Assignment #2: The Science of Stress - 10 points

Student Name:Assignment #2: The Science of Stress - 10 pointsBackground and InstructionsRead Chapter 3 – The Science of Stress and thoroughly and thoughtfully respond to the following questions below. Complete the assignment by typing your answers after each question on this paper. Use examples from the text and cite the page numbers. If you also use outside resources in your responses, please cite them. Once you have completed your assignment, submit it in the appropriate location by the due date. Files ending in .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf are required for electronic submissions. Physiological Response to Stress – Questions to answer“When the stress response is initiated, immediate and powerful changes come about because of the activation of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system (ANS).”Page 33The Autonomic Nervous System is controlled by the hypothalamus, a gland in the brain. Identify three key stress-response functions of the hypothalamus. (3 points)The Autonomic Nervous System can then be separated into two different systems. Differentiate between the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System. (2 points)One of the outcomes when the Sympathetic Nervous System is activated is the production of stress hormones. Briefly discuss the immediate stress hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, and the longer-lasting hormone, cortisol. (2 points)Pages 34 – 36 list physiological changes in the body based on autonomic nervous system responses to stress. Pick one item from the list and explain why you think it would be positive in the short- or long-term. Then, Pick one item from the list and explain why you think it would be negative in the short- or long-term. (1 point)Page 38-39 provides information about the General Adaptation Syndrome. It gives the example of preparing for an exam and how a person might respond to stress during the different stages. Describe a stressful experience (your own or that of a friend or family member) and what happened at each of the different GAS stages. (2 points)Alarm stage:Stage of resistance:Stage of exhaustion or return to state of homeostasis: ................

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