Subject/Time - Weebly

|Subject/Time |Monday |

|7:45-8:30 |4th grade See link for BIG 5 |5th grade See link for BIG 5 |

|Arrival and morning | | |

|work (Big 5) | | |

|8:30 – 9:30 | |. |

|MATH | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| 9:30 – 10:30 | | |

|Literacy Part 1 | | |

| | | |

| 10:30 –11:25 | |

|Literacy Part 2 | |

|11:25-11:55 | |

| 11:55-12:45 | |

|5th Science/SS | |

|4th Specials w/ Ms. | |

|Preyer | |

|12:45-1:15 | TDPE/ Morning Message |

|1:15-2:15 | | |

|4th Science/SS | | |

|5th Specials w/ Ms. | | |

|Preyer | | |

|2:15-2:30 |Prepare for Dismissal |

|Subject/Time |Tuesday |

|7:45-8:30 |4th/ 5th grade BIG 5 : 100th Day of School |

|Early Morning Media |Students will complete 100 Acts of Kindness |

|Check Out/ Arrival and | |

|morning work (Big 5) | |

|8:30 – 9:30 |Essential Question: |Teacher Activities: |

|MATH | |Station 1: Race to 100- Students will be given a hundred charts and dice. Students will compete to see who will get to 100 first |

|Group 1- |100th Day students will review and apply basic math concepts to complete teach stations |by multiplying the number they land on by the number on the dice. If students product go over the 100 that student loses a turn. |

|T.T,J.P.,J.G.R., G,T. | |(counting, addition, multiplying ) |

|Group 2- T.L. | |Station 2: $100 to spend- Students will be given $100 to spend on classroom supplies. They are asked to determine the total about |

|Group3- D.C., LC, AS, | |of items selected and determine how much change they should receive. Students are asked not to go over the amount given. |

|KH, and GMM | |(addition, estimating, budgeting, subtracting, counting money) |

| | |Station 4- How many ways to make $100- studens will work to make their own math problem showing how to make 100. (addition, |

| | |dividing, multiplying , subtracting, order of operations) |

|9:30 – 10:30 |In your boxes, you will find copies of the activity page for 100 Books for the 100th Day of School. We will be putting up 100 book covers around the school. Next week, your students can find and write down titles on their paper 20 titles for 2nd - 5th |

|Literacy Part 1 |grade. You can have them do it in groups or go on a class book is up to you! |

| 10:30 – 11:25 |Essential Question: How do you compose a narrative writing? |

|Literacy Part 2 | |

| |Students will write a narrative on being 100 years old or if they had $100 to spend |

|11:25-11:55 |LUNCH |

| 11:55-12:45 |Essential Question : |

|5th Science/SS |Student will write 100 things they learned by making “I’m 100 days Smarter” booklet. Students will create a booklet listing 20 things they have learned for each subject 20 math, 20 reading, 20 writing, 20 science, and 20 social studies. |

|4th Specials w/ Ms. | |

|Preyer | |

|12:45-1:15 | TDPE /Morning Message |

|1:30-2:20 |EQ: |

|4th Science/SS |Student will write 100 things they learned by making “I’m 100 days Smarter” booklet. Students will create a booklet listing 20 things they have learned for each subject 20 math, 20 reading, 20 writing, 20 science, and 20 social studies. |

|5th Specials w/ Ms. | |

|Preyer | |

|2:15-2:30 |Prepare for Dismissal |

|Subject/Time |Wednesday |

|7:45-8:30 |4th grade See link for BIG 5 |5th grade See link for BIG 5 |

|Early Morning Media Check | | |

|Out/ Arrival and morning | | |

|work (Big 5) | | |

|8:30 – 9:30 |Essential Question: 3rd , 4th,& 5th grade-How do you multiply and divide fractions ? (AKS-4&5 MA 19-23) |Teacher Activities: Group 1 grade TTW begin the lesson by explain and modeling how to multiply fraction and simplify in word|

|MATH | |problems Group 2 TTW explain how to multiply single digit numbers using touch math and repeated addition2, 5, and 10’s |

| |MCC4.NF.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with |Group3TTW explain and model how to divide fraction and simplify in word problems Later she will break into sections |

