Study Guide- Regions, Native Americans, and Eras

Study Guide- Regions, Native Americans, and Eras

1. This era defines a time for study of both geographic causes and historical effects on Texas history.

2. What two Native American groups were nomads along the Gulf Coast?

3. What two Native American nomadic tribes depended on the buffalo for survival?

4. What cardinal direction (in Texas) did the Caddo live and in which region?

5. Which region did the Comanche live?

6. [pic]

Know how to draw a line graph!

7. Know the four regions and where they are located on a map.

8. This group adapted and used their environment to meet their needs.

9. Which region is the natural landmark Palo Duro Canyon located?

10. What Native American group(s) lived in the Mountain and Basin Region?

11. What is a common physical feature of the Gulf Costal Plain and the Great Plain? (It is not rivers or lakes)

12. What region has the lowest elevation and what region has the highest elevation?

13. Where is each elevation located?

14. What physical feature do the Costal Plain and Mountain and Basin share?

15. What do modern day cities have in common with Native Americans of the past?

16. What occupation did many Jumanos have?

17. What is used to determine cultural information about ancient civilations?

18. Where are most major cities in Texas built?

19. Know where Houston, Dallas, El Paso, and Austin are located on a map.

20. Know where the Red River, Rio Grand River, and the Colorado River are located on a map.

21. Know which region each of these cities is located: Houston, Dallas, El Paso, and Austin.

22. Know how to draw a Canyon, Aquifer, and an Escarpment and how to label it for a PowerPoint.


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