What is RFID




RFID is a type of Automatic Identification System. The purpose of an RFID system is to enable data to be transmitted by a portable device, called a tag, which is read by an RFID reader and processed according to the needs of a particular application. The data transmitted by the tag may provide identification or location information, or specifies about the product tagged, such as price, color, date of purchase, etc. This is the latest development of AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION AND DATA CAPTURE after the two technologies i.e., optical and magnetic versions. In this version the transmission of data is purely based on radio frequency ranges. In this latest version developed by these ADIC technologies data is automatically captured, which replaces barcode readers, magnetic type of readers.


Radio Frequency (RF) technology has been around since WWII, when the Allied Forces first used it to identify friendly aircraft. Today this technology is used for mobile phones, toll tags, fuel pump key fobs, animal tracking both wild and domestic as well as many other applications.

In this presentation we will discuss the use of RF in automatic identification systems, the most rapidly growing segment of today’s Automatic Data Collection (AIDC) Industry. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) uses radio frequency signals to identify “tagged” items, cases and pallets as they move through the supply chain. This data is then collected and transmitted to a host system using an RF Reader.

A Basic RFID System

• RFID Device (transponder, tag, smart label,

Card, etc.) – contains data about the tagged


• Antenna – transmits the RF signals between

the reader and the RFID device

• Reader – receives RF transmissions from an

RFID device and transmits to a host

System for processing

RFID replacing Barcode readers

Most experts agree that RFID will coexist with traditional barcodes for many years to come. RFID is an extension of barcode data collection systems for enhanced tracking of items through the supply chain network.

New RFID label printers marry these two technologies for the best of both worlds. These printers are able to print barcodes, human-readable text, and graphics on the surface of a pressure sensitive label and then encode the RFID chip embedded as part of the label.

Working principle of RFID:

RF signals are electromagnetic waves classified according to their wavelength frequency. The most commonly recognized ranges are low (LF), high (HF), ultra-high (UHF) and micro-wave (UW). Current RFID technology uses frequency ranges from 50 kHz to 5.8GHz. The higher the frequency, the higher the throughput or rates of data transfer.

Typical RFID System Frequency Ranges

• Low Frequency (125 KHz) has a maximum

read range of up to 20 inches

• High Frequency (13.56 MHz) has a maximum

read range of up to 3 feet

• Ultra-High Frequency (868 MHz – Europe)

(915 MHz – US) has a read range of 20 feet or


• Microwave Frequency (2.45 GHz) has a read

range of up to 1 meter as a passive tag or

longer range as an active tag

Like a barcode system that uses an optical signal reader or scanner to interpret data contained in a barcode, an RFID system uses an RF reader to receive radio frequency signals from RFID devices containing stored data. Unlike barcode systems, RFID systems do not require line of- site to read the RF tags. This along with the ability to read many tags at once is the major factor driving interest in RFID technology.

An RFID device such as a tag or label contains data, much more data than a barcode, which uniquely identifies the item it is attached to. Stored data can include; a description of the item, manufacture date, time the item passed a certain point in the supply chain, serial number and much more.

This data is transmitted from the RFID tag to the RFID reader, which in turn communicates to a host computer or information management system, which could be running a WCS (warehouse control system) or WMS (warehouse management system) application.


Fig: Block diagram of RFID operation


Fig: How RFID works


There are a variety of tag designs, shapes and sizes. The basic structure includes a silicon chip (stores data) and an antenna (transmits data to a reader). Together these two components are referred to as the “inlay”. The inlay in turn is embedded in a base material; paper, Mylar, plastic or film. The differences in tag performance are determined by characteristics such as size, antenna, surface and shape. The physical properties of the product to be tagged will determine which tag to use for optimal performance. Packaging material, environment, tag placement and reader location all can affect tag read rates. There is not a one tag fits all solution.


Fig: Basic elements in RFID tag


Fig: Various types of tags and readers

RFID tags are available in active, passive and semi-passive forms. Each type of tag transmits RF signals to be received and decoded by an RFID reader. Every tag has a unique identifier, allowing its signal to be differentiated from other RF tags.

Types of Tags:

• Active – uses an integrated battery to

energize the tag, sending an RF signal to a

reader. Active tags are able to transmit

signals over greater distances, up to 300

feet indoors and 1,000 feet outdoors.

Because these tags include a battery and

more complex circuitry, they are much

larger and more expensive than passive


The life of the tag is limited to the life of the battery. However, by optimizing the circuitry and battery, some tags may last ten years or longer.

• Passive – the most common type of RF tag,

passive tags operate without an internal

battery source. Instead they obtain power to

operate from the electromagnetic field

generated by the RF reader. An RFID

reader transmits an energy field that

“activates” the tag and provides power to

the chip, allowing the tag to transmit or

store data. Transmission range for passive

tags is limited compared to active tags, but

with no battery the tags can be much

smaller and less expensive. Passive tags do

not have a battery, they have an unlimited

life span.

