Volume 6, Number 10 - MLDXCC

Volume 9, Number 9 September 2004

The Nugget

The Newsletter of the Mother Lode DX/Contest Club


This month’s meeting is scheduled for Noon Saturday, the 18th of September at the Round Table Pizza Parlor in Martel, CA.

Meeting Program

We will be seeing the 3B9C, Rodrigues Island, video at the September meeting. It was scheduled for August, but the Olympics were on their televisions and our presentation was preempted.


Norm, WA6SJQ has a new e-mail address: hm73@ Note: He can not receive e-mail with attachments!


FS: Lightning Bolt quad

2 elements - 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meters

good condx, 10 years old

Pick up in Cupertino or Galt

$150 or best reasonable offer. Rick N6RK


FS: Used Tri-Ex TA-70L tilt-up fold over fixture. It's fits a LM-470, 470D, LM-354HD and will work on many other tri-ex towers (such as a wt-51). I have 2 of these and my wife wants one of them outta' here. Best offer takes it! Contact W6SR


President Fred Leoni, N6YEU of the Redwood Empire DX Association has challenged the MLDXCC and others to come up with a better score in the upcoming California QSO Party. In his message to REDXA members, Fred said, “This year we want to have as many of you as possible enter this contest (even if only on a casual basis) as it is time for the Mother Lode DX & Contest Club to go down in defeat as the top club. It is time to bring out the big guns and little pistols and show the other clubs who is really ‘the best’.” (Sounds like ‘fightin’ words to me) REDXA has more than a few ops with stations capable of 250-300K in CQP. Al, K6RIM has just installed a brand-new Icom 7800 at his hilltop station in Marin County, for instance. Fred has operated a portable station from a ‘rare’ county in the past few CQPs. So, let’s get on & show them who really is ‘the best’. de K6LRN


The Northern California DX Foundation maintains a video library of about 120 titles. These videos are available at no charge to clubs and groups. The only expense is mailing the videos.

The Mother Lode DX & Contest Club has used these videos many times as entertainment at meetings. Some of these videos have been shown at the International DX Convention in Visalia. Many of our members have seen some of these videos at one time or another, but some have not been to Visalia or have missed a showing at a club meeting. So, I am asking members to see which videos may be candidates for viewing at a future meeting. Go to: , click on services, then on VHS videos. So, what else would you like to see? Visit: , then email me, k6lrn@ or Jim, WX6V, wx6v@ with suggestions. While you are at the Foundation’s web site, check out the services and programs offered.

LOST: 1 gray-folding chair, lost at Field Day. Was last seen at "GO TO" station near Lyle's RV. Gary KI6T


Hope you all enjoyed the Labor Day weekend and got some time to relax or catch up on your projects or honey-do lists. Those of you who missed last month’s meeting you missed another good one. Our only problem was RTP’s TV system could not accommodate our watching the 3B9C DX-pedition tape, while the rest of the patrons

watched the Olympics. I guess we could bend this once. Never the less we had some lively discussion.

Ray (ND6S) and I are on the club officer nominating committee. Please contact us if you’re up for doing your part as a club officer. I/We will not be able to participate next year and the club needs your help. We’re talking about a total of 12 hours of work for the entire year max.

Speaking of helping the club out, big thanks to Rick (N6RK) for stepping forward and representing MLDXCC at Visalia this year. He will be handling the distributing of door prizes and has offered to attend the pre-conference meetings in the Bay Area. Thanks Rick!!!!!

I just want to take a moment to remind everyone that our Sacramento Valley Section Manager Jettie Hill W6RFF has been holding monthly Section Nets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Jettie can’t make it to every club meeting and this net is a great source for the latest info coming down from the League. I checked in on the 8th and even heard plugs for MLDXCC and CQP. Thanks Jettie!!! Please schedule this net on your calendar and when checking in let them know your part of MLDXCC and an active ARRL member. 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 19:00LT on the Yuba-Sutter repeater

146.085+ MHz, PL 127.3 Hz or @ 19:30 on 3.987 MHz . If you forget the date and time just checkout the club website

This month’s club meeting is on Sep 18th @ Round Table Pizza in Martel and it’s the last meeting before the California QSO Party. Let’s circle up the wagons and work on winning this contest (again)…

That’s all from here. 73 – Ron KG6CMS


Hello, this is Rick Tavan, N6XI.

