Study Guide Civil Rights and Women's Rights

Study Guide Civil Rights and Changing Roles for Women

(Key Changes in Domestic and International Issues)


1. What were some effects of segregation on American society?

There were separate educational facilities and resources for white and African American students.

There were separate public facilities like restrooms, drinking fountains and restaurants.

There was a social isolation of races.

2. How did the Civil Rights Movement bring about changes that ensured constitutional rights for all citizens regardless of race?

• There was opposition to the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case which furthered the growth of Jim Crow laws because it ruled that “separate but equal” was constitutional.

• There was support for the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case which outlawed the segregation in schools.

• Martin Luther King, Jr. practiced passive resistance against segregated facilities. In addition, he gave an important speech: “I have a dream…”

• Rosa Parks officially began a Montgomery bus boycott when she refused to give up her seat on a city bus.

• There were organized protests, Freedom Rides, sit-ins, and marches.

• There was an expansion of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

• The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination against African Americans in employment, and public accommodations.

• The Voting Rights Act of 1965 forced local officials to allow African Americans the right to register to vote.

3. What disadvantages did women face in the workplace?

Discrimination in hiring practices against women

Lower wages for women than for men performing the same job

4. What actions were taken to improve conditions for women?

National Organization for Women (NOW) was formed by activists to fight for equal rights for women.

Federal legislation forced colleges to give women equal athletic opportunities.

The Equal Rights Amendment, despite its failure, and a focus on equal opportunity employment created a wider range of options and advancement for women in business and public service.

5. What new technologies have dramatically affected American life?

• Airline industry (jet engine)

• Automobile industry and interstate highway system

• Entertainment and news media industries

• Exploration of space

• Computer industry

• Satellite systems, telecommunications (pagers, cell phones, television)

• Internet

6. How have these new technologies impacted American life?

• Increased domestic and international travel for business and pleasure

• Greater access to news and other information

• Cheaper and more convenient means of communication

• Greater access to heating and air-conditioning improved the quality of life and encouraged population growth in certain areas of the country. Decreased regional variation resulting from nationwide access to the same entertainment and information provided by national television and radio programming, Internet services, and computer games.

7. Who are some representative citizens who have influenced America scientifically, culturally, academically, and economically?


• Charles Drew (medicine)-plasma

• J. Robert Oppenheimer (physics)-Manhattan Project team


• Frank Lloyd Wright (architecture)

• Martha Graham (dance)


• Henry Louis Gates (history)

• Maya Angelou (literature)


• Bill Gates (computer technology)-Microsoft

• Ray Kroc (franchising)-McDonalds

8. How has the foreign environment changed for Americans?

• There in an increase in terrorist activities

• There are conflicts in the Middle East

• There are changing relationships with nations

9. How has immigration changed?

• The patterns of immigration have changed (a majority of the immigrants are Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans)

• More people want to immigrate to the United States than are allowed by law.

10. How has the global environment changed for Americans?

• There are policies to protect the environment.

• There is global climate change

• There is conservation of water and other natural resources

11. How have other issues affected Americans?

• There is a dependence of foreign oil for much of our energy

• There is a concern about global pandemics around the world.


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