or all references listed by the contractor. HVAC CERTIFICATIONBidders are required to submit copies of HVAC certification with their bid for all employees that will be working on the HVAC equipment located at DC1. EXPERIENCE The selected contractor must have a minimum of (5) years’ of experience servicing Trane and York or comparable HVAC equipment. CONTRACTOR BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Prospective contractors must provide a business description indicating the date founded, principal ownership, scope of operations, and general data regarding experience. Also, note any special expertise that would enhance its qualifications. INSURANCE For each year of the contract, the selected contractor shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance indicating that the following insurance coverage is in force during the term of the contract. Documented evidence, such as a Certificate of Insurance or other proof acceptable to the PLCB that insurance will be extended to the contractor, must accompany the bid. Such policies shall name the PLCB as an additional insured on certificates when issued and contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will not be canceled or changed until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the PLCB:Workers’ Compensation Insurance sufficient to cover all of the contractor’s employees working to fulfill this contract in accordance with the Worker’s Compensation Act of 1915 and any supplements or amendments prehensive General Liability Insurance and Property and Damage Insurance. The limits of such insurance shall be not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for injury to or death of one person in a single occurrence and three million dollars ($3,000,000.00) for injury to or death of more than one person in a single occurrence and one million dollars ($1,00,000,000.00) for a single occurrence of property damage.PERFORMANCE BOND For each year of the contract, the selected contractor shall be required to submit a Performance Bond, or other performance guarantee acceptable to the PLCB, in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Documented evidence that surety can be furnished must accompany the bid. This documented evidence is obtainable from your surety.BID TABULATIONS RESULTSResults of this bid will be posted within 48 hours to the DGS website at . Bid results do not confer any contractual rights until a formal written contract has been executed by all necessary PLCB and Commonwealth officials. Any additional information will require a Right to Know request found at OF INVITATION FOR BID QUOTESThe PLCB reserves the unqualified right to reject any and/or all bids received as a result of this IFB, to waive technical defects or any informality in bids and to accept or reject any part of any bid if, in its judgment, the best interest of the Commonwealth is thereby served.TERM OF CONTRACTThe contract shall commence upon written Notice to Proceed and continue one (1) year. The PLCB reserves the right to renew this contract for four (4) additional one (1) year options.MANDATORY KICK-OFF MEETING Awarded Contractor is required to attend a mandatory kick-off meeting at their own expense.? The kick-off meeting will be scheduled after the contract effective date at a Harrisburg location designated by the PLCB.? The awarded Contractor shall provide the PLCB Issuing Officer a list of personnel who will attend the kick-off meeting within five (5) calendar days after receipt of the contract Notice to Proceed letter.REQUEST FOR RATE ADJUSTMENTThe rates may be adjusted at the start of each Contract Option Year in accordance with the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for all U.S. Cities, as issued by the United States Department of Labor. It is agreed that there will be no adjustments to the rates agreed under this contract during the first year of the contract. The following conditions and requirements apply:The contractor must make application for the increase, to be effective as indicated below, by notifying the PLCB Contracting Officer in writing of the new rates and effective date no later than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the end of the previous contract year.The PLCB shall notify the contractor in writing of its agreement/disagreement of the new rate.New rates shall be effective on either the first day of the new Contract Option Year or at a later date if so requested by the contractor. The contractor agrees that failure to apply for CPI-W increase on a timely basis as required will result in contractor's