I was first licensed in 1961 as KN3QDD in Silver Spring, MD, then K3QDD, W1DVH, K1RC, N6XI, N7TN (a great call but a mistake) and then back to N6XI. My dad is still semi-active as K3QDC in MD. I am trustee of the Boy Scout Troop 566 Amateur Radio Club, K6BSA and the Truckee-based Filly Contest Group, WF6C. I am retired from TIBCO Software Inc. and now split my CA time between Saratoga and Truckee where I have finally established official residence. See .

My first love in radio was CW traffic handling in the 60's, followed quickly by contesting. I joined PVRC and operated a lot of CD Parties and CW SS. In college in the late 60's, I joined Murphy's Marauders in New England. As an undergrad at MIT, I was an officer of the MIT Radio Society and after graduation, as a staff member at MIT Draper Lab, became trustee of the club station W1MX. We did some interesting low-budget multi-op efforts there! Draper Lab sent me on a 14-month tour of duty in Torino, Italia where I operated I1MOL and did a lot of skiing.

On a trip back to the States, I married Ann who humored me by becoming KD6MOB and tolerates my radioactivity so long as I promise to take her back to the neat places I discover. We have two grown sons, Dan and Jeremy (who humored me by becoming KC6YEW). We are delighted that they have both returned to California after enjoying vastly different college educations at Cornell.

After moving to CA in 1976, I joined NCCC and helped out in some of the dynasty years in SS. I also did some multi-op DX contests from N6RO and other Bay Area stations. I joined MLDXCC a few years ago at a Jackson joint meeting, one of my favorite radio gatherings. The highlights of my on-again, off-again contesting career were 7th world/1st Asia SOABHP in the 1983 CQ WW CW DX contest as N6XI/4X. a M/S with N6NT at ZF2NT in the 2002 ARRL DX CW (2nd place M/S, world); as a Team Vertical op at 6Y2A in the 2002 CQ WW WPX CW (2nd place M/M, world). And at HC8N in the 2003 WPX CW (1st place M/2, world). My sincere thanks to my hosts at those multi-op DX contest efforts, they enhanced my contesting experience more than words can say.

In addition to contesting, my radio interests also include QRP construction and operating. I joined the elite and highly selective Norcal QRP Club and built the Norcal NC-40, NC-20 and Sierra. Currently I use the Elecraft () K-2,K-1 and KX-1. The QRP rigs have reawakened my interest in radio on the hiking trail and general ragchewing. A casual DXer, I have worked about 250 countries but I don't initiate QSLs, so my postcard count is much lower. I am a life member of ARRL, a member of FOC and a past-president of NCCC.

My other interests include flying (Private, Instrument), skiing, backpacking, SCUBA diving, fishing, community service and research into probabilistic combinations of 52 things in four categories taken five at a time. I serve as a Merit Badge Counselor for Boy Scout Troop 566 and a High Adventure Advisor for Venture Crew 566 in Saratoga, CA. I served for quite a while on the exec board of the Jewish Federation of Greater San Jose (an umbrella charity) and other non-profit boards and advisory groups. In retirement, I have tried to keep my hand in professionally, maintaining an office at TIBCO and doing some light advisory work there and elsewhere. But retirement is feeling better all the time!

When I am not on the air I am often in the air in my Cessna T-210 based at Truckee-Tahoe Airport in Truckee, CA and Reid-Hillview Airport in San Jose, CA. Aviation, like ham radio, is under attack by NIMBYs. Please support your local airport (an endangered species) and enlightened politicians who believe in "live and let live." Without your help, we will all be subjugated to the tyranny of the majority. Thank you.

73, /Rick N6XI

THE vice-prez says!

Hi everyone!,

Sorry that I was unable to attend last month's meeting - got hit with a one-day bug of some kind. Unfortunately, I'll be missing this month's meeting as well - since my wife and I will be accompanying our church's youth group and ride the roller coasters with them at Magic Mountain.

This month’s club program will finally feature the FB video presentation about the recent 3B9C DXpedition to Rodriguez Island - the same one that we were supposed to see last month but couldn't because of the Olympics.

Dick Wilson has suggested that the membership review the list of DXpedition videos contained within the NCDXC library and vote for the ones that sound the most interesting. This is a great idea because this information would help your V-P develop a priority list of videos to show at future club meetings.