• Semi-Passive – a combination of active

and passive styles, this tag has an internal

power source that only powers the on board

circuits. Communicates to the reader in a

similar manner as a passive tag.



RFID readers are used for high speed automatic data capture of products or assets in Catellae systems. The RFID readers often replace manual scanning with handheld terminals, paper based work processes or manual data entry. The RFID readers are most suited for applications with controlled, automated work processes. The results is significant savings in manpower, increased scanning speed and increased productivity.

RFID readers are used for automatic data capture and processing of RFID tags mounted on a large range of products and assets. RFID readers covering frequency range from 125kHz, 13,56 MHz, 433 MHz, 868-923 MHz and 2,45 GHz are used in Catellae systems.

Data capture

RFID readers are used for scanning RFID tags in all business areas of Lyngsoe Systems. The RFID readers are connected to and controlled by the Catellae EDECS data collection platform.

As a systems integrator Lyngsoe Systems uses RFID readers only from leading hardware vendors, but also produce RFID readers for specific purposes. Lyngsoe Systems has developed a range of RFID products based on active RFID tags in the 125kHz and 433 MHz frequency area.

Smart Labels:

Due to the smaller, thinner size of passive tags, they can be integrated into a pressure sensitive label. These “smart” labels can be printed with human readable text or barcodes and then automatically applied to a product, box or pallet.

While some smart labels are encoded during the tag manufacturing process then printed, a more efficient method is to use an RFID Label Printer. An RF encoder integrated into a thermal transfer printer encodes the tag/label prior to printing text, graphics or barcodes onto

the label.

An RF reader verifies the encoded data before the label is fed forward for application. If the tag does not read or its data does not verify the label is voided and removed prior to application. This process takes milliseconds to seconds depending on the amount of encoded data.

Label design software will bridge application software and the RFID label printer, telling the printer what type of tag and what data to encode to it.

Smart labels are made from flexible material that will not damage the print head. Some tags use conductive inks to conduct the electronic signals in place of traditional metal antennas; this makes the tags even thinner. If the integrated circuit (IC) creates an uneven surface, which

can affect print quality, a thicker label material can be used or the operator can avoid printing directly over the circuit.

RFID uses:

• Time and Labor Savings – “field” reading allows the scanning of multiple items in seconds

without unloading a pallet. This also eliminates the possibility of a receiving clerk

failing to scan all items.

• Increased Control – tags with read/write capabilities permit data to be updated throughout the supply chain, highlighting problem areas and enabling faster responses.

• Flexible Product Flow – RFID as part of supply chain management enables real time decision making for a more flexible and responsive supply chain execution. Decisions can be made to redirect product flow to meet changing customer demands.

• Enhanced Customer Service – instant status information leads to more accurate delivery dates and increased ability to respond to urgent orders.

• Security – better tracking, reduced inventory shrinkage (loss), reduced counterfeiting

Basic RFID tag will stores data as shown:

| 01. 000D54S. 00019J 000024KR3. |

|Header Manufacturer OC Serial No. |

|8 –bits 28-bits 24-bits 36-bits |

The unique identifier is the foundation of the EPC Network and where the full power of RFID systems can be realized. This identifier facilitates item level tracking, real time supply chain management, more warranty and service management, faster more targeted product recalls

and more. EPC global is working with manufacturers, end-users, technology vendors and Auto-ID Labs (successor of Auto-ID Center) to establish web service standards to securely share RFID XML data across the web. This will allow real-time decisions and collaboration from any point

along the supply chain.

Current usage:

An RFID tag is embedded in new UK passports and US passports will have RFID beginning in August 2006

Product Tracking:

o The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency began using RFID tags as a replacement for

barcode tags.

o The tags are required to identify a bovine's herd of origin and this is used for tracing when a packing plant condemns a carcass. Currently CCIA tags are used in Wisconsin and by US farmers on a voluntary basis. The USDA is currently developing its own program.