waiver of CPI-W increase for that contract year.The CPI-W for January 2016 will be the base month.The rates paid during the period from Notification to Proceed through the first contract year shall be the rates listed on the IFB.The percentage change for the rate in the second contract year shall reflect the percentage change in the CPI-W from the base month to the January 2017 CPI-W.The percentage change for the rate in the third contract year shall reflect the percentage change in the CPI-W from January 2017 to the January 2018 CPI-W.The percentage change for the rate in the fourth contract year shall reflect the percentage change in the CPI-W from January 2018 to the January 2019 CPI-W.The percentage change for the rate in the fifth contract year shall reflect the percentage change in the CPI-W from January 2019 to the January 2020 CPI-W.SCHEDULING OF WORKWork schedule must be coordinated with and approved by the PLCB Contact Person in advance. All work to be performed Monday through Friday during normal business hours of 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITYThe selected contractor shall be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in this IFB. Further, the PLCB will consider the selected contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.SUBCONTRACTINGAny use of subcontractors by the contractor must be identified in the bid. During the contract term, use of any subcontractors by the selected contractor not previously identified in the bid, must be approved in writing by the PLCB prior to any work being done.The selected prime contractor shall be responsible for all services offered in its bid whether or not it produces them. The prime contractor shall be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.INCURRING COSTThe PLCB is not liable for any cost incurred by anyone prior to issuance of a contract. The PLCB will pay the contractor only for services rendered at the rates stated in the contract.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThe selected contractor shall exercise all possible precautions in the selection and use of materials and equipment in order not to adversely affect human health, the building, or the property contained within. Where necessary, the contractor shall post warning signs calling attention to the presence of an unsafe condition(s) within the work area.PROTECTION OF PLCB FACILITIESThe selected contractor is to effectively protect PLCB facilities, equipment, and materials from dust, dirt, and damage during construction and remove protection at completion of the work.CONTRACTOR LIABILITYThe selected contractor is responsible for any damages to DC1 including all equipment and/or inventory which is a direct result of the actions of the selected contractor or approved subcontractor employees while on PLCB premises.WARRANTYSelected contractor must warrant all labor for no less than one (1) year from date of acceptance by PLCB, which warranty is at no additional cost. Selected contractor must assign all manufacturers’ equipment warranties to the PLCB for the full terms available, supplying all necessary documentation needed, and at no additional cost to the PLCB.OFFSET PROVISIONThe contractor agrees that the Commonwealth may set off the amount of any state tax liability or other debt or obligation to the Commonwealth or its subsidiaries that is owed to the Commonwealth and is not being contested on appeal against any payments due the contractor under this or any other contract with the Commonwealth.SUPPLIER REGISTRATIONAll suppliers doing business with the PLCB are required to register with PLCB’s Supplier Unit and have their information entered into PLCB’s Oracle systems database. To obtain this supplier number, the Supplier Registration Form PLCB-2348 will need to be completed and submitted in accordance with the instructions included on the form located at the following link: supplier registration is completed by the PLCB, access to the iSupplier Portal will be automatically granted with the ability to view purchase orders, invoices and payments online.? An auto-generated email will be sent from the PLCB’s Supplier Unit granting administrator rights with logon credentials and further instructions.It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the supplier information contained in the Oracle system is accurate and complete and keep the PLCB updated with any data changes, including bank data.? Failure to notify the PLCB of any changes to supplier information may result in delayed payments.INVOICINGUpon award of the contract, a Purchase Order (PO) will be issued. Invoices must include the PO number and all charges must be itemized, providing the description and date. Amounts charged must match the charges referenced on the IFB and the PO line item. Invoices will only be paid if record of services and/or materials provided is documented and confirmed by the PLCB. Invoices shall either be mailed toComptroller Operations LCBSPO Box 12025Harrisburg, PA 17108-2025 or emailed to: ra-plcb_invoices@. If emailing, invoices must be submitted in a PDF format only and contain one (1) invoice attachment with work order per email. Additional individual emails must be sent if submitting more than one (1) invoice. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a deletion of your email submission. An additional copy of complete invoice with work order submission must also be sent to the PLBC Contact Person at DC1 for their review and approval.PAYMENT INQUIRES/QUESTIONSAny questions or inquiries concerning payment of invoices shall be emailed to Comptroller Operations at ra-plcb_invoices@. SCOPE OF WORKHVAC SERVICE DC1 IFB 260310The contractor shall provide all labor, material, repair parts, tools and equipment required to perform unit inspections and preventative maintenance, including filter service and emergency service, to keep each unit operating safely and efficiently. (See APPENDIX B for Maintenance Schedule)The PLCB Contact Person shall determine what calls are to be treated as an “emergency”. Contractor shall respond to emergency service calls within two (2) hours of request for service. Emergency calls outside of normal contractor’s operational hours shall be billed at the rates listed in the IFB. All other service calls shall be responded to within four (4) hours of request for service.REQUIREMENTSAll work shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code using UL approved materials.Contractor must comply with all Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety requirements and regulations. REPLACEMENT PARTS/EQUIPMENTReplacement parts/equipment must be new and of original equipment manufacturer or approved for use by original equipment manufacturer, i.e., Trane and York. The bidder’s price shall include the standard manufacturer’s warranty for all parts and materials provided. The warranty shall commence upon installation. Any parts and materials that become faulty during the warranty period shall be the responsibility of the contractor for replacement at no cost to the PLCB. Replacement parts cost to the PLCB should be below retail/manufacturer’s cost.The PLCB requires the contractor to submit an estimate for time and material for PLCB approval prior to commencement of work. (i.e. corrective service, emergency service, equipment replacement). Any amounts over the estimate must have additional approval. HOURS OF OPERATIONInspections and maintenance work shall be performed during the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Monday through Friday with minimal interference with warehouse operations.Contractor must sign in and out with a DC1 representative for all visits. INSPECTION/TESTINGAll work and material shall be at all times subject to the inspection of an authorized PLCB representative. If the work proves unsatisfactory, all costs for correcting the problem shall be at the expense of the contractor and must be rectified immediately.LOCAL CONDITIONS COVERING WORKThe contractor shall cooperate with the PLCB Contact Person and/or designated representative(s) when scheduling repair work to minimize interference with normal warehouse operations. Storing of supplies or any equipment on PLCB premises is not permitted. The contractor shall repair any and all damage it may cause to the building or property to the full satisfaction of the PLCB Contact Person.REPORTS REQUIREDA Service Report/Ticket must be prepared and forwarded to the PLCB Contact Person following each service and inspection. The report must list the date (s) service was provided; name of service technician(s); make, model, and serial number of equipment serviced; description of work performed, including probable cause of problem; and a list of all parts provided/installed including any warranties. REFRIGERANT MANAGEMENTRefrigerant used in all units must be recovered and/or recycled for reuse. The contractor shall work to minimize the loss of HCFC-22 into the atmosphere. Reclaimed refrigerant must meet ARI-700 standards before use. Before recycling refrigerant, the contractor shall perform a chemical analysis of the refrigerant as appropriate. The contractor shall not open the unit(s) to atmosphere for service work until the refrigerant charge is fully removed/recovered.a. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified refrigerant recovery and recycle equipment must be used to ensure environmentally safe refrigerant handling.b. TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION – Service Engineers/Technicians must have EPA certification for refrigerant handling.c. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING – Contractor must properly handle and dispose of used compressor oil which has been exposed to refrigerant in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. d. REFRIGERANT USAGE, RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING Contractor shall:1. Provide the PLCB Contact Person with detailed information regarding refrigerant usage each time refrigerant is added.2. Provide continual tracking of annual refrigerant usage in a report format to the PLCB Contact Person for EPA requirements.e. EPA REFRIGERANT LEAK COMPLIANCE PLAN – Upon discovery of refrigerant leak, the contractor shall work with the PLCB Contact Person to develop a repair, conversion of or replacement plan in compliance with the 1992 Clean Air Act.APPENDIX AEQUIPMENT LISTHVAC SERVICE DC1 IFB 260310QTY.TRANE MODEL NO.SERIAL NUMBERDESCRIPTION1TCD120B1400CJ48102044DPackaged Rooftop Electric AC Unit1YSC036E4RMA1T154112672LPackaged Rooftop Gas-Electric Heat/AC unit1YCD075C4COBJ9491DD121DPackaged Rooftop Gas-Electric Heat/AC unit8DF1A2181FANB1A94M52915 thru A94M52923Indoor Direct – Fired Make-Up Air Units2DF1A1121FANB1A94M52924 – A94M52925Indoor Direct – Fired Make-Up Air Units3DFA1151FANB1A94M52926 thru A94M52928Indoor Direct – Fired Make-Up Air Units2DF1A1091FANB1A94M52929 thru A94M52930Indoor Direct – Fired Make-Up Air UnitsQTY.YORK MODEL NO.SERIAL NUMBERDESCRIPTION4Y13AN44A1IANDBNLMM118232 thru NLMM118235Gas Fired AC Rooftop UnitAPPENDIX BMAINTENANCE SCHEDULE HVAC SERVICE DC1 IFB 260310REQUIREMENTSMaintenance is to be done and all filters are to be changed five (5) times per contract year in the months designated by the PLCB. There can be no variation from this schedule without prior approval .Designated months:20162017201820192020AugustFebruary FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryLast week in OctoberApril AprilAprilAprilLast week in DecemberAugustAugustAugustLast week in OctoberLast week in OctoberLast week in OctoberLast week in DecemberLast week in DecemberLast week in DecemberFilter replacements and maintenance to check fan belt tension, grease main fan bearings, check dampers, actuators and linkages – adjust and tighten as necessary for each heating unit. Contractor is to supply belts, economizer gaskets, flame and spark rods as needed. *Filter sizes:15 X 20 X 2 (144 ea.)20 X 20 X 2 (20 ea.)16 X 20 X 2 (16 ea.) 16 X 25 X 2 (16 ea.) 20 X 25 X 2 (24 ea.) UNITS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED FREE OF RUST AND CORROSION. APPLY TOUCH-UP PAINT WHENEVER NECESSARY. LUBE ALL MOTORS AND BEARINGS AS REQUIRED.Parts, refrigerant (for A/C units), oil and any other material needed to complete the preventative maintenance are to be furnished by the contractor.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE TO BE PERFORMED ON PACKAGED ROOFTOP ELECTRIC AIR CONDITIONER FIVE (5) TIMES PER CONTRACT YEAR AS PER THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ON APPENDIX B.Motors and drive system components.Economizer gaskets (for possible replacements)Condenser coils (for cleaning)Safety controls (for mechanical cleaning)Electrical components drain (for cleaning)Condensate drain (for cleaning)Inspect the unit duct connections to ensure they are physically sound and sealed to the unit casing.Inspect the unit mounting support to ensure that it is sound.Inspect the unit to ensure there is no obvious deterioration.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE TO BE PERFORMED ON HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING UNITS FIVE (5) TIMES PER CONTRACT YEAR AS PER THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ON APPENDIX B.A. Inspect the unit to ensure that the airflow required for combustion and condenser coil is not obstructed from the unit. B. Inspect the flue stack to ensure the exhaust path is clear and free of obstructions.C. Inspect the control panel wiring to verify that all electrical connections are tight, and that wire insulation is intact.D. Check the operation of the gas ignition system: To do this, turn off the gas supply with the unit operating to verify that the gas valve closes, and that a re-ignition cycle is initiated by the unit.E. Inspect all of the unit’s flue product passageways for excessive deposit buildup and corrosion. Perform the necessary repairs if buildup or corrosion is apparent.