Best of luck during the upcoming CQP Contest during the week of October 1-3. Also - please start thinking about your desired level of participation for our CQWW club effort at K6KM's QTH on the weekend on October 29-31. We will begin discussing our operating plans at the October club meeting.

I'm still at home painting the outside of my house - so still no radio action going on at my QTH for the foreseeable future.

Field Day - if anyone has any pictures from our weekend on the mountain - digital or regular film - please drop me a note at wx6V@. I would like to put together some kind of visual record of our club activity for Field Day weekend.

See y'all at the October meeting, when I will finally give my Field Day recap report.

Jim -WX6V-



SUBJECT: DX Club Lethargy!

What has happening to our DX Clubs? Have they aged and have no more interest in 'the chase' or 'new entities'? Has " NO new entities" or "I've worked them all" made us lethargic?

I received a call from a group in the East asking my help in getting folks here in northern California to contact their political leaders in order to put a little pressure on the Fish & Wildlife people who were working on an appeal to their denial of landing permission to amateur radio groups. It turns out that for the past 10 years, they have banned amateur radio operations from Navassa Island, KP1, and Desecho Island, KP5, Amateur radio groups contend the facts used to support these actions are not true.

I put the call for help out to two northern California DX Clubs, the Northern California DX Club and the Mother Lode DX/Contest Club. As a after thought I also sent it to the Northern California Contest Club.

Much to my astonishment, there was virtually NO interest by the DX Clubs. NCDXC had zero interest. MLDXCC has 1 responder (who was also in the NCCC). Interest came, to my surprise, from the Contest club. Maybe these are our younger, active folks? Now that most serious DXers 'have them all' will there be no more need for DX clubs?

Gary Stilwell, KI6T

OK guys, how about some response? de Ed.

This past week Norm, N6JV, Lyle, K6QG and I helped Mike install a W-51 tower at the W6FI QTH. We installed the base last month but delays getting information (and special parts) needed to install his TX2 rotor delayed things. As usual we waited until it was a toasty 95 degrees to move the tower and get it vertical. By the end of the day this group of seniors citizens was really beat. Now all we have to do is attach his C-3E, UHF-VHF Log antennas and pull-up a low band dipole and Mike can join-in on CQP (hint-hint) and DXing this season. But I think we are going to wait for a cooler day to finish-up, HI HI.

It’s been 3 weeks since the last newsletter, and well… not too much to report from here. It’s still too hot to start the (not-so-fun) task of attacking the 40 and 80M vertical arrays. I have been getting-up earlier the last week or so to see what 80M LP has to offer, so far there ain’t any. Oh well…… I did work 3DA0RN on 80M Sept. 9th @ 04:00 for a new one. I also received my 7P8DA card for the 80 and 17M contacts I made last month, now that’s what I call a great QSL manager. Other than that it’s been a dry few weeks.

Don’t forget that Bill K6KM and Ginny N6RER have offered their FB station for club (MS1 or MS2) use during the CQWW Phone Contest, 29-31 October. This is assuming that PG&E rids them of a persistent power-line noise problem. If you are interested in operating please contact me by e-mail (cause’ the ol’ brain don’t retain stuff as well as it did) by the end of September. If there isn’t enough interest we must let Bill know early so that one of the many operators from the NCCC will put their station on the air.

PS: I will be gone for a week or so in late Sept. or early October. Gonna’ visit kids in LA, check on our other place in AZ, and spend a few days with K0YW and his wife in Durango, CO. So if u don’t get a response to ur e-mails, u will know why. CU all at the meeting the 18th. de Rick W6SR

DXCC Annual List Deadline Change

Beginning in September 2004, there will be no deadline for the DXCC Annual List. We have been working toward this end for several years.

In previous years, September 30 was the cutoff point for compiling the entity totals for the DXCC Annual List, published in the DXCC Yearbook. Over the years, DXCC participants tended to collect cards and submit them once a year, in September, to ensure the highest possible total for the listing. A major downside of the deadline is that we receive over 25% of our annual credit submissions during the month of the deadline. This in turn creates a huge increase in workload and a lengthy processing time.

