Anaphylaxis Risk Management Plan

Name of Child:Billy JohnsonDate of Birth:5 August 2011Hazards/RisksRecommended Control MeasuresYesDetail how this will be implemented and any additional strategiesEquipment/ MaterialsAdrenaline auto-injectors (auto-injectors) such as Epi-pen and Anapen are stored in a safe, unlocked and accessible, easy-to-find location. FORMCHECKBOX List location/s of auto-injectors:Auto-injectors are stored in a cool place 15-25 degrees (not below 15 degrees or a refrigerator). FORMCHECKBOX Auto-injectors and copies of ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis (Action Plans) are located together. FORMCHECKBOX Auto-injectors & Action Plans are labelled with students’ names. FORMCHECKBOX Student’s Action Plans have up-to-date photos of the students. FORMCHECKBOX Expiry dates of adrenaline auto-injectors are checked regularly and parents informed in a timely manner. FORMCHECKBOX Staff members know where adrenaline auto-injectors and Action Plans are stored. FORMCHECKBOX Staff members are aware of the Anaphylaxis Guidelines for Queensland State Schools. FORMCHECKBOX StudentsStaff members are aware of which students are at risk of anaphylaxis and the actions required. FORMCHECKBOX The school has received a copy of Action Plans for all students at risk of anaphylaxis. FORMCHECKBOX Staff members are aware of the protocols for management of a student who is not identified as being at risk of anaphylaxis and experience a first time reaction. FORMCHECKBOX Staff members know how to recognise an anaphylactic reaction. FORMCHECKBOX Staff members know where both the generic and individual student’s adrenaline auto-injectors and Action Plans are located. FORMCHECKBOX Staff members are aware of the Managing Risks in School Curriculum Activities procedure and risks associated with the activities such as cooking, art lessons, excursions and camps for students with anaphylaxis. FORMCHECKBOX Action Plans are reviewed regularly with parent. FORMCHECKBOX Emergency SituationsAmbulance will be called for every anaphylactic episode. FORMCHECKBOX List how and by whom:A procedure for raising the alarm will be developed by the school and communicated to staff. FORMCHECKBOX Process to followA procedure is in place to collect the generic adrenaline auto-injector when a student experiences an anaphylactic episode in case a second dose is needed or the student’s auto-injector fails. FORMCHECKBOX By whom and how?Student’s auto-injector is kept with the student. Student is assessed to determine where it’s appropriate for them to carry their own auto-injector for emergency use or if appropriate staff member/s need to be responsible for this. FORMCHECKBOX Staff members have been trained to recognise the symptoms of anaphylaxis. This will include both a theoretical component and practical training to administer an auto-injector. FORMCHECKBOX Relief and volunteer staff are not given sole responsibility for students with diagnosed anaphylaxis risk without evidence of appropriate training. FORMCHECKBOX List who will support the student and how this will occur. Environmental- Food AllergiesTuckshop staff are provided with details of students who are at risk of anaphylaxis. FORMCHECKBOX Tuckshop staff are aware of cross-contamination during storage, preparation and serving of food. FORMCHECKBOX Environmental-Insect AllergiesSchool grounds are assessed to cater for students with insect allergies (e.g. grass mown regularly to prevent flowering clover, flowering plants identified, insect nests removed, garbage covered, safe eating areas). FORMCHECKBOX ................

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