| |attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this|Student Activities: . C1: While students are waiting on Guided lesson they will correct homework from previous day lesson. |

| |principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. 5th grade-MCC5.NF.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike |C2:Teacher directed assignment C3: 4th grade multiplying fraction worksheet ; 5th grade dividing fraction worksheet; Group|

| |denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an |2 multiplication worksheet |

| |equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general,|Manipulatives: fraction bars, whiteboards, worksheets |

| |a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.) |Assessment: the teacher will observe how student are working independently with task. |

|9:30 – 10:30 |EQ- Describe and compare the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts or information in text or part of text? |

|Literacy Part 1 |Teacher Activities: The teacher will introduce Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The teacher or para will randomly call on students to read pages 4-7. The teacher or para will summarize and question the students on the pages read. |

| |Student Activities: The students will be introduce to the vocabulary words rights, separation, and segregation. Later the students will be given their guided reading books “Martin Luther King Jr.” where they will read the story aloud as a class. |

| |. |

| 10:30 – 11:25 |Whole Group speech with Mrs. HOWE |

|Literacy Part 2 | |

|11:25-11:55 |LUNCH |

| 11:55-12:45 |Essential Question : How did inventors such as the Wright Brothers, George Washington Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison help strengthen the nation? |

| |The teacher will introduce the students to Wright brothers (flight).The students and teacher will read about his invention and how it change the nation on page 172 of their social studies books. Later the students will watch a video on discovery |

| |streaming Animated Hero Classics: The Wright Brothers |

|12:45-1:15 | TDPE/ Morning Message |

|1:30-2:20 |EQ: What was theStamp Act? |EQ/AKS: What is in soil and what are the layers of soil? 3SC_B2006-8 |

|4th Science/SS |Teacher Lesson: Guide students as they read pg. 302-306 in Social Studies Text |TA: introduce the vocabulary for soil on p. 30. Show students the words in the text and how to find the meaning for each. |

|5th Specials w/ Ms. Breyers |Stamp Act M & M Simulation, Primary Documents |SA: students read p. 30-33 for meaning of words and make 6 flash cards for words. If time, they should work with buddy to |

| |Student Activity: Take notes on Stamp Act page |learn meanings |

| | |R/M: workbook, marker, index cards |

| | |Assess: check index cards for correct meanings. |

|2:15-2:30 |Prepare for Dismissal |

|Subject/Time |Thursday |

|7:45-8:30 |4th grade See link for BIG 5 |5th grade : See link for BIG 5 |

|Early Morning Media Check | | |

|Out/ Arrival and morning work| | |

|(Big 5) | | |

|8:30 – 9:30 |Essential Question: 3rd , 4th,& 5th grade- How do you multiply and divide fractions ? (AKS-4&5 MA 19-23) |Student Activities: |

|MATH |MCC4.NF.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention |Students will be able to use wireless cart computers to complete fraction module activities see my website page or pg. 6 for |

| |to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to |links: |

|Group 1- T.T,J.P.,J.G.R., |recognize and generate equivalent fractions. 5th grade-MCC5.NF.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including |Group 1- Adding and subtraction mixed numbers with like denominators |

|G,T. |mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference|Group 2- Adding and subtraction with like denominators |

|Group 2- T.L. |of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.) |Group 3- Adding and subtraction with unlike denominators |

|Group3- D.C., LC, AS, KH, and| | |

|GMM | |Resources / Manipulatives: |

| | |Assessment: the teacher will observe how student are working independently with task. |

| | |

|9:30 – 10:30 |Describe and compare the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts or information in text or part of text? |

|Literacy Part 1 |Teacher Activities: The teacher will introduce Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The teacher or para will randomly call on students to read pages8-11.. The teacher or para will summarize and question the students on the pages read. |

| |Student Activities: Students will be placed in groups of three. Group 1: The students will be complete questions from previous pages summarizing what they have read. Group 2: will read with para pages8-11 Group 3: will work on idioms |

| |. |

|10:30 – 11:25 |Essential Question: How do you compose a narrative writing ? |

|Literacy Part 2 | |

| |Student Activities: TSW will respond being 100 years old or if they had $100 to spend |