Going forward, the lists of DXCC standings previously published in the DXCC Yearbook will be replaced by complete lists on the ARRL Web site. The new Web-based lists should be ready and on-line early in the first quarter of 2005, when the listings in the DXCC Yearbook would normally have been published. After initial publication, the new lists published on the Web will be updated regularly, perhaps weekly or even daily. They will also include the standings of all DXCC members, not just those who made a submission in the previous year (as has been the practice with the printed Yearbook due to space limitations).

A smaller version of the Yearbook will be published, containing highlights of the standings, along with other features, as in the past.



President Ron St. Jean called the meeting to order at 12:30 PM. VP Jim Veneman and Director Gary Stilwell were absent.

M/S/C to purchase the California QSO Party plaque that we sponsor each year for the top single-op non-California.

Ray Parker gave us status report on Lew Dickerson, K6BPB. He is living in a facility in Saratoga and would appreciate hearing from us.

Due to VP Jim’s absence, Field Day report put off ‘til Sept.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as printed in ‘Nugget’.

‘Pretend’ Secretary’s report was accepted, likewise.

D. Wilson reported; ‘Yasme’ book will be auctioned at September meeting. Bring $$. ARRL and an anonymous donor donated book. Proceeds are to go to MLDXCC treasury.

Ken Anderson reported; Northern Calif. DX Club is looking for help with 2005 International DX Convention; specifically, security and distribution of door prizes. Ken & Kay attended July 17 convention meeting, Rick Karlquist will attend future meetings-next is on Sept.18. He will ask about possible revenue sharing, prize acquisition committee and transportation.

Redwood DX Association has issued a challenge according to REDXA’s newsletter, Sunspots. We are encouraging members to participate as fully as possible.

Guest; Larry, K6YUI from Anaheim.

Prospective member if he can find property to his liking.

Norm, N6JV made 73 Qs in 10 gHz ‘test. He was heard in XE, but unable to make it a two contact. (Pound the key a little harder next time, Norm!!)

Gary, KI6T will be doing QSL card checking at Visalia.

Someone noted deadline for QSL submission for inclusion in DXCC Y’book was Sept 30. (Later info says there is no deadline this year. There will be a year-round web listing for DXCC with first entries early next year…see bulletins or ARRL web site for details)

MLDXCC is planning for multi-single or multi-2 at K6KM’s for CQWW SSB DX Contest the last weekend of October. Rick, W6SR is co-coordinating operator assignments. Bill talked about improvements to his station and eliminating PG&E power-line noise.

Nominating committee; Ray and Ron, so far, comprise the nominating committee. Please consider an office you might want to try for the upcoming year.

Meeting kinda ground to a conclusion…we tried to show 3B9C, Rodrigues Is. Dxpedition video, but were unable to do so because of Olympics on TV. Will bring to Sept. meeting and try again.

Meeting flashback by, D Wilson K6LRN


Balance August 1, 2004: $364.02

Income: 00.00

Expenses: NCCC/CQP plaque 40.00

Newsletter 32.00


Balance August 31, 2004:

Checking: $133.66

Cash: 158.36


Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD, Treasurer

425 DX News

4S - Twenty-five Japanese operators will be active on all bands and modes

from Sri Lanka on 18-25 September. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]

7Q - Renato, IN3BHR has joined Ely, IN3VZE (7Q7CE) [425DXN 693] and will

operate on 10-160 metres SSB as 7Q7RB from the Resort Club Makokola(Lake Malawi) until 23 September. QSL IN3BHR via IN3BHR, direct or

bureau. [TNX IN3VZE]

7X - Angel/EA1QF, Pere/EA3CUU, Paco/EA4BT, Emilio/EA7AAW, Julio/EA7JB,

Juan Lucas/EA7TL and Ramon/EB4EPJ will be active from Algeria on 2-9 October. They will operate from the QTH of 7X0AD, probably using his callsign. QSL via EA4URE. The activity will be held in co-operation

9A - Zik, DL/VE3ZIK (4N1DX) will be active again as 9A/VE3ZIK from Croatia on 12-19 September. It will be a holiday style operation from Bilice, near Sibenik (JN73WS). He will try to concentrate on the WARC bands and 10m FM. QSL via DL3PS, direct or bureau. [TNX DL/VE3ZIK]

9K - The Daily DX reports that the announced 9K2F (AS-118) operation[425DXN 696] has been postponed.