RFID tags used in libraries: square book tag, round CD/DVD tag and rectangular VHS tag.


o High-frequency RFID tags are used in library book or bookstore tracking, pallet tracking, building access control, airline baggage tracking, and apparel and pharmaceutical item tracking. High-frequency tags are widely used in identification badges, replacing earlier magnetic stripe cards. These badges need only be held within a certain distance of the reader to authenticate the holder. The American Express Blue credit card now includes a high-frequency RFID tag.

o BGN has launched two fully automated Smart stores that combine item-level RFID tagging and SOA to deliver an integrated supply chain, from warehouse to consumer.

o UHF RFID tags are commonly used commercially in case, pallet, and shipping container tracking, and truck and trailer tracking in shipping yards.


o Microwave RFID tags are used in long range access control for vehicles.

o Since the 1990's RFID tags have been used in car keys. Without the correct RFID, the car will not start.

o In January 2003, Michelin began testing RFID transponders embedded into tires. After an 18 month testing period, the manufacturer will offer RFID-enabled tires to car makers. Their primary purpose is tire tracking in compliance with the United States Transportation, Recall, Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation Act (TREAD Act).

o Starting with the 2004 model year, a Smart Key/Smart Start option became available to the Toyota Prius. Since then, Toyota has been introducing the feature on various models globally under both the Toyota and Lexus brands, including the Toyota Avalon (2005 model year), Toyota Camry (2007 model year), and the Lexus GS (2006 model year). The key uses an active RFID circuit allowing the car to detect the key approximately 3 feet from the sensor. The driver can open the doors and start the car with the key in a purse or pocket.

Animal identification

o Implanted RFID tags are also used for animal identification. There are several more or less incompatible systems.

Antenna types:

o The Hestnes factor is a practical factor which describes the reading zone around a RFID antenna. A RFID antenna has a reading range both sideways and in front of the antenna. The Hestnes factor is defined the following way:

o Hestnes factor: Front reading range / sideways reading range.

o The Hestnes factor can depend on the antenna geometry, noise surroundings and the readers reading range. It is named after the still alive antenna designer Ole Hestnes.

RFID in inventory systems

o An advanced automatic identification technology such as the Auto-ID system based on the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has two values for inventory systems. First, the visibility provided by this technology allows an accurate knowledge on the inventory level by eliminating the discrepancy between inventory record and physical inventory. Second, the RFID technology can prevent or reduce the sources of errors. Benefits of using RFID include the reduction of labour costs, the simplification of business processes and the reduction of inventory inaccuracies.

Human implants


Fig :(a)



(a): Hand with the planned location

(b): just after the operation to insert of the

RFID chip the RFID tag was completed

Implantable RFID chips designed for animal tagging are now being used in humans. An early experiment with RFID implants was conducted by British professor of cybernetics Kevin Warwick, who implanted a chip in his arm in 1998. Night clubs in Barcelona, Spain and in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, use an implantable chip to identify their VIP customers, who in turn use it to pay for drinks.


o Sensors such as seismic sensors may be read using RFID transceivers, greatly simplifying remote data collection.

o Some smart cards embedded with RFID chips are used as electronic cash, e.g. Smart Trip in Washington, DC, USA, Easy Card in Taiwan, Suica in Japan, T-Money in South Korea, Octopus Card in Hong Kong, and the Netherlands and Oyster Card on the London Underground in the United Kingdom to pay fares in mass transit systems and/or retails. The Chicago Transit Authority recently began using RFID technology in their Chicago Card.

o In August 2004, the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRH) approved a $415,000 contract to evaluate the personnel tracking technology of Alanco Technologies. Inmates will wear wristwatch-sized transmitters that can detect attempted removal and alert prison computers. This project is not the first rollout of tracking chips in US prisons. Facilities in Michigan, California and Illinois already employ the technology.

o Automatic timing at mass sports events " Champion Chip ".

o Used as storage for a video game system produced by Mattel, "Hyperscan".

o RFIQ in, designed by Vita Craft, is an automatic cooking device that has three different sized pans, a portable induction heater, and recipe cards. Each pan is embedded with a RFID tag that monitors the food 16 times per second while a MI tag in the handle of the pans transmits signals to the induction heater to adjust the temperature.

o Many more applications can be found

in the literature.

Prisoners To Be Tracked Using RFID


Prisoners Beware! If you are planning to get into some scuffle with your inmates or trying to break out of the prison then read this before taking any stupid step. In order to ascertain the position of its staff and prisoners ACT's first prison would be RFID equipped which would enable real time tracking of staff and prisoners.

Now at this prison, inmates would be fitted with an anklet or a bracelet having a unique identifier and the security guard would be wearing pagers emitting a radio signal. This would enable pin pointing of staff and prisoners through triangulation of signals that would be read by numerous readers. A combination of active and passive tags would

be used. This is not only going to reduce the pressure on prison staff engaged in continuo’s monitoring or watching CCTVs but also discipline the prison inmates

Certainly it would not only relieve the headache of the prison authorities but also caution the prisoners that if they entered into any illegal activity within the prison premises it could land them into soup.


RFID is a leading technology that can provide considerable value in a world in which maintenance cost and labour time is less. The technical issues associated with RFID are likely to be resolved as further investments are made in the technology. Enough progress has been made at this time that trails for the first truly large scale rulers of RFID are beginning.


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