|11:25-11:55 |Lunch |

| 11:55-12:45 |Essential Question : How did inventors such as the Wright Brothers, George Washington Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison help strengthen the nation? |

| |The teacher will introduce the students to George Washington Carver. Later the students will watch a video on brain pop jr. |

| |then students will take quiz if times permits they may play the game on brain pop jr. |

|12:45-1:15 |Morning Message |

|1:30-2:20 |EQ: What was the Boston Massacre |EQ/AKS: What is in soil and what are the layers of soil? 3SC_B2006-8 |

|4th Science/SS |Teacher Lesson: Guide students as they discuss and complete notes on Boston Massacre (p. 307, 308) CSI: Boston Massacre |TA: Review vocabulary-bedrock, humus, soil, subsoil, topsoil Read aloud p. 30-33 |

|5th Specials w/ Ms. Preyer |Investigation |Using the document camera, whole class reads and discusses interactive notes using a pencil, highlighter, etc. to draw pictures |

| |Student Activity: Participate in CSI: Boston Massacre |to help w/meaning. |

| | |SA:students work on p. 30-33 independently |

| | |R/M: SS notebook, pencil, highlighter |

| | |Assess: ask questions orally using notes |

|2:15-2:30 |Prepare for Dismissal |

|Subject/Time |Friday |

|7:45-8:30 |4th grade Big 5: See link for BIG 5 |5th grade : See link for BIG 5 |

|Early Morning Media Check | | |

|Out/ Arrival and morning work| | |

|(Big 5) | | |

|8:30 – 9:30 |Essential Question: 3rd , 4th,& 5th grade-How do you, add, and subtract mixed numbers? (AKS-4&5 MA 19-23) |Student Activities: students will show mastery of adding and subtracting fractions. |

|MATH | | |

| |MCC4.NF.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention | |

| |to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to | |

| |recognize and generate equivalent fractions. 5th grade-MCC5.NF.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including | |

| |mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference| |

| |of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.) | |

| 9:30 – 10:30 |Describe and compare the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts or information in text or part of text? |

|Literacy Part 1 |Teacher Activities: The teacher will introduce Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The teacher or para will randomly call on students to read pages12-15.. The teacher or para will summarize and question the students on the pages read. |

| |Student Activities: Students will be placed in groups of three. Group 1: The students will be complete questions from previous pages summarizing what they have read Group 2: will read with para pages12-15Group 3: will work on idioms |

| |Essential Question: How do you compose a narrative writing ? |

| | |

|10:30 – 11:25 |Student Activities: TSW will respond being 100 years old or if they had $100 to spend |

|Literacy Part 2 | |

|11:25-11:55 |Lunch |

| 11:55-12:45 |EQ-How did inventors such as the Wright Brothers, George Washington Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison help strengthen the nation? |

|5th Science/SS |Teacher Activities: The teacher will review the students to George Washington Carver and Wright Brothers. |

|4th Specials w/ Ms. Preyer |Student Activities Later the students will create a facebook page for George Washington Carver and Wright Brothers |

|12:45-1:15 |TDPE/ Morning Message |

|1:15-2:20 |EQ: What was the Boston Tea Party? |EQ/AKS: What is in soil and what are the layers of soil? 3SC_B2006-8 |

|4th Science/SS |Teacher Lesson: Discuss pg. 310- 312 from SS Text |TA: Review vocabulary-bedrock, humus, soil, subsoil, topsoil Read aloud p. 30-33 |

|5th Specials w/ Ms. Preyer |Liberty Kids #1: Boston Tea Party Freedom Flix: Boston Tea Party |Using the document camera, whole class reads and discusses interactive notes using a pencil, highlighter, etc. to draw pictures |

| |BrainPop: Events Leading to Revolution |to help w/meaning. |

| |Schoolhouse Rock: No More Kings! |SA:students work on p. 30-33 independently |

| |Student Activity: Take noteson Boston Tea Party |R/M: SS notebook, pencil, highlighter |

| | |Assess: ask questions orally using notes |

|2:15-2:30 |Prepare for Dismissal |


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