CE - A group of operators from the Atacama Desert DX Group and Radio Club La Serena will be active (on 10-80 metres CW, SSB, BPSK31 and SSTV) as XR2G from Damas Island (SA-086) on 25-26 September to celebrate

the 40th anniversary of IOTA. QSL via XQ1IDM. [TNX XQ1IDM]

between URE and ARA. [TNX EA5KY]

CO - Angel, EA1QF and Carlos, EB1AA will work on a "Radiosolidaridad" project in Cuba on 12-25 October and will operate as T42R in their spare time. QSL via EA4URE. [TNX EA5KY]

DL - Look for Klaus, DJ4JI/p to operate on 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB from Pellworm Island (EU-042) on 12-18 September. QSL via bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]

DL - Look for DD6VSF/P to operate PSK, RTTY and SSB from Hiddensee Island

(EU-057) on 19-26 September. QSL via bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]

FK - Mike, FK/KM9D and Jan, FK/KF4TUG [425DXN 696] expects to operate from Huon Island (OC-058), New Caledonia until around 15 September.QSL via OM2SA. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of the World. [TNX

The Daily DX]

G - Special event station GB200CLB will be activated on all bands and

modes from Cromer Lifeboat Station (JO02PW) on 30-31 October. Anyone

interested in operating, logging or helping with the station, please

contact David, M0CNP (david@m0cnp.fsnet.co.uk9. [TNX M0CNP]

HA - Laci/HA0HW (J45HW), Tomi/HA4DX (J45DX) and a third HA operator will be active (on 40-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31) from Rhodes(EU-001) from 26 September to 3 October. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]

HB0 - Look for Roger, HB0/ON7TQ and Marcel, HB0/ON6UQ to be active from Liechtenstein on 12-19 September. They plan to operate on 160-10 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]

I - Biella ARI Branch station IQ1CM will be activated on 19 September

during the III "BiellaRadio" fair. QSL via bureau.

I - Special call IR0SN will be activated on 20-30 September as part of the celebrations for the 1000th anniversary of the foundation of the Abbey of Grottaferrata. QSL via IZ0BTV, direct or bureau. [TNX


I - Nuccio, I7YKN and other members of the Strange Radio Team (Umberto/I0NZK, Christine/I7OCD, Luigi/IW8EQS, Simone/IZ0BTV,Francesco/IZ7AUH, Fabio/IZ7CRW, Marco/IZ7DOK, Oreste/IZ8EDJ and Salvatore/IZ8GGF) will be active from three EU-091 islands in early October. Expects activity from Isola del Capezzone (IIA LE 004) on the 1st, Chianca D' Abramo (LE 017) on the 2nd and Grande di Porto

Cesareo (LE-017) on the 3rd. QSl via I7YKN, direct or bureau. [TNX


JA - Look for Kenji, JA4GXS/4 to operate (on 80, 40, 30, 20 and 15 metres CW and SSB) from Otsu Island (AS-117, JIIA-AS-117-110) starting on

19 September around 8 UTC until 23 UTC on the 20th. QSL via home call, direct (Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cho, Yamaguchi, 753-0038 Japan) or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]

S9 - Jorge, CT1EFV will take part in the "Latitude Zero Equatorial

Challenge 2004" humanitarian mission to Sao Tome. He plans to

operate as S92LZ on 19-26 September, depending on local conditions.


ST - Dane, ST2T (S57CQ) [425DXN 684] is still in Sudan and, according to

his QSL manager, will remain there for another 2-3 months. He

expects to operate in the WAEDC SSB Contest during the weekend. QSL

via S57DX. [TNX S57DX]

SU - Gab, HA3JB will operate as SU8BHI from Egypt from 21 September to 20

December. He plans to be QRV on CW, PSK, RTTY and some SSB, and to participate in the CQ/RJ DX RTTY and CQ WW DX CW contests. QSL

direct only via home call (Kutasi Gabor, P.O. Box 243, H-8601

Siofok, Hungary). Logs will be available at


SV - Mike, G8VHB will operate on 40 and 20 metres SSB as SV8/G8VHB from Thira/Santorini (EU-067) on 14-20 September. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

TT - TT8KR is the callsign issued to Robert, S53R [425DXN 697]. Expect him to be active from N'Djamena until 14 September. He will try to operate on 160 metres, but the roof of the hotel is very low. [TNX