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE TO BE PERFORMED ON INDOOR DIRECT-FIRED MAKE-UP AIR UNITS/HEATING UNITS FIVE (5) TIMES PER YEAR AS PER THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ON APPENDIX B.Grease main fan bearings.Inspect and clean blower wheel.Lubricate main fan motor.Check fan belt tension.Check electrical connections for tightness.Check bearings, drives and blower wheels for tightness. Check for gas leaks.Lightly grease all door latches.Check dampers, actuators and linkages – adjust and tighten as necessary.Check burner – Clean and adjust as necessary, change flame and spark rods yearly.ATTACHMENT #1PROOF OF SITE VISITHVAC SERVICE DC1 IFB 260310Contractor’s Name and AddressClick here to enter text.By submitting this completed form, I verify that I visited the Project site and reviewed the work to be completed prior to submitting this bid.Contractor Representatives SignatureClick here to enter text.TitleClick here to enter text.ESCORTED BY:PLCB Facility Representatives SignatureClick here to enter text.TitleClick here to enter text.Date EscortedClick here to enter text.ATTACHMENT #2COST SHEETHVAC SERVICE DC1 IFB 260310CONTRACT TERM: UPON NOTICE TO PROCEED WITH FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL ONE (1)-YEAR OPTIONSREFER TO THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE FULL SCOPE OF SERVICE, APPENDIX A FOR EQUIPMENT LIST AND APPENDIX B FOR MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS.Cost information is to be completed on this cost sheet. No additional information or costs are to be added.SPECIFY YOUR NORMAL OPERATIONAL BUSINESS HOURS Click here to enter text. A.M. Click here to enter text. P.M.(A MINIMUM OF 8-1/2 HOURS ARE REQUIRED) SPECIFY YOUR NORMAL OPERATIONAL BUSINESS DAYS.Click here to enter text.A FIXED DOLLAR AMOUNT for preventative maintenance to include all labor, materials, including filters and repair parts to perform inspections, preventative maintenance, repairs and emergency service during the contractors normal operational hours. Preventative maintenance will be performed five (5) times per contract year as per the Maintenance Schedule on Appendix B. Travel time will not be paid.$Click here to enter text.(Per Service)$Click here to enter text.(Total for five (5) maintenance inspections during contract term of one (1) year)ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS for repairs outside the preventative maintenance to be furnished at Your Cost Plus Click here to enter text. %A copy of your purchased cost must be supplied to the PLCB for verification when charging for replacement parts or equipment.Hourly Rates below are for SERVICE/AFTER NORMAL HOURS A FIXED DOLLAR HOURLY RATE PER PERSON for service performed outside preventative maintenance after the contractors normal business hours.Service shall only be invoiced when service is performed on-site.Travel time will not be paid.Hourly Rate – Monday through Friday Service Technician Helper Hourly Rates below are for SERVICE/NORMAL HOURS A FIXED DOLLAR HOURLY RATE PER PERSON for service performed outside preventative maintenance during the contractors normal business hours.Service shall only be invoiced when service is performed on-site.Travel time will not be paid.Hourly Rate – Monday through Friday Service Technician Helper $Click here to enter text.$Click here to enter text.$Click here to enter text.$Click here to enter text.Hourly Rates below are for EMERGENCY SERVICE A FIXED DOLLAR HOURLY RATE PER PERSON for “emergency service: AFTER the contractor’s normal business hours. “Emergency Service” shall only be invoiced when emergency service is performed on-site.Travel time will not be paid.Hourly Rate – Saturdays Service Technician Helper $Click here to enter text.$Click here to enter text.Hourly Rates below are for EMERGENCY SERVICE A FIXED DOLLAR HOURLY RATE PER PERSON for “emergency service: AFTER the contractor’s normal business hours. “Emergency Service” shall only be invoiced when emergency service is performed on-site.Travel time will not be paid.Hourly Rate – Sundays and Holidays Service Technician Helper $Click here to enter text.$Click here to enter text.ATTACHMENT #3CUSTOMER REFERENCESHVAC SERVICE DC1 IFB 260310CUSTOMER NAMEADDRESSTELEPHONE NUMBERCONTACT PERSONClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text. ................

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