Jodi Collins

STATE EMPLOYEE HEALTH COMMISSION MEETINGThursday, July 13, 2017 @ 8:30amCentral Maine Commerce Center, AugustaCommission members in attendance: Bret Achorn, Chris Brawn, Diane Bailey, Lois Baxter, Jonathan French, Becky Greene, Lew Miller, Wanita Page, Will Towers, Derek Chase, Kim Vigue, Kelly John, Ellen Hughes, Karen O’Connor, Joyce Oreskovich, Terry James, Robert Omiecinski, Cecile Champagne-Thompson(total = 18)Commission members absent: Amy MacMillan, Sandra Doyon, Laurie Doucette, Nickole Wesley, Eric Cioppa, Carrie MargraveOthers present: Kurt Caswell, Shonna Poulin-Gutierrez, Linsey Gervais, Heather Albert – Employee Health & Benefits; Liz Sampo, Sabrina Simmons, Joe Bataguas – Aetna; Bill Clifford– USI; Jodi Collins, Stephanie Washburn, Bill Whitmore, Rebecca Anderson, Jean Wood– Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield; Lynn Derocher – Maine Health Management Coalition; Thomas Record – State of Maine, Bureau of Insurance; Alan Parks- Alliant Employee BenefitsAgenda ItemDiscussionAction/Next StepsI. Call to Order (8:34am)Wanita Page called the meeting to orderII. IntroductionsIII. Review & Approval of Minutes (June 8, 2017)Lois Baxter made motion to accept the minutes; Derek Chase seconded; no abstentions. Motion passed. IV. UPDATES- MONTHLYa.i. Anthem State of Maine Health PlanJodi CollinsPlan highlights starting in August. a.ii. Aetna Monthly Report – Medicare Advantage Plan Sabrina SimmonsInformation contained in written report; highlights and discussion noted below:Ongoing wellness initiatives are being sent out. Newsletters are being sent to members who registered for Aetna Navigator. Breast cancer screening initiatives will go through end of September specifically sent to members that have not had screenings. Sabrina confirmed that the Medicare Advantage plan covers both the 2D and 3D mammograms. a.iii. Plan Experience Summary USIBill Clifford presented the Rolling 12-Months and Policy Period Claims Reports. Discussion highlights below:Enrollment in the active plan is declining and in the Medicare Advantage plan it is growing. Medical claims are down again for May. Expecting claims for June to increase with new carrier. Budget to actual for rolling 12-month 97.7% and the policy period is 95.8%. Dental plan is financially sound. Loss ratio 103.2%. Derek Chase asked about the variance of the surplus for April between the two reports, to which Bill said there was an error in the reporting. Bill Clifford to review April’s figures.a.iv. Executive Summary DiscussionEmployee Health & BenefitsThe Executive Summary report was provided to the Commission via e-mail prior to the meeting. Discussion highlights below:Karen O’Connor asked about the stop loss contract to which Kurt confirmed has been signed. Wanita asked the status of the Medicare RFP which has a submission deadline of July 25th. Jonathan French asked about the stabilization fund which is a little over $700k.Bret asked about the status of the legislative review process. He was looking for reference to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP); that information is in the CBA’s. Bret asked about the usage of the National Diabetes Prevention Program. Shonna Poulin-Gutierrez stated that as of the end of June there were 49 members in the program. a.v. Plan Funding StructureKurt Caswell/USITransitioned on 7/1/17 from one account with Aetna to three vendors with various processes.State will hold on to premium deductions and pay the three separate vendors. Diane Bailey asked about the budgeted amount for the health plan, which received 5% for 2 years. Bret Achorn asked about pharmacy rebates, Bill Clifford stated they are refunded quarterly. Wanita Page asked about therapy services that have historically been billed under the medical side of the plan that could potentially be moved over to pharmacy side of the plan (e.g. site of care). This is a continuing project that will be brought before plan design. Wanita asked if this type of change would be feasible in the rural areas. Traveling nurses may be the solution for this type of challenge.Bret asked about the EpiPen cost issue and lower-cost alternatives. IVb. UPDATES – BIANNUALb.i. Dental Plan Report(Provided in March and September) Marie Bridges of Northeast Delta DentalFormal report not due this month.b.ii. Employee Assistance Program Report(Provided in October and April)Formal report not due this month.b.iii. Express Scripts, Inc.Reporting schedule to be determined.Jonathan French asked the frequency of the ESI reporting. Bill Clifford mentioned they are working on a new dashboard and reporting to incorporate this information.V. Other Businessa. Wellness Committee Review Shonna Poulin-Gutierrez/Wellness Committee Moved to August Agendab. Chiropractic Data ReviewSEHC/ Maine Health Management CoalitionThe MHMC provided comparison documents between the State of Maine Health Plan and the MHMC book of business:The Plan’s visits did increase over the past the 3 years however utilization is much less than the Coalition’s book of business.Diane Bailey asked how other large groups address chiropractic careJodi Collins noted that the majority of large groups apply the specialist copay. The standard number of visits is 40 per calendar year. Some plans apply deductible & coinsurance to PT/OT/ST with chiropractic care. This would be something for plan design to consider.c. Anthem EducationJodi Collins/ AnthemJodi Collins presented a Power Point presentation and discussed what each team member’s responsibilities are. Discussion highlights below:The presentation focused on the team, member resources and value-add programs.Tom Record asked if the vision card if separate. There are two separate cards however they can be combined.There was a discussion about the preferred provider listing and teiring; current and future structure.Two claims reports have been provided by Aetna. Anthem will load these accumulator files which will take about a week.Bret Achorn asked about the overall member satisfaction rates. Jodi Collins will provide satisfaction rates.d. By-Law ReviewMoved to August meeting.Other DiscussionBret Achorn mentioned the new Leap Frog report.VII. Adjourn Meeting (10:26am)Bret Achorn made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Rob Om seconded. Motion passed and meeting adjourned.2017 Meeting Schedule (invites to follow)August 10, 2017 (Central Maine Commerce Center, Champlain Room)September 14, 2017 (Kaplan University)October 12, 2017 (Central Maine Commerce Center, Champlain Room)November 9, 2017 (Central Maine Commerce Center, Champlain Room)December 14, 2017 (Central Maine Commerce Center, Champlain Room) ................

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