UR - Special event call EO1WRP will be aired on all bands and modes on 10-14 September. QSL via UT7WZ, direct (Miroslav Lupiy, P.O.Box 94, Lviv 79000, Ukraine) or bureau. [TNX UR5WCW]

UR - Look for Tom (UT3IB/P), Mike (UT9IO/P), Alex (UX2IQ/P) and Igor

(UY9IA/P) to be active from Berezan Island (EU-179, UIA BS-02) and

Lighthouse (ULA-009, ARLHS UKR-035) on 11-19 September. QSL via

UX2IQ, direct (P.O. Box 370, Yenakiyevo, 86420 Ukraine) or bureau.


VE - Look for special event call VE3QCWA to be aired from 17 September through 17 October for the QCWA International Convention that will be held in Ottawa on 15-17 October. QSL via VE3IQ. Founded in 1947, the Quarter Century Wireless Association is open to amateur radio operators who have been licenced for at least 25 years (please visit for full information). [TNX VA3RJ]

VE - Ken, G3OCA expects to be active as VE7/G3OCA from Quadra Island (NA-091) for a couple of days between 20 and 25 October. [TNX G3OCA]

VK - The Northern Corridor Radio Group (VK6ANC) will activate the special callsign VI6175WA to celebrate the 175th anniversary of existence of the state of Western Australia. The callsign will be aired for the first time in the Oceania DX SSB Contest; after that it will be used on the HF bands by individual members of the club for the rest of October. More information will be posted on .

QSL via VK6NE, direct or bureau. [TNX VK6APK]

VK - Paul, G0WRE plans to operate (mostly on +/- 14260 and 21260 kHz)from Magnetic Island (OC-171) and maybe from an island in the

Queensland State (South Coast) North Group (OC-160). The dates are not sure as yet but it will be between 14 and 20 October. Paul will collect his license upon arrival. Those wishing a contact with OC-171 for a new one can e-mail Paul (g0wre@blueyonder.co.uk). QSLvia G0WRE (all QSO’s will be confirmed automatically via the RSGB

bureau). [TNX G0WRE]

XU - Wim, ON6TZ (XU7TZG) expects to operate on +/- 7075, 14220 and 21320

kHz from Cambodia on 11-28 September. QSL via ON4AJV. [TNX The Daily


Z3 - Zoli, HA1CA will be active as Z38C from Macedonia for the next two

years. QSl via HA1RS. [TNX HA0HW]

ANTARCTIC TOUR ---> Mike Gloistein, GM0HCQ is leaving again for Antarctica

onboard the RRS "James Clark Ross". He should be able to operate from VP8SGK

(South Georgia), VP8SIG (Signy Base in the South Orkneys, Antartica Aw. G-05,

AN-008) and VP8ROT (Rothera Base on Adelaide Island, - Antartica Aw. G-07,

AN-001). QSLs via GM0HCQ, direct or bureau. Updates on his itinerary

will be published on [TNX GM0HCQ]

QSL 4K6DI ---> Effective 1 September, W3HNK is no longer the QSL manager for

Andrew, 4K6DI. The new QSL route is via DL7EDH (Alexander Spielmann, Hubertus

Str. 5, D-85095 Denkendorf, Germany), who is able to confirm also past QSOs.


QSL EO150JPO ---> All of the contacts with this special event station will be

confirmed automatically via the bureau. Those who need a direct card should

send their requests to P.O. Box 330, Sevastopol 99057, Ukraine. [TNX UT5JDS]

QSL RA0FN ---> UA9OR is the current callsign ofViacheslav Davidenko, formerly known as RA0FN. He has moved his current address is: Viacheslav Davidenko, P.O. Box 222, Novosibirsk-34, 630034, Russia. Logs and QSL cards for RA0FN are still available.

QSL VIA EA7FTR ---> Please note that Fran, EA7FTR will be the QSL manager for the 17-21 September operation by HC4CB and HC4/EA9CP from Isla Cojimies

(SA-056) only.

+ SILENT KEYS + The Daily DX reports that Frank Turek, DL7FT passed away on

17 August. Over the years he visited and operated from many DX locations,

usually with FT suffixes (e.g. TT8FT, ZK2FT, A35FT, etc). The DL7FT Post

Office Box will not be closed, as Frank's wife Siegrid (DL7CN) will be

handling QSL duties.

Mike, ZP5YW informs that Gary, ZP5ZR passed away on 8 September. He was a

well-known DXer, with special interest for 6 metres and the satellite bands


QSL DB: Boye Christensen, OZ7C reports that his QSL DBase (more than

355,000 records) has been moved to the Danish DX Group's web

site at .

******* CALENDAR *******

till 12/09 3DA0RN: Swaziland * by G4IRN 696

till 12/09 R1MVI: Malyj Vysotsky (EU-117) 696

till 12/09 T98LBC: Bosnia & Hercegovina * by DL7AFS, DJ7ZG, Z31GX 693

till 12/09 UR7GG/p: Karantynnyi Island (DN-03) 695

till 13/09 JT100M: Mongolia 696

till 14/09 TT8KR * by S53R 697

till 15/09 FK/KM9D & FK/KF4TUG: New Caledonia - Huon Is (OC-058) 697

till 15/09 J42004: special prefix 680

till 15/09 J42004Q: Crete (EU-015) * by G4OBK 696

till 16/09 TZ6M: Mali * by PA5M 696

till 18/09 FP/NN9K: Miquelon Island (NA-032) 688

till 18/09 SV8/ON4BB, SV8/ON5JE, SV8/ON5KH: Naxos (EU-067) 693

till 18/09 TM8CDX: special station (France) 693

till 23/09 7Q7CE: Malawi * by IN3VZE 693

till 23/09 7Q7RB: Malawi * by IN3BHR 697

till September 3D2EA: Viti Levu (OC-016) * by EC3ADC 686

till September ES7NY/2: Naissaar Island (EU-149) 690

till September FO5RN/p: Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia * by F5MJV 685

till September YA0Y: Afghanistan * by DL5SE 684

till September YJ0XX: Vanuatu * by N5XX 692

till 01/10 TK/DL4FF: Corsica (EU-014) 695

till 31/10 SV0XAN/5: Dodecanese (EU-001) * by IK2WZD 676

till 15/11 SX2004 and SY2004: special prefixes 679

till November 7Q7HB: Malawi * by G0JMU 695

till November EL/EI5IF: Liberia


Foothill Flea Market

2nd Saturday of each month from March through October at Lockheed, Sunnyvale.

Livermore Swap Meet

1st Sunday of each month at Las Positas College in Livermore, 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from the west 145.35 from the east. Contact Cliff Chiba, KF6EII, (209) 835-6715, email larkswap@.

Placerville Swap Meet

Every third Sunday, 3970 B Missouri Flat Rd #3, Placerville. 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Talk-in on 146.865 – PL 142.2, 440.700 + PL 88.5. No fee, free parking. Hwy. 50 East, take Missouri Flat off-ramp. Go over Hwy. to 2nd light, into shopping center in front of Radio Shack.


ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest 0600 local -2400 local , Sep 18 and 0600 local -2400 local , Sep 19

Collegiate QSO Party 1200Z, Sep 18 to 0400Z, Sep 19

South Carolina QSO Party 1300Z, Sep 18 to 2100Z, Sep 19

QRP Afield 1500Z, Sep 18 to 0300Z, Sep 19

Washington State Salmon Run 1600Z, Sep 18 to 0700Z, Sep 19 and 1600Z-2400Z, Sep 19

QCWA QSO Party 1800Z, Sep 18 to 1800Z, Sep 19

North American Sprint, SSB 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 19

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY 0000Z,Sep 25 to 2400Z, Sep 26

Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB 1200Z, Sep 25 to 1200Z, Sep 26

Arkansas QSO Party 1400Z, Sep 25 to 0600Z, Sep 26 and 1800Z, Sep 26 to 0200Z, Sep 27

Texas QSO Party 1400Z, Sep 25 to 0200Z, Sep 26 and 1400Z-2000Z, Sep 26

Alabama QSO Party 1800Z-2400Z, Sep 25

UBA ON Contest, 6m 0600Z, Sep 26 to 1000Z,

Oceania DX Contest, Phone 0800Z, Oct 2 to 0800Z, Oct 3

California QSO Party 1600Z, Oct 2 to 2200Z, Oct 3

YLRL Anniversary Party, CW 1400Z, Oct 6 to 0200Z, Oct 8

Oceania DX Contest, CW 0800Z, Oct 9 to 0800Z, Oct

Pennsylvania QSO Party 1600Z, Oct 9 to 0500Z, Oct 10 and 1300Z-2200Z, Oct 10

FISTS Fall Sprint 1700Z-2100Z, Oct 9

10-10 Int. 10-10 Day Sprint 0001Z-2359Z, Oct 10

YLRL Anniversary Party, SSB 1400Z, Oct 13 to 0200Z, Oct 15

Microwave Fall Sprint 0600 local -1300 local , Oct 16

Worked All Germany Contest 1500Z, Oct 16 to 1459Z, Oct 17

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Oct 30 to 2400Z, Oct 31

10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW 0001Z, Oct 30 to 2359Z, Oct 31.


To all radio amateurs SB PROP ARL ARLP037 Propagation de K7RA

Sunspot numbers and solar flux rose over the past week. The average of the daily sunspot number for this week compared to the earlier

seven days rose nearly 30 points to 57. Average daily solar flux was up over 16 points to 106.1. Solar flux is predicted to rise over the next few days. Predicted solar flux is 135 for Friday, September 10, and is expected to remain around 140 for the next four days or so.

Fortunately, the planetary A index is expected to remain low, with predicted values over the weekend, from September 10-13 at 5, 8, 8 and 10.

Bill Burrows, WA7NCL wrote in this week saying he likes to use the K index as an indicator of whether conditions will be good when he wants to operate. You can get the current mid-latitude K index from Boulder via WWV, and it is updated every three hours.

The broadcast is at 18 minutes past each hour on WWV and 45 minutes after the hour on WWVH. You can also hear it on the phone any time at, 303-497-3235, or on the web at,

. I checked it just now, and the mid-latitude K index at 0600z on September 10 was 0. It doesn't get any quieter than that.

Bill sent along a great resource for predictions of the K index. It is from NOAA, and is on the web at

. There are several text links on the left of the page for the predictions and also some graphs for comparing recent predictions with actual conditions. The prediction itself is on the text link called "Output List." Ideally, we would like to see a low K index along with higher sunspot and solar flux values.

This weekend is the Worked All Europe DX Contest. Conditions should be good. And don't forget the autumnal equinox in less than two weeks. As we approach Fall, HF propagation will be getting

seasonally better.

If you would like to comment or have a tip, email me at, k7ra@.

For more information concerning propagation and an explanation of the numbers used in this bulletin see the ARRL Technical Information Service propagation page at,


Sunspot numbers for September 2 through 8 were 25, 25, 28, 59, 82,95 and 85 with a mean of 57. 10.7 cm flux was 93.9, 96.7, 99.3,103.2, 106.5, 118.9 and 124.5, with a mean of 106.1. Estimated planetary A indices were 9, 3, 4, 7, 14, 16 and 9, with a mean of

8.9. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 8, 1, 2, 5, 9, 11 and 4, with a mean of 5.7.

MLDXCC 2004 Meeting Schedule

September 18th

October 9th

November 13th

December 18

Thanks to Ken, K6TA and Kay, K6TO for arranging for our meeting room with RT pizza.

Membership Criteria

Membership criteria may be obtained by writing the Secretary/Treasurer at:


PO Box 1073

Pine Grove, CA 95665-1073

The club website is:


Information may be reproduced provided credit is given MLDXCC.

2004 Officers of the MLDXCC

Prez: Ron St.Jean, KG6CMS kg6cms@

Vice Prez: Jim Vennenman, WX6V


Treasurer: Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD


Contest Chairman: Dick Wilson, K6LRN,


Director: Ray Parker, ND6S


Director: Gary Stilwell, KI6T

E-mail: ki6t@

Secretary: Ron St.Jean, KG6CMS kg6cms@

Nugget Editor

Rick Samoian,W6SR samoian@

QSL Manager:

Norm Regan, WA6SJQ

Publicity Chairperson

Brandt Woodard, K6BEW

ARRL Awards Checkers

DXCC, Gary Stillwell, KI6T & Ken Anderson, K6TA

WAS & others Dennis King, N6KD

ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau

PO Box 530, Weed, CA 96094-0530. For more information, visit the ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau Web site


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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